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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

just saw the TOW missile attack on 8 or 9 SAA troops. f-ing brutal. I won't post it because you can see body parts flying :flame:
just saw the TOW missile attack on 8 or 9 SAA troops. f-ing brutal. I won't post it because you can see body parts flying :flame:

Isn't TOW HEAT which makes a little hole? TOW isn't good against infantry AFAIK.
Isn't TOW HEAT which makes a little hole? TOW isn't good against infantry AFAIK.

it's still packed full of RDX m8.

about 2.3kg (5lb) of it. so I wouldn't want to be a few meters from that when it goes off.

this is why I wasn't a big fan of the Hellfire used against soft targets til the Romeo version

laser guided 70mm rocket would be more lethal and cost 1/3 that of a Hellfire

check this out

how they survived that Hellfire strike is beyond me. you would think the overpressure would be enough to kill or knock them out.
Isn't TOW HEAT which makes a little hole? TOW isn't good against infantry AFAIK.
Molten metal , plus heat is lethal to human. I saw the video C130 is talking about, among the targeted only one seems to have survived. At the end of the conflict, it will be very hard to recover the large number of tows given by the sauds and the US. It will be the same case as the Stinger given the Afghan in the 80's
This moderate terrorist clown wants to exterminate all Alawite villages.



But Mufti Hassoun calling for flattening of Aleppo is totally moderate and secular though.

Here is the Levant Front's counter to ISIS ideology:

Watch it, it's good - has a message in Arabic that I would translate but I have exams tomorrow.
Syrians hit 10 Iraqi/Iranian invaders with TOW:



9 eliminated on spot 1 survived, but probably not for too long.

They gathered in a crowd, out in the open and Darwinism took over. Dumbest thing I have ever seen. RIP.
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