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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

No, you are on a rampage after Russia started operations in Syria, with hysteric reactions.
You are the only one who is hysteric here.

Your trolling regarding ISIS is not taken seriously.
Well I am saying only facts.

Meanwhile, when rebels and ISIS were bedfellows in battles of north Aleppo 2.5 years ago, SAA was fighting both of those scums. now too, it is fighting both of them.
I've already answered that several times. The only ones who actually fought Assad in ISIS were Chechens who left it and joined JMA. ISIS is the best ever thing that happened to Assad in this war.

ISIS are total scum, but at least they did not gas kids like Assad.
ISIS are total scum,
Arguing over this is useless, just one single question with a simple yes/no answer: Are Nusra also scums? If you say anything besides yes or no, it is considered as a no.
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Yes thats Assadist moto.

I am mainly answering nonsense propaganda here. As for ISIS it was clear before but after handling Free zone it became official.

I think the strategy of West and Israel toward Syria war planned on the prolonging war as much as possible and winking at Russia, Iran, Turkey, KSA etc to meddling in Syria so they all to be tired well and loser sides..After then West will start the devision of Syria in accordince with their long term stragic plan..
By now, only winner are West And Israel...But i think if West doesnt supply oppositon groups the improved anti-jet missle systems the balance of war will change in favor of Assad and his alliances due to heavy Russian air supports...
IMO, West got a good chance wont miss this opportunity to remind Russia the bitter memories of Afghanistan..
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Arguing over this is useless, just one single question with a simple yes/no answer: Are Nusra also scums? If you say anything besides yes or no, it is considered as a no.
No one is angel among the Syrian fractions. All are terrorists in one way or another. Scale of evilness in Syria from less evil to more:

Early FSA
Today FSA
big gap

I think the strategy of West and Israel toward Syria war planned on the prolonging war as much as possible and winking at Russia, Iran, Turkey, KSA etc to meddling in Syria so they all to be tired well and loser sides..After then West will start the devision of Syria in accordince with their long term stragic plan..
West for sure. Israel is not involved in conflict.
Early FSA
Today FSA
big gap

I think basically you said no, they are not scums.

My categorization from less scum to full scum:

SAA and early FSA (those rare true secularist ones in beginning)
huge gap
Islamic Front, Nusra front, Ahrar al-Sham, ISIS (and other quasi-groups)
Mega gap
Alliance ups the ante. Mi-28N Night Hunter attack helicopters and crazy national socialists arrived in Latakia


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I think basically you said no, they are not scums.

My categorization from less scum to full scum:

SAA and early FSA (those rare true secularist ones in beginning)
huge gap
Islamic Front, Nusra front, Ahrar al-Sham, ISIS (and other quasi-groups)
Mega gap
Now thats plain childish and u know it.

Why I said that Assadists are worse than ISIS? - Because they do everything what ISIS do massacres (Houla, Banias etc), ethnic cleansing. But in addition they do mass murder with barrel bombs, industrial scale torture (not beheading or blowing dozen guys on camera but torturing to death tens of thousands for years), starved entire cities and gassed kids. They crossed all possible limits.
Now thats plain childish and u know it.

Why I said that Assadists are worse than ISIS? - Because they do everything what ISIS do massacres (Houla, Banias etc), ethnic cleansing. But in addition they do mass murder with barrel bombs, industrial scale torture (not beheading or blowing dozen guys on camera but torturing to death tens of thousands for years), starved entire cities and gassed kids. They crossed all possible limits.

The main reason you hate Assad is because Assad was against the Israel-US plans for the middle east. Simple as that. Don't pretend you got up from sleep and suddenly became the defenders of Islamist factions and ideology.

For the Syrian people, getting rid of dangerous jihadist that have foreign elements looking to establish a caliphate is the logical first step. The door has always been open to talks with real oppositions to find a peaceful solution.

Your plan seems to be to continue this war, get rid of Assad, let the land burn (plus Iraq) for the next decade, while Zionists like you shake their head and go, "Look at these extremist muslims...daddy America, please give us more funding to defend ourselves against these backward monsters"

The thing is, I don't think you are willfully lying. I actually think you believe your own bullshit.
The main reason you hate Assad is because Assad was against the Israel-US plans for the middle east. Simple as that. Don't pretend you got up from sleep and suddenly became the defenders of Islamist factions and ideology.

For the Syrian people, getting rid of dangerous jihadist that have foreign elements looking to establish a caliphate is the logical first step. The door has always been open to talks with real oppositions to find a peaceful solution.

Your plan seems to be to continue this war, get rid of Assad, let the land burn (plus Iraq) for the next decade, while Zionists like you shake their head and go, "Look at these extremist muslims...daddy America, please give us more funding to defend ourselves against these backward monsters"

The thing is, I don't think you are willfully lying. I actually think you believe your own bullshit.

I doubt it very much, since the border with Assad was the quietest border of them all. Absolutely nothing to worry about for decades during Assad 1&2's reign.

He was Israel's perfect neighbour.

The only 'prize' for Israel should Assad fall, was that it would neuter Iran's ambitions. We all know Iran's ambitions of encircling Israel with their proxies.

But this isn't enough to have wanted him gone and the days of a credible opposition are probably over.

The funny thing is that you Iranis are 100% convinced in some Israel conspiracy against Assad, whilst the Sunnis are 100% convinced that Israel is on Assad's side.
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