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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

Alliance captured Al-Masharee' area south of Qani Al-'Assi in Homs province

Alliance captured Safsafa in Ghab

Alliance captured Jubb Al-Ahmar in Hama province

Alliance captured Khalediyat al-Dar al-Kabeera in Homs province

Alliance captured Manshiya neighborhood in Daraa city from scaredy cats non religious insurgents
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No doubt about that.

I have noticed that many observers and so-called analysts fail to look at the conflict from a long-term perspective. Somehow they are of the belief that the Al-Assad regime and ISIS have come to stay which I find ridiculous. Those two evils will only remain in Syria as long as the conflict is unsolved because as soon as there will be a military or political solution none of those evils will have any future. At least based on their ACTUAL popularity. Now don't show me sources where locals praise either ISIS in Raqqah or the Al-Assad regime in Damascus. Only a minority of Syrians would truly stand behind the Al-Assad regime and ISIS if they could chose their future freely.

Evident of the ground realities and of the Syrian refugees in the West and Arab world.

In that light Russian bombardments of Syria won't change a thing.

But as I once wrote the minute ISIS gained a bigger role in the conflict, it was to be the lifeline for the Al-Assad regime. The lifeline it so desperately needed when it was close to collapsing. At least temporarily. Let's see if ISIS is enough to keep this genocidal regime (the worst of the 21st century) in power on the long run. Something tells me quite clearly that it is not.
In the long run, we may see that this 'civil' war is actually just the first stage of a Third World War.

Of course, what you said is evident by how often Syrian/Russian air forces strike the Syrian opposition and how often they strike Isis, the difference shows they want to keep Isis alive so as to say they're the only opposition they face. And it's actually working to a certain degree.

I'm guessing the Russian airstrikes are not meant to change the war drastically, they just want to prolong it for now because it is a useful tool in their proxy war against the US and NATO. They just sensed that the rebels were gaining too much progress so they went to equalize the many sides in the war. As far as they're concerned, they're is no hurry to end it now. All Russia really wants out of this and other conflicts is to assert their relevance, they couldn't care less about any Syrian.
I think he mishandled the protest in the beginning, his army doesn't know how to fight, he was extremely weak at being able to motivate his soldiers, but he is still far better the alternatives. I believe that outside powers misused the protests by encouraging them to turn violent. If instead of Erdogan and the Emir of Qatar giving arms, they could have pushed Assad into reforms and politically helped the opposition turn into a viable and mature solution.

Well said.

I also would like to see Russia and Iran help reform Syria.

In the long run, we may see that this 'civil' war is actually just the first stage of a Third World War.

That is actually a very plausible scenario. Let's say if WW3 does happen it won't be that big of a surprise anymore.
That is actually a very plausible scenario. Let's say if WW3 does happen it won't be that big of a surprise anymore.
And if it is, then every country will look for its best interests first and foremost. Remember that in WW2 Finland was allied with Germany for close to 4 years simply because the UK refused to offer them protection from the Soviets. This would be an important lesson for any major powers planning to win international wars: don't alienate your allies.
I'm guessing the Russian airstrikes are not meant to change the war drastically, they just want to prolong it for now

One thing air power does is it disables the opposing side's ability of launching an offensive. Any staging ground of troops and armor would be immediately spotted by recon satellites and attacked and destroyed by planes. This is why insurgents can no longer launch an offensive.
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And if it is, then every country will look for its best interests first and foremost. Remember that in WW2 Finland was allied with Germany for close to 4 years simply because the UK refused to offer them protection from the Soviets. This would be an important lesson for any major powers planning to win international wars: don't alienate your allies.

Which countries do you reckon will have the most serious of impacts and might be direct participants? In my opinion the primary theater this time around will be the Middle East (similar to Europe in WW2).
Oh really? I have seen two videos some years ago, in first one jihadists declare war to USA and kill citizen of US, abit later to russia, after capturing one of assad airbase if i remember right. Also why you call al'quaeda and their puppet organisations "rebels"? You are same whore as USA? When quaida war against USSR in afganistan they are be good and peaceful terrorist. When they are attack twin towers they immediately became bad guys. And now they are very good and moderate again. USA really need another one 9/11 to keep cycle?
This article is written by Hezbollah/Assad fanboy Robert Fisk.

