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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

The Allianc must build little "Shock troops"

Guide troop consisting:

1 leader euipped with Ak-47 and handgranades

1 Radio Operator equipped with Ak-47 and handgrenades

Explosives / Blend squad with (usually) 2 soldiers equipped with blend grenades and if they have RPG-7

Shock element: from 1 or 2 groups of storm

1 Sturmtrupp each 3 soldiers equipped with assault rifles and hand grenades
1 Sturmtrupp as Machine Gun- squad for holding down the enemy by storm in the group approach,

RPG-7 Explosives / Blend squad with (usually) 2 soldiers

Coverage group as expansion element, led by the deputy platoon leader with the heavy weapons of:

1 sniper squad, 2 riflescope shooters often used separately

2 MG squads for holding down the enemy in the convergence and the cordoning off of the slump space left and right

1-2 support troop (s) for the tracking of ordnance and ammunition
1 medical corps.

An armored troop destruction is formed only in a particular location for antitank.



Shock troops - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
You sound like a utter uneducated clown time and time again.

Why don't you use your hands to do some research on your own and some independent reading instead of writing nonsense here?

What does it matter if I provide numerous sources to you in Arabic (primary sources) if you yourself have claimed that you do not care about facts?

Eveyrthing I wrote in this thread today contain facts. You can google all of my "claims" and research their truthfulness. In fact I did not invent the wheel by any means. There is a consensus about those claims regardless of political ideology or agenda.

I am not interested in your well-known Gaddafi fetish. Sorry. Anyway no need for me to waste my time on uneducated people and deluded genocidal regime supporters.

good luck with your "arab world"... and 40 cheers for your consistent support of nato war-mongering and cia-birthed "rebels" everywhere.

these saudis are so arrogant in front of subcontinentals, iranians, russians and the like, but are so servile in front of westerners. :lol:

bunch of "clowns".
The Allianc must build little "Shock troops"

Guide troop consisting:

1 leader euipped with Ak-47 and handgranades

1 Radio Operator equipped with Ak-47 and handgrenades

Explosives / Blend squad with (usually) 2 soldiers equipped with blend grenades and if they have RPG-7

Shock element: from 1 or 2 groups of storm

1 Sturmtrupp each 3 soldiers equipped with assault rifles and hand grenades
1 Sturmtrupp as Machine Gun- squad for holding down the enemy by storm in the group approach,

RPG-7 Explosives / Blend squad with (usually) 2 soldiers

Coverage group as expansion element, led by the deputy platoon leader with the heavy weapons of:

1 sniper squad, 2 riflescope shooters often used separately

2 MG squads for holding down the enemy in the convergence and the cordoning off of the slump space left and right

1-2 support troop (s) for the tracking of ordnance and ammunition
1 medical corps.

An armored troop destruction is formed only in a particular location for antitank.

View attachment 264485

Shock troops - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Or, just bomb insurgents all day all night.

good luck with your "arab world"... and 40 cheers for your consistent support of nato war-mongering and cia-birthed "rebels" everywhere.

these saudis are so arrogant in front of subcontinentals, iranians, russians and the like, but are so servile in front of westerners. :lol:

bunch of "clowns".

An Indian living in some slum with a Gaddafi fetish thinking that he knows the Arab world better than Arabs. Cute.

Saudi Arabians have no reason to be "servile" in front of anyone as we have always been the alpha males around. This is why our historical influence is as it is. People are following our religion, using our alphabet, speaking our language, using our architecture, using our names etc. Not the other way around. Let alone military conquests. Saudi Arabians created 3 of the 11 largest empires in human history. No other people have such an track record on this front.

Nor were we ever a Western colony. Meanwhile your compatriots were treated marginally better by Westerners than cattle. Hence your frustration.

We are not submissive like your lot.

Even as much as I dislike the ISIS lot the Saudi Arabian lot in ISIS are the most fearless and even the Americans admitted that during the Iraq war.

Your pathetic Al-Assad regime would be overrun by 1-2 clans from KSA, lol. Just like they were overrun by Syrian Arab tribes in Eastern Syria. If the Syrian opposition in those parts of Syria were as heavily armed as the Syrian regime the game would have been over long ago.

Westerners are in the GCC to serve us and work for us and if they cross the line they get deported. Which is something that all foreigners do in every country. Now go cry further whenever you have no arguments left as seen in this "debate".
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Or, just bomb insurgents all day all night.


