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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

Hez and SAA captured Barada mosque in Zabadani. Reports of Hez deploying its elite Radwan Force in Zabadani. May the Force be with you, o Padwan I mean Radwan :rolleyes:
SAA airstrikes reported to be at highest than any other time in the war.

Nearly 7,000 airstrikes in July alone.
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SAA recaptured most of Ghab plain including power plant.
False. SAA has made gains, but they are far from retaking entire Ghab plain, they've taken power plant + a few villages. I have video evidence otherwise but it's extremely graphic, shows 20 dead Tiger forces + 2 tanks destroyed.
Doubt it. SAA has Buk M2 plus Pantsir S1. Also a NFZ won't work in Syria which is next door to Iraq.
No, Buk M2 do not exist under SAA, they only have Kubs., Panstir won't make a difference against a NATO air force.
Hez and SAA captured Barada mosque in Zabadani. Reports of Hez deploying its elite Radwan Force in Zabadani. May the Force be with you, o Padwan I mean Radwan :rolleyes:
Rebels deploying tactics of hit and run, will be recaptured soon. Zabadani rebels are locals who know the terrain, Hezbollah and SAA are from Lebanon and Tartous/Latakia, respectively.
SAA airstrikes reported to be at highest than any other time in the war.

Nearly 7,000 airstrikes in July alone.
Desperate nature, they want to try to kill as many as possible now.

Also, instead of posting post after post, edit your posts instead.
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Currently translating. Will edit this post when I'm done. Looks like something serious, but the blurriness of the image doesn't help (when zoomed in.)
It says, last year at these times, PKK fought them for 15 days which resulted with heavy casualties then they reached an agreement what reads 'PKK will leave Qatma(?) including all the villages around it and retreat behind Afrin river(?)' but then it keeps telling about the situation between Syrian rebels and PKK that PYD/PKK never retreated and always violated the rules of agreement since then so those groups of Syrian rebels declared a war against PKK now.

I think fight will be here and around(?):
It says, last year at these times, PKK fought them for 15 days which resulted with heavy casualties then they reached an agreement what reads 'PKK will leave Qatma(?) including all the villages around it and retreat behind Afrin river(?)' but then it keeps telling about the situation between Syrian rebels and PKK that PYD/PKK never retreated and always violated the rules of agreement since then so those groups of Syrian rebels declared a war against PKK now.

I think fight will be here and around(?):
They're talking about Atmah, I believe. No idea where that could be. I haven't been reading it that much yet (busy with some other news and such), but if what you're saying is ture, I hope rebels don't advance, that would be a bad idea, we'd get pummeled from the air.

Here is the source that you claim is "biased" and "not neutral."
They're talking about Atmah, I believe. No idea where that could be. I haven't been reading it that much yet (busy with some other news and such), but if what you're saying is ture, I hope rebels don't advance, that would be a bad idea, we'd get pummeled from the air.
I have read it 'Atma', too lol but still around Afrin and Afrin river, there is nowhere called 'Atma' but 'Qatma' so If that's true then It reminds me of recent news of a possible 'safe zone':


''The air operations Turkey launched against ISIS and the PKK terrorist groups were welcomed by Syrian Turkmens who claim the PKK's Syrian wing, the Democratic Union Party (PYD) is carrying out ethnic cleansing of Turkmens.

Speaking to Sabah daily, Turkmen leaders said that the proposed 100-kilometer-long safe zone, which is planned to run from Jarabulus to Azaz along the Syrian side of the Turkish-Syrian border, would relieve Turkmens from ISIS violence and the PYD threat, adding that the safe zone needs to be extended to Aleppo.

Turkmens, who have been struggling to survive in the 130-kilometer corridor ranging from Turkey's Gaziantep province to Aleppo for a long time, said: "We are passing through a historic process. The Turkmens in Syria are fighting for survival against ISIS, the PYD and [Syrian President Bashar] Assad. ISIS and the PYD are the enemies of the Syrian people. In such a critical phase, we will back every step Turkey takes against ISIS and the PYD. We are very pleased with the latest air operations launched by Turkey. We also wish such air operations to be launched against the PYD, which forces Turkmens to leave the regions it took from ISIS. Soon we will initiate a full scale fight against both ISIS and the PYD, which occupied Turkmen villages. We will save the Jarabulus-Azaz line from ISIS and the PYD at all costs. "

Fehim Isa, who is commander of the leading Turkmen Brigade in Syria, also said the air operations launched by Turkey were welcomed by the Western-backed opposition groups fighting in Syria, including Turkmens. Isa claimed that the PYD is the enemy of the Syrian people.

Isa also accused the PYD of having close links with the Assad regime. PYD Co-Chair Salih Muslim said in an interview with Al-Hayat magazine that they could allow the return of Syrian regime forces to Rojava and that the YPG could join forces in that case.

