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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

#Iran: Two Imperial Brothers were Killed in Syria

Names: Mustafa Bakhti and Mujtaba Bakhti
Nationality: Iranians

Source (Farsi): Defa Press
#Iran: A Foreign 'Adviser' was Killed in Syria

Name: Aassif Haydari
Nationality: Afghan

Source (Farsi): Tir Press
#Iran: One More Foreign 'Adviser' was Killed in Syria

Name: Qasim Ya'qoubi
Nationality: Afghan

Source (Farsi): Shahid News
#Iran: Yet Another Foreign 'Adviser' was Killed in Syria

Name: Ali Hasani
Nationality: Afghan (judging from the Bruce Lee-like people) | Iranian (judging from the flag)

- Look at that picture on your right, a man with a knapsack sprayer is trying to kill his fellows for thinking they are insects.

Source (Farsi): Tasnim News
There are 0 Zionists in Syria. Nice try. Yes, only Islamists support his downfall. What a bunch of nonsense. Let us ask Syrians here. @Dr.Thrax @Antaréss .
I'll represent the 'Islamist' | 'Zionist' females then. I usually don't make use of public figures but I can't talk about random persons either. 3 years ago when the regime executed the children of Al-Houla :

#Rewind: Lueez Abdulkareem Condemns Al-Houla Massacre
- May 26th, 2012
Summary :
Lueez Abdulkareem (Arabic: لويز عبد الكريم), an Alawite, published this message in 2012. She condemned Al-Houla Massacre and urged the loyal Alawites back then not to stand by the regime's side which was trying to sectarianize and demonize the revolution.

FYI: The word Minhibbakjiya (Arabic: منحبّكجيّة) means something like "Those who say: We love you (to Bashar)", it is used for making fun of the loyalists. An example: @Syrian Lion is a Minhibbakji.
@Syrian Lion, اشتقنا لك خيرات الله :(.

@Saif al-Arab, Lueez wasn't the only Alawite supporter of FSA :
  • Kinda Alloush is a pro-FSA 'Nasibi' Alawite
  • Fadwa Sulaiman is a pro-FSA 'Takfiri' Alawite
  • Nadia Khallouf is a pro-FSA 'Wahhabi' Alawite Assyrian (others are Alawite Arabs)
However, we aren't done yet as there are more like the pro-FSA Samar Yazbek. She published "A Woman in the crossfire: Diaries of the Syrian Revolution", the book's name speaks for itself. I hate her over-liberal thoughts though but I am mentioning her because she is :
Samar Yazbek (Arabic: سمر يزبك) and not 'Um Samar Al-Yazbekiya' (Arabic: أم سمر اليزبكيّة), an Arab (and not a 'Chechen'), an Alawite (never an 'Islamist'), a FEMINIST (rather than a 'Zionist'), and against Bashar Al-Assad (not a 'pro-child torturer'). It's just them, they sticked their nose and sectarianized everything.

On the other hand, 'resisters' have Maram Susli (Arabic: مرام سوسلي), also known as Mimi Al-Laham and Syrian Girl, a blogger who was born in Syria and raised in Australia and lives there (the irony). She often talks to their PressTV and just like them, she's as sensible as my little siblings. I'm not sure whether she speaks Arabic either.
Not to forget Obama's "red lines" that were crossed 100 times.
Wrong. He has never crossed the red line yet :

You're telling me neutral SNHR isn't credible?
I still have one more explanation. I hope I am hitting the nail right on the head this time.
Aren't you a Muslim ? Don't you live in the US ? Don't you have to look for the word Halal (Arabic: حلال) every time you buy meat products ?

Just like the 'resisters', they have to look for the Evil Twins (Santa Claus & Papa Smurf) whenever they visit a website to make sure it is 'credible and neutral', like a logo of a genuine product. Now you got why SNHR is 'not' reliable ? Simply because there isn't any Baba Noël in the SNHR website.

One of the websites I already posted of, Defa Press, has an Evil Twins logo (shown above) which proves it a %100 credible website (to 'resisters').
Hopefully, U.S will roast some Nusrats from the sky, hence bad guys killing the worst guys. By doing that, U.S can make up only for some of the nasty game it has played in Syria.

