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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

Oh? :o: Actually, there is no war between Russia and Ukraine. In such a war Ukraine would lose its entire military in like a week.

Russians have small number of guided weapons and no modern pods, thats why they create WW2 style "flying tanks".
Egypt grants Russia access of its airspace for aerial transport to Syria. Iran and Iraq have already done so.

Rumor has it, Operation Salvation will soon be launched to retake Idlib.
Proof of that? Noone saying anything from my family. And they always say something if it happens.
Middle East - Dozens of civilians, including children, killed in rebel rocket attack in Syria’s Aleppo, says NGO - France 24

State of denial again? Right, I was waiting for your family to confirm it. I am supposed to believe a random guy on internet who says he has a family in western Aleppo.

Btw, if we assume you have a family in Aleppo, what would you do if your family was one of those hurt in this shelling? That would be a bitter irony, wouldn't it? Your family being targeted by the same guys you have been busy bringing excuses for their crimes left and right, no matter how many civilians they kill.


Mahmoud Omar aka Abu Noah, Jaish al-Islam deputy commander was obliterated in Tal-Kurdi clashes. A high value hunting.

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Middle East - Dozens of civilians, including children, killed in rebel rocket attack in Syria’s Aleppo, says NGO - France 24

Right, I was waiting for your family to confirm it. I am supposed to believe a random guy on internet who says he has a family in western Aleppo.

Btw, if we assume you have a family in Aleppo, what would you do if your family was one of those hurt in this shelling? That would be a bitter irony, wouldn't it? Your family being targeted by the same guys you have been busy bringing excuses for their crimes left and right, no matter how many civilians they kill.
Assad and Ayatulas were telling us that those who fire unguided rockets at civilian neighborhoods are heroic resistance. They financed and armed them. They still do it actually. So whats ur problem?
Assad and Ayatulas were telling us that those who fire unguided rockets at civilian neighborhoods are heroic resistance. They financed and armed them. They still do it actually. So whats ur problem?

Compare number of Lebanese civilians Israel killed and number of Israeli civilians Hezbollah killed, 2 countries at state of war (which is far different than a civil war) and you will know who the terrorist is, IDF or Hezbollah.
Compare number of Lebanese civilians Israel killed and number of Israeli civilians Hezbollah killed, 2 countries at state of war (which is far different than a civil war) and you will know who the terrorist is, IDF or Hezbollah.
1) Number of civilians killed by Assad is many many times more than number of civilians killed by rebels. You can check destruction map of Aleppo:


Rebel areas are damaged tenfolds more.

2) Israel spends billions of dollars to protect its civilians. Shelters, alert system, Iron Dome. I remember how some of you were laughing at "coward" Israelis taking cover during rocket attacks. Assad Atatulas spent ZERO to protect their civilians. They spent billions to kill Israeli civilians.
1) Number of civilians killed by Assad is many many times more than number of civilians killed by rebels. You can check destruction map of Aleppo:


Rebel areas are damaged tenfolds more.

2) Israel spends billions of dollars to protect its civilians. Shelters, alert system, Iron Dome. I remember how some of you were laughing at "coward" Israelis taking cover during rocket attacks. Assad Atatulas spent ZERO to protect their civilians. They spent billions to kill Israeli civilians.

Hamas shoots rockets from Gaza, hence they are terrorists (Israel says), so do you accept that those who shoot mortars into Syrian cities, hiding among buildings are also terrorists or not?

It's a very simple yes and no question, just don't try to circle around it.
Hamas shoots rockets from Gaza, hence they are terrorists (Israel says), so do you accept that those who shoot mortars into Syrian cities, hiding among buildings are also terrorists or not?

It's a very simple yes and no question, just don't try to circle around it.
Anyone who uses indiscriminate fire at civilian neighborhoods is terrorist (Hamas, Hezbollah, Assad, rebels). But rebels are hard to blame. First of all they are barrel bombed on daily basis, secondly they've been told by Assad himself that firing rockets at civilians is heroic resistance act.
Anyone who uses indiscriminate fire at civilian neighborhoods is terrorist (Hamas, Hezbollah, Assad, rebels). But rebels are hard to blame. First of all they are barrel bombed on daily basis, secondly they've been told by Assad himself that firing rockets at civilians is heroic resistance act.

collateral damage is the American term for it
Anyone who uses indiscriminate fire at civilian neighborhoods is terrorist (Hamas, Hezbollah, Assad, rebels). But rebels are hard to blame. First of all they are barrel bombed on daily basis, secondly they've been told by Assad himself that firing rockets at civilians is heroic resistance act.

Lol, I like how you try not to contradict your stance so hard, evading the 'hypocrite' title.

Israel has killed far more civilians than Hamas/Hezbollah combined. Using your own post, IDF is the biggest terrorist of all.

But then again, we are not supposed to be convincing each other, so why waste time?
Middle East - Dozens of civilians, including children, killed in rebel rocket attack in Syria’s Aleppo, says NGO - France 24

State of denial again? Right, I was waiting for your family to confirm it. I am supposed to believe a random guy on internet who says he has a family in western Aleppo.

Btw, if we assume you have a family in Aleppo, what would you do if your family was one of those hurt in this shelling? That would be a bitter irony, wouldn't it? Your family being targeted by the same guys you have been busy bringing excuses for their crimes left and right, no matter how many civilians they kill.


Mahmoud Omar aka Abu Noah, Jaish al-Islam deputy commander was obliterated in Tal-Kurdi clashes. A high value hunting.

1.) I do have family in Western Aleppo, in fact 3 died just recently, in shelling around Qasr al Baladi. That makes the number of dead 10 now. Souria el Assad!
2.) Is SOHR not Haram anymore after it states something that rebels did wrong? I thought your ayatollahs said it was haram. If you want actual, accurate information, check SNHR or LCC.

Israel has killed far more civilians than Hamas/Hezbollah combined. Using your own post, IDF is the biggest terrorist of all.
Israel kills more because they have the capability to do so. If Hezbollah had an Army similar to Israel's (Shias are not smart enough to form such a thing hahaha) they would've killed half of Syria's population.
1.) I do have family in Western Aleppo, in fact 3 died just recently, in shelling around Qasr al Baladi. That makes the number of dead 10 now. Souria el Assad!

The one to blame is the US for instigating Arab spring in the first place.
1.) I do have family in Western Aleppo, in fact 3 died just recently, in shelling around Qasr al Baladi. That makes the number of dead 10 now. Souria el Assad!
Killed by rebel shelling? You don't seem to be sad at all, you know why? Because you don't give a damn if someone is killed by rebels, even if they are your family.

2.) Is SOHR not Haram anymore after it states something that rebels did wrong? I thought your ayatollahs said it was haram. If you want actual, accurate information, check SNHR or LCC.
Just come clean. When I use pro SAA source, you whine, when I use pro-rebel source you whine. What should I do?

Israel kills more because they have the capability to do so. If Hezbollah had an Army similar to Israel's (Shias are not smart enough to form such a thing hahaha) they would've killed half of Syria's population.

If Shias are not smart enough to build such army, then what do you call rebels fighting in Syria? apes? Because they have junk weapons which are far weaker than weapons in Hezbollah arsenal, yet they have killed perhaps hundreds of times more civilian than Hezbollah has ever killed in its history.

If Hezbollah wanted to kill Syrian civilians, believe me, they have capability to kill hundreds of thousands, but it's an insult to Hezbollah to compare them to Israel or rebels in Syria.

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