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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

Famous pro-regime FB page criticizes the last Hama offensive. It says regime lost 24 tanks and 450 troops for 50 cm

Post might be fake. But the numbers are real.
Oh yes, bring all the 24 million Shia from Iraq and 80 million Shia from Iran, I'm sure they can stop the 1.5 billion Sunnis.
>Using your retarded logic

Alliance has Iran to organize and An-124 transports to transport. The 1.5 billion Sunnis have no way to organize and transport. The best the insurgency can hope for is a few thousand volunteers like during the Spanish Civil War.

Egypt has the most number of Sunni Arabs yet most of them don't even care about Syria war.
What sort of molarity is that which requires beheading , biting dead people's heart , forcefully converting , slaughtering people based on their sect , etc ?

what is self-determined here ? , as long as I know these so called self determined revolutionists who are trying to restore morality to this world have no power to make decision and are ordered by some known states in region .

please elaborate further to avoid misunderstanding .

As far as I know, nobody forcefully converts with exception of some cases with ISIS. Even them that's simply not possible to do with Shia's in area in they control. I remember an article that Shia said they don't force them to change their religion but they had to follow the rules. I know people who lived under ISIS when ISIS partially took over Palestinian refugee camp, they didn't have any problems but had to follow certain rules. ISIS in Iraq is obviously in state of war ever since US war on Iraq, and Shia government of Iraq is also at state of war with them. So if you see this as targeting sect, it is no different from what the government is doing targeting Sunni sect by intentionally not being inclusive and intimidating them. ISIS however doesn't have totally right ideology and hence I don't have sympathy with the group. But if we speak in terms of ratio of crimes, they don't come close what to what others players in region such as Assad regime, US or Israel have committed. It's just that they publicize it and don't sugar coat it with wording bias like the others do.

Now regarding the rebels, most are not sponsored by anybody. And the ones that are have to have political connections. The people on the ground however are there to restore a moral culture, specifically the first part is restoring justice to the local region. The other part is restoring proper Islamic culture. Your culture you live in Iran is no different than what Emirates live in UAE or what Egyptians live in Egypt or what Americans live in America. It is a modern lifestyle which was created by certain people and now children are taught to follow it through the media and by peer pressure. This is the culture that has ruined the world and keeps increasing for business reasons. Nobody is trying to provide an alternative lifestyle on this earth besides the men that you see in Syria right now. I am sure you are one of those people to identify with what majority in your country follows(culture-wise) otherwise you wouldn't be on PDF and would be in Tehran partying or meeting girls or being with the jocks. Yet you are hesistant to recognize the righteous path since it conflicts with your identity(iranian). I could pretend to be a nationalist Arab and say these men in Syria are dangerous for Arab governments and lifestyle but I reject the current Arab lifestyle seen across the Arab world which breed injustice, immorality, carelessness, etc.....

I wish the men in Syria the best, they have so much will, which nobody but Prophet's had at the time they were seeking change in the society even though their ideas were completely rejected. So it will be a very difficult task which will not come easy but this is the beginning. Just because America, Russia, Iran, Arab states , CNN , etc.. tell me those guys are 'evil' people actually encourages me to believe the opposite. Not that it has to do with 'ecnouragement' it's simply me observing the reality. I've lived in America all my life and we are last people to call others 'evil', let alone Iran or Arab nations.
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Alliance has Iran to organize and An-124 transports to transport. The 1.5 billion Sunnis have no way to organize and transport. The best the insurgency can hope for is a few thousand volunteers like during the Spanish Civil War.

Egypt has the most number of Sunni Arabs yet most of them don't even care about Syria war.

* Assad controls 100% of Syria
* Dollar = 10,000 Iranian Rials
* Dollar = 28 Russian Rubles


* Assad controls 25% of Syria
* Dollar = 30,000 Iranian Rials
* Dollar = 62 Russian Rubles

So who is winning?

* Assad controls 100% of Syria
* Dollar = 10,000 Iranian Rials
* Dollar = 28 Russian Rubles


* Assad controls 25% of Syria
* Dollar = 30,000 Iranian Rials
* Dollar = 62 Russian Rubles

So who is winning?