Assad's agent sheikh Abou Qaqa was promoting youth to go and fight American invaders in Iraq. One of these youth who went to fight there was Joulani, head of Nusra.

I wouldn't call myself an Assadist. I think he mishandled the protest in the beginning, his army doesn't know how to fight, he was extremely weak at being able to motivate his soldiers, but he is still far better the alternatives.
Yeah, again "Syria should not be another Libya" argument. Little reminder: since 2011 about 5 K people were killed in Libya and over 250 K were killed in Syria. By supporting psychopath Assad you created a worse massacre in 21th century and biggest ethnic cleansing of Muslims in entire history.
Which countries do you reckon will have the most serious of impacts and might be direct participants? In my opinion the primary theater this time around will be the Middle East (similar to Europe in WW2).
If it does come to it, the countries directly involved on one side would be Russia, Syria (obviously), Iran, even Egypt may join this new 'axis' powers, as well as many paramilitary groups and supporting minor nations. On the other side would be America (it probably won't be classified as a world war unless they join in) and its main allies, and Saudi Arabia and the GCC countries (with the exception of Oman, they'll try to be neutral.) Jordan will try to stay out of it at first but they'll (i should say 'we') be forced to pick a side eventually. Probably some more countries, I haven't even mentioned China or Israel but they would surely play a significant role. And the war will be in more countries than just Syria.

Sorry for the late response, and I'm just guessing on this, by the way. Feel free to correct me.
Yeah, again "Syria should not be another Libya" argument. Little reminder: since 2011 about 5 K people were killed in Libya and over 250 K were killed in Syria. By supporting psychopath Assad you created a worse massacre in 21th century and biggest ethnic cleansing of Muslims in entire history.

Surely stupid and blind people are not able to see that in Syria there are international terrorists are present in form of American direct supply of weapons to the Jihadists, then Saudia and Qatar and other Arab states providing billions of USD and weapons to the Jihadists, then Israel and US providing them with intelligence. Therefore there are 250 k killed in Syria.
While there is no such foreign intervention in Libya, but still there is internal civil war going there and no peace in sight.
Surely stupid and blind people are not able to see that in Syria there are international terrorists are present in form of American direct supply of weapons to the Jihadists, then Saudia and Qatar and other Arab states providing billions of USD and weapons to the Jihadists, then Israel and US providing them with intelligence. Therefore there are 250 k killed in Syria.
While there is no such foreign intervention in Libya, but still there is internal civil war going there and no peace in sight.
The only international terrorists in Syria are Hezbollah and PFLP. Both fighting for Assad.
If it does come to it, the countries directly involved on one side would be Russia, Syria (obviously), Iran, even Egypt may join this new 'axis' powers, as well as many paramilitary groups and supporting minor nations. On the other side would be America (it probably won't be classified as a world war unless they join in) and its main allies, and Saudi Arabia and the GCC countries (with the exception of Oman, they'll try to be neutral.) Jordan will try to stay out of it at first but they'll (i should say 'we') be forced to pick a side eventually. Probably some more countries, I haven't even mentioned China or Israel but they would surely play a significant role. And the war will be in more countries than just Syria.

Sorry for the late response, and I'm just guessing on this, by the way. Feel free to correct me.

I suppose that Saudi Arabia/UAE will be one of the most severe countries in terms of impact. I also reckon Qatar and Turkey are gonna form an alliance within a larger alliance (as is the case now) and play their own games. I don't know about the rest of the planet but hypothetically speaking if some borders in the Middle East region are to vary...they will change based on the current schism, i.e. we might witness various minorities allied with the Shiite-Iranian camp while we might see other mainstream sectors aligned with either Saudi Arabian camp or Turkish/Qatari camp. In my opinion there is a high probability that Jordan will most definitely place itself in the Saudi Arabian led camp with active participation.

I will run to Brazil.
After blasts in China ,what was been well orchestrated scenario,trigger has been thrown to a place where terrorism is in development for several years..
Superpowers won't will fight each with another ,but some countries from Middle East will taste the pain in this war.
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