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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

Assadists: Supporting Al Qaeda when it suits them. Prostitution.
Assadists: Supporting Al Qaeda when it suits them. Prostitution.

Al Golani simply said a truth ...

no matter how many times you and your westerns bosses say " There is FSA and we help moderate rebel " in fact there is no FSA and there is no moderate rebels except AlNusrah / Ahrar Al Sham / ISIS .....
Al Golani simply said a truth ...

no matter how many times you and your westerns bosses say " There is FSA and we help moderate rebel " in fact there is no FSA and there is no moderate rebels except AlNusrah / Ahrar Al Sham / ISIS .....
Assad side in southern Aleppo province. Warning. Graphic. Viewer discretion is advised.

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Who said anything about support?

What he just said is a terrorist saying some other terrorists don't exist. :lol: It basically means, FSA is as real as unicorns.
U have a nerve to talk about "terrorists" when u just made another slaughter in Douma?

Assad artillery pummeling bad guys

Russian Ruble falls below 70. All money wasted on Assad.
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U have a nerve to talk about "terrorists" when u just made another slaughter in Douma?

We do not care about collateral damage. If they dont want to get bombed, they can move. Not our fault they chose to stay close to rebels.
We do not care about collateral damage. If they dont want to get bombed, they can move. Not our fault they chose to stay close to rebels.
typical answer, "collateral damage" AKA INNOCENT BLOOD . you guys don't know what you're doing, either back off and let Assadists die or get on the ground and finish the terrorists if you can
typical answer, "collateral damage" AKA INNOCENT BLOOD . you guys don't know what you're doing, either back off and let Assadists die or get on the ground and finish the terrorists if you can
Again, we do not care about civilian deaths and suffering. If they do not wish to die, they should move far away from the rebels. It is not our fault if they want to live near our targets.

We will continue bombing enemies of the UN recognized government of Syria, if civilians come in our way, too bad.

Its not collateral. Its very deliberate targeting of civilians and ethnic cleansing.

We do not care about collateral damage. If they dont want to get bombed, they can move. Not our fault they chose to stay close to rebels.

collateral damage??..you have passed Putin in act of fooling the world when he stated that we going to Syria only for fighting ISIS....Bombing civillians an strategic plan of ethnic cleansing of Russia and his allies...Even those poor civilians escape to top of mountains Russia will bomb them like they bombing bakeries, humanitarian aid convoys, hospitals and substrucrures.....
it is very bitter but No much suprsing for me...because iRussians well known by not distinguishing between civilians and military targets during the wars in history...
Regardless of what differing opinions we share about the Nusra Front, this man is a good representative for Sunni Islamists. He refuses to follow dictations of any nations including the recent attempt to determine Syria's future in Saudi Arabia. Obviously the Syrian people respect his party and won't fight it since they appreciate their sacrifices. But, nevertheless he had interview recently which I will go over main points for. Me and him think in a similar manner when it comes to politics. As for as society/religion I don't get involved in that stuff. I'm gonna summarize what he says.


1st Question:

What is your movements position on the Riyadh talks?

This is an initial attempt to implement what was agreed upon in Vienna and the there is deep , proven connection between the two political agendas displayed in Riyadh and Vienna. The conclusions that arose out of the Vienna talks aren't in the interests of the people of Sham. For several reasons, it seeks to preserve the Assad regime, then also make rebel factions and Assad regime as one society, and also seeks to target the Nusra Front, ISIS and other factions which don't accept the framework that was formed in Vienna. There is an 'Itilaaf'(not sure what he means but Syrian secular representives outside country) who rest at hotels and are weak parties which didn't bring any results to the Syrian people that work to force the rebel factions into submissiveness to their agenda. We believe the future should be decided by the people who made sacrifices and won't allow their sacrifices going to waste. Such factions that agree to surivival of Assad regime and render revolution efforts a waste have committed treason and are betrayers of the Syrian people.

Aren't you making dangerous accusations against parties which put forth much efforts in this revolution?

