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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

You are a Chinese. China is not a democracy and never was that in its entire history. The Russians who are commenting in this thread do not live in a democracy either and have never lived in one. Same story with the Farsis.
China is one of the greatest civilization history . the notion of zero is mathematics is from their country and it is a high importance in the history of mathematics. ...
KSA is and never was a democracy. China is much more near a democracy than KSA. So don't give lessons.
Iran is not a total democracy . elections are partially democratic (leader choosing who can be candidate, so quite fake elections mostly). it is true that in USA their system is less democratic than Switzerland and North of Europe. why blame to remind, even with great respect and admiration for US.
Several Arab countries are democracies. Tunisia, Iraq and Lebanon for instance. Of course those are not fully developed democracies but neither is any developing country be it Indonesia or Malaysia etc.
but sadly your bros supported the terrorists in Iraq. and your bros poisoned the North Africa with retard salafis.
China is one of the greatest civilization history . the notion of zero is mathematics is from their country and it is a high importance in the history of mathematics. ...
KSA is and never was a democracy. China is much more near a democracy than KSA. So don't give lessons.
Iran is not a total democracy . elections are partially democratic (leader choosing who can be candidate, so quite fake elections mostly). it is true that in USA their system is less democratic than Switzerland and North of Europe. why blame to remind, even with great respect and admiration for US.

but sadly your bros supported the terrorists in Iraq. and your bros poisoned the North Africa with retard salafis.

Do you have mental problems illiterate retard? Do you understand English or do you lack attention in your life since I am constantly being reminded of your idiotic presence?

So is the Arab civilization. The Arab world is the cradle of civilization. So you of all people should not be giving any history lessons.

This is COMPLETELY irrelevant as I was talking about democracy and not history.

Who said anything about KSA being a democracy you clown? Nobody. Certainly not me, a person who has been calling for reforms not only in KSA but the Arab world as a whole for years.

Each country in the West has their own distinct democratic system. That's not the point here. The point is that only retards would compare USA (a democratic state) with Iran which is one of the most oppressive states, when speaking about democracy. As I wrote it's like comparing Denmark with Iran in terms of democracy. Makes ZERO sense.

Yes, of course. Keep blaming this miseries of Muslims on people who have nothing to do with it. Islam and all it sects originate from KSA. So using your logic, the many miseries in your Iran, are due to KSA, lol.

Now bugger off.
You are a Chinese. China is not a democracy and never was that in its entire history. The Russians who are commenting in this thread do not live in a democracy either and have never lived in one. Same story with the Farsis.

Several Arab countries are democracies. Tunisia, Iraq and Lebanon for instance. Of course those are not fully developed democracies but neither is any developing country be it Indonesia or Malaysia etc.

You are delusional buddy. Please point me to the website where i can see scans of protocols signed by the public and opposition party observers from all electoral districts from latest elections in Tunisia, Iraq or Lebanon. Russia has such website.

Stop blabbering about democracy please, it sounds ridiculous from Saudi worshipper.

FSA and other Syrian opposition groups are ordinary Syrians who when the conflict will end will rebuilt and shape a future Syria. They are not "Islamists" or whatever nonsense you trolls here are propagandizing. They have fought against ISIS the most. Your "friends" the Russians are bombing them. Not ISIS.

Carry on with the cheerleading of the most mass-mrudering regime of the 21st century, excluding that in North Korea.

FSA and other Syrian opposition groups are just gangs of locals and foreign mercenaries that are sponsored by paranoid sectarian fanatics from Saudi Arabia to remove Assad. What these gangs do is terrorising and robbing local population. The only reason they are fighting with ISIS is because they just want make Syria a free-for-all mafia state where they can do whatever they want while ISIS is building an islamist dictatorship with a strong hierarchy.
You are delusional buddy. Please point me to the website where i can see scans of protocols signed by the public and opposition party observers from all electoral districts from latest elections in Tunisia, Iraq or Lebanon. Russia has such website.

Stop blabbering about democracy please, it sounds ridiculous from Saudi worshipper.

FSA and other Syrian opposition groups are just gangs of locals and foreign mercenaries that are sponsored by paranoid sectarian fanatics from Saudi Arabia to remove Assad. What these gangs do is terrorising and robbing local population. The only reason they are fighting with ISIS is because they just want make Syria a free-for-all mafia state where they can do whatever they want while ISIS is building an islamist dictatorship with a strong hierarchy.

If there is anyone that is delusional here, then that's you.

According to the Democracy Index Russia is a authoritarian state. Unlike Iraq and Lebanon who are designated as a "hybrid regime". Tunisia on the other hand is designated as a flawed democracy.

In terms of rankings, Russia ranks number 132. In comparison the ranking of Iraq, Lebanon and Tunisia is respectively 111, 98 and 70.

Democracy Index - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So who is delusional now?

Fact of the matter is that Russia is no democracy. Never was. In fact many of your rulers were some of the worst mass-murderers in history. From Lenin to Stalin just in recent history. Few countries have such a thing to brag about.

KSA rulers (past and present) are saints in comparison, no democracy or not.

Yes, a person who has called for reforms and changes for years here on PDF openly and in real life and who does not even live in the ME is a "regime worshipper" of regime x or y. Makes perfect sense.

That fairytale only works on Russian state TV where the 1.68 meter tall Vladi is hailed as a God. We learned from Russians users in this thread that you found a cure for Ebola and that ISIS are defeated.

Next you will discover eternal life.:lol:

I am sure you feel better when you are targeting civilians in Syria and Syrian opposition groups who were/are at the forefront in the fight against ISIS.

