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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

On a lighter None.......
Has anyone noticed that the recent Syrian and Ukrainian conflicts are similar to Battlefronts game Combat Mission: Shock Force(Syria) and Combat Mission: Black Sea(Ukraine)????
“Turkey is ready with 15,000 troops and tanks," Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan replied to a question about Turkey's possible reaction against the Democratic Union Party (PYD) in the event of any untoward moves.''

I honestly can't wait for such untoward move.
Chechen commander sent to hell by SAA in Latakia.


Another failed attack in Deraa:

It's amazing how 'moderate rebels' are so incompetent without help of Nusra and Ashrar al-Sham terrorists.
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“Turkey is ready with 15,000 troops and tanks," Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan replied to a question about Turkey's possible reaction against the Democratic Union Party (PYD) in the event of any untoward moves.''

I honestly can't wait for such untoward move.

1. Won't happen.
2. Lets say it would in a parallel universe, among many things a civil war would break out in Turkey.
3. The US is now directly training and arming the Kurds and their allies under the name Syrian Democratic Forces. In fact, just today they reported that US forces are constructing an airfield in Rojava US preparing airbase in northeast Syria: reports. The only proper damage I belive Erdogan could directly do is pushing KDP against PKK. About 1000 Turkish troops have arrived to Bashiqa, S.Kurdistan to train Sunni (more likely Turkmens) against IS, if that will lead to something I don't know. Anyway Erdogan fucked it up, he even gave Russia a good reason to establish the no-fly zone he so much wanted which they now have(S-400).
Chechen commander sent to hell by SAA in Latakia.

Some teenager. Must be at least general, or may be even generalissimos.

Another failed attack in Deraa:
Actual number is 90000 rebels killed including 400000 5 star generals.

This tactic was been seen in to other war zones, so next time if terrorists again used Grain Silos for oil trafficking and weapons ,better to be underground
What u are babbling? It was just grain silo. U can see there is no any burning.
Some teenager. Must be at least general, or may be even generalissimos.

Actual number is 90000 rebels killed including 400000 5 star generals.

What u are babbling? It was just grain silo. U can see there is no any burning.

What do you think that terrorists do in that area ... prepare for agricultural activities
I wonder why russians not use Iskander missiles to measure impact on the ground
Chechen commander sent to hell by SAA in Latakia.


Another failed attack in Deraa:

It's amazing how 'moderate rebels' are so incompetent without help of Nusra and Ashrar al-Sham terrorists.
Offensive was stopped because MOC called it off. Rebels barely took any casualties or barely even advanced. Likely rebels never actually came in contact with Assadists at all (besides usual sporadic clashes.) MOC called it off almost immediately.

Map of rebel progress vs. ISIS in Northern Aleppo. More territory taken than the map shows, offensive is good when the maps are already outdated. (They took Duwaydan, which is marked as "دوديان" on the map. This isn't as large as Mare' but it is deep in Daesh territory.)

Edit: Here's a crappier map (image quality wise,) but shows all the territory taken as far as I know:

(Light green is recently taken.)

This is Duwaydan. First time in possession of rebels since August 2014.

This advance was done while Russia was bombing rebel positions., giving direct support to ISIS. Due to this, highly unlikely coalition helped much since they avoid Russian planes.
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. And after revolution Assad released them to radicalize the opposition.

Because the release was demanded by the "moderate" protestors. Assad tried to appease them by conceding some demands but that apparently didnt work.

Overall if foreigners disappear now rebels hardly notice any difference.

Will it also not make a difference if Saudi and Turkey turned off the supply taps ?
Because the release was demanded by the "moderate" protestors. Assad tried to appease them by conceding some demands but that apparently didnt work.

Will it also not make a difference if Saudi and Turkey turned off the supply taps ?

You are right. It's such a silly way to excuse their crap. But then those extremists were "political prisoners" and "activists" and members of the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood. And now, to blame ISIS on Syria, the guys they demanded to be released is now blamed on Assad for releasing them?

Assad was an idiot. There is no appeasing the enemy when their objection is to destroy you. Release political prisoners when the situation is 100% under your control, not as a way to appease the opposition. He should have locked then all away and released them in 20 years.
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