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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

yeah in videogames hahahaha

He is the secondary source though in old terms, the primary source is the opposition claiming stuff similar to PKK are eating Syrian children. Orient أورينت (@OrientNews) | Twitter is this not Opposition media which Ridha took the news from? So is this a bogus source to you? He just passed on the source. Or did you even bother to see what I posted.

You got no argument so you try to twist it by accusing me of being an Assad supporter while knowing the shit he has done to Kurds. But I'm also realizing that in mentality the FSA is no different when it comes to Kurds. Except the more loose factions such as Liwa Thuwwar al-Raqqa which I support. Otherwise I see no difference with Assad or those FSA "leaders" eating Burek with Erdogan.

@bsruzm I'm blocked there so soz.
I never said you were an Assad supporter. I said you were like one. Claim PKK/YPG are infallible and such. Even though the truth is quiet different. A civilian got killed today by YPG shooting Castello road. The whole reason this mess started was because YPG opened a corridor with an Assad held area to open trade. The same Assad who gave Kurds no rights. As usual, PKK don't care for Kurds but care for their own interests.

Okay, who can decisively win then?
Rebels. Who else? Regime which is opposed by the majority of Sunnis? ISIS can't win, they're hated by the majority of Syrians. YPG def can't win, they are no where near being strong enough to challenge rebels. Especially w/o air support.
Syrian army got Smerch from Russia to kill jihadists


Lot of ammo boxes in the background, over a hundred.

Nice system: BM-30 Smerch - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I never said you were an Assad supporter. I said you were like one. Claim PKK/YPG are infallible and such. Even though the truth is quiet different. A civilian got killed today by YPG shooting Castello road. The whole reason this mess started was because YPG opened a corridor with an Assad held area to open trade. The same Assad who gave Kurds no rights. As usual, PKK don't care for Kurds but care for their own interests..
YPG is not PKK. now YPG is more a group of defense.
i agree with al kurdi : some rebels are good persons and should be strongly helped: communication, weapons, intelligence and so. but they are bad rebels too.
YPG is not PKK. now YPG is more a group of defense.
i agree with al kurdi : some rebels are good persons and should be strongly helped: communication, weapons, intelligence and so. but they are bad rebels too.

Yes, there were exactly four good rebels in Syria. Though they might not be alive anymore: US Military: Literally only 4 moderate rebels exist in Syria to fight ISIS (ie. if they're still alive!)

US tried to send in more good rebels to help those four above. But then the new good rebels chose to join the bad rebels: US trained & armed rebels join Al-Qaeda in Syria.

The truth is, the same sex marriage friendly modern interpretation of Jeffersonian democracy does not obtain in such lands. Specially this can not be implemented by force. Whether by using B-52 bombers and F-22 or by supporting cannibal zombies and calling them "moderate" good rebels in mass media. Or even a combination of both, that is providing air cover by F-22 for cannibal zombies.

It does not work. Never has and never will. Cannibal zombies can not be ruled by democracy. They need Assad, his allies and his army to be kept in check.
Most of Syrian people are victimes of terrorist / extremist groups one side
and Assad the other.

Assad means violence, no respect for democracy, minority of a clan ruling the country.

USA and others didn't help directly. they trusted untrustable countries leaders.
that's the root of the problem.

stop the war but it is a need for Syrian to be able very soon to choose their president .
and with international organizations checking the elections, not like the fake Assad elections.
Rebels. Who else? Regime which is opposed by the majority of Sunnis? ISIS can't win, they're hated by the majority of Syrians. YPG def can't win, they are no where near being strong enough to challenge rebels. Especially w/o air support.
What 'rebels'?The same guys who are bedfellows of Nusra (Al-Qaeda) terrorists?

And they can win 'decisively'? How many more years does it take? Yeah, maybe they can eventually win to the last Syrian. We finally learned the meaning of a decisive win.

Btw, any proof to show 'majority' of Syrians support terrorists more than the regime?

Let's take a look at recent poll by ORB:


Ironically, Assad has more support on the ground than all opposing factions. Of course, you will bring excuses, since you have been fed with the narration that FSA/Nusra are actually more popular than SAA.
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Most of Syrian people are victimes of terrorist / extremist groups one side
and Assad the other.

Assad means violence, no respect for democracy, minority of a clan ruling the country.

USA and others didn't help directly. they trusted untrustable countries leaders.
that's the root of the problem.

stop the war but it is a need for Syrian to be able very soon to choose their president .
and with international organizations checking the elections, not like the fake Assad elections.

