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US Military: Literally only 4 moderate rebels exist in Syria to fight ISIS (if they're still alive!)


Dec 5, 2014
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
This pathetic news came out just hours ago.

US military officials were in a Senate hearing explaining how the fight against ISIS is going on in Syria and what US coalition was doing on the ground.

The American Generals explained under oath to the senators that the American government program to annually train 5000 "moderate rebels" at the cost of 500 million dollars has been a total failure. As per days old intel, only 4 or 5 moderate rebels trained and funded by United States still remained moderate and on the ground "fighting" ISIS (the Generals were not exactly sure about the number because of various complex issues with numerically counting moderates in Syria outside of Assad forces :rofl:).

One General suggested to use the toes of his left foot and counting it using his right hand while the Senate was of the view that he should use the toes of his right foot and use his left hand to count the toes. :rofl:

At the end they could not decide what to do and ended the day by releasing the statement that 4 or 5 "moderate" rebels exist in Syria. Then they all went to a nearby bar to grab a drink and call it a day.

General: Only '4 or 5' U.S.-Trained Syrian Fighters Operating Against ISIS - US News

Moderate rebels are so weak. Without religion they have no morale.
Moderate rebels are so weak. Without religion they have no morale.

No. That is not the case. Assad is not running a religious government and his military is not a religious military. His is rather a secular government and military. But as BBC a pro-rebel and anti-Assad media explains in this article the morale remains high among Assad forces: Syria conflict: No sign of Assad regime crumbling - BBC News

Similar is the case with religious military factions fighting against ISIS in Iraq where they have created a religious counter narrative for their fight against ISIS as this thread explains the case of one of them: Angel of Death: Abu Azrael. Daesh worse Nightmere

The reason the American moderate rebels do not remain moderate and after a short half-life of days to years become extremists whether in Syria or Libya or Afghanistan or etc, is because US intentionally uses Wahabism as central peg of its foreign policy towards Muslims. The only non-NATO Muslim country which has had a continuous strategic relationship with United States since World War II, is Saudi Arabia. The Saudi relationship with US almost rivals that of US with Israel. Note that when Israel was under attack the US never physically went into war on behalf of Israel. But as soon as Saudis get even a bit scared, the US aircraft carriers are put at the service of Saud family protecting their fiefdom called Saudi Arabia. The US even went into war in order to protect Sauds from their ex-friend, Saddam Hussain.

Even now US hates to deal with any other Muslim strategic player in the region or beyond to solve the problem of Syria. US still thinks they can remove the secular government of Syria which is not pro-American and replace it with a pro-American Wahabi "moderate" puppet state. It sounds bizarre but this is the reality.
Moderate rebels are so weak. Without religion they have no morale.
it is not about religion
islamists have a strong support from the gulf states and Turkey. the other are ignored except some US help.

take an another exemple: many army men in Syria are fighting to defend their country against islamists (in their point of view). it is not about judging it is good or bad, but they strongly are involved and risk their life and sometimes even fight till the end .
Even having 4 is a surprise. It was clear from the beginning who these "rebels" are and that it was a religious conflict. Strange enough, within months, so many insects from around the world started pouring into Syria as it was a planned invasion. IMO, it was due to Saudi funded madrasa network and Saudis/GCC are using them as mercenaries for their interests. From the first month there were videos of beheadings going around on the internet. I remember how my leftist friends were going #freeSyria back then. :lol:
I wonder if their names were: Spider-Man, Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman. :lol:

Somebody please tell me if they are still alive. :lol: I am genuinely worried for their safety outside of Assad controlled areas.

"Moderate" rebels fighting for "democracy", heh? F***ing morons. :crazy:
I thought the Southern Front is considered moderate? These are Jordanian trained Syrian refugees. They always lose to SAA in Daraa.
"Moderate rebels" = / = NSF. NSF is trained by US, the vast majority of other rebels fall under the definition of "moderate."
I thought the Southern Front is considered moderate? These are Jordanian trained Syrian refugees. They always lose to SAA in Daraa.

The only moderate force in Syria is SAA.

"Moderate rebels" = / = NSF. NSF is trained by US, the vast majority of other rebels fall under the definition of "moderate."

killing Sunnis

The moment you made it a sectarian 'revolution' and chants of 'Allawites to grave, Christians to Lebanon' was heard in Syria, you should have known your 'uprising' is so screwed. One does not simply get a proper revolution with that sick and corrupted ideology. Muslim Brotherhood gangs in Syria where planning it for ages.

The funny thing is, you guys never learn and beat on these sectarian drums more and more every day.

You have no idea how it look likes from outside when you cheer for any gains in Syria by Al-Qaeda, which has became the strongest force besides ISIS, trying to convince yourself that since they are allied with others, they are the good guys.

It's obvious how screwed is this when Al-Qaeda is leading the major battles of this 'revolution'.
Oh yeah I forgot. This is Iranians we're talking about here. Moderate = killing Sunnis. That makes ISIS moderate too by your standards.

Those are tears of a crocodile. Isis is just part and parcel of the same zombies called "moderate" rebels. There is no difference between them. Whether Isis or puspus. Names do not matter anymore.

And in the video posted by @nForce above, President Assad answers all your questions.
The war was motivated along sectarian reasons, why does anyone suppose that religion and extremism would not have anything to do with motivation. The US has no need to be here, if the middle east or rather Muslims cannot be bothered, then let them be butchered away.

This forum's middle east section is that 80% of the middle east population has no issues with the bold anyway as long as the other sect or race is getting killed.

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