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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

* South Lebanon is high mountain area, similar to Latakia. I should remind u that Assadists and Hezbollah are already 2 years storming Salma (which is smaller than Bint Jbeil) and could not even enter it despite they dropped 10 times more barrels on it than there are houses.

Qalamoun was a high mountain area, which was predominately captured by Hezbollah against a force of thousands of rebel fighters who were controlling the area for years. In fact, Hezbollah capture more land in Qalamoun in two weeks than IDF did in South Lebanon for an entire month.

IDF did not plan to storm Bint Jbeil, but take buildings at its outskirts and bypass. That what happened, but then one commander thought he can take town easily and sent one battalion inside. Battalion was ambushed in center of the town 6 people lost and IDF returned to its previous plan. Thats about it. In this skirmish Hezbollah lost more than IDF.

Yes, it did. That is why initial IDF-reports in the Israeli media claimed that Bint Jbeil was captured, which the IDF couldn't manage to do for the entire duration of the war.

Of course IDF advanced much more than couple miles (although couple miles is also good in mountain area, Salma cough Salma). Here for example Kornet captured in Rachaf, 4 miles from the border:

Spare me the equipment the IDF seized. The war was a complete failure on the side of the IDF, and Israeli soldiers even saw themselves tactically being outmaneuvered by Hezbollah-fighters on the battlefield.

You couldn't advance more than a couple of miles into South Lebanon despite your super-duper armor, superiority in manpower and an air force which was conducting hundreds of sorties per day. You had to withdraw and agree to a cease-fire while haven't achieved a single goal on the battlefield.
Rebels blow up Humvee used by Iraqi Shiite forces

New Restaurant name TOW opening in Aleppo suburb

(specialty serving Iraqi and Iranian BBQ)

please note sign outside


Unauthorized vehicles will be TOWed away at Iranian expense

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Rebels blow up Humvee used by Iraqi Shiite forces

Yet rebels lost hundreds of kilometers to these same militias. Let them enjoy some minor 'successes' on the battlefield, while losing more land each weak. Like I said, the push in southern Aleppo is only the beginning. Expect more reinforcements from these same militias, and more land being captured by them too.
Rebels blow up Humvee used by Iraqi Shiite forces

New Restaurant name TOW opening in Aleppo suburb

(specialty serving Iraqi and Iranian BBQ)

please note sign outside


Unauthorized vehicles will be TOWed away at Iranian expense


These HUMVEEs used by Iraqi Shia are built in Iran. Thousands are built every year. Armed with 14.5 mm heavy machine guns, these HUMVEEs splash personnel from more than a kilometer away.
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Qalamoun was a high mountain area, which was predominately captured by Hezbollah against a force of thousands of rebel fighters who were controlling the area for years. In fact, Hezbollah capture more land in Qalamoun in two weeks than IDF did in South Lebanon for an entire month.
Qalamoun is desert with no vegetation at all and very little population if at all + it is encircled by Hezbollah from all sides.
South Lebanon on the other hand is dense populated (~1 million) vegetated area + unlimited supplies from Syria.

One must be retarded to compare these two. And Qalamoun campaign took over half year (still not finished).

Yes, it did. That is why initial IDF-reports in the Israeli media claimed that Bint Jbeil was captured, which the IDF couldn't manage to do for the entire duration of the war.
As I said IDF captured outskirts of Bint Jbeil as it was planned from the beginning (there is no sense to storm 30 K town if you are not planning to stay there) . Since resistance was less than expected and there was no sighn of Hezies which fled and hided in the center, commander decided to send battalion inside, contrary to the initial plan. One clash in center of Bint Jbeil ended 6 killed from Israeli side and dozen killed Hezies followed. IDF returned to initial plan. Thats it.

Spare me the equipment the IDF seized. The war was a complete failure on the side of the IDF, and Israeli soldiers even saw themselves tactically being outmaneuvered by Hezbollah-fighters on the battlefield.
1) I proved that ur claim about 2 miles was false.
2) Hezbollah did not show any maneuvering during the war at all. All they did is hiding in civilian areas and firing rockets. Thats it.

Hezies were miserably beaten, they lost 500 their best fighters, over 1000 were badly injured, dozens of huge bunkers built with Iranianb money were destroyed, they were forced to accept Lebanese army and international peacekeepers in South Lebanon (which they refused to to prior the war), stopped claiming Shabaa Farms and their leader hides like a rat since then.

Their only achievement was capturing 2 soldier bodies in coward border patrol attack.

