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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

What a day for SAA and Russia today. Rebels on the run in Syria and Iraq and have taken out their anger in Lebanon and Paris.

Indeed, but you forgot to give credit to Hezbollah and Iranian Fighters. I would argue these offensives would not have succeeded without Hezbollah acting as Storm Troopers. Their training and discipline is better than that of their counterparts.

Russian Advisors on ground seem to be having an effect on the battlefield. Our friends on this Board were sceptical of Russian Assistance, but i always argued that if Russia decides to commit resources, tide will shift in favour of SAA.
Today was an awful day for rebels. If it goes like this taftinaz and fua will be reached in three days.
Pol Pot killed 2 million people.

Iran has killed much more Arabs than Israel ever has.

In Yemen, in Iraq and in Syria you've killed thousands and thousands of Arabs.
like Israel pol pot killed people in quest of grandeur ,its more than 200 years we only fought defensive wars . in Yemen we never ever have killed any one in Syria its Syrian and takfiris which are not Iranian that are killing each other and in Iraq go and study a little history.
Investments already started to flow. Besides if u know that in one month u will get money u can increase spends now. Each billion for Ayatulas ~ 10,000 more dead Syrians.

Here is a exact evidence of why you are so dishonest.

Your previous post was "Many sanctions are already lifted". When @Serpentine claimed that it was a false statement, instead of accepting your mistake, you change what you say. You now say, "investments already started to flow". How is that same as "many sanctions are already lifted"?

Even though, I can prove to you that NO tangible investments has yet moved to Iran.

But then you say "if they know the sanctions will be removed in a month, they will spend money now"

When you make an incorrect statement, man up, and accept that you had incorrect information. No one is going to give you any medals for making posts in this forum. But humility and openmindness might make you learn something new.

With the current attack in Paris & Putin being so vocal about being anti-ISIS, who do you think the Europeans will love more and more?
Here is a exact evidence of why you are so dishonest.

Your previous post was "Many sanctions are already lifted". When @Serpentine claimed that it was a false statement, instead of accepting your mistake, you change what you say. You now say, "investments already started to flow". How is that same as "many sanctions are already lifted"?

Even though, I can prove to you that NO tangible investments has yet moved to Iran.

But then you say "if they know the sanctions will be removed in a month, they will spend money now"

When you make an incorrect statement, man up, and accept that you had incorrect information. No one is going to give you any medals for making posts in this forum. But humility and openmindness might make you learn something new.
Little technical mistake, does not change anything. Thanks to the agreement Ayatulas already can spend much more money. And as I predicted this money went to Syria to murder more people.

With the current attack in Paris & Putin being so vocal about being anti-ISIS, who do you think the Europeans will love more and more?
Of course Putin and Ayatulas will use this attack for their purposes. Nevermind that Putin only attacked ANTI-ISIS forces. And did not attack any ISIS targets at all (except destroying water supply to Raqqa city, which left hundred thousand of innocent civilians without water for weeks).

ISIS is a result of Shia sectarian oppression and brutality and Western inaction (or more properly West support Shia sectarian terrorists).

Notice the complete Western media silence on these storming advances by the SAA.
Yet when terrorists achieve a minuscule victory, they cum all over their newspapers.
First of all there is no any SAA (except some supporting roles) but Iraqi, Iranian, Afghan and Lebanese mercenaries.
Secondly what did they capture beside piece of desert and poor Bedouin habitations?
Little technical mistake, does not change anything. Thanks to the agreement Ayatulas already can spend much more money. And as I predicted this money went to Syria to murder more people.

"Many sanctions have been lifted" DOES NOT EQUAL "no sanctions have been lifted".

These are not "little technical mistake". This is a statement made out of incorrectly assessing the situation. If a new fact enters your understanding of the situation, then a reasonable person could alter his understanding based on that fact. However, if you just ignore the fact and twist it around, then you are being dishonest with yourself.

You've made such errors multiple times. When someone points out an incorrect assumption you made, you just change it around, instead of taking it into account.

