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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

When the talk came to allegations of Turkey’s aid to IS, Xelil took from his drawer the ID cards of Turkish citizens killed in IS ranks, a Turkish military ID card and foreign passports stamped at Turkish customs points. He said: “We are criticizing Turkey because we have expectations of it. We share a long border with Turkey. In Rojava, we look at Turkey as a friend, but we see that all terrorists come via Turkey. In the passports of foreign terrorists you have entry stamps from Ankara and Istanbul airports. Never mind supporting IS, we don’t want Turkey even to remain neutral. It must stand with us. We are not a part of the problems between Turkey and the PKK. That is an internal problem of Turkey. We guarantee that there will never be an attack on Turkey from Rojava. But Turkey is treating IS casualties at its hospitals. It is opening its gates to them under the guise of humanitarian assistance. We can’t even take our wounded to Turkey or with extreme difficulty. The facilities that should be given to us are offered to IS. We have witnesses saying Turkey is giving weapons to IS.”

Kobani is becoming Turkey's war - Al-Monitor: the Pulse of the Middle East
In the passports of foreign terrorists you have entry stamps from Ankara and Istanbul airports

because germans can freely come to turkey without visa? then we should hold every german or european and send them back?

of curse there are entrys in passport I would wonder if not! if there would not been entrys and they would come over turkey then you could say hey turkey you are supporting and hiding them.. but this way they are coming as normal tourists.. like millions of ppl come to turkey.. there is nothing you can do about this..

my question is why do you say something like this to us why are you not balming europeans for not arresting these ppl in EU?
but we see that all terrorists come via Turkey. In the passports of foreign terrorists you have entry stamps from Ankara and Istanbul airports.
so? interrogate every suspicious looking guy? as if they have isis written on their forehead. besides, if they have stamps of Ankara or Istanbul airport in their passport, they are ought to have a stamp of their origin airport as well. If those guys are allowed to fly from their home country, then Turkey logically may draw the conclusion that these visitors are fine, unless something is really fishy. first allowing these guys to fly to Turkey and then providing a blacklist while blaming is too late and lame.

Never mind supporting IS, we don’t want Turkey even to remain neutral.
as long as isis doesnt harm Turkey's interests anymore, there is not a reason to start a war with them. logic tells me Israel and Iran should be worried of isis too, what will be their contribution, if any? Turkey should not burn its hands to solve the mess of the US.

It must stand with us. We are not a part of the problems between Turkey and the PKK
I am quite positive i can hear the echo of all Turks saying 'screw you'. pkk/pyd/pjak, different name, same trash.

But Turkey is treating IS casualties at its hospitals. It is opening its gates to them under the guise of humanitarian assistance.
fine, close the whole border and shoot anything that comes close. as far as we know there are pkk/pyd members getting treated in Turkey as well. anyone can come in with civilian clothes, doesnt take a genius.

Sorry Xelil, Turks have seen enough shit from your pkk supporting kind, it's high time that you suffer too. just tragicomic to see them mention our country's name when they are in a pinch and act all tough in good times. hope isis kills some more pkk/pyd and then the biggest scum called isis can go to hell too if i had it my way.
When the talk came to allegations of Turkey’s aid to IS, Xelil took from his drawer the ID cards of Turkish citizens killed in IS ranks, a Turkish military ID card and foreign passports stamped at Turkish customs points. He said: “We are criticizing Turkey because we have expectations of it. We share a long border with Turkey. In Rojava, we look at Turkey as a friend, but we see that all terrorists come via Turkey. In the passports of foreign terrorists you have entry stamps from Ankara and Istanbul airports. Never mind supporting IS, we don’t want Turkey even to remain neutral. It must stand with us. We are not a part of the problems between Turkey and the PKK. That is an internal problem of Turkey. We guarantee that there will never be an attack on Turkey from Rojava. But Turkey is treating IS casualties at its hospitals. It is opening its gates to them under the guise of humanitarian assistance. We can’t even take our wounded to Turkey or with extreme difficulty. The facilities that should be given to us are offered to IS. We have witnesses saying Turkey is giving weapons to IS.”

