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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

Its hard to defend city with disloyal population inside and outside. Assad soldiers dont really understand why they need to defend it and flee at first opportunity. On the other hand their own towns they defend well, like Fua in Idlib and Zahra in Aleppo.

So what you're essentially saying is that despite successes of the Rebels against the Regime in these areas, the areas that form the heartland of Assad's support are in no position to be overrun. Thus, the assertion that Assad is on the verge of collapse are overblown than.

Sir, although i am of the firm belief that if Russia starts committing men, resources and intelligence, the tide will shift in Assad's favor by a heavy margin. As we saw in Eastern Ukraine, the rebels were getting whacked by the Ukrainian Army and were on the verge of collapse, till the Russian Army stepped in and clobbered the Ukrainian Army right left and center. On a side note, Ukrainian Army is far more powerful and better trained compared to all these ISIS, Al Nusra, FSA clubbed together.
So what you're essentially saying is that despite successes of the Rebels against the Regime in these areas, the areas that form the heartland of Assad's support are in no position to be overrun. Thus, the assertion that Assad is on the verge of collapse are overblown than.

Sir, although i am of the firm belief that if Russia starts committing men, resources and intelligence, the tide will shift in Assad's favor by a heavy margin. As we saw in Eastern Ukraine, the rebels were getting whacked by the Ukrainian Army and were on the verge of collapse, till the Russian Army stepped in and clobbered the Ukrainian Army right left and center. On a side note, Ukrainian Army is far more powerful and better trained compared to all these ISIS, Al Nusra, FSA clubbed together.
Difference is that Russia is not the only one who can commit sources and soldiers in Syria. Even with all the Shia terrorists and billions of Russian and Iranian money poring into Assad's army he didn't make a dent. With Russian and Iranian money running out we can see Assad retreating to loyalist territory and he will make a last stand there before putting a bullet in his own head. Iran and Russia can't outspend Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the U.S. I mean if Russia continues this don't you think the U.S. Can't give some heavy weapons to the rebels in return?
With Russian and Iranian money running out we can see Assad retreating to loyalist territory and he will make a last stand there before putting a bullet in his own head.
That's pretty much exactly what will happen. It won't be over then, though. Many different armed groups operate in Syria and the war will continue 'till the bitter end.
First of all I said 40%.
Secondly there is a huge difference between loyalty and support. Many westerners dont like their governments but still they are fully loyal.
loyal to what? most people here HATE most French politics . lot don't vote lot vote extremist to show their anger.
That's pretty much exactly what will happen. It won't be over then, though. Many different armed groups operate in Syria and the war will continue 'till the bitter end.
If US wants they can give a heavy blow to Assad by creating a no-fly/safe zone in north-Syria. It would be a major jumping board to give deep jabs to the Assad army. The thing is that US is happy with the status quo. Iran wasting billions on Assad. Russia spending billions on Assad while being both on the edge of economic ruin. It gives US a major leverage over these two countries. All Russian and Iranian money will be in vain though. Even at the status quo with all the help Assad is getting he can't make a dent. He simply doesn't have the people behind him and relies on Shia terrorists. US has a longer breath. They are following the same principle that they did in WW2. Watch others fight each other to exhaustion. At the last moment they will come in and make the final blow. They don't even have to give a "final blow". Just implement that no-fly/safe zone and give some critical weaponry. If US and NATO helps with the no-fly/safe zone, Turkey has said it will commit militarily.
Difference is that Russia is not the only one who can commit sources and soldiers in Syria.

Who else is willing to put soldiers on the ground? And by soldiers i mean, well trained soldiers.

Even with all the Shia terrorists and billions of Russian and Iranian money poring into Assad's army he didn't make a dent.

He has been able to hold his territory, it is not in danger of falling to the rebels despite billions of dollars being spent by the West and GCC countries to prop up the rebels.

With Russian and Iranian money running out we can see Assad retreating to loyalist territory and he will make a last stand there before putting a bullet in his own head.

Taking those strongholds is easier said than done. None of the rebels have the weaponry nor the resources required to take his loyalist territory. The morale that is lacking in non loyalist areas will return once the soldiers realize they are defending their own homes. Not to mention, they will be sitting in fortified fortresses with heavy weapons. The rebels do not possess the siege weapons required to take this territory.

Iran and Russia can't outspend Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the U.S. I mean if Russia continues this don't you think the U.S. Can't give some heavy weapons to the rebels in return?

