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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

Goodness me, just check out that massive firepower. This is definitely a newer addition to the SAA's Artillery Units as i have never seen them using weapons like these to such deadly effectiveness. You can see the fear in the voice of the person narrating. These are cluster munitions, i actually feed bad for the Rebels because they have no answer to such overwhelming firepower.
U mean to say ASAD created isis daesh to control half of Syrian territories and latter to slash and behead Syrian soldiers head. ONE THING FOR YOU STOP READING AMERICAN JABRONI CIA ANALYSTS FROM CNN ITS BETTER FOR YOU'RE HEALTH

ISIS and the Al-Assad regime have hardly fought against each other. Since ISIS emerged in Syria from nearby Iraq the conflict has mostly involved non-ISIS Syrian opposition vs the Al-Assad regime and their foreign mercenaries. Today we see Russia bombing entirely non-ISIS areas of Syria. At the same time ISIS has been killing the Syrian opposition. In fact the Syrian opposition has been the biggest bulwark against ISIS. That's just a fact.

It's also a fact that the Al-Assad regime was crucial in the formation of the Islamic State in Iraq. Which later (some 10 years later) evolved into the current ISIS.

There are no conspiracies anywhere You are free to educate yourself.

In any case unlike you I don't take any parties in this conflict other than that which is called the Syrian people and the Syrian people (vast majority of them) do not want trash like the Al-Assad regime or ISIS to rule them in the future too if they could choose. That's also a fact.

so you are trying to bad-name the ba'ath movement by calling isil as "former ba'athists"?? another of your anti-socialism/anti-progressivism tirades??

you talk as if the last well-known leader of the iraqi ba'athists, izzat ibrahim al-douri, himself was a leader of isil.

you should realize the difference between ba'athists ( ideologicals ) and former iraqi military people ( whose ideology may not be fixed ).


@MEAGAN FOXSS , i generally avoid coming to this thread... you should too.

In any case unlike you I don't take any parties in this conflic

you say that and next you say...
and the Syrian people (vast majority of them) do not want trash like the Al-Assad regime or ISIS if to rule them in the future too if they could choose. That's also a fact.

most people on pdf are not qualified enough to assess that, being the nato-apologists they are.

and why didn't you name fsa, nusra and other groups?? isil is quite convenient it seems.
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Goodness me, just check out that massive firepower. This is definitely a newer addition to the SAA's Artillery Units as i have never seen them using weapons like these to such deadly effectiveness. You can see the fear in the voice of the person narrating. These are cluster munitions, i actually feed bad for the Rebels because they have no answer to such overwhelming firepower.

That's cluster munition. It cuts down like thousands of soldiers in a minute.
so you are trying to bad-name the ba'ath movement by calling isil as "former ba'athists"??

you talk as if the last well-known leader of the iraqi ba'athists, izzat ibrahim al-douri, himself was a leader of isil.


@MEAGAN FOXSS , i generally avoid coming to this thread... you should too.

most people on pdf are not qualified enough to assess that, being the nato-apologists they are.

Stop writing utter nonsense. You are largely clueless about Arab matters like most Indians here.

All of the ISIS leaders and most important figures are former Iraqi Ba'athist's. This is something that your beloved Al-Assad regime openly admits, the current Iraqi regime, the Syrian opposition and West. There is a consensus about this.

Izzat al-Douri (we don't know with certainty if he is dead or alive) was an instrumental party in the Iraqi resistance between 2003-2011 and later in the resistance against the oppressive Al-Maliki regime.

In his audio recordings (I have listened to them all) he pledged allegiance to ISIS and praised the capture of Mosul in the summer of 2014.

I can because unlike you us Arabs that watch Arab TV and international media are bombarded with news from Syria, documentaries, interviews of Syrian refugees from the Arab world and West etc. The vast majority of them are of the opinion that both the Al-Assad regime and ISIS are two evils and that they need to go for a future Syria to function. This is something that EVERY sane person would believe to begin with so this is hardly shocking.

Continue your support for the genocidal Al-Assad regime.
Goodness me, just check out that massive firepower. This is definitely a newer addition to the SAA's Artillery Units as i have never seen them using weapons like these to such deadly effectiveness. You can see the fear in the voice of the person narrating. These are cluster munitions, i actually feed bad for the Rebels because they have no answer to such overwhelming firepower.

check this, how much respect they are paying to this light !

Stop writing utter nonsense. You are largely clueless about Arab matters like most Indians here.

All of the ISIS leaders and most important figures are former Iraqi Ba'athist's. This is something that your beloved Al-Assad regime openly admits, the current Iraqi regime, the Syrian opposition and West. There is a consensus about this.

