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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

@Syrian Lion @1000 @Malik Alashter @The SiLent crY @kollang @Daneshmand @Horus @WebMaster @Oscar @Jungibaaz @haviZsultan @RescueRanger @Abu Zolfiqar

The CIVIL war in syria :

There are 0 fighters from Iran but 600 from Turkey ?!, I thought they were killing Iranians in Daraa, but now it says they are Turks .
There are 0 fighters from Iran but 600 from Turkey ?!, I thought they were killing Iranians in Daraa, but now it says they are Turks .
Its the fighters fighting on terrorist's side .

Iran has lost about 15-20 fighters and advisors in both Syria and Iraq (they joined the govt. forces in both countries - hence they are not mentioned in this figure ) .

And the Info about turkey is incorrect . Turkey has more than 1000 terrorists inside Syria and some in iraq .

So yeah dear , I donno if you are really syrian or not , but if you are , you are supporting foreigners who are destroying your nation .
So yeah dear , I donno if you are really syrian or not ,
I am .
you are supporting foreigners who are destroying your nation .
I am not supporting foreigners destroy my nation, I am pro-FSA, anti-SAA and anti-ISIS .

As for the word 'destruction', everyone does it be it SAA, FSA, ISIS or whatever .

And I don't know if you are Iranian, but what are you doing in Syria ?, aren't you a foreigner that came to destroy my nation ?

With Iranians, I've got two major problems :
1. They support Al-Assad, but can't prove him innocent .
2. They say they are helping other countries, but I believe they are aiming at imperialism .

Whenever these are proven wrong, I may get over the massive killings caused by Al-Assad .
Yeah just ask Haman he knows everything... :)
More than 1,000 Turks fighting for the Islamic Caliphate - SERKAN DEMİRTAŞ

Hurriyetdaily :

The number of Turkish citizens fighting under the umbrella of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) is slightly more than 1,000, according to Turkish officials, who admit that they are unable to learn the exact number. The estimated number of armed ISIL fighters is around 12,000 to 15,000, which shows that Turks make up just less than 10 percent of the jihadist group.

Turkey admits over 1,000 extremists join ISIL

The number of Turkish extremists fighting under the umbrella of the ISIL Takfiri terrorist group is slightly more than 1,000, according to Turkish officials, who admit that they are unable to learn the exact number. - See more at: Turkey admits over 1,000 extremists join ISIL


its your own officials not me :)


And I don't know if you are Iranian, but what are you doing in Syria ?, aren't you a foreigner that came to destroy my nation ?
I am iranian , but i've never been in syria in my whole life .

Soon inshallah , i'll make a visit :)

and after thousands of pages of discussion , you are not going to change your thoughts . maybe we'll discuss your problems with iranians later :)
More than 1,000 Turks fighting for the Islamic Caliphate - SERKAN DEMİRTAŞ

Hurriyetdaily :

The number of Turkish citizens fighting under the umbrella of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) is slightly more than 1,000, according to Turkish officials, who admit that they are unable to learn the exact number. The estimated number of armed ISIL fighters is around 12,000 to 15,000, which shows that Turks make up just less than 10 percent of the jihadist group.

Turkey admits over 1,000 extremists join ISIL

The number of Turkish extremists fighting under the umbrella of the ISIL Takfiri terrorist group is slightly more than 1,000, according to Turkish officials, who admit that they are unable to learn the exact number. - See more at: Turkey admits over 1,000 extremists join ISIL


its your own officials not me :)


I am iranian , but i've never been in syria in my whole life .

Soon inshallah , i'll make a visit :)

and after thousands of pages of discussion , you are not going to change your thoughts . maybe we'll discuss your problems with iranians later :)
I dont see a official statement there. :)
So, why all those terrorists fighting in Syria and how they could got in by what country borders.
It's all about destroying Syria but why they want to destroy it? what Syria or the Syrian did to the world I like to find answers to all these.
I heard that Shite forces are getting the whopping in Sourthern Syria, some say it's worse than the one they got in the north. :oops:
So, why all those terrorists fighting in Syria and how they could got in by what country borders.
It's all about destroying Syria but why they want to destroy it? what Syria or the Syrian did to the world I like to find answers to all these.
It's simple if you are independent country and not a "yes" government to the west and Israel, the west will send everyone and work with everyone to remove you, thus you see this large number of foreign terrorists coming to Syria, and when you have countries that open up their borders and now training and arming terrorists the conflict will only last longer, so those who say they are for peace are nothing but liars.. Sending weapons and terrorists to Syria will not achieve peace at all... The west wants to install their own puppets in Syria, remember Syria is the last strong hold against the west...
Hezbollah & Rebel Sources: Raed Saleh Kameel, top military leader of Hezbolat in Aleppo was sent to rot in hell
B-3kE4-VIAE1OJH (3).jpg

Subhi Fa'ur, a terrorist leader in Iraqi Liwaa AbulFadl al-Abbas was killed in Damascus


Graphic photos: Many Hezbollat killed by FSA Rebels in the ongoing battles in Southern Syria.

France, Britain dismiss calls to renew relations with Syria's Assad| Reuters

(Reuters) - France and Britain dismissed on Friday any suggestion of restoring relations with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, saying this would likely end all hope of a political transition and push moderates into the arms of radical Islamist groups.

