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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

how retarded are you exactly? and no over 90 IS trash like yourself was sent to hell.


A PKK member from Australia has been killed as well.

So apparently a new bank note was issued in Syria - 1,000 Liras.
Back before Ba'athist rule, my grandfather says that $1 = ~3 Lira.
Under Assads, it dropped to $1 = ~50 Lira.
Now, it's $1 = ~200-250 Lira.
So, under coup-filled Syria, 1,000 Lira = ~$333.
Under Assads, 1,000 Lira = ~$20.
Under Assad's "fight against foreign aggression," 1,000 Lira = ~$4-5.
But but but resistance.
So apparently a new bank note was issued in Syria - 1,000 Liras.
Back before Ba'athist rule, my grandfather says that $1 = ~3 Lira.
Under Assads, it dropped to $1 = ~50 Lira.
Now, it's $1 = ~200-250 Lira.
So, under coup-filled Syria, 1,000 Lira = ~$333.
Under Assads, 1,000 Lira = ~$20.
Under Assad's "fight against foreign aggression," 1,000 Lira = ~$4-5.
But but but resistance.

Thrax. I hate to see any country destroyed. In a heated argument, I might even act gleeful about it against you. So I'm sorry your country lays in ruins. But it does indeed lay in ruins. I don't think the banknotes or inflation are of the utmost importance right now. The Syrian government is fighting an existential war. Change happens with dialogue and protests, not with TOW missiles and suicide bombs. I'm sorry you're Sunni and feel underrepresented, but I hope you understand Nusrat or Daash will never be allowed to rule in Syria. Meanwhile, you're country is looking more ruined than those Roman ruins.
Thrax. I hate to see any country destroyed. In a heated argument, I might even act gleeful about it against you. So I'm sorry your country lays in ruins. But it does indeed lay in ruins. I don't think the banknotes or inflation are of the utmost importance right now. The Syrian government is fighting an existential war. Change happens with dialogue and protests, not with TOW missiles and suicide bombs. I'm sorry you're Sunni and feel underrepresented, but I hope you understand Nusrat or Daash will never be allowed to rule in Syria. Meanwhile, you're country is looking more ruined than those Roman ruins.
Nusra and Daesh won't ever be in power.
Neither Islamic Front or FSA.
The people in power will be Syrians.
Inflation is actually extremely important. I have a 50 lira banknote with me right now that I kept as a souvenir. Before revolution it was $1. Now it's 20 cents. Now if Syrians all over the country had all of their money depleted like that, along with the skyrocket in prices, starvation would ensue. My family in Aleppo (regime-held Western parts) are barely keeping up with the prices. Now with places like Eastern Ghouta which are under siege the lira is much worse there. Money inflation is one of the worst things that could happen in a war.
So apparently a new bank note was issued in Syria - 1,000 Liras.
Back before Ba'athist rule, my grandfather says that $1 = ~3 Lira.
Under Assads, it dropped to $1 = ~50 Lira.
Now, it's $1 = ~200-250 Lira.
So, under coup-filled Syria, 1,000 Lira = ~$333.
Under Assads, 1,000 Lira = ~$20.
Under Assad's "fight against foreign aggression," 1,000 Lira = ~$4-5.
But but but resistance.

War happens.


Nusra and Daesh won't ever be in power.
Neither Islamic Front or FSA.
The people in power will be Syrians.
Inflation is actually extremely important. I have a 50 lira banknote with me right now that I kept as a souvenir. Before revolution it was $1. Now it's 20 cents. Now if Syrians all over the country had all of their money depleted like that, along with the skyrocket in prices, starvation would ensue. My family in Aleppo (regime-held Western parts) are barely keeping up with the prices. Now with places like Eastern Ghouta which are under siege the lira is much worse there. Money inflation is one of the worst things that could happen in a war.

My dear friend. You know, as well as every sane person does, that it is NEVER 'the people/masses' who rule, it's those with gunds and organizational skills. See, 5 armed people can subdue 500 UNarmed people. So you think the average, freedom loving Syrian heroe, who happens to be unarmed, or his mother or father, or son or grandpa, can just go to a nusRAT and say: hey, you Sharia-thumping subhuman, I want to be in power of my own destiny? What will happen. Him and his family will get their heads cut off. Simple as that. Don't argue about dreams. I'm talking about reality.
War happens.


I'm sure there was a "war" in 1963 when the Ba'athists took over that made the SYP go from 3 for $1 to 50 for $1.
My dear friend. You know, as well as every sane person does, that it is NEVER 'the people/masses' who rule, it's those with gunds and organizational skills. See, 5 armed people can subdue 500 UNarmed people. So you think the average, freedom loving Syrian heroe, who happens to be unarmed, or his mother or father, or son or grandpa, can just go to a nusRAT and say: hey, you Sharia-thumping subhuman, I want to be in power of my own destiny? What will happen. Him and his family will get their heads cut off. Simple as that. Don't argue about dreams. I'm talking about reality.
Islamic Front and FSA have clearly stated that they will ensure a smooth transition to good government. It's agreed upon in the SRCC, where IF, FSA, and a lot of other armed groups are in. It will be a smooth transition, and anyone who tries to change that (be it Nusra or YPG) will be annihilated.
I'm sure there was a "war" in 1963 when the Ba'athists took over that made the SYP go from 3 for $1 to 50 for $1.

