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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

Is that so? You know i do critisize my goverment where its approciate or defend it against the BS spread here, and you somehow come to the conclusion that i defend my goverment on everything, but im still the delusioned one, why is that? Because i counter the BS spread here?
You first need to question your own goverment before calling me delusional.

See thats what i meant, what Iran is doing is basically the other side of the coin but you see it the righteous way, pls stop the fighting terrorism and such stuff when Iran is supporting houthis in Yemen or the Iranian backed dictator himself killed more civilians than all terrorists together.

The difference is the goverment in Turkey is elected and can be voted out as the last election result shows, now say the same about Syria.
And about Yemen, you guys seem to be very interested in a conflict that you have nothing to do with (according to you).
As I am aware the government in syria also is elected and can be voted out if the opposition dare to participate in election instead of boycotting it.
2 Ashrar al-Sham 'rebels' in Hezbollah captivity, yesterday in Zabadani.


Imagine if they had captured a Hezbollah member (Though it's amazing that Hezbollah doesn't have one single captured member in any part of Syria).

As one put it nicely, we feed their prisoners, they eat our prisoners.
2 Ashrar al-Sham 'rebels' in Hezbollah captivity, yesterday in Zabadani.


Imagine if they had captured a Hezbollah member (Though it's amazing that Hezbollah doesn't have one single captured member in any part of Syria).

As one put it nicely, we feed their prisoners, they eat our prisoners.
And where is the proof these people are captured? Ahrar al Sham fighters wouldn't give up without being injured at least. And they clearly aren't here.

Meanwhile, rebels have plenty of videos of captured Assadists, Hezbollah, Afghanis, Iranians, etc. given medical treatment, food, and water. I can post a lot but a lot of them are graphic due to wounds sustained by Assadists.
Russian propaganda TV shows Syrian army in action:

Best pieces:




And simply must watch:

2:01-2:03 :rofl:

Afghani's Russian's and one hybrid raqi/lobnani...........they dont even make good fertilizer
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Russian propaganda TV shows Syrian army in action:

Best pieces:




And simply must watch:

2:01-2:03 :rofl:
And I thought we had crappy aim, this explains why we're winning :omghaha:

In other news, during the negotiations for Fua'a & Kefarya evacuation, Ahrar demanded 1,000 women to be released from regime prisons, Iranians said no. Iran would rather have Fua'a and Kefarya stormed than to let go 1,000 women from regime prisons. Think about that.

According to an Israeli newspaper (YNET), Russia will be using it's AF to bomb rebels: I swear if this isn't enough justification for MANPADs or a NFZ I don't know what is.
First BTR-82As manned by Russians now this. Kavkaz Emirate better spring back up into action soon.

And because this was totally needed, a street in Damascus was named after Kim Il-Sung. Dictators worshiping each other.

ISIS casualties in North Aleppo in the last 10 days are ~250 dead, and 472 injured in Al-Bab hospital alone. 9 Daeshis also died when a car bomb they were making detonated in Al-Bab.
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And I thought we had crappy aim, this explains why we're winning :omghaha:

In other news, during the negotiations for Fua'a & Kefarya evacuation, Ahrar demanded 1,000 women to be released from regime prisons, Iranians said no. Iran would rather have Fua'a and Kefarya stormed than to let go 1,000 women from regime prisons. Think about that.

According to an Israeli newspaper (YNET), Russia will be using it's AF to bomb rebels: I swear if this isn't enough justification for MANPADs or a NFZ I don't know what is.
First BTR-82As manned by Russians now this. Kavkaz Emirate better spring back up into action soon.

And because this was totally needed, a street in Damascus was named after Kim Il-Sung. Dictators worshiping each other.

ISIS casualties in North Aleppo in the last 10 days are ~250 dead, and 472 injured in Al-Bab hospital alone. 9 Daeshis also died when a car bomb they were making detonated in Al-Bab.

I hate to break your heart, but nobody will do anything. To the Arab world and international world, Iranian/Russian domination of Syria and preservation of regime > letting Muslims win the war. They won't tolerate any international Muslim army, only secular nationalist army. So you're not going to get any support, we've been through it. Your best bet is for all factions to resolve differences and do their best to combat Russia and Iranian efforts in Syria.

If you think otherwise you're stupid and are average typical person who doesn't belong in politics.
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IS is making gains in Aleppo, not because they're better trained nor any conspiracy theories. Because they are organized, all answer back to single leadership and have straight forward agenda which is not based off foreign advisers. Even if you oppose the group, they don't go to Jordan, US or Turkey to discuss military/political steps. They are independent. Unlike rebels in Daraa who get blackmailed by US/Jordan and therefore delay military operations. If IS defeats rebels in Aleppo, the rebels would be forced to defect to them, and the Kurds would lose their area of control in the northwest. If you're wondering why they're still growing, it's because lack of international support for locals, corruption of other factions and bad leadership of other factions. Other factions simply can't deliver and aren't serious about their objectives. Eventually it will be IS taking on Russia, US, Iran and regional dictatorships.

ISIS is also targeting rebels in small towns near Damascus and are succeeding, it may be possible that rebel groups will collapse. Can someone explain this? Do other rebel groups lack weapons/have corruption?