Kobani is becoming Turkey's war - Al-Monitor: the Pulse of the Middle East

'' We guarantee that there will never be an attack on Turkey from Rojava.''
then the next target will be rojova
When the talk came to allegations of Turkey’s aid to IS, Xelil took from his drawer the ID cards of Turkish citizens killed in IS ranks, a Turkish military ID card and foreign passports stamped at Turkish customs points. He said: “We are criticizing Turkey because we have expectations of it. We share a long border with Turkey. In Rojava, we look at Turkey as a friend, but we see that all terrorists come via Turkey. In the passports of foreign terrorists you have entry stamps from Ankara and Istanbul airports. Never mind supporting IS, we don’t want Turkey even to remain neutral. It must stand with us. We are not a part of the problems between Turkey and the PKK. That is an internal problem of Turkey. We guarantee that there will never be an attack on Turkey from Rojava. But Turkey is treating IS casualties at its hospitals. It is opening its gates to them under the guise of humanitarian assistance. We can’t even take our wounded to Turkey or with extreme difficulty. The facilities that should be given to us are offered to IS. We have witnesses saying Turkey is giving weapons to IS.”

Kobani is becoming Turkey's war - Al-Monitor: the Pulse of the Middle East
So Iran doesnt give stamps at passports of people entering as tourists? Cheap attempt Serpentine, very cheap. :disagree:
So Iran doesnt give stamps at passports of people entering as tourists? Cheap attempt Serpentine, very cheap. :disagree:
Stamping a tourist passport is not the issue, but closing your eyes when the tourist enters a war-torn country from your soil is the issue and you are sure as hell they aren't going to get a sun bath on the Syrian beach when they go there, they are up to no good.
Stamping a tourist passport is not the issue, but closing your eyes when the tourist enters a war-torn country from your soil is the issue and you are sure as hell they aren't going to get a sun bath on the Syrian beach when they go there, they are up to no good.
and you think these isis guys, who harmed Turkish interest before, go through border posts while smiling and greeting our soldiers? in the 90's Pamukoglu, a general back then, wanted to hit a pkk group that had attacked in Turkey and was retreating into Iran since their camp was there, but didnt receive approval from the govt since it would worsen ties between our countries. Does this mean Iran supports pkk? or will you then understand that almost no country has 100% solid border security. maybe you too realize that such arguments are bs when it would be applied to your country, but for now you conveniently use it to blame everything on Turkey.
Stamping a tourist passport is not the issue, but closing your eyes when the tourist enters a war-torn country from your soil is the issue and you are sure as hell they aren't going to get a sun bath on the Syrian beach when they go there, they are up to no good.
This is insolence beyond any insolence. Iran, the country that is responsible of destabilizing the whole region, the country of terror responsible of killing tens of thousands of innocents, the country sponsoring several terror groups dares to point fingers when it comes to terrorism. This is called pathological filth.
This is insolence beyond any insolence. Iran, the country that is responsible of destabilizing the whole region, the country of terror responsible of killing tens of thousands of innocents, the country sponsoring several terror groups dares to point fingers when it comes to. This is called pathological filth.
Iran Iran Iran , your obsession
if there was only Iran the problem would be solved for a time. All the countries , almost in the region, are destabilizing the region.
and you think these isis guys, who harmed Turkish interest before, go through border posts while smiling and greeting our soldiers? in the 90's Pamukoglu, a general back then, wanted to hit a pkk group that had attacked in Turkey and was retreating into Iran since their camp was there, but didnt receive approval from the govt since it would worsen ties between our countries. Does this mean Iran supports pkk? or will you then understand that almost no country has 100% solid border security. maybe you too realize that such arguments are bs when it would be applied to your country, but for now you conveniently use it to blame everything on Turkey.
I wasn't only talking about IS, but all different rebel groups in Syria. It doesn't take a genius to know that Turkey has provided safe routes for rebel groups entering Syria, and battles for Aleppo and primarily, Kessab and in general, northern Syria, proved that very well. I don't know what you guys are denying. I mean, I myself also admit that Iran also trains and organizes some groups who fight on the side of the government in Syria, and we have admitted it so far. But that all remains to organizing level. Erdogan is playing a nasty game in Syria and believe me, there will come a day that you accept my words that he is shooting Turkey in the feet, you won't accept that now btw, and you think I'm telling this because I have anything personal against Turks, I have heard that before. You don't like Iran's government, I don't like Erdogan and his policies in region, I don't have one single problem with Turkish people in general and I think my behavior towards respected Turkish members very well proves that.