"The PYD has close affiliations with the Syrian regime. The Kurds receive weapons aid from Assad and attack Turkmens and other opponents. ISIS always poses a threat to us. Our villages are under the control of ISIS. The Turkmens living here have to live in very harsh conditions. About one million Turkmens used to live in Aleppo before the civil war broke out. Now, our population has decreased to 20,000. For us, the Syrian war is a war of land and honor against tyranny. The peoples of Syria are conducting this battle against Assad, his co-conspirator PYD and ISIS. Turkey has supported us to a great extent during this phase. The safe zone Turkey is to establish on the border will both avert possible threats against Turkey on the Syrian border and prevent ISIS and the PYD, which are constantly assaulting and threatening us, from acting that easily. The safe zone will give life to Turkmens. We have determined to unit with other Turkmen brigades. We will fight against the PYD and ISIS very soon. Any kind of support Turkey would give during this process is crucial to us," Isa said.

Located right across from the Kilis Öncüpınar Border Gate, Azaz has a vital importance for Turkmens. The PYD's Afrin canton is located to the west of this district, while on its east lies the border with Jarabulus, which ISIS controls. The Turkmens that are caught in between act together with the Arabs living in Azaz against their mutual enemy.''

They have not earned the right to use that march nor use that word. The walts.
I don't understand what you mean by that?
I have read it 'Atma', too lol but still around Afrin and Afrin river, there is nowhere called 'Atma' but 'Qatma' so If that's true then It reminds me of recent news of a possible 'safe zone':

View attachment 243024

''The air operations Turkey launched against ISIS and the PKK terrorist groups were welcomed by Syrian Turkmens who claim the PKK's Syrian wing, the Democratic Union Party (PYD) is carrying out ethnic cleansing of Turkmens.

Speaking to Sabah daily, Turkmen leaders said that the proposed 100-kilometer-long safe zone, which is planned to run from Jarabulus to Azaz along the Syrian side of the Turkish-Syrian border, would relieve Turkmens from ISIS violence and the PYD threat, adding that the safe zone needs to be extended to Aleppo.

Turkmens, who have been struggling to survive in the 130-kilometer corridor ranging from Turkey's Gaziantep province to Aleppo for a long time, said: "We are passing through a historic process. The Turkmens in Syria are fighting for survival against ISIS, the PYD and [Syrian President Bashar] Assad. ISIS and the PYD are the enemies of the Syrian people. In such a critical phase, we will back every step Turkey takes against ISIS and the PYD. We are very pleased with the latest air operations launched by Turkey. We also wish such air operations to be launched against the PYD, which forces Turkmens to leave the regions it took from ISIS. Soon we will initiate a full scale fight against both ISIS and the PYD, which occupied Turkmen villages. We will save the Jarabulus-Azaz line from ISIS and the PYD at all costs. "

Fehim Isa, who is commander of the leading Turkmen Brigade in Syria, also said the air operations launched by Turkey were welcomed by the Western-backed opposition groups fighting in Syria, including Turkmens. Isa claimed that the PYD is the enemy of the Syrian people.

Isa also accused the PYD of having close links with the Assad regime. PYD Co-Chair Salih Muslim said in an interview with Al-Hayat magazine that they could allow the return of Syrian regime forces to Rojava and that the YPG could join forces in that case.

"The PYD has close affiliations with the Syrian regime. The Kurds receive weapons aid from Assad and attack Turkmens and other opponents. ISIS always poses a threat to us. Our villages are under the control of ISIS. The Turkmens living here have to live in very harsh conditions. About one million Turkmens used to live in Aleppo before the civil war broke out. Now, our population has decreased to 20,000. For us, the Syrian war is a war of land and honor against tyranny. The peoples of Syria are conducting this battle against Assad, his co-conspirator PYD and ISIS. Turkey has supported us to a great extent during this phase. The safe zone Turkey is to establish on the border will both avert possible threats against Turkey on the Syrian border and prevent ISIS and the PYD, which are constantly assaulting and threatening us, from acting that easily. The safe zone will give life to Turkmens. We have determined to unit with other Turkmen brigades. We will fight against the PYD and ISIS very soon. Any kind of support Turkey would give during this process is crucial to us," Isa said.

Located right across from the Kilis Öncüpınar Border Gate, Azaz has a vital importance for Turkmens. The PYD's Afrin canton is located to the west of this district, while on its east lies the border with Jarabulus, which ISIS controls. The Turkmens that are caught in between act together with the Arabs living in Azaz against their mutual enemy.''
Well, no need for me to translate it then.
I hope the safe-zone is established. Maybe rebels will do a final push against ISIS, which would stop coalition from bombing Syria (most likely,) and then we can go finish off YPG, and then it'd leave rebels with only Assad to fight, and all others (like Nusra and Druze) would lay down arms since they would have no other option (after Assad falls, that is.) Still though, before that happens, we need to take Aleppo and Dara'a, can't go off and attack ISIS without taking those two key areas first.
No, Buk M2 do not exist under SAA, they only have Kubs.

Buk is identified by 4 missiles per launcher compared to Kub's 3.

Panstir won't make a difference against a NATO air force

Perhaps so. But it's not about Syria. Syria is connected to allies Iraq and Iran. They would supply air defense to Syria by land routes.