You couldn't advance more than a couple of miles into South Lebanon despite your super-duper armor, superiority in manpower and an air force which was conducting hundreds of sorties per day. You had to withdraw and agree to a cease-fire while haven't achieved a single goal on the battlefield.
U repeat lie after I proved it is false. Are u that desperate?
Tu-22M3, Tu-95MS, Tu-160 bombers shot 34 cruise missiles at rebels

a Kh-555 cruise missile flying over Idlib province

a Kh-555 cruise missile detaches its cruise stage booster and goes into supersonic terminal attack stage

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what's stopping Russia from nuking Daesh with tacticaal nukes or Tsar bombs ?? would a Paris like attack change that ??
bc it's coming , Russia should be ready
Putin says rebels took down Russian air liner, vows to kill all rebels in Syria.

what's stopping Russia from nuking Daesh with tacticaal nukes or Tsar bombs ?? would a Paris like attack change that ??
bc it's coming , Russia should be ready

Russia has 150 million people. Rebels in Syria only has 1 million people. It would be suicidal for rebels in Syria to fight Russia and Iran and Assad.
Qalamoun is desert with no vegetation at all and very little population if at all + it is encircled by Hezbollah from all sides.
South Lebanon on the other hand is dense populated (~1 million) vegetated area + unlimited supplies from Syria.

One must be retarded to compare these two. And Qalamoun campaign took over half year (still not finished).

Qalamoun has overall the same topography as South Lebanon. I'm not talking about the entire area of South Lebanon. When I say that the IDF couldn't advance more than a couple of miles into Lebanon, I obviously mean the Bint Jbeil and Maroun al-Ras areas. Hezbollah on the other hand captured larger urbanized/populous areas and overall territory in Qalamoun than IDF did in 2006.

As I said IDF captured outskirts of Bint Jbeil as it was planned from the beginning (there is no sense to storm 30 K town if you are not planning to stay there) . Since resistance was less than expected and there was no sighn of Hezies which fled and hided in the center, commander decided to send battalion inside, contrary to the initial plan. One clash in center of Bint Jbeil ended 6 killed from Israeli side and dozen killed Hezies followed. IDF returned to initial plan. Thats it.

Spare me your nonsense. The fact that the Israeli government mobilized the reserves (when initial regular and SOF units couldn't capture urbanized areas nor fully secure the perimeters) speaks on its own. In fact, this was so hastily done that these Israeli reserve troops arrived at the front without the necessary equipment, without a coherent battle plan, and without the munitions necessary to carry on the fight.

Small Hezbollah units from the Nasr Brigade tactically outmaneuvered IDF-units in Maroun al Ras:

''IDF detachments continually failed to flank the defenders, meeting counterpunches toward the west of the city. Special three-man hunter-killer teams from the Nasr Brigade destroyed several Israeli armored vehicles during the fight with light man-made anti-tank missiles. "We knew they were going to do this," Ilay Talmor, an exhausted Israeli second lieutenant, said at the time. "This is territory they say is theirs. We would do the same thing if someone came into our country."

About Bint Jbeil:

''On July 26, IDF officials conceded that the previous 24 hours in their fight for Bint Jbail was "the hardest day of fighting in southern Lebanon". After failing to take the town from Hezbollah in the morning, IDF commanders decided to send in their elite Golani Brigade. In two hours in the afternoon, nine Golani Brigade soldiers were killed and 22 were wounded. Late in the afternoon, the IDF deployed its elite Paratroopers Brigade to Maroun al-Ras, where fighting with elements of the Nasr Brigade was in its third day. ''

''On July 27, in response to the failure of its units to take these cities, the Israeli government agreed to a call-up of three more reserve divisions - a full 15,000 troops. By July 28, however, it was becoming clear just how severe the failure of the IAF had been in its attempts to stop Hezbollah rocket attacks. On that day, Hezbollah deployed a new rocket, the Khaibar-1, which hit Afula. ''

You lost a war against a foe which did not even call upon its reserves, did not have an air force, armored units, similar capabilities in manpower, intelligence, etc.

The IDF, when faced by a determined and skilled foe, is nothing more than an overrated fighting force relying on its mighty air force. You have been facing all these incompetent Arab conventional armies for the past decades so that the first militant group which did not run away on the battlefield had managed to deliver your multi-billion army a hard blow.

''Moreover, and more significant, Hezbollah's fighters proved to be dedicated and disciplined. Using intelligence assets to pinpoint Israeli infantry penetrations, they proved the equal of Israel's best fighting units. In some cases, Israeli units were defeated on the field of battle, forced into sudden retreats or forced to rely on air cover to save elements from being overrun. Even toward the end of the war, on August 9, the IDF announced that 15 of its reserve soldiers were killed and 40 wounded in fighting in the villages of Marjayoun, Khiam and Kila - a stunning casualty rate for a marginal piece of real estate.''
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what's stopping Russia from nuking Daesh with tacticaal nukes or Tsar bombs ?? would a Paris like attack change that ??
bc it's coming , Russia should be ready
Defeating Daesh is easy for Russia, but what do you replace it with? You can not send Kurds, Shias or Alawites to govern rural and conservative Sunnis. So over time there would be a power vacuum and Daesh 2.0 would be created to bring order.

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