No, this is a conspiracy that is great in its depths that seeks to prevent creation of Islamic State. (other things said but I summarisize important things)

2nd question:

Abu Mohammed, have you made any pleas to the Riyadh conference? And have any third parties contacted to your movement to try persuading you to join the conference?

No we haven't and wouldn't accept it. Nobody has approached us and the people are well aware of our position towards such political conferences.

3rd Question:

Abu Mohammed,considering your party's relations with other Islamist factions, if a ceasefire was announced and the agreement was enforced on the ground, will your party go to war with these factions?

We don't seek to predict the future, but of our opinion the Islamist parties which attended this conference don't have a familiarity or control over their fighters on the ground since the people do not agree with conditions of what was proposed at the conference.

Okay, if you reject political conferences and dialogue with the international community, what are your options(cards to play), do you have a strong military capaibility and will intensify the war with the regime, Russia and Iranian forces?

We are aware of gains by rebels, etc....there is no military existing for Assad anymore. There are camps within the regime and foreign camps. One camp led by so and so who has 800 men. Then we have Shiite militias supported and sponsored by Iran. So Russia came to bring the regime back to life, and so did the Vienna agreement arise for the same reason. Talks about reasons why regime is not able to function of a government anymore, etc...


4th question:

Back to the topic of the Riyadh conference, do you see any benefit in it on the ground? And if it is implemented on the ground how will you react?

We aren't part of it and don't adhere to the agreements made there. I also don't believe parties in Riyadh are capable of implementing anything on the ground.

But this isn't to preserve Assad but to make united political front for the Syrian opposition...

We believe this is extension of the scheme at Vienna as we spoke of and we ask God to foil the plan.

5th question:

There is fear that Jaysh Fath alliance is going to face a military defeat with the Russian intervention, what do you suggest?

He talks about various fronts which you guys should know about I won't get into them. But says Russia intervention didn't allow pro-regime forces to gain much ground in areas controlled by army of conquest alliance. Says some militias of the regime entered agricultural areas and they focus most of their efforts there and we have prisoners of all these militias. Says the pro-regime forces were making gains there(aleppo) until army of conquest put gains to a stop and retrieved some land. Talks about Russian agenda in Syria:

Russia seeks to have military presence in region and has political interests but doesn't have interests directed at the local population. However, Iran's aim is to spread Shia ideology unto the people of Syria.

6th Question:

There was recent talk about a Saudi-Turkey intervention, possible aided by Pakistan and Qatar as well to form a buffer zone inside Syria. What is your position on this discussed move?

Firstly, this talk is exaggerated. Turkey won't move without US permission. Turkey doesn't seek Kurdish stronghold on its border. Yet US aides the Kurds, so how can such a situation come to reality? The Kurds are aided to fight ISIS ... but also the Nusra Front in the future.

The losers in such a situation(buffer zone) aren't just Kurds but also Daesh.

I don't agree, Turkey's problem is mainly with ISIS? No I don't believe so. Turkey's has more enemity with the Kurds, because Kurds have large population in Turkey and grassrooots in Turkey. Daesh doesn't. This ethnicity spread in the past 20 years into areas of Turkey and Iran. Now keep in mind we consider Kurds as Muslims and a part of us. I am referring to the militias which are pro-regime and secular. So Turkey sees a Kurdish insurgency as only a matter of time if it allows them to gain strong holds on border with Turkey.

7th Question:

Talks about Nusra Front withdrawal from areas of supposed future buffer zone. Ask why they withdrew. I won't get into it not important just summarisizing. But he does say that factions aligned them selves with coalition/Kurdish militias so he pulled out. So he makes case why his party doesn't support such buffer zone as it serves primarily Turkish national itnerests and that isn't his agenda(nationalistic interests).

8th question:

Regarding prisoner swaps, there has been suspicion that Nusra has live line of communication with Turkey and Qatar, do you have any relations with either?