Assad is winning because the goal of the insurgency was to topple Assad. They failed. They lost hundreds of thousands of fighters for nothing. After 4 YEARS, Assad is still president. Damascus is too heavily guarded. And now Shia from Iraq and Iran and Lebanon are pouring into Syria changing the democraphics.
Assad is winning because the goal of the insurgency was to topple Assad. They failed. They lost hundreds of thousands of fighters for nothing. After 4 YEARS, Assad is still president. Damascus is too heavily guarded. And now Shia from Iraq and Iran and Lebanon are pouring into Syria changing the democraphics.
Assad lost 75% of territory despite Ayatulas and Russia are working on full strength to save him. USA on the other hand did not even help rebels yet. They will wait for another 5 years to make Ayatulas and Russia bleed and then send some Stingers. U know what happened to USSR then?
Alliance has Iran to organize and An-124 transports to transport. The 1.5 billion Sunnis have no way to organize and transport. The best the insurgency can hope for is a few thousand volunteers like during the Spanish Civil War.

Egypt has the most number of Sunni Arabs yet most of them don't even care about Syria war.

This is not Shia-Sunni conflict, it's people who want to change the world vs the common misguided world. That's why many Europeans joined too, even some Iranian ex-Shia's.
Real Sunni will recognize that this conflict is guided by infidels ....

70% of Syria's Sunni Arabs live in Assad controlled place and they don't have any problem with Assad. Syria's Kurds are Sunnis and they have no problem with Assad.
Assad lost 75% of territory despite Ayatulas and Russia are working on full strength to save him. USA on the other hand did not even help rebels yet. They will wait for another 5 years to make Ayatulas and Russia bleed and then send some Stingers. U know what happened to USSR then?

Dont worry about that, better think about Israel. After sanctions lifted from Iran and Russia and China will start making deals worth hundreds of billions with them Iran is going to become the most powerful country in Middle East while US will be kicked out from region. So Iran will be able to fully concetrate on their sophisticated strategy of removing Israel from Middle East :lol:
Assad lost 75% of territory despite Ayatulas and Russia are working on full strength to save him. USA on the other hand did not even help rebels yet. They will wait for another 5 years to make Ayatulas and Russia bleed and then send some Stingers. U know what happened to USSR then?

Assad does not care. Assad only cares he is president. Hadi didn't care even after he fled Aden and went to Saudi Arabia. These people are egoistic and only care they are presidents.

Stingers won't work. They'll need to send Patriots. Stingers range only some 5 km. Satellite guided bombs these days range more than 20 km.
What are you blabbering about? It's about an entire nation and people (Syria and Syrians) rising up against a tyrant and his tyrannical dictatorship in the light of the Arab Spring which was one of the biggest global calls for greater rights for the ordinary man and woman, in this case Arabs, in world history. That's why millions upon millions of citizens of all social, religious, ethnic etc. backgrounds rose up by protesting and demanding changes in their countries.

It's the outside world that has turned this into a religious conflict and foreign mercenaries on both sides. It's their involvement which has given tyrants like Al-Assad an excuse to rule and tyrannize his people for a few more years or in a worst case scenario decades. When he dies (using the current system) his son will inherit the throne and continue to rule with a harsh hand.

The Arab Spring was a fully indigenous movement that started in Tunisia and spread to almost every Arab country. The Arab world will not be the same again if you are an dictator.
Those people fought that they were invincible. Now the people gave them a clear sign of that not being the case.

What are hordes of Farsis, Russians and I don't know what doing in this thread? All they wish for Syria and us Arabs is misery. The world community is putting more gasoline on the fire too. Then they wonder why extreme factions emerge in extreme and extremely unjust environments.

@Dr.Thrax @Falcon29

FSA has no government and no organization structure. They have failed to demonstrate the ability to provide social services. They are not worthy to govern. Look at all the infrastructure in Syria. All that built under Assad dynasty. Assad is fit to rule.
Assad does not care. Assad only cares he is president. Hadi didn't care even after he fled Aden and went to Saudi Arabia. These people are egoistic and only care they are presidents.

Stingers won't work. They'll need to send Patriots. Stingers range only some 5 km. Satellite guided bombs these days range more than 20 km.
Najibullah also did not care when 1 million Afghans were killed and another 5 million turned into refugees, but eventually he ended on a rope.
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