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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

With the difference that , Shia extremism is limited in self harm in Muharram , beating prisoners , rarely disrespecting enemy corpse while Sunni extremism ends up in beheading like a piece of cake , burning prisoners alive , sinking them in a cage , biting their heart , squishing them by tanks and above all using suicide attacks no matter if it ends up in a market or a mosque .

Both of them are doing inhuman and un Islamic things but they're not comparable at all .

By the way , do not stick what Assad and his secular / Baath forces do to Shiism or Shias because they are not religious at all and see any sort of religion as danger for their government .

I remember that , when Hezbollah liberated Yabroud in Qalamoun and published the videos which had a little religious background regarding the Shia chants , Syrian government stopped publishing any further video like that as it was against their policy and rules .
Assadists suck in fighting big time all the work for assadists is done by Hezbollah and Shiites from all over the world and to the extent by Russia through airstrikes even then assadists bastards are loosing ground assadists fighting like girls it's high time assadists are changed with proper Shiite government in syria or all the fighting and hardwork done by Shiites and Hezbollah and by Russia will all end up in vain . . . .
Russian proxies got more hand me down T-72 tanks


Russian proxies captured Tal Mamo hill and the two villages of Birawi and Azizit Samaan in southern Aleppo province.
Mujahids have no air defense. WW2 era prop powered heavy bombers like B-17 would be devastating.

Syrian Militia Capable of Hitting Low Flying Aircraft

Syrian militants have man-portable air defense systems (MANPADS) capable of hitting air targets at an attitude of up to 4.5 kilometers (2.9 miles), according to a Hama airbase representative.

HAMA (Syria) (Sputnik) — Syrian militants, fighting against Damascus, possess man-portable air defense systems (MANPADS), which can hit air targets at an altitude of up to 4.5 kilometers (2.9 miles), a Syrian government Hama airbase representative said on Sunday.

"We know that the militants have [FIM-92] Stinger systems, and several others, including Chinese-made, which they have seized from our military. We must admit that due to their attacks, we have lost many aircraft," the representative told reporters.

Read more: Syrian Militia Capable of Hitting Low Flying Aircraft


i do not underestimate the militants

some good news

Syrian Troops Kill Almost 60 Islamists in Failed ISIL Attack on Airbase

The Syrian armed forces have repelled an attack of ISIL militants on an airbase killing 58 jihadists.

Read more: Syrian Troops Kill Almost 60 Islamists in Failed ISIL Attack on Airbase

Syrian Army Gains Ground, Eliminates 100s of Terrorist Targets, Warlords
Syrian army units and pro-government militia are gaining ground in multiple provinces, killing dozens of terrorists, their commanders and destroying vehicles and materiel, SANA news agency reports on Sunday.

Read more: Syrian Army Gains Ground, Eliminates 100s of Terrorist Targets, Warlords
Russian proxies in Hadher in southern Aleppo province





Russian airlifters transport Russian Iraqi Shia proxies to Syria




Russian Iraqi Shia proxies dragged the body of a mujahid behind a vehicle. Warning. Graphic. Not for the faint of heart.

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Russia and Iran captured Sheikh Ahmad in northern Aleppo province and now 2 km from Kuweiris air base.

Russia and Iran captured Jinaan in southeast Hama province.
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SAA has captured Sheikh Ahmad town near Kweires airbase, the most important obstacle in breaking the siege of the airport. We can 'unofficially' consider the siege of Kweires to be lifted, but there are still a few remnants of ISIS resisting in the area. Only 2 kilometers away.

pissed as your terrorist are losing :rofl: why do i have to be hindu to support them
anyway i know the Hindu sadly in Bangladesh gets discriminated
when did terrorist become Muslim , and i never denied Russia killed a lot Muslims even Muslims nation killing Muslims

Russia butcher Muslim ok then USA also did directly or in directly in Iraq Libya Palestine Syria and other non muslim countries

Assad killed a lot then the Terrorist / opposition also did
i am not even denying that Assad dad killed civilians

dont think you support western they are angels no one is it is also politics and global power and money and oil
it is like a chess games

i support assad but not much i support the Syrian armed forces and the people and those who are there to kick the terrorist out

at least SAA other and Russia will not go and today i will behead this and that and destroy the historical places

i support them at least i know who serious abt the work in Syria

election democracy will prevails through talks and peace not by blood or war

First of all, learn how to write in English properly, it reflects poorly on your education and background. I can barely understand what you are trying to say. May be you can take some English courses to improve your writing skills. Second, its ok who you support or not, I was just curious why you have such strange opinions, being a Bangladeshi. And third, you did not answer my question, in fact you avoided it, so I think the forum members here already got their answer.

I am not interested in a conversation with someone like you. I just wanted to point out to people here, that your view does not match with the majority of Bangladeshis as far as I know, in fact it is the exact opposite of what you express. Your view is from a small minority in Bangladesh. Thank you for your time and please feel free to carry on.
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