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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

IS entered Ayn Al Arab from eastern wing, after bombing the eastern side of the city heavily today. Sources from both IS and YPG confirm.

Until some news reporter makes confirmation, I decided not to post either pro-militant sources.
Clashes with Lebanese Hezbollah kill 16 insurgents: source

(Reuters) - At least 16 Sunni Muslim insurgents from al Qaeda's Syrian wing were killed in clashes with fighters from the Lebanese Shi'ite group Hezbollah in eastern Lebanon on Sunday, a source close to Hezbollah said.

Hundreds of insurgents linked to al Qaeda's Syrian wing, the Nusra Front, had launched a major offensive on Sunday on Hezbollah-controlled areas near the Lebanese town of Arsal, close to the Syrian border.

"There are at least 16 dead from Nusra Front," the source said, adding that Hezbollah fighters from other parts of Lebanon had gone to defend the area.

Clashes with Lebanese Hezbollah kill 16 insurgents: source| Reuters

Since last night, Al-Nusra terrorists have launched a cross-border attack on Hezbollah positions inside Lebanon near Arsal, which itself is a hornet's nest for extremist and terrorism inside Lebanon, and there are reports that their casualties are much higher than currently reported ones.

‏فيديو / تصوير جوي لقصف قوات التحالف الدولي وتدمير رتل كامل لمقاتلين الدولة الاسلامية ‏‫#داعش‬‏جهنم وبئس المصير by ديوانية أهل الكويت (DIWaniyatAHalQ8) on Mobypicture
IS entered Ayn Al Arab from eastern wing, after bombing the eastern side of the city heavily today. Sources from both IS and YPG confirm.

Until some news reporter makes confirmation, I decided not to post either pro-militant sources.
Turkish foreign minister said Turkey won't let them take it , n what about the Kurds of Turkey aren't welling to fight for their fellow Syrian Kurds ?!!

instead go and fight against isis they want that Turkish Army intervention.
Turkish foreign minister said Turkey won't let them take it , n what about the Kurds of Turkey aren't welling to fight for their fellow Syrian Kurds ?!!

Well, 1000 of them passed the border illegally a few days ago. They stayed in Kobani for 1 hour and returned back. :lol:

And only to face charges for illegally trespassing the border. :)
Turkish foreign minister said Turkey won't let them take it , n what about the Kurds of Turkey aren't welling to fight for their fellow Syrian Kurds ?!!

Actually Prime minister said. But I am sure that is not necessary. Zardosht Yazidi communist Kurds can handle themselves well. They will call on Zardosht with their famous zylgyt screams. Whoop, fire god rises from the hell. Then Poof, Daesh eradicated. Kurdish nuke.
This is a vid game called Apache air assault

How could you not realize that @islamrules

Come on, man.:sarcastic:

@Sinan @xenon54 @Alienoz_TR

What is the Turkish position regarding Ayn al Arab and YPG in general? Are Turkish Kurds really trying to aid YPG In any way or support the Kurds? How do you deal with such a complex situation? I mean are most of the inhabitants of Southern Turkey not Kurds? Where is the stronghold of the Turkish Arabs? Do they live near Adana, Urfa etc.? How is the demographics of that region of Turkey in another words and how do you guys use that to your advantage?

Man, the ME is some place, ah?:cheesy:
How could you not realize that @islamrules

Come on, man.:sarcastic:

@Sinan @xenon54 @Alienoz_TR

What is the Turkish position regarding Ayn al Arab and YPG in general? Are Turkish Kurds really trying to aid YPG In any way or support the Kurds? How do you deal with such a complex situation? I mean are most of the inhabitants of Southern Turkey not Kurds? Where is the stronghold of the Turkish Arabs? Do they live near Adana, Urfa etc.? How is the demographics of that region of Turkey in another words and how do you guys use that to your advantage?

Man, the ME is some place, ah?:cheesy:

Those Arabs living or originated in Antioch and Adana are mostly Nusayri.
Urfa, Mardin, Bitlis, Siirt are home to Sunni Arabs, though they are minority.
How could you not realize that @islamrules

Come on, man.:sarcastic:

@Sinan @xenon54 @Alienoz_TR

What is the Turkish position regarding Ayn al Arab and YPG in general? Are Turkish Kurds really trying to aid YPG In any way or support the Kurds? How do you deal with such a complex situation? I mean are most of the inhabitants of Southern Turkey not Kurds? Where is the stronghold of the Turkish Arabs? Do they live near Adana, Urfa etc.? How is the demographics of that region of Turkey in another words and how do you guys use that to your advantage?

Man, the ME is some place, ah?:cheesy:
Most inhabitants fled to Turkey anyway, Prime minister Ahmet Davutoglu said he doesnt want Kobane/Ayn al Arab to fall.

Government wants Kobane to remain Kurdish: HDP - POLITICS
How could you not realize that @islamrules

Come on, man.:sarcastic:

@Sinan @xenon54 @Alienoz_TR

What is the Turkish position regarding Ayn al Arab and YPG in general? Are Turkish Kurds really trying to aid YPG In any way or support the Kurds? How do you deal with such a complex situation? I mean are most of the inhabitants of Southern Turkey not Kurds? Where is the stronghold of the Turkish Arabs? Do they live near Adana, Urfa etc.? How is the demographics of that region of Turkey in another words and how do you guys use that to your advantage?

Man, the ME is some place, ah?:cheesy:

They protested for a couple of days to cross the border and fight in Ayn al Arab. The military didn't allow them to cross. Couple of days later the military gave the green light for them to pass in to syria.
Few hours later they were running back to Turkey with their heels hitting their a$$.

Şanlıurfa is a majority Arab populated area. Pretty much anything east from that province are majority kurd provinces. Arabs are fine in Turkey. Even Hatay that has joined Turkey relatively late is acting better han them.

Sometimes İ wish, that we also made a population exchange of Kurds for Turkmens, with İraq and Syria during the late ottoman and early republic era. İ would have make life a lot easier İn south eastern Turkey.
What is the Turkish position regarding Ayn al Arab and YPG in general?
I can say we are neutral about Kobane.
YPG has been identified as Syrian Branch of PKK. Helping them is absoluetly out of question.

When this Kurdish regions emerged at the civil war.

Turkey set up 3 conditions for them.

- Don't deal with Assad and be a part of FSA.
- Cut your ties with PKK
- Don't decleare self autonomy.

YPG didn't come in Terms. And now they can expect no help from Turkey.

Are Turkish Kurds really trying to aid YPG In any way or support the Kurds?

Mostly they show their support in twitter. :)
Some demonstrations, also some number of Kurds passed into Kobane to help them.

How do you deal with such a complex situation?
Border with Kobane is sealed shut. Turkish soldiers with heavy weapons are everywhere. In terms of smuggling weapons from Turkey to Kobane is impossible

I mean are most of the inhabitants of Southern Turkey not Kurds? Where is the stronghold of the Turkish Arabs? Do they live near Adana, Urfa etc.? How is the demographics of that region of Turkey in another words and how do you guys use that to your advantage?

Man, the ME is some place, ah?:cheesy:

Mate, about Turkish Arabs..... we simply don't hear anything from them. They are not bringing forth their ethnicty. They are Turkish as much as we do.
Raqqa yesterday:



Sometimes İ wish, that we also made a population exchange of Kurds for Turkmens, with İraq and Syria during the late ottoman and early republic era. İ would have make life a lot easier İn south eastern Turkey.

Yeah, i thought about the same thing. Like what happened in Balkans... but Kurds in Turkey won't leave, they are not being treated bad.

What should we understand from these pics ?
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