History is full of shitty leaders and shitty public and and shitty oppositions and and shitty neighbors and shitty situations. Mature people with some political knowledge should support the situation that seems least harmful to the most number of people for the foreseeable future.
History is full of shitty leaders and shitty public and and shitty oppositions and and shitty neighbors and shitty situations. Mature people with some political knowledge should support the situation that seems least harmful to the most number of people for the foreseeable future.
i agree
but Syria with Assad is impossible. people cannot forgive him. Syria can not be stabilized with him.
i agree
but Syria with Assad is impossible. people cannot forgive him. Syria can not be stabilized with him.

Syria without SAA and by extension Assad means a cannibal zombie-land. Yes, zombie terrorists can never forgive him. They better not.

I prefer an ophthalmologist to any zombie on any day. Not even if the zombie swears by democracy and women rights. I would still prefer the ophthalmologist.
i agree
but Syria with Assad is impossible. people cannot forgive him. Syria can not be stabilized with him.

I'd guess that there are enough people in Syria now that compare their life in Assad controlled territories and rebel controlled territories and probably think that Assad isn't that bad, or they compare their lives now with their lives five years back.

However, these are all guesses. I don't know how what's in the mind of every Syrian now. Best solution would be to first cut of the funding of the rebels (funding them didn't work since last 4 years, and I don't see how it will work in next four years) and then force everyone to sit down without any stupid preconditions. Any regional player that says "Assad should leave before we talk" should be kicked out of the room and not be invited to any diplomacy talks ever again. You can't set a condition for talks! That's why Bush's "you have to stop enrichment before we talk" completely failed with Iran. Who is going to talk if the other side isn't even listening before it starts?
Okay, who can decisively win then?
Thanks to Russia and Iran no one. Assad will keep murdering 150 people a day just to stay on his wrecked throne.

I'd guess that there are enough people in Syria now that compare their life in Assad controlled territories and rebel controlled territories and probably think that Assad isn't that bad, or they compare their lives now with their lives five years back.

However, these are all guesses. I don't know how what's in the mind of every Syrian now. Best solution would be to first cut of the funding of the rebels (funding them didn't work since last 4 years, and I don't see how it will work in next four years) and then force everyone to sit down without any stupid preconditions. Any regional player that says "Assad should leave before we talk" should be kicked out of the room and not be invited to any diplomacy talks ever again.
You still insist showing that psychopath murderer to Syrians. Do u think for a second that people who suffered 4 years under barrel bombs will accept him as president like nothing happened? How many more Syrians should die for that psychopath and ur Ayatulas before u realize that its over?

You can't set a condition for talks! That's why Bush's "you have to stop enrichment before we talk" completely failed with Iran.
In fact it was super successful. Just after two years of sanctions Iran kicked Ahmadinejad and begged for negotiations. I guarantee you that after 5-10 years ayatulas would do literally anything.
Thanks to Russia and Iran no one. Assad will keep murdering 150 people a day just to stay on his wrecked throne.

150 people a day? What people? Can you show show me how Assad is killing 150 people a day?
150 people a day? What people? Can you show show me how Assad is killing 150 people a day?
Thats average amount dying in Syria. Those poor Alawites and Afghans which Assad and Ayatulas are sending to death in order to stay on throne for another day are also his victims.
Thats average amount dying in Syria. Those poor Alawites and Afghans which Assad and Ayatulas are sending to death in order to stay on throne for another day are also his victims.

According to who? To you?

Ah, an Israeli military officer crying for 'innocent Muslim deaths'.

You know something is not right when the crocodile is crying his eyes out.


What 'rebels'?The same guys who are bedfellows of Nusra (Al-Qaeda) terrorists?

And they can win 'decisively'? How many more years does it take? Yeah, maybe they can eventually win to the last Syrian. We finally learned the meaning of a decisive win.

Btw, any proof to show 'majority' of Syrians support terrorists more than the regime?

Let's take a look at recent poll by ORB:


Ironically, Assad has more support on the ground than all opposing factions. Of course, you will bring excuses, since you have been fed with the narration that FSA/Nusra are actually more popular than SAA.
Yes, you can obviously poll a population of 23 million, 12 million of which are refugees, and the rest are in war zones or near to war zones. Yes, it's totally possible.
Most areas of internet access are in regime-held areas, specifically the cost and Damascus. Both of which are regime strongholds due to Alawites in the Sahel or the influx of shiite foreign fighters in Damascus. Considering this fact (and the fact that people in rebel-held areas have many more things to worry about than accessing the internet and answering a poll), it's still amazing that many people support rebels.
Also, I don't support Nusra.

History is full of shitty leaders and shitty public and and shitty oppositions and and shitty neighbors and shitty situations. Mature people with some political knowledge should support the situation that seems least harmful to the most number of people for the foreseeable future.
So Assad killing 179,000 people is the "least harmful?"
Flawless Iranian logic never ceases to amaze me.

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