Hypocrisy of international world also contributes to this. Burning of man by Shia militias in Iraq recieves no attention, bombing of civilians by international world doesn't either. But any action by IS gets attention. Therefore natural law just stands against hypocrisy and will increase their success. IS can't be defeated if immorality and injustice remain.


In other news, Army of Conquest in Idlib claims 200km rockets aimed at 'Qardaha' soon to be used:


These seem like Hezbollah members to me and not rebels. But if Rebels means they're trying different means.


Latest news:

The King AragorN ‏@selessar 2m2 minutes ago
#Breaking: Fighter jets of coalition forces including #Turkey bombing #Raqqa of #ISIS now #Syria #ISIL #YPG #Nusra

TahrirSy تحرير سوري ‏@TahrirSy 6m6 minutes ago
Breaking: Intern'l coalition warplanes strike #ISIS targets in the northern #Aleppo countryside #Syria #IS #Happening_Now
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IS is making gains in Aleppo, not because they're better trained nor any conspiracy theories. Because they are organized, all answer back to single leadership and have straight forward agenda which is not based off foreign advisers. Even if you oppose the group, they don't go to Jordan, US or Turkey to discuss military/political steps. They are independent. Unlike rebels in Daraa who get blackmailed by US/Jordan and therefore delay military operations. If IS defeats rebels in Aleppo, the rebels would be forced to defect to them, and the Kurds would lose their area of control in the northwest. If you're wondering why they're still growing, it's because lack of international support for locals, corruption of other factions and bad leadership of other factions. Other factions simply can't deliver and aren't serious about their objectives. Eventually it will be IS taking on Russia, US, Iran and regional dictatorships.

ISIS is also targeting rebels in small towns near Damascus and are succeeding, it may be possible that rebel groups will collapse. Can someone explain this? Do other rebel groups lack weapons/have corruption?

Hypocrisy of international world also contributes to this. Burning of man by Shia militias in Iraq recieves no attention, bombing of civilians by international world doesn't either. But any action by IS gets attention. Therefore natural law just stands against hypocrisy and will increase their success. IS can't be defeated if immorality and injustice remain.


In other news, Army of Conquest in Idlib claims 200km rockets aimed at 'Qardaha' soon to be used:
View attachment 252396


These seem like Hezbollah members to me and not rebels. But if Rebels means they're trying different means.


Latest news:

The King AragorN ‏@selessar 2m2 minutes ago
#Breaking: Fighter jets of coalition forces including #Turkey bombing #Raqqa of #ISIS now #Syria #ISIL #YPG #Nusra

TahrirSy تحرير سوري ‏@TahrirSy 6m6 minutes ago
Breaking: Intern'l coalition warplanes strike #ISIS targets in the northern #Aleppo countryside #Syria #IS #Happening_Now
IS aren't gaining any ground now. Rebels are storming Tilalayn right now, and Ajnad al Sham repelled IS attacks on Damascus. For now anywhere IS want to go in the country they make fighting the rebels a priority first. They aren't fighting Assad as much as they fight rebels, not by a long shot.
IS aren't gaining any ground now. Rebels are storming Tilalayn right now, and Ajnad al Sham repelled IS attacks on Damascus. For now anywhere IS want to go in the country they make fighting the rebels a priority first. They aren't fighting Assad as much as they fight rebels, not by a long shot.

I don't know what their priorities are, but stating they manage to deliver on the battlefield. ISIS in Damascus was probably result of internal dispute with rebels causing a split then fight for control. I am not aware of their manpower or capabilities in areas near the regime, in Homs it seems they're trying. From north east of Damascus it doesn't seem like they are. They're fighting in Aleppo because of small US sponsored groups deployed from Turkey with intended aim of ground offensive against IS. So it shouldn't be too hard to realize why they are fighting rebels there. Basically these small US sponsored groups cause escalation between IS and other Islamist groups, then these small groups pull out and fighting continues. We don't to appreciate ISIS in order to be honest. I am telling you what is happening. Regime is still strong in most major provinces. It seems this war will extend itself.
I don't know what their priorities are, but stating they manage to deliver on the battlefield. ISIS in Damascus was probably result of internal dispute with rebels causing a split then fight for control. I am not aware of their manpower or capabilities in areas near the regime, in Homs it seems they're trying. From north east of Damascus it doesn't seem like they are. They're fighting in Aleppo because of small US sponsored groups deployed from Turkey with intended aim of ground offensive against IS. So it shouldn't be too hard to realize why they are fighting rebels there. Basically these small US sponsored groups cause escalation between IS and other Islamist groups, then these small groups pull out and fighting continues. We don't to appreciate ISIS in order to be honest. I am telling you what is happening. Regime is still strong in most major provinces. It seems this war will extend itself.
No internal split happened among rebels. ISIS in Damascus came because Assad gave up Palmyra to them.
The US sponsored groups weren't there when ISIS attack rebels in Deir ez Zour. Or Raqqa. Or even Damascus. Quneitara. The list goes on....
Regime is strong because of ruling with an iron fist. Since now it's importing more and more foreigners, Syrians will feel more and more subjugated.
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