Izzat al-Douri (we don't know with certainty if he is dead or alive) was an instrumental party in the Iraqi resistance between 2003-2011 and later in the resistance against the oppressive Al-Maliki regime.

In his audio recordings (I have listened to them all) he pledged allegiance to ISIS and praised the capture of Mosul in the summer of 2014.

I can because unlike you us Arabs that watch Arab TV and international media are bombarded with news from Syria, documentaries, interviews of Syrian refugees from the Arab world and West etc. The vast majority of them are of the opinion that both the Al-Assad regime and ISIS are two evils and that they need to go for a future Syria to function. This is something that EVERY sane person would belief.
Goodness me, just check out that massive firepower. This is definitely a newer addition to the SAA's Artillery Units as i have never seen them using weapons like these to such deadly effectiveness. You can see the fear in the voice of the person narrating. These are cluster munitions, i actually feed bad for the Rebels because they have no answer to such overwhelming firepower.

They can try an infantry assault, but they would be cut down by Dragunov snipers. Insurgents have no sniper rifles.

@Falcon29 why do we bother to discuss Arab affairs with those kids here who can't count to 10 in Arabic and can't even locate Syria on a world map?

This guy is unable to accept ground realities even ground realities that his beloved Al-Assad regime openly admits and talks about.

I can actually back up all my claims in that post with sources in Arabic and non-Arabic. On the other hand this guys best arguments are "I think that you are an Iranian" and "you sound like someone sitting in front of a CNN camera".

They can try an infantry assault, but they would be cut down by Dragunov snipers. Insurgents have no sniper rifles.

Look they have learned that Tank and Infantry must storm together, while Infantry is walking behind the Tanks ! Very Good, keep on guys ! No they have to learn use stronger hand grenades and molotow-.cocktails in this house to house fights !

like that
Stop writing utter nonsense. You are largely clueless about Arab matters like most Indians here.

like i have told you before, western intelligence knows more about your "arab world" than even you, because they control or effect many things there... you being arab doesn't matter one bit... and russia government knows more about syria than you.

and enough of this war-mongering filthy thread and atatwolf's nonsense erdogan-promotion poll threads and your israeli friend, 500, forming the fourth leg in nato-propaganda.

All of the ISIS leaders and most important figures are former Iraqi Ba'athist's.

stop repeating, please, and re-read my previous post.

This is something that your beloved Al-Assad regime openly admits, the current Iraqi regime, the Syrian opposition and West. There is a consensus about this.

care to share a link or two about this consensus??

Izzat al-Douri (we don't know with certainty if he is dead or alive)

that is the only thing i will agree with you.

was an instrumental party in the Iraqi resistance between 2003-2011 and later in the resistance against the oppressive Al-Maliki regime.

In his audio recordings (I have listened to them all) he pledged allegiance to ISIS and praised the capture of Mosul in the summer of 2014.

i don't really care for what you write here... i will analyse at some point and form my own opinion.

knowing or not knowing arabic is the least concern here.

I can because unlike you us Arabs that watch Arab TV and international media are bombarded with news from Syria, documentaries, interviews of Syrian refugees from the Arab world and West etc. The vast majority of them are of the opinion that both the Al-Assad regime and ISIS are two evils and that they need to go for a future Syria to function. This is something that EVERY sane person would believe to begin with so this is hardly shocking.

Continue your support for the genocidal Al-Assad regime.

here is real local people's support for another "genocider" (( manifestation pro kadhafi Aout 2015 Libye - YouTube )).
like i have told you before, western intelligence knows more about your "arab world" than even you, because they control or effect many things there... you being arab doesn't matter one bit... and russia government knows more about syria than you.

and enough of this war-mongering filthy thread and atatwolf's nonsense erdogan-promotion poll threads and your israeli friend, 500, forming the fourth leg in nato-propaganda.

stop repeating, please, and re-read my previous post.

care to share a link or two about this consensus??

that is the only thing i will agree with you.

i don't really care for what you write here... i will analyse at some point and form my own opinion.

knowing or not knowing arabic is the least concern here.

here is real local people's support for another "genocider" (( manifestation pro kadhafi Aout 2015 Libye - YouTube )).

You sound like a utter uneducated clown time and time again.

Why don't you use your hands to do some research on your own and some independent reading instead of writing nonsense here?

What does it matter if I provide numerous sources to you in Arabic (primary sources) if you yourself have claimed that you do not care about facts?

Eveyrthing I wrote in this thread today contain facts. You can google all of my "claims" and research their truthfulness. In fact I did not invent the wheel by any means. There is a consensus about those claims regardless of political ideology or agenda.

I am not interested in your well-known Gaddafi fetish. Sorry. Anyway no need for me to waste my time on uneducated people and deluded genocidal regime supporters.

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