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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

So is Iran deploying any troops? If we take recent reports with seriousness, activating defense pact means whatever happens will be made public. So it can only mean that Iran is deploying troops. Advisers are no 'surprise' as they already are present in Syria.
Some saying 15,000, some saying 20,000. Considering SAA is already the Iranian army, won't be any different. And because of incompetence of Iranian commanders, this should be a breeze Inshallah.
Some saying 15,000, some saying 20,000. Considering SAA is already the Iranian army, won't be any different. And because of incompetence of Iranian commanders, this should be a breeze Inshallah.

They can't make any significant gains with that amount. My guess is they will deploy in vital routes for regime. If they're able to hold on for next month they might experiment with some offensives in Idlib province or Hama/Homs. If the results are bad, Iran will probably give up on Syria. Or deploy many more troops. Which is unlikely. So their next move will be based elsewhere, probably in Saudi Arabia.
Killed two birds with one arrow or should i say one TOW

ScreenHunter_1419 Jun. 06 10.57.jpg
Basanqul and Mahambel also taken this morning.

Some ghanima:

I think Nusra will find it harder and harder if they try to approach the coast. Baath support is insanely high in the coast. Fighting there would be as hard if not harder than fighting in Israel. For Nustra, compared to the coast, Idlib is a walk in the park.
Yes so far all towns and villages taken in Idlib were Sunni and pro-rebel (except Alawi Ishtabraq).

Today rebels took Basanqul and Mahambel - two last large Sunni villages in Idlib.
I think Nusra will find it harder and harder if they try to approach the coast. Baath support is insanely high in the coast. Fighting there would be as hard if not harder than fighting in Israel. For Nustra, compared to the coast, Idlib is a walk in the park.

r u trying to say the whole syrian coast is a millitary target?

alawites have been ruling and committing mass horrific atrocities over syria for a long time its just matter of time when alawite blood dry out

In Syria's war, Alawites pay heavy price for loyalty to Bashar al-Assad - Telegraph
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Basanqul and Mahambel also taken this morning.
It's pretty obvious that they (SAA command) have given up on Idlib, they just stayed in those areas only to be there. It's pretty clear that the soldiers were ordered from before to retreat in case there is an attack, without putting up much fight. Even if each soldier had shot 5 bullets, it would take much longer to capture the area. There is basically no resistance. It's a bit weird though. It all started from fall of Idlib itself.
How long before we see an offensive in Hama?

@Dr.Thrax @others
Rebel leadership is split on decisions. Some want an offensive on Latakia, others on Aleppo, and others on Hama. Most wise choice would be Aleppo -> Hama -> Homs. Now Latakia and Tartus would be much easier (yet still difficult) once they get cut off from Damascus, which itself would be under attack by then (as Dara'a rebels would've taken Dara'a by then most likely.)
Rebel advance in Idlib so far:
Starting with Aleppo seems a good choice . there are many strategic issues not only territories too that can afford to ease victory.
A proof Assad troops using barrel bombing and see how it is accurate ...
damned i cannot understand the guys sending these bombs ... they have any morality ???
Starting with Aleppo seems a good choice . there are many strategic issues not only territories too that can afford to ease victory.
A proof Assad troops using barrel bombing and see how it is accurate ...
damned i cannot understand the guys sending these bombs ... they have any morality ???
No morality. When I say Alawites have a war-like culture I'm not kidding. Most of the air force is alawites for a reason.
Let me give you history on Alawites: Before french occupation, Alawites would raid Sunni villages, steal, and rape. During French occupation, the raids toned down a bit but they still did them, but under the orders of the French, as the Darak (Police) were under the control of the French, and the majority of them were Alawites. Alawites lost control under the new republic, hence the power grab in 1963/1970. And their barbarity was again displayed in 1980, 1981, 1982, and recent times.
They have no morals, their morals are "we are superior to everyone else."
But we're still obligated to forgive them.
even DeGaulle forgave the fascists who collaborated with nazis in France
forgiveness is important. it is essential to rebuild a country. and it shows you are the civilized ones ;) not imitating barbarian attitude of Asad.
Assad will fall and no one can do shit about it get over with it and stop supporting murders

Assad is fighting against the terrorists who are not really friendly with you and your government too.

Iraqis have always lacked vision and that's a big problem .

If those so called Sunni terrorists defeat Syrian Army , They will head towards Iraq to clear the Rafidah , Majoosi dirt from their ummah and your country will be the nextremizts target for the Caliphates .

So please use your fucking head before opening your fucking mouth.

I suggest you to watch Joulani's interview .
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Turkey was against the invasion of Iraq... while Iran was for the invasion of Iraq by the Americans. I know in Mullahstan facts are not appreciated but I like to remind you we are on PDF.
And incidentally the path foreign forces choose for attacking Iraq in 2003 was 3root .
From Persian gulf
From Kuwait
From turkey

See no Iran. So go and grow up .

Well I didn't here anything but I wonder has the guys who claimed Iran defence pact with Syria is going to be activated heard anything
even DeGaulle forgave the fascists who collaborated with nazis in France
forgiveness is important. it is essential to rebuild a country. and it shows you are the civilized ones ;) not imitating barbarian attitude of Asad.

With that logic , Iranians should forgive MEK that killed 17000 civilians, leave alone siding with Saddam and directly attacking Iranians .

Or Iraqis should forgive the traitors in Tikrit who sided with ISIS and handed 1900 youth to be slaughtered .

If they don't forgive , they're not civilized !
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