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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

An Israeli is the last one who should talk about bombing civilians, as Israel is the 'chosen' terror state, with western support only.

I'm starting to think he's not Israeli at all. His blind insistence for the rebel side is not natural for any Israeli.

As for bombing civilians, your palestinians heroes have just done that in Lebanon.

Well Hitler is considered biggest criminal because he did what he did. Although I am pretty sure there are many maniacs around if they had Wehrmacht would do the same and even more, but that does not make them bigger criminals than Hitler, because we judge by deeds and not by coulda shoulda,

Assad is 100 times bigger criminal and terrorist than ISIS by his deeds.

So what about us against the Gazan terrorists? we have better firepower, more of them killed etc - how does that fit in with your assessment that Assad is 100 times worse than Nusra?
Hitler was far more legitimate than Assad. Hitler came to power through elections, Assad through illegal coup.

Assad is not protecting but murdering civilians at far bigger scale than anyone else in Syria or in 21th century at al
i don't see any prisons for peoples...where asad gov is doing experiments on people but asad gov has clearly inform the civilians to get out of the areas where terrorist are...so in that case if your staying then that's your problem.. and asad is worse then hitler :omghaha:
I know a phone call like that is natural for you, but it's not about a phone call only, it's about the dangerous virus and ideology that exists among almost all 'rebel' terrorists.
Its matter of priorities. Barrel bomb over market is quadrillon times bigger crime than all calls combined.

An Israeli is the last one who should talk about bombing civilians, as Israel is the 'chosen' terror state, with western support only.
I've answered that nonsense many times, even today.

There are 4-5 villages on perimeter of Kweires airport, and if ISIS is hiding in there, they will naturally be destroyed of they resist in the town. Also, most of those villages are empty of civilians, they fled 2 years ago to Turkey. He didn't indicate killing any civilians, but just destroying 4-5 villages over ISIS heads, and I fully support it, since no civilians live in there.
I thought Assad is "liberating" villages from ISIS in order to return people back. No? Now we see that their aim is ethnic cleansing. And they are not even hiding it.
So what? Russians and Iranians are Indo Europeans, not Arabs.

Actually the vast majority of SAA allies are Iraqis and lebanons hezbollah.

Some 80% of southern front is led by the Iraqis.

And Syria/ Assad is not exactly a "puppet" or no one. We could counter that by saying the Russia is syrias puppet since they are assisting and putting in resources without a real need to do so.

As for the Iraqis, SAA, and Hezbollah, they are fighting for their existence. Iran is a natural ally while Russia is a superpower and needs to keep its sphere of influence on the region.

Many more Iraqis will flood in to take on IS on the eastern front.
"The road to Mosul begins from Allepo".

One enemy one territory.
i don't see any prisons for peoples...where asad gov is doing experiments on people but asad gov has clearly inform the civilians to get out of the areas where terrorist are...so in that case if your staying then that's your problem..
Indiscriminate bombing is a war crime and terror.

and asad is worse then hitler :omghaha:
Learn to read. I said that Hitler is more legitimate than Assad. Hitler became a chancellor through free elections while Assad through illegal coup.

So what about us against the Gazan terrorists? we have better firepower, more of them killed etc - how does that fit in with your assessment that Assad is 100 times worse than Nusra?
We neither barrel bomb, starve or gas Gaza. If u dont see the difference between these two I dont know what to say:

Looks like Iranian Iraqi Lebanese Shia are assigned the task to break the seige of the Shia towns of Fua and Kefraya

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Indiscriminate bombing is a war crime and terror.

Learn to read. I said that Hitler is more legitimate than Assad. Hitler became a chancellor through free elections while Assad through illegal coup.

We neither barrel bomb, starve or gas Gaza. If u dont see the difference between these two I dont know what to say:

pretty much the bottom line of the whole story is that you support the moderate beheaders and isis cuz your gov supports them and pretty much these day the terrorist are getting there azz handed to them ....

you also get paid from your gov for commenting and trolling online...
Israel to pay students to defend it online
Looks like Iranian Iraqi Lebanese Shia are assigned the task to break the seige of the Shia towns of Fua and Kefraya

Just screem ya Zainab ( PBUH ) and they will fight a deathly fight. We love ahlul bayt.

Mi-24 has Gatling heavy machine gun.

It's 12.7 mm not powerful enough that's why they replaced it with twin 23 mm. the Iraqi hind comes with the 23 mm.
First of all, he doesn't speak for Israelis. I don't know why he's so pro-rebel. I don't know any Israelis wanting rebels to win, so don't take his words as something Israelis support.

Secondly, we sent 1,500 Lebanese to the morgue. If you call that a victory, then may they have many more such victories.

I thought it was only Arabs that declared victory after defeats, seems your lot do too.
you guys always were awe-inspiring when it come to kill women and children , guess only pol pot could match your efficiency in recent history.
Just screem ya Zainab ( PBUH ) and they will fight a deathly fight. We love ahlul bayt.

Shia will show, just what they are, the destroyers of oppression and corruption. Just as Shia brought down the Ummayads, Saleh, Hadi, Saddam, Shia will bring down oppressive and corrupt mujahids.

It's 12.7 mm not powerful enough that's why they replaced it with twin 23 mm. the Iraqi hind comes with the 23 mm.

12.7 mm can shoot through tanks

Russia and Iran captured Khirbat Al-Muhal and Tal Bajar and al-‘Eis in southern Aleppo province.

Mujahids lost because of artillery. Artillery shoot dozens of miles. No army can win a modern war without artillery.


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