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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

Rebels take Tall Sakhr and About checkpoints in Hama, pretty amazing how guys with rusty AK hold territory and even advance in open plain vs. armed to teeth army supported by 2 air forces. Never seen anything like his in history of warfare.

Rebels already captured a newly supplied T-72 from the regime - it's reactive armor is intact


Urban Assadestruction

Huge ammo captured from Iraqi shia Terrorists



Fcuk indian we are not united and never will be : : : :
Rebels take Tall Sakhr and About checkpoints in Hama, pretty amazing how guys with rusty AK hold territory and even advance in open plain vs. armed to teeth army supported by 2 air forces. Never seen anything like his in history of warfare.

Pyrrhic victory. They are too far from Hama city. If there were no Russian air force, they would have been able to take Hama city by now.
Finally, siege of Kweires air base has been lifted after more than 2 years. Kudos to those heroes who stayed there and made Kweires the largest graveyard of ISIS terrorists, perhaps only after Deir al-Zoor airport.


Suheil Hassan, commander of Tiger forces


@haman10 @Daneshmand @forcetrip @JEskandari @rahi2357
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Finally, siege of Kweires air base has been broken after more than 2 years. Kudos to those heroes who stayed there and made Kweires the largest graveyard of ISIS terrorists, perhaps only after Deir al-Zoor airport.


Suheil Hassan, commander of Tiger forces


@haman10 @Daneshmand @forcetrip @JEskandari @rahi2357

The Tiger forces are indeed formidable. Next stop for the Tiger forces is northern Hama province.
Hats off to suheil hassan . this dude is truly a lion . he gets what he wants .

Syrian version of Mohammad hejazi .

If Syria had 10 people like him , the situation would have been very different on the ground .
So what are the strategic consequences now that the siege is lifted?
Suheil Hassan, commander of Tiger forces

Syrian airfields are made of hay instead of concrete? :rolleyes:

I wonder whats that Assadist obsession to create "guts". They just lost two guts (to Fua throgh Idlib and to Wadi Deif through Hish), but desperately create new guts. Whos genius strategy is that? Mullah, Russian or Alawi?

So what are the strategic consequences now that the siege is lifted?
Thousands of Hezbis will sit in another useless gut.
Syrian airfields are made of hay instead of concrete? :rolleyes:

And where exactly did I say the pic is Kweires? It's Shekh Ahmad town which was captured yesterday. I wanted to show Suhail Hassan. Another fail for you, as expected. :rolleyes:

Shady Hulwe reported live from airbase moments ago:


I wonder whats that Assadist obsession to create "guts". They just lost two guts (to Fua throgh Idlib and to Wadi Deif through Hish), but desperately create new guts. Whos genius strategy is that? Mullah, Russian or Alawi?

Again, your hysteric reactions in this topic since 1 month ago has had only on fruit: You are not taken seriously.
And where exactly did I say the pic is Kweires? It's Shekh Ahmad town which was captured yesterday. I wanted to show Suhail Hassan. Another fail for you, as expected. :rolleyes:
Fail? Did I doubt that they will create that useless gut? - No on contrary I clearly said they will.

Again, your hysteric reactions in this topic since 1 month ago has had only on fruit: You are not taken seriously.
Instead answering my arguments u are making silly personal attacks, so who is hysteric here? So far I was right in everything. :) Assadist repeat mistakes they made through the war and are happy about it.
Instead answering my arguments u are making silly personal attacks. So far I was right in everything. :) Assadist repeat mistakes they made through the war and are happy about it.

There is nothing personal when you show hysteric reactions in a thread that all can see and post in. Yes you are always right, and I am always wrong, about everything, hope you are satisfied.

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