No, we have no affilations with either country. For example with the Fijiaan UN prisoners we were dealt with by the government. The Fijiaan incident was a mistake that wasn't ordered by our party but rather one member of Nusra Front took them prisoner. As for Turkey, KSA, Qatar, they support other groups on the ground which we in cases coordinate with. So if we are approached, we are approached by third parties who relay any messages.

9th question:

Can you speak to us about the detainment of FSA fighters by your party just due to accusations they they are in service of so and so..etc...?

Well first of all we now the reality on the ground, there is no such thing as an FSA. It is just a slogan, there is no actual military movement or poliical movement. It was an slogan in beginning of revolution which is gone now. Talks about technical details of FSA prisoner cases and what his fighters are permitted to do and what their guidelines are.

10th question:

Let's talk about the topic of Nusra Fron't affilation with AQ and the demand on the popular street for Nusra Front to breakaway from AQ. Any new developments on this?

Well we've talked about this before...our affiliation with AQ isn't the reason Assad is still in power. If tomorrow we did breakaway, will the regime fall? No it won't. Ignore the AQ affilation aspect, the West isn't concerned about that affiliation. It is concerned with the rebel factions because we won't cooperate with the West and seek introducing Islamic Law/state in our society and won't agree to end the struggle against an enemy committing aggression against us.

As you see with the Russian intervention, it(Russia) targets all rebel factions that oppose Assad and not just AQ affilate Nusra Front. America is also the same in this regard, and makes similiar insinuations regarding the opposition. And we believe it's about political interests and nothing to do with AQ.

11 Question:

There are questions by the public that want to know in a scenario that all rebel factions formed into one alliance on the ground in Syria, how will you approach your interests and will this mean you will breakaway from AQ?

As Shiekh Zawahari said, in the scenario that Shaam was liberated and Muslims agreed on an Islamic 'Rashidah' government, then we will be one of the first soldiers at its behest and serve it.

Well you bash other rebel factions for having foreign affilations yet your AQ affilation is also an foreign affilation, so what sense can we make out of this?

Well we don't have affilate with the West or local nations that are pawns of the US. We have affilation with Muslims. AQ is a group that defends Muslims, fought for their sake in Afghanistan, gives a political alternative for Muslims in the region.

Final Question:

Is there a presumability that in the future your political agenda will be open to reform or are is your agenda as you speak it today permanent and not open to change?

We have positions sourced from the Islamic Shariah. The Sharia political positions don't change. Just as the Islamic proclamation of faith doesn't change. So we don't see change in our this matter. We call on struggling until God's law is implemented. However, there are tactical decisions that are related to military matters or other matters that require various positions or moves that the situation may require. But as for the prinicpal elements of our movement, we follow the principles of Shariah and that won't change.

That's it for now, I'll now edit the post for the rest of the important questions. This guy is well informed. He entrenched his party all over Syria and made them inseperable part of military structure and society. So if some factions decide to turn them into an enemy they are risking a lot. I'm sure he learned from Gaza 2007. Once Hamas was elected the world told Hamas accept qaurtet or face war/seige. And the whole world declared war on Hamas ever since then. Jolani knows Hamas 2007 was the plan for the Syrian rebels once this 'Riyadh' conference stuff commences.
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Who said anything about support?

What he just said is a terrorist saying some other terrorists don't exist. :lol: It basically means, FSA is as real as unicorns.
You literally just supported his obviously false statement.

Meanwhile, your favorite terrorist groups calls for death of Sunnis:
MEMRI: Hizbullah Iraq Forces Fighting in Syria: Death to Sunnis, Mercenaries of the Jews and Americans
Notice how no civilians are attending the Al Eis Mosque, all of the attendees are Shia terrorists.

Back to Jolani's statement, with further inspection: He didn't actually say there was no FSA, but no unity among FSA groups.

Rebels have gained ground in Northern Hama:

Meanwhile, either Russian or regime airstrikes kill 70 in Eastern Ghouta - not collateral damage. It deliberately targeted civilian areas, as there were -no- rebels present in the area bombed (as in, ammunition storage, mass gatherings, etc.)
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