It will be very hard, since Al Nusra Somehow is Turkey red Line, i remember when ISIS and the kurds were fighting in kobani last year Turkey condition for allowing access was Al-Nusra to be left alone. now you have Turkey and America bombing each others baby, The problem is the more you bomb Al Nusra the more popular it would get in syria, you kill 10 and they would get 100 joining them sort of thing.
Life under two masters in Syria's Hasakeh

Hasakeh (Syria) (AFP) - Life in the Syrian city of Hasakeh, divided between allied Kurdish and regime forces, comes at a price: two lots of military service and double the taxes.

Raed, a Syrian Arab living in the northeastern city, avoids passing through checkpoints run by the Kurdish People's Protection Units (YPG).

"I finished my compulsory military service in the government army four years ago. The YPG are demanding that I complete their six-month compulsory service," the 28-year old told AFP.

"But I have a wife and children, and I can't be away from them for that long."

Control of Hasakeh city -- and other parts of the province by the same name -- is divided between Kurdish militia and forces loyal to President Bashar al-Assad.

Separate government and Kurdish-run institutions create a labyrinth of administrative processes, where residents living under one authority are afraid of crossing into the other's territory.

And where the two authorities overlap, civilians are forced to submit to both to stay out of trouble.

In the majority-Kurdish town of Amuda, 85 kilometres (50 miles) north of Hasakeh, Aziz has not seen his mother -- who lives in a regime-controlled zone of Hasakeh -- in two years.

"I'm too scared to visit because I have to pass through a regime checkpoint, and they would force me to do the compulsory military service," Aziz, who has completed his YPG service, tells AFP.

"Why do we, the residents of Hasakeh, have to spend our lives on the front lines and submit to double the military service?"

- Double military service -

After government troops withdrew from Kurdish-majority areas in 2012, a year after Syria's civil war broke out, local forces, including the YPG and its political arm, the Democratic Union Party (PYD), stepped in to fill the void.

Damascus continues to pay the salaries of government employees and to provide province-wide electricity and water, and it has left government troops deployed in some areas.

In 2013, the PYD announced autonomous Kurdish areas in three areas: Hasakeh province, which the Kurds call Jazire, and Kobane and Afrin in Aleppo province.

"Every resident under Kurdish control, whether Arab or Kurd or Assyrian, between the ages of 18 and 30, must come to us to get their papers in order to serve in the YPG's ranks," said Redwan Mohammad Sharif, head of the YPG's Military Service Unit.

Military identification papers for the YPG force were piled on his desk.

"People who served in the government's army are not exempt from the compulsory service in the autonomous administration," Sharif said.

Less than a kilometre (mile) away, posters of Assad and flags of his ruling Baath party adorned the government's imposing recruitment building.

Bilal, an administrative assistant reclining under an umbrella to avoid the beating sun, also said the regime does not recognise military service completed with the YPG.

Khalil Khalil, a university student in his 20s, completed both service requirements to have more freedom of movement.

"I finished the army's military service in 2004, and I didn't think that one day I would pick up a gun or wear military gear again, but I didn't have a choice," Khalil said.

- 'Hurt by both' -

Mansur Usi, 56, also holds two military IDs, as well as two driver's licences and two licence plates for his car -- a white government plate, and another green one for the YPG.

The Kurdish taxi driver and former government employee moves freely between Hasakeh city and Qamishli, a Kurdish-majority city to the northeast.

"I have two driver's licences: the first is for the government, in case the state police stops me, and the second is for the Kurds, in case the Asayish (Kurdish police) stops me," he said.

In Qamishli, local shopowners had scores of complaints.

Some stores in Kurdish-controlled areas stopped paying government taxes, while those in areas with overlapping authorities have been charged twice.

Bahfared, 50, owns a pharmacy in one of the areas where both regime and Kurdish administrations have influence.

"We suffer from the presence of two authorities: the first belongs to the government's Pharmacists Syndicate, where we pay yearly subscription fees," Bahfared said.

"And now there's also a second side... issuing me tickets because they say my prices are too high," he said, in an apparent jab at Kurdish forces.

A man who runs a cell phone store said he pays monthly government taxes as well as a weekly fee for Kurdish authorities to clean the streets outside.

