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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

Reports of Alliance Mi-28N Night Hunter attack helicopters deployed to northern Hama theater.These have thermal and can attack during night.

This is a good first step but Walid Jumblatt can only serve as a method of communication with the greater Druze community rather than a leader.

It would be great if the Druze in Syria can switch sides. They want to anyway, they just need to know they'll have a 'safety net' to rely on, which I don't think has been provided to them. Another factor is that the rebels are not overall a cohesive and organized force. Again we encounter the necessity of a safety net for them; otherwise, they'll probably take their chances with Assad.

No doubt about that.

I have noticed that many observers and so-called analysts fail to look at the conflict from a long-term perspective. Somehow they are of the belief that the Al-Assad regime and ISIS have come to stay which I find ridiculous. Those two evils will only remain in Syria as long as the conflict is unsolved because as soon as there will be a military or political solution none of those evils will have any future. At least based on their ACTUAL popularity. Now don't show me sources where locals praise either ISIS in Raqqah or the Al-Assad regime in Damascus. Only a minority of Syrians would truly stand behind the Al-Assad regime and ISIS if they could chose their future freely.

Evident of the ground realities and of the Syrian refugees in the West and Arab world.

In that light Russian bombardments of Syria won't change a thing.

But as I once wrote the minute ISIS gained a bigger role in the conflict, it was to be the lifeline for the Al-Assad regime. The lifeline it so desperately needed when it was close to collapsing. At least temporarily. Let's see if ISIS is enough to keep this genocidal regime (the worst of the 21st century) in power on the long run. Something tells me quite clearly that it is not.
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what the deal with Iran and Hezzy liking U.S weapons.

IMO Metis-M,Konkurs, and Kornet are better than the TOW.

just look at how bulky TOW is compared to soviet designs. probably takes 4 or 5 guys just carry the tripod,sensor,battery and one missile.

The "cream" or the "ace" is usually saved for "special occasions" (i.e. more complex and difficult threats).


Alliance Iranian TOWs to blow up insurgent tanks I mean pickups




thats what you call TOASTING
I doubt it very much, since the border with Assad was the quietest border of them all. Absolutely nothing to worry about for decades during Assad 1&2's reign.

He was Israel's perfect neighbour.

The only 'prize' for Israel should Assad fall, was that it would neuter Iran's ambitions. We all know Iran's ambitions of encircling Israel with their proxies.

But this isn't enough to have wanted him gone and the days of a credible opposition are probably over.

The funny thing is that you Iranis are 100% convinced in some Israel conspiracy against Assad, whilst the Sunnis are 100% convinced that Israel is on Assad's side.

Israel's perfect neighbor was Jordan and Egypt under Mubarak (and now Sisi). If Syria was to be transformed into a US proxy, how would that not be perfect for Israel?

As for me, I think Assadists such as yourself at this point are willfully lying and have a very selective sense of morality, and that's putting it nicely.

I wouldn't call myself an Assadist. I think he mishandled the protest in the beginning, his army doesn't know how to fight, he was extremely weak at being able to motivate his soldiers, but he is still far better the alternatives. I believe that outside powers misused the protests by encouraging them to turn violent. If instead of Erdogan and the Emir of Qatar giving arms, they could have pushed Assad into reforms and politically helped the opposition turn into a viable and mature solution.

Rebels are between a rock and a hard place. They are fighting ISIS in order to get at least political interaction and support from international community. However if it's true that an offensive will take place in Aleppo, really I don't see any arms supply going to rebels and they won't be able to repel it especially due to ISIS-rebel conflict. Either rebel groups will dissolve and some members join ISIS or pro-Assad alliance will succeed in all areas of Aleppo and isolate rebels in Idlib then this will mean pretty much revolution is lost cause. I'm not trying to upset you my friend but they will remain indifferent to your cause just as they have towards ours.

For a revolution to really succeed, there needs to be several steps taken before jumping in with a gun in hand.

1) a mature political ideology
2) an identity
3) a leader or leaders to inspire
4) local support
5) viable solutions
6) allies, if any, chosen carefully

There are more than a 1000 splinter groups in Syria. How the hell is that a working solution? Who are the leaders (think Lenin, Chavez, Ghandi, or Khomeini, I don't mean good or bad, I mean leaders that inspire thousands to stand behind them). Where are the political manifests? (Chairman mao's red book, Marx communist manifesta, khomeinis concept of velayat faghih).
And so on.

Thia is what happens when outside players jump in early. The movements don't have enough time to mature.
what the deal with Iran and Hezzy liking U.S weapons.

IMO Metis-M,Konkurs, and Kornet are better than the TOW.

just look at how bulky TOW is compared to soviet designs. probably takes 4 or 5 guys just carry the tripod,sensor,battery and one missile.
we also produce Russian ones but is there anything in terrorists arsenal that require kornet ?
The US had its chance. The US missed its chance.
You can miss a chance if it was matter of minutes, ok hours, ok days. But US stood aside for over 2 years!!! They did nothing to support rebels when Assadists were fleeing.

Same Americans repeated in 2015 after Jeysh al Fatah kicked Assadists from Idlib: they stopped TOW supplies. Once Russian/Iranian offensive has started they resumed TOW supplies. US policy is so clear and obvious than even kiddo like u should see it.

Now with Russian aircraft and artillery pouring in, no TOWs can save insurgents. TOWs cannot counter aircraft and artillery. TOW max range 4.2 km cannot even counter 120 mm mortars 7.1 km range much less Smerch 90 km range. Eventually insurgents will run out of man power and insurgency will be crushed.
Kiddo, u dont understand the difference between direct and indirect weapon. Combined Russia/Iran /Hezbollah offensive on Kafranbuda village was stopped by only 12 TOWs. In less than 1 week Iran lost 1 general and 2 colonels. Hezbollah also lost 2 high ranking commanders.
Syrian Army Begins Large-Scale Military Operation in Homs Province

Read more: Syrian Army Begins Large-Scale Military Operation in Homs Province

Two villages have been liberated so far during the offensive against terrorist groups controlling territory in Syria's Homs province, according to military sources.

"At 05:30 our army began a large-scale operation in the north of the Homs Governorate. The village of Haldiye and another neighboring village were freed. The situation on the front line at the moment is excellent," the military source told RIA Novosti.
Israel's perfect neighbor was Jordan and Egypt under Mubarak (and now Sisi). If Syria was to be transformed into a US proxy, how would that not be perfect for Israel?


The border with Syria was quieter than any other border. This is a fact. Quieter than even Jordan and much quieter than Egypt.

Now Israel has fire from Syria landing in Israel and thousands of injured Syrians have entered Israel.

There was never any chance of Syria being an American proxy, especially with that bungling fool Obama in charge. There was more chance of that happening in Iraq and even that didn't turn out.

I don't share 500's views really - but I can see how he and Israel would not want Iran/Hezbollah on another border because we know that Iran wants a war with Israel.
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