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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

Just for ur knowledge: since 2011 Assad lost 70% of his territory.
The essential, he is still had 30% before the coming of the bear..tomorrow he will have 60 % and the rest by the end of the month of October...
Why don't you tell us and give us the number ISIS dishrags that are in your hospitals after the Russian Sambo..

Stop overusing the term 'Jihadists', it causes unnecessary confusion and is incitement against Muslims(Even being agnostic I won't tolerate it). Nobody should use terms 'Jihadists' or 'Crusaders' to refer to either side. They are both human beings fighting over a country and religion doesn't play a role besides propaganda motivation of recruits.

Anyways, seems like the helicopter support is helping and now there are offensives by pro-regime forces in Idlib and Hama/Latakia.
Since when you became a priest?
I don't think Saudi Arabia will step in directly, actually it doesn't need to. Just increase the amounts of required weapon and let death take care of the scum.

Russia, the SAA are returning your lab rats first class...There is already a shortage of rasors in Syria and Iraki roads are paved with what left from beards...
Just for ur knowledge: since 2011 Assad lost 70% of his territory.
I'm trying to guestimate just how long it will take the Russians + Syrian Army & allies to defeat ISIS + al-Nusra (not the other factions) in Syria. Just from my limited understanding of the distances, climate, and how the Russians and Syrian armies work: brutal and uncaring about civilian casualties, favoring mass bombardment over precision. Assuming ISIS will attempt to flee towards Iraq, I come up with two weeks to destroy Raqqa, 3-8 weeks to mop up elsewhere in Syria, depending on how many ground troops are available. What's your take on this?
I'm trying to guestimate just how long it will take the Russians + Syrian Army & allies to defeat ISIS + al-Nusra (not the other factions) in Syria. Just from my limited understanding of the distances, climate, and how the Russians and Syrian armies work: brutal and uncaring about civilian casualties, favoring mass bombardment over precision. Assuming ISIS will attempt to flee towards Iraq, I come up with two weeks to destroy Raqqa, 3-8 weeks to mop up elsewhere in Syria, depending on how many ground troops are available. What's your take on this?

It matters not to Russians. It is Syrians who die on the ground, on both sides. When the dust settles, Russians will move in and annex Syria as a Russian province.

American allies are there to replenish and re-supply the cannibal zombies: Gulf Arabs 'stepping up' arms supplies to Syrian rebels - BBC News

The Takfiris have no shortage of manpower either.

That is why, unless United States does not order its slaves to stop re-supplying the cannibal zombies, this war will go on for a very long time.
Not really, in four years, Bashar lost about 75% of Syria, lost tens of thousands of troops and lost big chunk of his military machines. It could take years for Syrians to defeat him but not longer than what has passed. With the previous and current rate of losses the Alawaite and Shiite militias suffer, they will perish. That's very helpful to rebuild healthy Syria in the future.
It matters not to Russians. It is Syrians who die on the ground, on both sides. When the dust settles, Russians will move in and annex Syria as a Russian province.
and you really believe in what you say? seriously?
Stop overusing the term 'Jihadists', it causes unnecessary confusion and is incitement against Muslims(Even being agnostic I won't tolerate it). Nobody should use terms 'Jihadists' or 'Crusaders' to refer to either side. They are both human beings fighting over a country and religion doesn't play a role besides propaganda motivation of recruits.

Anyways, seems like the helicopter support is helping and now there are offensives by pro-regime forces in Idlib and Hama/Latakia.
Well I respect the word jihad and that's why I never consider Isis and al-nosra terrorists as jihadist or human
and you really believe in what you say? seriously?

Look what Russia did to Crimea last year. Russia already has a base in Syria and they'll ratch up deployment. When the time is right, when both sides are bled dry, boom, that's when Russia will strike and annex Syria.
Not really, in four years, Bashar lost about 75% of Syria, lost tens of thousands of troops and lost big chunk of his military machines. It could take years for Syrians to defeat him but not longer than what has passed. With the previous and current rate of losses the Alawaite and Shiite militias suffer, they will perish. That's very helpful to rebuild healthy Syria in the future.

It's population that's important. Look at the population distribution. Assad has only 25% of the area, but this area is densely populated, 70% of the population. All the big cities are in Assad control, with the exception of Idlib and Raqqah. Plus, most population fled insurgent areas to government areas. Man power wise, Assad army is the biggest by far. Insurgents are not afraid to die, that makes them hard to fight. That's where Russian technology comes into play.

It matters not to Russians. It is Syrians who die on the ground, on both sides. When the dust settles, Russians will move in and annex Syria as a Russian province.
Question is, should it matter to the world community or do war crimes/needless civilian casualties only apply to Western countries and Israel?

And yes, it's possible the Russians will declare Syria a Russian protectorate or some such. I don't doubt Putin has a strategic end in mind, even if he hasn't revealed it yet.
Look what Russia did to Crimea last year. Russia already has a base in Syria and they'll ratch up deployment. When the time is right, when both sides are bled dry, boom, that's when Russia will strike and annex Syria.
crimea is the land of russians so it is quite logic
syria is not their lands
helping a dictator always, always will lead to a catastrophic situation. we can see the videos that Syrian army is acting stupid again and again. russia just helps assad to go on his stupid policy.
but sadly, i guess i am a minority thinking like this here in the forum, we should have all supported liberals and no islamist.
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