"We are bothered by both sides... Life in this canton means being hurt by both of them."
is it true there was a meeting between syrian high official and a member of the saudi royal family ?
Look at all these groups, Nusra, ISIS, Ahrar Sham. They all have different leaders who fight each other for power at the expense of their own soldiers. SAA and its allies are united and they do not fight and kill each other like they do.
US-trained Syrian rebels believe captured by militants: Report | Zee News

Washington: The United States believes that at least five Syrian rebels who were trained by the US military have been captured by suspected members of Syria`s al Qaeda affiliate, Nusra Front, a US official said on Tuesday, speaking on condition of anonymity.

If confirmed, the capture of the US-trained fighters would be another blow to the US military`s still fledgling program to deploy local forces to counter Islamic State militants inside Syria, supporting them with US-led coalition air strikes.

US President Barack Obama has ruled out deploying American ground forces to battle the group.

Details surrounding the capture of the US-trained fighters were still unclear, including the precise timing.

Two US defence officials said it took place in the days after a Friday attack by suspected Nusra Front fighters against some of the US-trained Syrian rebels and the Western-aligned Syrian opposition force they hailed from, known as Division 30.

Reuters has reported that one of the US-trained Syrian fighters was killed in Friday`s attack. It was the first known battlefield casualty of the U.S. military`s program, which was launched in May and only fielded its first recruits in recent weeks.

The US military`s training program has been challenged from the start, with many candidates being declared ineligible and some even dropping out.

Obama`s requirement that they target militants from Islamic State has sidelined huge segments of the Syrian opposition, which is focusing instead on battling Syrian government forces.

Only around 60 have been deployed to the battlefield so far.

The Pentagon, which had last week offered assurances that none of the U.S.-trained Syrian fighters had been captured, declined to publicly provide those assurances on Monday. It also would not comment on the status of the U.S.-trained fighters.

"We`re not in a position to be able to provide you tactical details," spokesman Captain Jeff Davis told a news briefing, while acknowledging "developments" since the Pentagon`s assurances last week.

One of the most powerful insurgent groups in northern Syria, Nusra Front has a record of crushing rebel groups that have received support from Western states, including the Hazzm movement that collapsed earlier this year.

Davis said the United States remained committed to defending the Syrian fighters, including against the threat from Nusra Front, noting that the United States used air strikes to help repel the attack by suspected Nusra Front fighters on Friday.

"The al-Nusra Front has publicly declared itself an al Qaeda affiliate ... and we remain committed to working with our partners in the region to counter the threat," Davis said.

Looking at Arab countries, this expression fits them best, since their whole existence is because of Americans, their weapons and support.

But I don't mind if one enemy kills another enemy. It's great actually.

NoOoOoOoO you're not giving your uncle Obama justice, he just gave you billions of dollars by signing that nuclear deal with you, come on say sorry to uncle Obama before he gets mad and cancel the deal!
NoOoOoOoO you're not giving your uncle Obama justice, he just gave you billions of dollars by signing that nuclear deal with you, come on say sorry to uncle Obama before he gets mad and cancel the deal!

No one gave us anything, we are getting our own money. :)

Also, as an Arab, you can't even talk about relations with U.S. The whole existence of GCC, their whole army and security is literally nothing without U.S. Not even talking about U.S permanent aircraft carriers in Persian Gulf, aka Bahrain, Qatar and Kuwait.
NoOoOoOoO you're not giving your uncle Obama justice, he just gave you billions of dollars by signing that nuclear deal with you, come on say sorry to uncle Obama before he gets mad and cancel the deal!
Uncle Obama won't get mad at Iran. Poor little Iran, always bullied by America...they need a chance :( :( :(

Anyways, TOW making Assadists fly:
No one gave us anything, we are getting our own money. :)

Also, as an Arab, you can't even talk about relations with U.S. The whole existence of GCC, their whole army and security is literally nothing without U.S. Not even talking about U.S permanent aircraft carriers in Persian Gulf, aka Bahrain, Qatar and Kuwait.

Well unlike you Arabs don't scream "death to America" every 2 seconds while doing under table deals with America, you on the other hand should cut the hypocrisy and start kissing Aytollah Obama's feet.
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