Why are you being so obtuse? Understanding that one made an incorrect statement is not shameful. Each of us are doing it daily in our lives. That's how we intellectually grow.
"Many sanctions have been lifted" DOES NOT EQUAL "no sanctions have been lifted".

These are not "little technical mistake". This is a statement made out of incorrectly assessing the situation. If a new fact enters your understanding of the situation, then a reasonable person could alter his understanding based on that fact. However, if you just ignore the fact and twist it around, then you are being dishonest with yourself.

You've made such errors multiple times. When someone points out an incorrect assumption you made, you just change it around, instead of taking it into account.

Why are you being so obtuse? Understanding that one made an incorrect statement is not shameful. Each of us are doing it daily in our lives. That's how we intellectually grow.
What does one month matter again? Thanks to the agreement Ayatulas already can spend much more money and as I predicted this money was used to murder and expel more Syrians. In one month or Iranian offensive over 120,000 new Syrians became refugees, scores were murdered.
As I would like to guess, the Paris attacks will have a huge effect on the Syria talks. The groups on Assad's side will be much more resilient and the groups on the opposition side will now have a much more difficult time selling their "no Assad" agenda. For the short term, Europeans will now have no patience for the leaders in being wishy-washy on the Syria situation. If I had to guess, to the average European it would be better if all Jihadist groups were destroyed, and to them, it would make no sense if their leaders are not on the side of Putin on this, and instead side with Saudi & Turkey & so on. This is just my guess on how the general European public will react, I could be wrong.

From the Guardian,

"World leaders, including many arriving in Vienna for Syria peace talks, have expressed horror at the attacks in Paris, including Saudi Arabia’s foreign minister, who called the attacks “heinous”.

“I wanted to express our condolences to the government and people of
France for the heinous terrorist attacks that took place yesterday which are in violation and contravention of all ethics, morals and religions,” Adel al-Jubeir told reporters in the Austrian capital.

“The kingdom of Saudi Arabia has long called for more intensified international efforts to combat the scourge of terrorism in all its forms and shapes.

Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said it was inevitable the talks would be affected. “Those events which happened not far from here will absolutely cause adjustments in the agenda of today’s event,” she told reporters.

Speaking from Moscow, Russian prime minister Dmitry Medvedev said Russia “shares the sadness and the pain of the French people,” he said. “Terrorist crimes are not and cannot be justified. The Paris tragedy requires of us all to unite in the fight against extremism, to bring a strong answer to terrorists’ actions.”

As one would expect, Russia will make use of this crisis for PR purposes.

What does one month matter again? Thanks to the agreement Ayatulas already can spend much more money and as I predicted this money was used to murder and expel more Syrians. In one month or Iranian offensive over 120,000 new Syrians became refugees, scores were murdered.

Were the admins in this forum being sarcastic when they give you the "think thank" title?

"Many sanctions are lifted" does not equal "sanctions will be lifted in the future". I can explain much more about the effects on the sanctions on different political situations, but if we have difficulties in you even being unwilling to accept an easily proved statement, then I don't see how on earth there can be ANY discussion with you. If you say it is night, and someone tells you that it is morning, you will just say, "Well, it will be night soon enough, what's the difference!!!"
"Many sanctions are lifted" does not equal "sanctions will be lifted in the future". I can explain much more about the effects on the sanctions on different political situations, but if we have difficulties in you even being unwilling to accept an easily proved statement, then I don't see how on earth there can be ANY discussion with you. If you say it is night, and someone tells you that it is morning, you will just say, "Well, it will be night soon enough, what's the difference!!!"
So u again and again will repeat ur debunked nonsense?

ISIS is a result of Shia sectarian
Since when?.

Who is shia?.

Really are you high or you on something?.

You know what I don't blame you.

If you were fair you should salute these shia fighter since they saves your head not to be unplugged by these scums.

Remember they attacked the french and killed many innocents so to them it is so easy to do the same to you they have no freind we all to them enemy they spare no one you kid.

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