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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

Najibullah also did not care when 1 million Afghans were killed and another 5 million turned into refugees, but eventually he ended on a rope.

True. But that won't happen to Assad. Assad would go to Crimea or Sochi if insurgents take Damascus. Insurgents cannot handle Russian cruise missiles.
True. But that won't happen to Assad. Assad would go to Crimea or Sochi if insurgents take Damascus. Insurgents cannot handle Russian cruise missiles.
USSR was way more powerful than today Russia and today Syria population is about 2 times higher than Afghanistan population in 1980-es.
USSR was way more powerful than today Russia and today Syria population is about 2 times higher than Afghanistan population in 1980-es.

True, but USSR was not cohesive. USSR had 15 presidents. Russia only has 1 president. So Russia cannot break up like USSR broke up.

Belavezha Accords - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Technology has come a long way since the 1980s. These days 1 cruise missile can kill hundreds of people, even thousands.
Real Sunni will recognize that this conflict is guided by infidels ....

What are you blabbering about? It's about an entire nation and people (Syria and Syrians) rising up against a tyrant and his tyrannical dictatorship in the light of the Arab Spring which was one of the biggest global calls for greater rights for the ordinary man and woman, in this case Arabs, in world history. That's why millions upon millions of citizens of all social, religious, ethnic etc. backgrounds rose up by protesting and demanding changes in their countries.

It's the outside world that has turned this into a religious conflict and foreign mercenaries on both sides. It's their involvement which has given tyrants like Al-Assad an excuse to rule and tyrannize his people for a few more years or in a worst case scenario decades. When he dies (using the current system) his son will inherit the throne and continue to rule with a harsh hand.

The Arab Spring was a fully indigenous movement that started in Tunisia and spread to almost every Arab country. The Arab world will not be the same again if you are an dictator.
Those people fought that they were invincible. Now the people gave them a clear sign of that not being the case.

What are hordes of Farsis, Russians and I don't know what doing in this thread? All they wish for Syria and us Arabs is misery. The world community is putting more gasoline on the fire too. Then they wonder why extreme factions emerge in extreme and extremely unjust environments.

@Dr.Thrax @Falcon29
The Arab Spring was a fully indigenous movement that started in Tunisia

Tunisia is a small coastal country. Tunisia is the most westernized Arab country. Tunisians speak French. Arab Spring only worked in Tunisia, not in any other Arab country.
Tunisia is a small coastal country. Tunisia is the most westernized Arab country. Tunisians speak French. Arab Spring only worked in Tunisia, not in any other Arab country.

Will you ever end your idiotic spamming in this thread Superboy?

Tunisia is not a small country geographically by any means nor does it have a small population. Tunisia is not "Westernized" whatever that is. French is spoken like a second language. It's not a official language. Most Arabs regardless of country of origin can speak at least 2 languages, many 3. Apparently the same 12 million big Tunisia has the highest number of ISIS "exports" in Syria and Iraq.

Anyway you don't get the point. The Arab Spring was a movement against the status quo. ISIS has nothing to do with that movement. It only hijacked the Syrian revolution because such groups only exist in unstable environments. ISIS would never have emerged in Syria as it did had the world community acted while Syrians were mass-murdered by Al-Assad. That silence and the great injustices that created gave rise to ISIS. Hardly any Syrian let alone Arab want to live under ISIS rule. Nor do the vast majority want to live under the hands of mass-murdering dictatorships.

That's why the sane thing to do here is to oppose both but it seems that people do not understand this.
Will you ever end your idiotic spamming in this thread Superboy?

Tunisia is not a small country geographically by any means nor does it have a small population. Tunisia is not "Westernized" whatever that is. French is spoken like a second language. It's not a official language. Most Arabs regardless of country of origin can speak at least 2 languages, many 3. Apparently the same 12 million big Tunisia has the highest number of ISIS "exports" in Syria and Iraq.

