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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

Have balls and being enough retarded to declare war against two biggest superpowers its two big differences.

He is minding his own business in his local country, US and Russia are ones to declare war on Syrian opposition without legal basis. Technically you can argue that Syrian government made request, but in no way can you frame situation as 'rebels declaring war on two superpowers'. Actually they don't spend time thinking about the outside world let alone somehow 'declaring war on superpowers' with small arms especially given desperate situation they're in.
He is minding his own business in his local country, US and Russia are ones to declare war on Syrian opposition without legal basis. Technically you can argue that Syrian government made request, but in no way can you frame situation as 'rebels declaring war on two superpowers'. Actually they don't spend time thinking about the outside world let alone somehow 'declaring war on superpowers' with small arms especially given desperate situation they're in.
Oh really? I have seen two videos some years ago, in first one jihadists declare war to USA and kill citizen of US, abit later to russia, after capturing one of assad airbase if i remember right. Also why you call al'quaeda and their puppet organisations "rebels"? You are same whore as USA? When quaida war against USSR in afganistan they are be good and peaceful terrorist. When they are attack twin towers they immediately became bad guys. And now they are very good and moderate again. USA really need another one 9/11 to keep cycle?
Oh really? I have seen two videos some years ago, in first one jihadists declare war to USA and kill citizen of US, abit later to russia, after capturing one of assad airbase if i remember right. Also why you call al'quaeda and their puppet organisations "rebels"? You are same whore as USA? When quaida war against USSR in afganistan they are be good and peaceful terrorist. When they are attack twin towers they immediately became bad guys. And now they are very good and moderate again. USA really need another one 9/11 to keep cycle?

Please construct proper, clear sentences before addressing me. You are rambling and not addressing topic. Russia and US aren't targeting opposition because somehow the powerless opposition 'declared war' on them. They are involved for personal reasons and don't require legal justification for it. Just because they don't, doesn't mean you frame it with your from another universe narrative.

It was a funny mockery video by Assad forces.

I know Arabic, and obviously subtitles are fake.
Please construct proper, clear sentences before addressing me. You are rambling and not addressing topic. Russia and US aren't targeting opposition because somehow the powerless opposition 'declared war' on them. They are involved for personal reasons and don't require legal justification for it. Just because they don't, doesn't mean you frame it with your from another universe narrative.

I know Arabic, and obviously subtitles are fake.
How much times russia invade country without legal permission?(in crimea be soldiers from russian navi base in sevastopol according to the contract with ukraine russia can have 35.000 soldiers in it, in eastern ukraine russia dont have regular troops, at least officially; In 2008 georgia russian peacekeepers be attacked and killed by georgian military so its legal too) USA attack everybody who dont want become their puppet state or/and have oil it all the time.
Throwing Bullets at the Problem: US Drops Arms to Unvetted Syrian Rebels

Read more: Throwing Bullets at the Problem: US Drops Arms to Unvetted Syrian Rebels

As the United States dumps tons of ammunition into Syria, Pentagon officials admit that those on the receiving end have not been vetted. Seemingly unconcerned, this is brushed off as a "moot point."

"So while these forces, we do ask them, we want them to fight [IS] – I’m not prepared to talk about requirements or restrictions or pledges or anything like that," Colonel Steve Warren, a Pentagon spokesman, told reporters on Tuesday."Since the United States acknowledges that the forces it trained have fewer than ten fighters inside Syria, who is receiving these airdrops," he told Sputnik, "and how are these weapon systems being moved?"
Alliance's top powers are Russia which is a super power and Iran which is a regional power. They are Indo Europeans, not Arabs. They are willing to fight to the last Syrian.
Russian Mi-24 Helicopter Pilots in Syria Wow Western Analysts

With Russian airstrikes devastating the self-proclaimed Islamic State terrorist group in Syria, Moscow’s Mi-24 attack helicopters have given the Kremlin a significant advantage. So effective, they’re even impressing Western skeptics.

"When you see higher quality airmanship and precision fires coming from helicopters, that’s 100 percent Russian pilots," Christopher Harmer, a US Navy veteran who now works for the Institute for the Study of War, told Foreign Policy.

Also known as Hind helicopters, the Mi-24 is capable of traveling up to 186 miles per hour at incredibly low altitudes. Skimming the treetops, the gunships come equipped with 30mm guns and rocket launchers, and can transport troops.

It’s an impressive piece of hardware with no real equal in the world.

Still, a good helicopter is nothing without a good crew, and after observing the effects of Mi-24 strikes in Syria, US military analysts have been thoroughly impressed by both.

He added that the skill displayed showed a "top shelf, highly trained, very courageous, and highly aggressive Russian helicopter crew."
Part of that awe stems from the fact that the Mi-24 essentially does the job of two US helicopters. The Russian gunship combines the best qualities of the American Apache attack helicopter with the Huey transport helicopter.

The Pentagon lacks any kind of comparable aircraft.

Harmer said that such a combination of capabilities lets Russian crews focus on "directing airstrikes, calling in helicopter gunship support, and directing long-range air-to-surface and surface-to-surface missile fire."

The Mi-24 is also unlike anything in the Syrian arsenal, and Harmer suggests that the skill of Russian crews is "a qualitative technical advantage that the Syrian military just doesn’t have; it’s going to significantly reduce Assad’s casualties."

On Wednesday, the Russian Defense Ministry reported that 41 additional sorties had been carried out, destroying 40 IS facilities.

Read more: Russian Mi-24 Helicopter Pilots in Syria Wow Western Analysts
@Ahmed Jo

Remember our talk about the Druze in Syria and Lebanon 1 month ago or so?

King Salman receives Walid Jumblatt | Arab News

Good to see KSA standing firm along with most of the world community.

Killer Assad has no future in Syria: Riyadh | Arab News
This is a good first step but Walid Jumblatt can only serve as a method of communication with the greater Druze community rather than a leader.

It would be great if the Druze in Syria can switch sides. They want to anyway, they just need to know they'll have a 'safety net' to rely on, which I don't think has been provided to them. Another factor is that the rebels are not overall a cohesive and organized force. Again we encounter the necessity of a safety net for them; otherwise, they'll probably take their chances with Assad.


Alliance Iranian TOWs to blow up insurgent tanks I mean pickups




what the deal with Iran and Hezzy liking U.S weapons.

IMO Metis-M,Konkurs, and Kornet are better than the TOW.

just look at how bulky TOW is compared to soviet designs. probably takes 4 or 5 guys just carry the tripod,sensor,battery and one missile.
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