But you already admitted that you are not targeting ISIS earlier so run along.
So is the Arab civilization. The Arab world is the cradle of civilization. So you of all people should not be giving any history lessons.
definitively not. history is much more complex than your fake version of history.
Mesopotamia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
for your education

Yes, of course. Keep blaming this miseries of Muslims on people who have nothing to do with it. Islam and all it sects originate from KSA. So using your logic, the many miseries in your Iran, are due to KSA, lol.

Now bugger off.
we have all a responsibility. but some countries much more than others.
your country is one of the worst . you are for reforms , good to hear even if with your fanatics speech in the forum you don't look like a reformist . but ok why not. :D
for exemple in Iraq see that:
"Martyrs" in Iraq Mostly Saudis
Qatar and Saudi Arabia 'have ignited time bomb by funding global spread of radical Islam'
and so and so
i accept the responsibility of my country but you are very far to accept your country is one of the two major problem of the ME
I am sure you feel better when you are targeting civilians in Syria and Syrian opposition groups who were/are at the forefront in the fight against ISIS.

FSA runs at the first sight of ISIS. Alliance will deal with FSA first. Then it will be ISIS turn.
definitively not. history is much more complex than your fake version of history.
Mesopotamia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
for your education

we have all a responsibility. but some countries much more than others.
your country is one of the worst . you are for reforms , good to hear even if with your fanatics speech in the forum you don't look like a reformist . but ok why not. :D
for exemple in Iraq see that:
"Martyrs" in Iraq Mostly Saudis
Qatar and Saudi Arabia 'have ignited time bomb by funding global spread of radical Islam'
and so and so
i accept the responsibility of my country but you are very far to accept your country is one of the two major problem of the ME

Mesopotamia (Iraq) is part of the Arab world and those were all SEMITIC civilizations founded by Semitic people which almost all people in the Arab world are. Semitic people who originated in NEIGHBORING Arabia and Southern Levant.

Semitic people - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Seems like you need to educate yourself a bit further. I think people have told you that 1 million times before so me saying it again won't hurt I guess.

KSA is ahead of Iran on almost every front. Every international ranking confirms that. So I am not interested in your nonsense. As usual when you are out of arguments and cannot argue with me you resort to nonsense in hope of me wasting my time on an obvious illiterate retard. Shame that people who are 42 year old can be this dumb. Welcome on my ignore list, Farsi.
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Not coming to participate actively in the war does not mean that they don't support Assad against US/Israeli/Saudi jihadists.
That is why I say you are a fool and not able to see the real world.
On one side you boast about 1.5 billion Sunnies fighting against Assad, and on other side you start crying for active war participation.
U invent nonsense I never said.

The stupidity continues ....
Remember, earlier these same stupid people were telling that Russia will never enter the Syria for a war on behalf of Assad.
Now Russia is already there and their asses are burning now.
Again, I never said anything like this.

This is not meanwhile. It was due to Ukraine.
But only foolish people like you are unable to see that European People were already abusing US/Israel/Saudia and their supported terrorists. And now European Governments have also MEANWHILE started talking that Assad should be a part of solution. Shame on you and your one sided MEANWHILE.
Meanwhile Russia is sanctioned and u keep hallucinating.

Only a fool could come up with a comparison between undeveloped and non educated tribal and mountainous Afghanistan with the highly educated and much more develped and mostly non tribal population of Syria, where majority of Army consists of Sunnies and where all the educated Sunnies are against the US/Israeli/Saudi backed jihadists.

That is why US backed organizations have to import thousands of Jihadists from abroad.

That is why US is unable to recruit no moderate Syrians for FSA. This is the biggest slap on the face of these US/Israeli dirty tacticians, but these fools are not able to see how much they have been ridiculed for that in the world.
Assad regime is extreme example or tribalism where Alawi tribes (Assad aka alHaweesh, Makhlouf, Najeed...) control everything and dad passes his reign to son.
This person doesn't know that:

1) More than half of Sunni People in the world themselves are supporters of Assad this time and they are against Israel, US and Saudia and their backed terrorists in Syria.


What in the world are you talking about, so called 'Jihadists' are getting targeted by US on daily basis, and Russia is coordinating that with them. Saudi Arabia is also part of the coalition that hasn't only targeted ISIS. Your mullahs are brainwashing you, those 'Jihadists' are independent buddy.

I don't care what side you support, but stop trying force this narrative down people throats. They are independent men who fled their countries and joined a cause which is only surviving due to their unmatched motivation. Military wise they are very underpowered.
If there is anyone that is delusional here, then that's you.

According to the Democracy Index Russia is a authoritarian state. Unlike Iraq and Lebanon who are designated as a "hybrid regime". Tunisia on the other hand is designated as a flawed democracy.

In terms of rankings, Russia ranks number 132. In comparison the ranking of Iraq, Lebanon and Tunisia is respectively 111, 98 and 70.

Democracy Index - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So who is delusional now?

Fact of the matter is that Russia is no democracy. Never was. In fact many of your rulers were some of the worst mass-murderers in history. From Lenin to Stalin just in recent history. Few countries have such a thing to brag about.

KSA rulers (past and present) are saints in comparison, no democracy or not.

Yes, a person who has called for reforms and changes for years here on PDF openly and in real life and who does not even live in the ME is a "regime worshipper" of regime x or y. Makes perfect sense.

That fairytale only works on Russian state TV where the 1.68 meter tall Vladi is hailed as a God. I am sure you feel better when you are targeting civilians in Syria and Syrian opposition groups who were/are at the forefront in the fight against ISIS.

But you already admitted that you are not targeting ISIS earlier so run along.

You are delusional if you think democracy is defined by junk NGO propaganda Washington sponsored ranking that has absolutely nothing to do with reality. You can wipe your *** with that index. As i said stop blabbering about democracy, it sounds ridiculous.

ISIS and all other terrorist groups will be dealt with when the time come dont worry about that.
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