This is insolence beyond any insolence. Iran, the country that is responsible of destabilizing the whole region, the country of terror responsible of killing tens of thousands of innocents, the country sponsoring several terror groups dares to point fingers when it comes to terrorism. This is called pathological filth.
Actually, it's millions that Iran has killed. That's the correct figure.
I wasn't only talking about IS, but all different rebel groups in Syria. It doesn't take a genius to know that Turkey has provided safe routes for rebel groups entering Syria, and battles for Aleppo and primarily, Kessab and in general, northern Syria, proved that very well. I don't know what you guys are denying. I mean, I myself also admit that Iran also trains and organizes some groups who fight on the side of the government in Syria, and we have admitted it so far. But that all remains to organizing level. Erdogan is playing a nasty game in Syria and believe me, there will come a day that you accept my words that he is shooting Turkey in the feet, you won't accept that now btw, and you think I'm telling this because I have anything personal against Turks, I have heard that before. You don't like Iran's government, I don't like Erdogan and his policies in region, I don't have one single problem with Turkish people in general and I think my behavior towards respected Turkish members very well proves that.
if you were not only talking about isis, then you have a point. Turkey openly supports fsa, so do i, no Turk can deny this as fsa was even allowed to hold conferences in Turkey. Where i dont agree with, is the isis part. Sure a portion of fsa have switched to isis (which i dont see as Turkey's responsibility), but i fail to see why Turkey would support isis, which harmed us before and potentially still can. hence my amazement at such accusations. i already accept your words that Turkey is shooting in its foot. I bet our govt thought it would be strictly mainly fsa vs Assad, but once isis stepped in as another big factor, our govt was probably caught off guard. Still i believe Turkish govt should continue with fsa and finish Assad, which, however, is unlikely to happen with fsa it seems.
This is insolence beyond any insolence. Iran, the country that is responsible of destabilizing the whole region, the country of terror responsible of killing tens of thousands of innocents, the country sponsoring several terror groups dares to point fingers when it comes to terrorism. This is called pathological filth.

Good point, Iran is behind the destabilization of Mid-east region. Problem is Iran does it with state terror, using states such as Iraq's Shia dominated govt. and Assad regime and semi-state entity Hezbollah, and these terrorists are smart, they try to hide their war crimes as much as possible and they never never attack the West or its people. Their whole game is to portray the Sunni Jihadi's as terrorists, which many of them are and that they are doing the world a favor by killing them. Essentially they understand the PR game very well.

The Sunni resistance unfortunately is terrible at PR and they are prone to extremism, due to inherent ideological fault of fragmentation that emerged among Sunni Arab population in recent decades and centuries. Iran's ideological innovation in Qom is also recent, but it is centralized and organized to support the state terror policies of the Shia world, whereas nothing like that exist in the Sunni world, everything here is fragmented:
Qom Seminary - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Iraq's clergy strive to maintain legacy amid rise of Shia militias | The National

Because of this, the Shia world and Shia people fight as one, but Sunni's cannot organize any united effort due to ideological fragmentation between regions, countries, ethnicities and even among resistance fighters, which we can see in Syrian theater. So the craziest and most brutal section like the IS wins the upper hand and tries to wipe out the others, which defeats the main objective, to defeat Shia organized state terror, of which Assad is just one part. Now the crazy dumba$$es in IS are taunting the West with the beheading and has successfully picked a fight with them as well. You cannot expect logic and strategy from subhuman nuts brainwashed with extremist ideologies.

So both Sunni's and Shia's engaged in this crazy fight need to look in the mirror to see where they went wrong. In my mind, both have deviated from the path laid down by our Prophet (SAWS). I wonder why the respected Ulema's are not speaking out from both sides, what are they afraid of, or is it beyond their understanding?
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