It is not about outspending, its about putting boots on the ground. If Russia decides to put a Brigade Level force on the ground; the level of sophistication, training and most importantly intelligence they bring is something the Rebels cannot even dream of. Right now my assessment tells me that what SAA is lacking is a professional Officers Corp, this is something where the Russians excel in, they are masters of Operational Art.

The US can provide heavy weapons to rebels, although it will be tough for them to supply it logistically but how will the rebels operate such sophisticated piece of machinery. This is not just a stinger that you pull out and aim, you need trained operators to operate these machines and than another trained staff to maintain this sophisticated machinery.
Difference is that Russia is not the only one who can commit sources and soldiers in Syria. Even with all the Shia terrorists and billions of Russian and Iranian money poring into Assad's army he didn't make a dent. With Russian and Iranian money running out we can see Assad retreating to loyalist territory and he will make a last stand there before putting a bullet in his own head. Iran and Russia can't outspend Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the U.S. I mean if Russia continues this don't you think the U.S. Can't give some heavy weapons to the rebels in return?

It's not about money. It's about power. Russia test new hardware in Syria. AK-12 will be tested.
So what you're essentially saying is that despite successes of the Rebels against the Regime in these areas, the areas that form the heartland of Assad's support are in no position to be overrun. Thus, the assertion that Assad is on the verge of collapse are overblown than.
Yep thats true. But in same time Assad lost most of his territories and almost all of his resources and needs to spend billions on war. That means he cant function without foreign (Russia and Iran) aid.

Sir, although i am of the firm belief that if Russia starts committing men, resources and intelligence, the tide will shift in Assad's favor by a heavy margin. As we saw in Eastern Ukraine, the rebels were getting whacked by the Ukrainian Army and were on the verge of collapse, till the Russian Army stepped in and clobbered the Ukrainian Army right left and center. On a side note, Ukrainian Army is far more powerful and better trained compared to all these ISIS, Al Nusra, FSA clubbed together.
1) The Ukrainian army is very poorly trained, has zero experience and little motivation, while rebels gained much experience in past 4 years and mostly very fanatical.
2) The Ukrainian army is fighting in area with pro-Russian population, in Syria fighting is in pro-rebel population areas.
3) The war zone in Ukraine is right on Russian border, while Syria is thousands miles away.

So very little common between these two. I doubt Russia will join active combat and even if it joins it wont change much.

Russia and Iran have invaded Syria so far...
where is CodePink? StopTheWar? Oh yeah busy being hypocrites.
CodePink and StopTheWar have not mentioned Assad's barrel bombs even once in 4 years. They are nothing but Putin's stooges.
1) The Ukrainian army is very poorly trained, has zero experience and little motivation, while rebels gained much experience in past 4 years and mostly very fanatical.
2) The Ukrainian army is fighting in area with pro-Russian population, in Syria fighting is in pro-rebel population areas.
3) The war zone in Ukraine is right on Russian border, while Syria is thousands miles away.

So very little common between these two. I doubt Russia will join active combat and even if it joins it wont change much.

Agreed. It is likely Russia will only do air support and artillery support. Russian air power is absolutely insane. Su-34, Su-35, Su-30SM, Ka-52, Mi-28, Tu-160. These are some of the finest in the world. MSTA-S, Tornado, Smerch, TOS-1. Nothing in Syria's artillery arsenal comes close to these beasts.

One thing to note is Ukrainian soldiers would never dare to fight regular Russian military. Case in point. Russian conquest of Crimea without firing a shot.

I suppose the goal is to recapture Idlib. Idlib is the only capital held by non ISIS rebels. If recaptured, it would be a huge morale blow to non ISIS rebels.
Hezzy guy + Druze guy + SAA guy


SAA got GaZ Tigr

Agreed. It is likely Russia will only do air support and artillery support. Russian air power is absolutely insane. Su-34, Su-35, Su-30SM, Ka-52, Mi-28, Tu-160. These are some of the finest in the world. MSTA-S, Tornado, Smerch, TOS-1. Nothing in Syria's artillery arsenal comes close to these beasts.
Actually Russia air power is pretty poor. They dont have JDAMs, no modern targeting pods, no modern UAVs, no UCAV, small number of guided weapons... They are basically very large Syrian air force.
Actually Russia air power is pretty poor. They dont have JDAMs, no modern targeting pods, no modern UAVs, no UCAV, small number of guided weapons... They are basically very large Syrian air force.

Oh? :o: Actually, there is no war between Russia and Ukraine. In such a war Ukraine would lose its entire military in like a week.

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