Anyway you don't get the point. The Arab Spring was a movement against the status quo. ISIS has nothing to do with that movement. It only hijacked the Syrian revolution because such groups only exist in unstable environments. ISIS would never have emerged in Syria as it did had the world community acted while Syrians were mass-murdered by Al-Assad. That silence and the great injustices that created gave rise to ISIS. Hardly any Syrian let alone Arab want to live under ISIS rule. Nor do the vast majority want to live under the hands of mass-murdering dictatorships.

That's why the sane thing to do here is to oppose both but it seems that people do not understand this.

Arab Spring never worked in Tunisia anyway. The dictator was replaced by another dictator who happens to be Islamist. Until Arabs go through Renaissance and Enlightenment like Europeans did, Arabs will not understand democracy.
Arab Spring never worked in Tunisia anyway. The dictator was replaced by another dictator who happens to be Islamist. Until Arabs go through Renaissance and Enlightenment like Europeans did, Arabs will not understand democracy.

You are a Chinese. China is not a democracy and never was that in its entire history. The Russians who are commenting in this thread do not live in a democracy either and have never lived in one. Same story with the Farsis.

Several Arab countries are democracies. Tunisia, Iraq and Lebanon for instance. Of course those are not fully developed democracies but neither is any developing country be it Indonesia or Malaysia etc.

Yes, lot's of changes are necessary but the Arab Spring (the message of that movement) was exactly that. Changing status quo and introducing social and political reforms which would ultimately lead to local systems that incorporated local customs and democratic values.

Al-Assad worshippers like you are undermining that project by supporting the tyrant. Just like ISIS retards who want to transform Syria centuries upon centuries back in time by supporting the Al-Baghdadi tyrant.

FSA and other Syrian opposition groups are ordinary Syrians who when the conflict will end will rebuilt and shape a future Syria. They are not "Islamists" or whatever nonsense you trolls here are propagandizing. They have fought against ISIS the most. Your "friends" the Russians are bombing them. Not ISIS.

Carry on with the cheerleading of the most mass-mrudering regime of the 21st century, excluding that in North Korea.
You are a Chinese. China is not a democracy and never were that in its entire history.

Democracy is an idealistic concept. Like sharia and communism, democracy does not work in the real world. The US, for example, is governed by an elite club who funds election campaigns. Like in Iran, only approved candidates can be elected in the US.
Democracy is an idealistic concept. Like sharia and communism, democracy does not work in the real world. The US, for example, is governed by an elite club who funds election campaigns. Like in Iran, only approved candidates can be elected in the US.

You totally missed all of my points as usual. Pointless to have any kind of meaningful discussion with you, Superboy.

Lol, at comparing the US with Iran. Next time compare Denmark with North Korea.:rofl:

Carry on as I wrote to you. I will eat some delicious food now.
Insurgents shot down an Alliance artillery spotter near Qarassi in southern Aleppo province. These things are dangerous because they have thermal vision and GPS.

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Najibullah also did not care when 1 million Afghans were killed and another 5 million turned into refugees, but eventually he ended on a rope.

USSR was way more powerful than today Russia and today Syria population is about 2 times higher than Afghanistan population in 1980-es.

This person doesn't know that:

1) More than half of Sunni People in the world themselves are supporters of Assad this time and they are against Israel, US and Saudia and their backed terrorists in Syria.

2) What is different from Afghanistan this time is also this that World of South American countries and China and millions of Europeans themselves are supporting Assad along with Russia and Iran.

3) And I see increase of many times hatred in European people against Israel and USA for using the dirty tactics of supporting Terrorist Jihadies and countries like Saudia.

4) So, Europe is also slowly turning towards the block of Russia in case of Syria. At least European people are very much vocal upon it and they are abusing Obama openly for their crimes at the orders of Israel.
Even in US itself hatred is increasing against Israeli dirty tactics.