I guess what Kurds can do is give part of Tal Abyad to SAA in case Turkey does NFZ. Kurds know Turkey does not want to mess with SAA and its Iraq and Iran allies so Turkey would not be able to do NFZ if Kurds give part of Tal Abyad to SAA.
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Buk is identified by 4 missiles per launcher compared to Kub's 3.

Perhaps so. But it's not about Syria. Syria is connected to allies Iraq and Iran. They would supply air defense to Syria by land routes.

I guess what Kurds can do is give part of Tal Abyad to SAA in case Turkey does NFZ. Kurds know Turkey does not want to mess with SAA and its Iraq and Iran allies so Turkey would not be able to do NFZ if Kurds give part of Tal Abyad to SAA.
Ah, misspoke. Meant does not exist enough, as in they don't have enough Buks to do anything. Buks are useless without good radar, and SAA has terrible radar systems.
If they supplied air defence via land that ensure their own air defence gets destroyer, Turkey has a very powerful air force.
Turkey will happily bomb SAA if SAA attacks, and SAA would probably be stupid enough to do so.
Here is the source that you claim is "biased" and "not neutral."

I've mentioned before & I will mention it agian. SNHR is a biased source. It has an agenda. No problem with that, except that a source that is highly politicized can't be relied on, unless the data speaks for itself. Sometimes a biased source has certain data that is so well sourced, that it doesn't even matter if they are biased. But SNHR isn't like that. Their data comes from "activists" and we have to take their word for it.

I mean, its fine if you like SNHR to give yo the exact sort of "fact" you think reinforces your perspective, but don't expect others that are less emotionally involved to be so forgiving.

First of all, let's start with what SNHR says about itself,
"Founded in 2011 after the outbreak of Syrian Revolution, Syrian Network for Human Rights is an independent neutrality non-governmental human rights organization,"

Well, if they are neutral, we expect them to act neutral right?

Now, let's look at the July report.

We start with,
"1I. Introduction
During this month, the rate of targeted women and children by government forces has increased significantly. The percentage of targeting civilians has reached 51%, which is strong indicator that government forces deliberately and indiscriminately targets civilians"

We haven't even started and we see the group can't claim to be neutral, since its introductions tells us exactly what the point of the report is.

But let's move on.

Look at the way it categorizes the groups:
Governmental forces (army, local militias, foreign Shitti militias)
Notice how it puts local militias, etc as part of the government forces?
But when it comes to opposition, it gets separated,
We have the Kurds, Extremist groups, Armed Opposition forces, unidentified groups, and coalition forces.
And also, take note of this. How did they separate "Extremist groups" and "Armed Opposition Forces"? Which neutral agency can make the decision to categorize a group into an "extremist group" and another in "armed opposition forces"?

Now lets look at their Methodology.

And ahhh, here is the absolute beauty.
"This report does not include the government forces casualties (army, security forces, local or foreign militias) or ISIS casualties in the absence of criteria to document this type of victims"

So, basically, anyone that the opposition kills is "government force causalities" and doesn't get counted, and anyone the government force kills, gets counted as civilians. Easy as pie.

Now, its pointless to argue about every number, but sometimes trends gives us an interesting picture about an agency.

Lets dig deep in SNHR's archives. In 2011, SNHR claimed,
"Targeting women and children is one of the international standards to identify the percentage of targeting
civilians in wars. This percentage should not exceed 2%, but in the Syrian case, it reached 5.4%"

One thing we know is that as conflicts go on, people to be less and less careful about logic, as they need to report news that shows that the group they are against is being worse and worse every month. So, we start with 5.4% (double the international standard as SNHR claims).
In July 2013, this jumps to 22%. This continues to rise, 24% in July 2014, 27% in September, '14, 30% in Jan 2015, until we reach July 51%.
If this war continues, by 2016, SNHR will report 90% of those killed by government forces are women and children, and by 2017, it will be that 106% of all those killed are women and children.

The agency's " Conclusions and Recommendations:" is a further indication of their clear slant.

"SNHR affirms that government forces and its militias (Shabiha) have violated the principles of the human rights international laws which protect the right to life."

Notice that it points out only one side. This continues in Liability,
"Every internationally wrongful act by a State inflicts an international responsibility on that State. Similarly, the customary international law stipulates that the state is responsible for all acts committed by members of the military and security forces. And therefore the state is responsible for the unlawful acts, including crimes against humanity, committed by members of the military and security forces. As such, the government of Iran, Hezbollah and ISIL are actual participants in the killings, and bear the legal and judicial responsibility, in addition to all funders and supporters of the Syrian regime, which is committing massacres almost daily and systematically without stopping day or night. All of these parties must be held responsible for the consequences and reactions on the Syrian people’s part especially by the victims’ families and relatives."

I mean, who reads that, and thinks, "Hmm...obviously, this is a very neutral group with no specific agenda. I definitely trust their numbers."

Finally, take a look at the Recommendations which is the same obvious slant.
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