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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

Your first sentence you just inverted what i said that's just being lazy you can only win over dimwits with that so i'm not surprised that ottoman likes it . Only arabs are obsessed with the returning persian empire like you. You are liking zavrans comments how there's no infighting in the saudi family i guess they mean a lot to you. You seemed upset when Iraq liberated Tikrit from ISIS so extremists are ok as long it suits Saudi royals so part of your statement is BS.

I'm not criticising your views on this civil war, it not ideal (which everyone on here agrees) and people are entitled to their views.

Furthermore it's called dignity if you stand up to an offensive cartoon which some how got approved for print by gulfies......Muslim countries always riot when the west draws muslim cartoons you seem to forget. Threats from ministers from "brotherly" countries shouldn't be ignored just because it make you personally uncomfortable.

Yes Pakistan media has an agenda against GCC. Clutching at dem straws

Interesting you talk about Pakistan independence yet you ignore, the sending of two saudi religious figures sent a week part from each other who criticised and undermined parliament's decision. What gives them the right? Next time they will me more audacious and say women shouldn't drive and royal sperm has the authority to rule the land. KSA didn't even consult Pakistan on decisive storm which led to a lot of confusion at home. This act undermined Pakistan but I'm guessing that was OK with.

Inferiority complex kicking in Mr Ajam sir: As stated clearly part of your pride in the Pakistan military comes from its assistance to KSA therefore logically you lost some pride as Pakistan ground forces will not go in.

Wake me up when gulfie are willing to do more other than being a source of remittance


not surprised Mr Ajam can't refute
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you reverted to 5 year old Mr Ajam when you can't refute. Depending how successful Gwadar port is you could be deported real soon :cheesy:
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Iran in Lybia !:omghaha::omghaha::omghaha:
You guys are extremely idiot you guys have sent thousands of goons from 75 countries of the world to plundering in Syria for freedom democracy and God's sake. Iran in Iraq !!!!! Who is killing people in Iraq, Iran or ISIS?
Wahhabi creature is the foolest creature that ever has lived on the earth!
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Reports that rebels have entered Latakia and regime is moving reinforcements to Tartus ....
iran government was involved in the nato invasion of libya, first indirectly and after the occupation started, directly... i have posted proofs many times on pdf... you may ask serpentine.

he is hamas activist... guess who he is with.
Iran was againt Qazafi but did not help nato.
Iran was againt Qazafi but did not help nato.

one method of this help was creation of the "islamic awakening" project ( there is a website for that ) which also arranged "islamic awakening conferences" after 2011 october in tehran where the qaeda/taliban/ikhwaan ntc occupation government in libya was invited... in one vid, one of the speakers is ali akbar velayati and you can clearly see the ntc flag in the background.

last year, i had posted on pdf a article from a russian pro-jamahiriya website, detailing the nature of post-2011 co-operation between iran government and nato in libya... one of those posts i made got me a negative rating.
fanatics fighting with each other. Al nusra vs YMB :woot: cameraman is super excited

Not Yarmouk Martyrs brigade. This was a joint FSA/IF/JaN operation against an ISIS cell in Quneitara/Qahtaniya. Troll more.

WTF is that crap? Replace the picture with Bush or Obama. Iran had nothing to do with Libya. Seriously if this is the kind of propaganda you people are being spoonfed then the North Koreans are much better informed.
Iran sends weapons to Libya Dawn through Sudan. They have plenty to do with Libya.
I don't support any side in Libya (they're fighting for no reason basically,) but there are people definitely fueling this war here.

Iran was againt Qazafi but did not help nato.
Against Gaddafi? Hilarious. Iran supported all dictators in the MENA, except for those in the Gulf.
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