In a column published in Arabic daily Al-Hayat and France's Le Monde, the French and British foreign ministers hit back at those who sought a rapprochement with Assad by saying he was using the fear of Islamic State, which has seized wide areas of northern and eastern Syria, to win back international support.

"Some seem sensitive to this argument," Laurent Fabius and Philip Hammond wrote. "In reality, Bashar represents injustice, chaos and terror. We, France and Britain, say no to all three."

"After 220,000 deaths and millions displaced, it is illusory to imagine that a majority of Syrians would accept to be ruled by the one who torments them," Fabius and Hammond wrote.

"To end their hopes of a better future in a Syria without Assad would be to radicalize even more Syrians, push moderates toward extremism and consolidate a jihadist bastion inSyria."

Turkey, US to begin training Syria rebels Sunday | News , Middle East | THE DAILY STAR
A Foreign Terrorist Was Captured In Daraa
Summary :
Man: In the name of God, the Most Merciful, the Most Graceful, this is Ash-Shaam's United Front..after we had finished our battle in Ash-Shaykh Miskeen and the liberation of the 82 Brigade, we rushed to the barricade which is located between Izra and Ash-Sheikh Miskeen, we had put a successful plan and after we had infiltrated the barrier, we found that there were foreign mercenaries like the IRGC, Iraqi mercenaries, and the Lebanese Hizbullah, we have killed many of them and arrested Imad, this member proves to the regime, the world and all Muslims that there are NOT only IRGC officers in Syria, but there are also ordinary fighters, this is their weapon, there are other proofs that we are going to show later, which proves that there are foreign fighters fighting along with the regime in Syria .

About the foreign terrorist :
Name : Imad Jaafari
Age : 20
From : Qum, Iran

He came to Syria along with 900 other terrorists from the same country, for 'jihad', and to protect Imam Hussein (ra) from Sunnis, and the 'ayatullah' Shirazi is the one who gathered them before they were sent to Syria .
Oh God, now that As-Sayyida Zainab (ra) is safe...they decided to protect Imam Hussein (ra) :suicide: .
This is ridiculous, I want them to be arrested but when they fall for it, they seem to be peaceful...:(


And then Al-Assad comes and says in his language: "Day don't youth barrel bombth..." which means "they don't use barrel bombs..." .
I am iranian , but i've never been in syria in my whole life .
Why are you using that flag then ? :), it proves that Al-Assad loyalists are 'foreigners', ;) .
Soon inshallah , i'll make a visit :)
Yeah I know, you will claim that you came to defend As-Sayyida Zainab (ra) in Damascus, or Imam Hussein (ra) in Karbala', but they'll catch you while defending Leila Forouhar somewhere in Turkey:yay:.
and after thousands of pages of discussion , you are not going to change your thoughts . maybe we'll discuss your problems with iranians later :)
That's not my problem, Iranians cannot refute anything I say, thus it rains vulgarism .
Oh like you beloved f$a terrorists are pure angels? They are terrorists they are same as i$i$ and AQ they even fought together and to this day f$a terrorists still work with nu$ra rats...
Oh yeah, westerners are trembling...for seeing our president wildly killing his own people, what did he do about west and Israel ?, losing Golan ?

I do not support any real organization, I support FSA because I want Al-Assad gone, with him I don't believe we can get along together, just look...whenever he faces a protest (like his father), he recklessly destroys entire cities..kills thousands and wants people not to oppose him .

I didn't say FSA fighters are angels, but it seems I was %300 right when I said you aren't reading my posts, go read my posts and you will get ALL YOUR ANSWERS .
@Syrian Lion :- I support FSA and its allies, your SAA is not any better than these, at least these did not kill more than 100k Syrians, so what ? you love SAA ? keep it up no problem...but I will refute your jokes whenever I feel like I am doing so .
If we are talking about going back to 2010, no problem at least I didn't see them kill many in front of my eyes, I wish if this happens and we get back to 2010...I would suggest staying at home...but these are just words...

By the way, Syria is for Syrians...not for those who bring foreign Shiite fighters to kill their brothers. And yes, you reminded..I'd like to say :
If you wish to keep repeating senseless statements like 'you support AQ', 'you support terrorism'...you may ask the coders to help you by automating these statements to be posted by a bot, whenever I write something, it will save your time because no one hates terrorism more than me...but using double standards to identify terrorism...is something I cannot get along with .
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Abu Umar Al-Mukhtar was martyred today in Daraa, after he had sent so many foreign terrorists to Hell,
May the God show him mercy and grant him Heaven .
This shows your lies, you do support nu$ra rats terrorists so don't say you don't you are AQ supporter and people like will have no future in Syria, f$a terrorists the western puppets only backed by the West and their puppets and some traitors caused all this bloodshed and war... We were living in peace compare Syria 2010 to now, stability and peace made Syria strong now with this chaos Syria is unstable...

I do not support any real organization, I support FSA because I want Al-Assad gone, with him I don't believe we can get along together, just look...whenever he faces a protest (like his father), he recklessly destroys entire cities..kills thousands and wants people not to oppose him .

I didn't say FSA fighters are angels, but it seems I was %300 right when I said you aren't reading my posts, go read my posts and you will get ALL YOUR ANSWERS .
You support terrorism you support f$a and AQ just like f$a master said f$a work with terrorists... F$a are terrorism...

F$a = AQ = i$i$

And I don't read you bs propagonda all the time
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