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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

Where is Konkurs in that pic? How can you say it's a Konkurs?

Meanwhile Assadists expended newly supplied BMP-2:


Retarded Assadist loads Russian Konkurs/Fagot into Iranian TOW launcher. No wonder that rag tag militias beat them in open desert.
That should make you happy....not mad, unless they are the one that just left Israeli hospitals...after a concussion.
Daraya is hit again.

feminist Syrian women kill mujahids who oppress women because of religion

Russia Iran proxy Gazelle helicopters. Not a lot of fire power but fun to fly.

Are you saying they brought the launchers but not the missiles? I don't think 120 or 130 mm fits in a 152 mm tube.
Are you stupid?
152mm TOW tubes need to fit 152mm missiles.
135mm < 152mm.

really that how you will play my English is bad :) thanks anyways
i am not highly educated like you :) we Bangladeshi cannot speak good English like you :)
i am Muslim , i am Sunni (was not avoiding, i wrote it in the past )

my views are not strange and also i support Hezbollah Iran Hamas Syria that every one knows yes i dont like Israel Zionism and the American policy government military but the real Jew are nice and American People nice even same as goes to in Europe

i dont want Syria to end up like Libya or Afghanistan

Meet the Rest of the Gang: The Other Jihadist Groups Fighting in Syria

Read more: Meet the Rest of the Gang: The Other Jihadist Groups Fighting in Syria

Earlier this month, a video appeared showing the 'Army of Islam' rebel group using civilians as human shields, parading them around in cages in a suburb of Damascus in order to deter airstrikes; commenting the war crime, a French intelligence expert offers new details on some of the lesser-known radical Islamist groups operating in Syria.
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Rebels already captured a newly supplied T-72 from the regime - it's reactive armor is intact


Urban Assadestruction

Huge ammo captured from Iraqi shia Terrorists



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