Islamic Front and FSA have clearly stated that they will ensure a smooth transition to good government. It's agreed upon in the SRCC, where IF, FSA, and a lot of other armed groups are in. It will be a smooth transition, and anyone who tries to change that (be it Nusra or YPG) will be annihilated.

You seem to put a lot of trust and hope into some vague 'assurances' aren't you? Assurances by groups who haven't even the slightest clue if, what and which pieces of land they'll ever take, let alone hold.

Not for long. Don't think anybody will let you pull that crap. Heck, before worrying about Turks and Iranians, you'll still have to face the Arab anger, when Iraq finishes it's war. Don't think Baba America will keep helping you forever.
Dr Thrax thinks that if ISIS takes over Syria, they will hold a fair election, and if they lose, they will just pack their bags and go home.
Jaish al-Islam terrorists have executed 12 Daesh members in a Hollywood style movie where the prisoners are wearing black and executioners are wearing orange. They shoot the prisoners in the head with Shotguns.

Terrorists are learning very good from their terrorist brothers in Daesh.
Jaish al-Islam terrorists have executed 12 Daesh members in a Hollywood style movie where the prisoners are wearing black and executioners are wearing orange. They shoot the prisoners in the head with Shotguns.

Terrorists are learning very good from their terrorist brothers in Daesh.

just saw it. pretty poetic I say. it was a total role reversal.

give'em some Mossberg 590s with some rifle slugs watch their rat brains fly over the place.
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Dr Thrax thinks that if ISIS takes over Syria, they will hold a fair election, and if they lose, they will just pack their bags and go home.
Wow, very intelligent. Where did I say that ISIS will take over? Because they won't be, it'll be FSA and Islamic Front that will take over, and they have already agreed that there will be elections in the SRCC.
Jaish al-Islam terrorists have executed 12 Daesh members in a Hollywood style movie where the prisoners are wearing black and executioners are wearing orange. They shoot the prisoners in the head with Shotguns.

Terrorists are learning very good from their terrorist brothers in Daesh.
If we fight ISIS - people complain.
If we don't fight ISIS - people complain.
And that's really ironic coming from someone who supports Iran's regime...you know..the one that executes Sunnis for being Sunni...and prevents Sunni mosques from being built...and prevents Arabs, Kurds, and Balochis from living good lives...and executes people for dissenting.
Really, really brave statement coming from you princess.

Not to mention, the prophet (pbuh) said to kill Khawarij wherever you see them, and kill them like the killing of 'Ad.

A video on the history of the 1982 revolution, 2011 revolution, and training by Ahrar al Sham. @Falcon29 you'll love the training in this video.
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the one that executes Sunnis for being Sunni
and prevents Sunni mosques from being built
and prevents Arabs, Kurds, and Balochis from living good lives...and executes people for dissenting.
It seems lying is in blood of you people... if you say sky is blue, I'll not believe it and if you say earth is round, I'd say it must be a lie, and you guys blabber about Islam 24/7 and the only part in Islam you have understood well is violence (and that in a wrong way too). It's not like lying is one of greater sins in Islam. But who am I talking to?

And as I expected, you'd come in defense of Islamic Front terrorists. Only a sick person can justify execution of anyone (even Daesh) in a Hollywood style movie where they shoot the prisoners in the head with shotguns to blow their brains out from few centimeters like lunatic psychos. It maybe ordinary for you people, but not for others. They could kill them with handguns and there wouldn't be any need for an 'artistic clip' to share to the world.

First when I watched a small part of that video, the only thing that came in my mind was execution propaganda videos of Daesh, exactly in the same style, only this time they were being executed. Not surprising, since they are 2 sides of the same coin.
It seems lying is in blood of you people... if you say sky is blue, I'll not believe it and if you say earth is round, I'd say it must be a lie, and you guys blabber about Islam 24/7 and the only part in Islam you have understood well is violence (and that in a wrong way too). It's not like lying is one of greater sins in Islam. But who am I talking to?

And as I expected, you'd come in defense of Islamic Front terrorists. Only a sick person can justify execution of anyone (even Daesh) in a Hollywood style movie where they shoot the prisoners in the head with shotguns to blow their brains out from few centimeters like lunatic psychos. It maybe ordinary for you people, but not of others. They could kill them with handguns and there wouldn't be any need for an 'artistic clip' to share to the world.
Racism at first sight.
Lying is one of the greatest sins in Islam. So why do you even speak?
As I said, the prophet (pbuh) said to kill the Khawarij the killing of 'Ad. As in, massacre them, no mercy for them. They are the scum of the Earth, using Islam as an excuse to kill innocents.
But if Shiite militias did that do ISIS, you'd not only love it, you'd cherish it and support it. But since it's Sunnis doing what the prophet (pbuh) asked, suddenly it's so bad.
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