5) Afghanistan was a mountainous area, while Syria is mostly desert area. Double numbers of population is living in the areas which are under government control and not vice-versa.
The majority of Syrian people are supporting Assad Government and they have turned against US/Saudi/Israel backed Jihadists.
That is why there is almost no presence of any moderate FSA and US could not find any Syrians to train. A big shame and big slap on the face of US / Israel. But Mr. 500 is unable to see this shame.
This person doesn't know that:

1) More than half of Sunni People in the world themselves are supporters of Assad this time and they are against Israel, US and Saudia and their backed terrorists in Syria.
I have not seen single Sunni who went to fight for Assad. Look who is fighting for Assad now: Shia Iraqis, Shia Lebanese, Alevi Turks, Shia Aghans.

2) What is different from Afghanistan this time is also this that World of South American countries and China and millions of Europeans themselves are supporting Assad along with Russia and Iran.
No one supports Assad beside Russia and Iran. Thats why Assad supporters invent silly stories about Chinese aircraft carrier visiting Assad.

3) And I see increase of many times hatred in European people against Israel and USA for using the dirty tactics of supporting Terrorist Jihadies and countries like Saudia.

4) So, Europe is also slowly turning towards the block of Russia in case of Syria. At least European people are very much vocal upon it and they are abusing Obama openly for their crimes at the orders of Israel.
Even in US itself hatred is increasing against Israeli dirty tactics.
Meanwhile EU sanctioned Russia. No one cares about ur hallucinations.

5) Afghanistan was a mountainous area, while Syria is mostly desert area. Double numbers of population is living in the areas which are under government control and not vice-versa.
The majority of Syrian people are supporting Assad Government and they have turned against US/Saudi/Israel backed Jihadists.
That is why there is almost no presence of any moderate FSA and US could not find any Syrians to train. A big shame and big slap on the face of US / Israel. But Mr. 500 is unable to see this shame.
Najibullah also controlled main cities with most of the population. In fact in terms of territory control Soviets in Afghanistan of 1980-es were far far better than Assad today.
I have not seen single Sunni who went to fight for Assad.

No? Here's one.

Fahd Jassem al-Freij - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Najibullah also controlled main cities with most of the population. In fact in terms of territory control Soviets in Afghanistan of 1980-es were far far better than Assad today.

The countryside is more important because of food supply. The map shows, Assad controls plenty of countryside.


Alliance captured al-Wadeehi and al-Sbeihiyeh in south western Aleppo province.

Alliance captured al-Qadara, al-Hweijeh and al-Jaberiyeh in eastern Aleppo province.
I have not seen single Sunni who went to fight for Assad. Look who is fighting for Assad now: Shia Iraqis, Shia Lebanese, Alevi Turks, Shia Aghans.

Not coming to participate actively in the war does not mean that they don't support Assad against US/Israeli/Saudi jihadists.
That is why I say you are a fool and not able to see the real world.
On one side you boast about 1.5 billion Sunnies fighting against Assad, and on other side you start crying for active war participation.

No one supports Assad beside Russia and Iran. Thats why Assad supporters invent silly stories about Chinese aircraft carrier visiting Assad.
The stupidity continues ....
Remember, earlier these same stupid people were telling that Russia will never enter the Syria for a war on behalf of Assad.
Now Russia is already there and their asses are burning now.

Meanwhile EU sanctioned Russia. No one cares about ur hallucinations.
This is not meanwhile. It was due to Ukraine.
But only foolish people like you are unable to see that European People were already abusing US/Israel/Saudia and their supported terrorists. And now European Governments have also MEANWHILE started talking that Assad should be a part of solution. Shame on you and your one sided MEANWHILE.

Najibullah also controlled main cities with most of the population. In fact in terms of territory control Soviets in Afghanistan of 1980-es were far far better than Assad today.

Only a fool could come up with a comparison between undeveloped and non educated tribal and mountainous Afghanistan with the highly educated and much more develped and mostly non tribal population of Syria, where majority of Army consists of Sunnies and where all the educated Sunnies are against the US/Israeli/Saudi backed jihadists.

That is why US backed organizations have to import thousands of Jihadists from abroad.

That is why US is unable to recruit no moderate Syrians for FSA. This is the biggest slap on the face of these US/Israeli dirty tacticians, but these fools are not able to see how much they have been ridiculed for that in the world.
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