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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

Nothing changes. ISIS and Assad are two sides of same coin.
Stop making yourself look stupid. Syria-Israeli border was the most calmest border Israel ever experienced. If ISIS comes they will mass rape the Israeli women and sell them on markets. Your foreign policy will come and bite you in the ***, like the Americans.
It's all a fake show, IS doesn't intent to put up a real fight against their Nusra terrorist counterparts in north.
Yeah, the truth exist only in your mind. What's happening in the real world is just an illusion. AlASSad buying oil from ISIS is an illusion, ISIS killing FSA fighters is a sham. Only you, someone who lives in Khomenistan, knows the absolute truth of what is happening on the ground in Syria.
What a pathetic argument: If you kill civilians with an expensive American bomb, it's fine, but if you kill them with barrel bombs, it suddenly becomes a crime against humanity.
Thats the law:

  • The presence or movements of the civilian population or individual civilians shall not be used to render certain points or areas immune from military operations, in particular in attempts to shield military objectives from attacks or to shield, favor or impede military operations.

  • Indiscriminate attacks are prohibited. Indiscriminate attacks are:
  1. those which are not directed at a specific military objective;
  2. those which employ a method or means of combat which cannot be directed at a specific military objective; or
  3. those which employ a method or means of combat the effects of which cannot be limited as required by this Protocol; and consequently, in each such case, are of a nature to strike military objectives and civilians or civilian objects without distinction.
It's all a fake show, IS doesn't intent to put up a real fight against their Nusra terrorist counterparts in north. It doesn't even come close to attacks they launched on Deir al Zoor, Palmyra or Raqaa and Tabqa. It's all a huge sham. So don't even try to portray Nusra and co (which ironically were allies with ISIS not more than 1.5 years ago) as a front against ISIS.
When rebels send 2 T-62s, 2 BMP-1s, a T-55 (at least the ones I've seen, probably tons more off camera) and tons of technicals, it's not a "sham." Especially when 5 rebels were beheaded and dozens of women taken as slaves.
Video upload (pe8w) - vidme
Not to mention the people attacking ISIS right now in the North are mainly Levant front and FSA.
Also, Palmyra could've easily been held off by Assad. He gave them the city for free.

Acc to an unconfirmed report by Halab Today, a car bomb in Sawran killed 30 IS fighters. Probably Nusra.
Other reports say that this incident was caused by IS, hitting a rebel building were captured IS fighters were held. Either way, dead ISIS are the only good ISIS.
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Also, Palmyra could've easily been held off by Assad. He gave them the city for free.
Well, Alawites dont want to give their lives for unimportant cities anymore. Damascus,Latakia and the coast where there are alot of Alawites are more important. I guess they will pull out of Allepo and Homs too if the situation worsens.
Well, Alawites dont want to give their lives for unimportant cities anymore. Damascus,Latakia and the coast where there are alot of Alawites are more important. I guess they will pull out of Allepo and Homs too if the situation worsens.
Palmyra is far from unimportant. Whoever controls it can get to anywhere in Syria. It is a route to Homs, Hama, Aleppo, Damascus, etc.
Palmyra is far from unimportant. Whoever controls it can get to anywhere in Syria. It is a route to Homs, Hama, Aleppo, Damascus, etc.
Then what is stopping ISIS from launching assault on Damascus ?
When rebels send 2 T-62s, 2 BMP-1s, a T-55 (at least the ones I've seen, probably tons more off camera) and tons of technicals, it's not a "sham." Especially when 5 rebels were beheaded and dozens of women taken as slaves.
Video upload (pe8w) - vidme
Not to mention the people attacking ISIS right now in the North are mainly Levant front and FSA.
Also, Palmyra could've easily been held off by Assad. He gave them the city for free.

Acc to an unconfirmed report by Halab Today, a car bomb in Sawran killed 30 IS fighters. Probably Nusra.
Other reports say that this incident was caused by IS, hitting a rebel building were captured IS fighters were held. Either way, dead ISIS are the only good ISIS.

I don't understand this counterproductive infighting. It will cut off Nusra Front supply lines. Reports that Kurdish forces are attacking Raqqa too. And no major offensive against Damascus or Homs from either of the rebels. They should focus on that only.

Then what is stopping ISIS from launching assault on Damascus ?

They have a small presence near Damascus. Right now it looks as if they're trying to consilidate control over areas near Homs. Probably even if they can they won't do it until they control cities further north.
I don't understand this counterproductive infighting. It will cut off Nusra Front supply lines. Reports that Kurdish forces are attacking Raqqa too. And no major offensive against Damascus or Homs from either of the rebels. They should focus on that only.

They have a small presence near Damascus. Right now it looks as if they're trying to consilidate control over areas near Homs. Probably even if they can they won't do it until they control cities further north.
Not really infighting. ISIS declared war on us long ago when they made takfir on the entire Syrian population.
ISIS made this move because Assad is about to fall in Aleppo. It's also worth mentioning that Assad is currently bombing the rebel held parts of Northern Aleppo, but not the ISIS held parts. He did kill ~150 people yesterday in Al-Bab and Aleppo, but that was before the ISIS offensive.
The Pro Assad crowd used to push theory that rebels are Israeli backed and working for Israel's interests. Now that Assad is on verge of falling, they're urgently warning Israeli's that they will be 'raped' by ISIS if Assad falls. :D

Thanks for admitting that rebels and ISIS are the same. :cheesy:
Then what is stopping ISIS from launching assault on Damascus ?
Rebels in Eastern Qalamoun and Eastern Ghouta.

Thanks for admitting that rebels and ISIS are the same. :cheesy:
He didn't. He was noting how Assad loves to say rebels and ISIS are one, and how ISIS will rape Israel if the rebels win. Rebels will win, ISIS won't win, and no one bordering Israel ATM has the capacity to rape it, nor is willing to.
Thanks for admitting that rebels and ISIS are the same. :cheesy:

Nice try but you haven't answered his points, But that's typical when your kind are cornered they'll just pick and choose what to comment on or just lose tail and run away, So is ISIS working with Israel or are they going to "rape" Israelis once your Asshead falls?
Nice try but you haven't answered his points, But that's typical when your kind are cornered they'll just pick and choose what to comment on or just lose tail and run away, So is ISIS working with Israel or are they going to "rape" Israelis once your Asshead falls?

First of all, show me where I've said that ISIS is working with Israel. Actually I have said before they are 2 sides of same coin given nature of their actions, but I have never said they are working with each other. Secondly, the most stupid point in his post is generalizing opinion of one single Iranian to all members here.

ISIS will not do anything against Israel, same as 'rebels' led by Al-Nusra terrorists.
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