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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

Seems like you don't know what you're talking about. I just leave this here:

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights monitor confirmed regime forces had taken control of large parts of Al-Hader, which had been largely controlled by Al-Qaeda affiliate Al-Nusra Front and other allied Islamist groups

"The town is the biggest headquarters for rebel forces in southern Aleppo, and capturing it would bring the army closer to the key Aleppo-Damascus highway," Observatory chief Rami Abdel Rahman said.

The Britain-based monitoring group said both Syrian and Russian warplanes were carrying out strikes in the area, and the regime forces and their allies have advanced west to the town of Al-Eis.

"Today's advance is the most important strategic advance for Syrian regime forces since the Russians began their air strikes," Abdel Rahman said.

"The area is key because it is elevated and if they capture it they will have line of fire sight over the Aleppo-Damascus highway."

Syria army scores key victories ahead of Vienna talks - Yahoo News

If I were you, I wouldn't argue with @500, He has only 5 things to do in this thread: Bash SAA/Hezbolah/Iran no matter what they do, sanctify terrorists' crimes no matter what, downplay SAA advances, exaggerate importance of terrorist advances, justify similar Israeli crimes no matter what they are.
New map (going really fast now):


Seems like rebels are completely collapsing in the area.

According to Murad Gazdiev (RT correspondent on the ground in Syria):

Ruaf intercepting militant communications: mass orders for jihadists in Latakia/West Syria to head for Aleppo.

If I were you, I wouldn't argue with @500, He has only 5 things to do in this thread: Bash SAA/Hezbolah/Iran no matter what they do, sanctify terrorists' crimes no matter what, downplay SAA advances, exaggerate importance of terrorist advances, justify similar Israeli crimes no matter what they are.

I've noticed his excuses. He is like a bot, I could easily program him.

If Syrian Army beats any group that isn't ISIS,
THEN say "This proves ISIS and Syrian Army are best buddies"

If Syrian Army takes any land from ISIS,
THEN say "The land is useless! It has no strategic value"

If the importance can't be denied,
THEN say "They will take the village back from Syrian Army soon enough"
if they don't
THEN say "It was not done by Syrians but done by Shia Iranians and Iraqis and Hezbollahs and Russians and thousands of them died in the process, and they also committed ethnic cleansing"

There. Now, we don't have to waste time reading his posts anymore, as I have shown you exactly what he will say.
Russia Iran captured Al-Hadher, Al-Eis + hill, Tel Hadiya, Banes, Tel Bajir, Birnah, Al-Barqoum in southern Aleppo province.

Ruaf intercepting militant communications: mass orders for jihadists in Latakia/West Syria to head for Aleppo.

Ground attack aircraft and artillery will make mince meat out of any mujahid reinforcements.

Russia Iran captured Jabal Katf in northern Latakia province.
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If I were you, I wouldn't argue with @500, He has only 5 things to do in this thread: Bash SAA/Hezbolah/Iran no matter what they do, sanctify terrorists' crimes no matter what, downplay SAA advances, exaggerate importance of terrorist advances, justify similar Israeli crimes no matter what they are.
Well I was right. When I said that Quseir so called victory does not mean anything I was right. When u posted how Tiger plans to take M5 road I said it would never happen and I was right (note, Waid Deif and Hish then was in Assadist hands).

On the other hand creating a "gut" from South Aleppo to Fua its quite possible. Terrain is flat there with no big towns. But still such a gut will require huge resources to hold and will fail in long term just like previous guts.

I also predicted that after sanctions from Iran will be removed it will resulted in more mercenaries, bombs and bloodshed in Syria and I was right.
Well I was right. When I said that Quseir so called victory does not mean anything I was right. When u posted how Tiger plans to take M5 road I said it would never happen and I was right (note, Waid Deif and Hish then was in Assadist hands).

The so called Quseir victory prevented arm flow from Lebanon to Homs, and greatly helped besieging city of Homs and then taking the city and huge areas in Homs province and border between Syria and Lebanon, no that's not important at all. :rolleyes:

On the other hand creating a "gut" from South Aleppo to Fua its quite possible. Terrain is flat there with no big towns. But still such a gut will require huge resources to hold and will fail in long term just like previous guts.

And who said the plan is to create a 'gut' to Fua'a? There are more important priorities now.

I also predicted that after sanctions from Iran will be removed it will resulted in more mercenaries, bombs and bloodshed in Syria and I was right.

It has nothing to do with lifting sanctions. Also, no sanctions are lifted now.
The so called Quseir victory prevented arm flow from Lebanon to Homs, and greatly helped besieging city of Homs and then taking the city and huge areas in Homs province and border between Syria and Lebanon, no that's not important at all. :rolleyes:
Qusair was isolated from Homs long time before the offensive, in fact they never were connected (some very limited and fragile connection could be before Assadists took Baba Amro in early 2012).

U can tell these stories to some bimbo westerners who dont know the difference between Aleppo and Baghdad, but I know that war much better than anyone on this forum.

And who said the plan is to create a 'gut' to Fua'a? There are more important priorities now.
What else they can do with that gut they created. Suggestions?

It has nothing to do with lifting sanctions. Also, no sanctions are lifted now.
Many sanctions are already lifted. Mercenaries, sorties, tank hours and rounds - all that costs lots of money. You may say thats coincidence that shortly after lifting sanctions Iran boosted its mercenaries and bombings in Syria. But anyhow thats what I predicted and thats what happened.
Many sanctions are already lifted. Mercenaries, sorties, tank hours and rounds - all that costs lots of money.

To Jewish people, fighting is about money. To devout Muslims, fighting is about honor. There is a good saying. The only people who pick up a penny from the ground are Jewish people. :p:
Qusair was isolated from Homs long time before the offensive, in fact they never were connected (some very limited and fragile connection could be before Assadists took Baba Amro in early 2012).

Qusair was a major weapon transit hub from Lebanon to Homs, if it was not captured, rebels could capture big areas in southwestern and western areas of Homs city and northward.

U can tell these stories to some bimbo westerners who dont know the difference between Aleppo and Baghdad, but I know that war much better than anyone on this forum.

You are not the only one who follows this war, I have also been doing it in past 4 years.

What else they can do with that gut they created. Suggestions?

First securing areas east of M5 highway, including Khan Tuman. That should be the priority now. And no 'gut' has been created now.


Many sanctions are already lifted. Mercenaries, sorties, tank hours and rounds - all that costs lots of money. You may say thats coincidence that shortly after lifting sanctions Iran boosted its mercenaries and bombings in Syria. But anyhow thats what I predicted and thats what happened.

No, not even one single sanction has been lifted after the nuclear deal, the soonest it will take place is in one month.
Qusair was a major weapon transit hub from Lebanon to Homs, if it was not captured, rebels could capture big areas in southwestern and western areas of Homs city and northward.

You are not the only one who follows this war, I have also been doing it in past 4 years.
You obviously did not know that south to Qusair were Shia areas and north to Qusair Baba Amro captured in early 2012.

First securing areas east of M5 highway, including Khan Tuman. That should be the priority now. And no 'gut' has been created now.

And whats the strategic importance of piece of nonfunctional highway?

No, not even one single sanction has been lifted after the nuclear deal, the soonest it will take place is in one month.
Investments already started to flow. Besides if u know that in one month u will get money u can increase spends now. Each billion for Ayatulas ~ 10,000 more dead Syrians.
reports Russia Iran captured the ICARDA military base and reached the highway


Iranian general pumps up Iraqi Shia before battle

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Russia Iran new Arab proxy recruits getting trained in Damascus. Mujahids don't get new men to replace losses because training camps bombed.




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