The explosion in that video, and the shot it shows as its preview, is an American BLU-82 dropped at Utah Test and Training Range on July 15, 2008:

Of course I don't speak Russian, so maybe they acknowledge it's American.

@Víðarr translate the video for me:angel:

The genocidal Al-Assad regime will never again be able to submit the will of the Syrian people. They will regroup, adopt and grow stronger until the tyrant is removed. In the meantime support will increase many times.
Look they have learned that Tank and Infantry must storm together, while Infantry is walking behind the Tanks ! Very Good, keep on guys ! No they have to learn use stronger hand grenades and molotow-.cocktails in this house to house fights !

like that
View attachment 264484

Not really, from what i have seen SAA's tanker crews are extremely poor. They made the same mistake in the advance of Hama that they have been making for the past 4 years. They just simply advance with Infantry and Tanks, making themselves an ideal target for a TOW. This is why they lost like 12 tanks on the first day of advance.

What SAA needs to do is, use infantry to clear the terrain with good line of sight for their Armoured Movements. They need to use spotters, and destroy any area that looks like an elevated field. SAA's reccon capabilities are quite poor, they are not using observers and spotters to eliminate any TOW Threats. A good example would be, Pakistan Army used its spotters and observors when advancing, they would also have drones overhead, if they would see any movement on elevated positions they would immediately call in an artillery strike. This is something the Syrians needs to be master, you cannot just use Armour and Infantry in a frontal assault.
Even as much as I dislike the ISIS lot the Saudi Arabian lot in ISIS are the most fearless and even the Americans admitted that during the Iraq war.

what, during 1991?? :lol:

from ( Iraq fires more Scuds at Saudi Arabia all are intercepted or fall harmlessly WAR IN THE GULF - tribunedigital-baltimoresun )...
The second barrage occurred around 7:15 a.m. local time today, marking the first daylight missile attack by Iraq. It involved at least three missiles aimed at the Saudi capital of Riyadh and one apparently aimed at Dhahran.

saddam should really have emptied his scuds into saudia.

anyway, i must log-off now... keep posting terrorist vids.
what, during 1991?? :lol:

from ( Iraq fires more Scuds at Saudi Arabia all are intercepted or fall harmlessly WAR IN THE GULF - tribunedigital-baltimoresun )...

anyway, i must log-off now... keep posting terrorist vids.

How thick are you? I am talking about the illegal US invasion of Iraq. 2003-2011.

Saddam never invaded KSA and would have never succeeded despite Iraq's entire budget (almost) being used on the military and the strength of the Iraqi army which was only second to that of the Israeli in the region back then.

BTW Saddam's Iraq was ruled and run by Iraqi Sunni Arabs. People identical to Saudi Arabians. Belonging to the same Arab clans and tribes. Saudi Arabians and Iraqis have 1000 times more in common than an Indian from Kerala and an Indian from Delhi.

Anyway I understand that you are unable to counter my historical facts as this is an embarrassment for you and your compatriots but that' might serve as an warning for you the next time you will blabber and write nonsense.

Remember the whitening cream and to kiss your Al-Assad and Gaddafi posters. Make a threesome with Stalin while you are at it you serial pseudo-intellectual clown. Humanitarian my ***. Also stop using Western technology you hypocrite. You call Arabs rising up against their Western/Russian sponsored tyrants for CIA operatives. Unbelievable. Can't you see that the West is doing everything not to let the Syrian opposition win? If they wanted them to win they would have removed Al-Assad a long time ago. Russia is now helping their genocidal puppet Al-Assad. Your nonsense won't work here.
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Not really, from what i have seen SAA's tanker crews are extremely poor. They made the same mistake in the advance of Hama that they have been making for the past 4 years. They just simply advance with Infantry and Tanks, making themselves an ideal target for a TOW. This is why they lost like 12 tanks on the first day of advance.

What SAA needs to do is, use infantry to clear the terrain with good line of sight for their Armoured Movements. They need to use spotters, and destroy any area that looks like an elevated field. SAA's reccon capabilities are quite poor, they are not using observers and spotters to eliminate any TOW Threats. A good example would be, Pakistan Army used its spotters and observors when advancing, they would also have drones overhead, if they would see any movement on elevated positions they would immediately call in an artillery strike. This is something the Syrians needs to be master, you cannot just use Armour and Infantry in a frontal assault.

Thx that was also my main message --- Tank with Storm Troopers lines !

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