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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

Well, I don't advocate Daesh terror attack on Israeli civilians either. When I say they are too coward to attack Israel, I mean Israeli military targets.

And about 'Sunni unity': :lazy2:

Unfortunately what I asked requires a little amount of self respect which unfortunately doesn't exist it seems.

The video you posted shows enemy combatants getting killed. They are NOT civilians, but Nusra members. Do I need to remind you what they'll do if they captured Hezbollah members as prisoners? Actually in a rare case they captured a Hezbollah member who was injured and beheaded him immediately and released the video.

BTW, if you don't delete that video, you'll get permanently banned.
I clearly warned it was graphic. And you asked for proof. So I gave it to you. You are just as responsible for it.
No, they are not combatants. Civilians.
And about 'Sunni unity': :lazy2:
No wonder Yemen conflict comes right after King Salman.

Well, I personally advocate Daesh terror attacks on adult Israeli men, military or not. (except women and children).

What they say? (עַיִן בְּעַיִן שֵׁן בְּשֵׁן)

…And you shall award a life for a life, an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, a hand for a hand, a foot for a foot, a burn for a burn, a wound for a wound, a bruise for a bruise.
I clearly warned it was graphic. And you asked for proof. So I gave it to you. You are just as responsible for it.
No, they are not combatants. Civilians.

They are civilians because the Nusra Twitter account said it in the video description. Or maybe because it says on foreheads that they are civilians. Perfectly makes sense.
They are civilians because the Nusra Twitter account said it in the video description. Or maybe because it says on foreheads that they are civilians. Perfectly makes sense.
Oh yes, it totally makes sense for Hezbollah to go away from the frontlines with a bunch of Nusra fighters' bodies and then just summarily execute them in the middle of nowhere.
They were civilians. If they weren't, they would've been executed on the spot. But they were, so they took them to a remote place and executed them there.
Graphic content is banned.

Should you post it, you will also be banned, no questions asked or reviews held.
Don't post any, even in this thread where it may seem relevant.
Various foreign terrorist groups (Mostly Chechen and Uzbek terrorists) have launched a full scale attack against northwestern parts of Aleppo, there are fierce clashes going on. The attack is led by Nusra terrorists, as always.
Various foreign terrorist groups (Mostly Chechen and Uzbek terrorists) have launched a full scale attack against northwestern parts of Aleppo, there are fierce clashes going on. The attack is led by Nusra terrorists, as always.

Hopefully they'll successfully roast every Iranian, Afghan, Iraqi and Asshead rat in this city, it will be a glorious day.
Is the PDF community made of little children whom can't handle to see a little amount of blood? You guys are ridiculous, this thread is about a civil WAR so there will be blood, so maybe you guys should ban all war related threads since you can't handle what comes with war? Oh and while you're at it this guy @Ceylal has a graphic avatar, maybe you should tend to it as well?


These are the rules, get with it. There's a lot that you don't get to see which we do see, there's a lot about the forum that you think you might know but you don't, and yet more that would not occur to you or most members.

Don't post graphic content, it is banned, simple. Those are the rules, and I have the crappy job of looking at posts reported for banned content.


Aleppo clashes between SAA-'Jaysh Fatah', the offensive came as a surprise unlike Daraa offensive but too early to tell if any gains made, according to Arab tweets SAA is shelling rebels and countered offensive on Zahraa city


Video of what appears to be gunfire/shelling/clashes in Aleppo:
‫فتح حلب ll اشتباكات ليلية عنيفة يخوضها مجاهدو فتح حلب ضد عصابات الأسد في جمعية الزهراء‬‎ - YouTube


Rebels in north in 'Jaysh Fatah' perform a lot better than rebels in Daraa. Because rebels in Daraa have corrupt FSA groups commanded by Jordan/USA who oppose all out offensive. Rebels in north are independent and consist of many Islamist factions including Nusra Front.
JAI member asked "Why don't Daesh attack Tehran?" because Daesh actively avoids attacking Iran even though they have full capacity to do so. Why attack Iran? Gee I dunno, maybe because they don't consider Arabs human, rape Arabs, kill them, etc...and I'm not calling for "terrorist attacks," I'm calling for attacks on the Iranian gov't, as are rebel groups.
ISIS Attack on Iran would result in full mobilization of Iranian Armed forces and gives us a reason to fully pursue them throughout Iraq and even Syria...in other words : Why would ISIS commit suicide ? Also Iran is a non-Arabic country with 90%+ of the population Shia... ISIS has zero chance. It is wise of them to stay away from Iranian borders ;).

Gains in Aleppo and Southern Syria at the same time.

Nice for who ?

So you're saying that Iran doesn't fight against rebels on the ground directly (which it does in reality), yet you're saying that somehow you turned "thousands" of us into Kebabs? Iranian logic at its finest.
Stop being butthurt about your little IRGC commanders dying like flies. They suck.

Let me clear this up for you : There are no real Iranian soldiers from the official armed organizations of Iran fighting in Syria... most of the advisers that you see on pictures or videos are retired generals,officers from the Iran-Iraq war and they volunteer to go to Syria to help the Syrian president. Many of them are also Shia volunteers with no ties to Iranian Army.

The day that we actually deploy real soldiers in Syria it will be over for ''Syrian'' rebels but since Iranian Armed forces duties are to protect Iranian homeland it will not get deployed to Syria or any other country.
A Saudi commander of Ansar al-Din terrorist group, Abu Al-Qa'qa Al-Tabuki, was killed in clashes in Zahraa district, northwestern Aleppo.

Rest in hell dear.



IS suicide bombing in Ariha mosque reportedly killed 40 Nusra members and some civilians. The number of casualties is rising.
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