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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

Syria has economy to pay NDF?

When you are living on foreign welfare you have at least a few cents here and there. For the time being at least….. I wonder if Al-Assad will escape abroad if the situations becomes too tense or if he will end like Gaddafi? Ultimately either one of those two options will be present and there will be no escaping for him and his regime.
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Rif Dimashq: 2 Al-Nusra Front Leaders Killed in the Qalamoun Mountains
The Al-Nusra Front (Jabhat Al-Nusra) suffered a major setback on Tuesday morning, when 2 prominent field commanders in the Qalamoun Mountains were killed by the National Defense Forces (NDF) during an operation in the village of Jayroud. According to a military source, Mamoun Shakra and “Abu Baha’ Al-Danaf” (ID pending), were identified as the Al-Nusra Front field commanders killed by the NDF in Jayroud.

The Syrian Arab Army’s 105th Brigade of the Republican Guard is now in control of 85% of Jobar after capturing the East District inside the city last week. The 105th Brigade is still concentrated on capturing the Al-Manasheer (Sawmill) Roundabout, Jobar Industrial School, and Parliament Square; these 3 areas are the remaining strongholds inside the city that Jaysh Al-Islam (Army of Islam) still asserts control over.

At Khan Al-Sheih, the SAA carried out a number of raids near the Liquor Factory, killing a number of militants and capturing a large cache of weapons from the Islamic Front in the process. Heavy firefights have been reported from this area in the West Ghouta, as both forces continue to exchange gunfire and artillery shells in order to take control of this imperative city.
a legion of salafis LOL
yeah sure they still can go on with beheading people and killing innocent people... they are very good at this job.
Iran will burn Turkey into 100 parts of burned lands if Turkey operate Wahhabis/Salafis against Iran.
Iran will burn Turkey into 100 parts of burned lands if Turkey operate Wahhabis/Salafis against Iran.
Turks are not our ennemis and they are not sponsoring salafis sick guys
We should work with them against the sick PKK and finish them totally
both our countries should be more cooperative but it is a long way now with the stupid mistakes about Syria from both sides

and they are very welcome to go India to create their land there
kurds are not the original people of these lands. they have no more authority on these lands than anyone in the region. but sadly nazi like behavior is fashioned nowadays :(
Turks are not our ennemis and they are not sponsoring salafis sick guys
We should work with them against the sick PKK and finish them totally
both our countries should be more cooperative but it is a long way now with the stupid mistakes about Syria from both sides

and they are very welcome to go India to create their land there
kurds are not the original people of these lands. they have no more authority on these lands than anyone in the region. but sadly nazi like behavior is fashioned nowadays :(
They are thinking about creating Ottaman Empire.

Have u read their posts in Turkish section?

I am not against Turks, but I think Kurds have more right to live in their lands than Turks. Turks have have come from East and middle of Asia.

And if u ask me which one do u like more? I will answer u Kurds. Because Turks are so arrogant and also two faced.
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Assad's back is against the wall. His days are numbered now. No way he can save his arse now. I hope he doesn't put a bullet in his head and the rebels catch him alive.

hmmmmmmm......bros i have bee4n hearing this for years now, if anything its even getting better for Assad, as our governemnts keep bombing/targeting Islamist scums called ISIS/Al nusra and other so called freedom fighters/democracy jihadist.:lol:
To be honest, im shocked to see people still saying such wishful thinking.:lol: By the way, i think Turkey better watch its back, since ISIS and other islamist terrorist groups are a greater danger than anything Assad poses to them.:rofl:
hmmmmmmm......bros i have bee4n hearing this for years now, if anything its even getting better for Assad, as our governemnts keep bombing/targeting Islamist scums called ISIS/Al nusra and other so called freedom fighters/democracy jihadist.:lol:
To be honest, im shocked to see people still saying such wishful thinking.:lol: By the way, i think Turkey better watch its back, since ISIS and other islamist terrorist groups are a greater danger than anything Assad poses to them.:rofl:

Why would ISIS pose a danger to Turkey? ISIS and Turkey are both Sunni.

BEIRUT, Lebanon — Two important Syrian military bases in Idlib Province, under rebel siege for two years, fell on Monday to insurgents led by the Nusra Front, the Islamist militant group aligned with Al Qaeda, fighters and activist groups monitoring the conflict reported.

The Nusra fighters appeared to have achieved the victory partly by using American TOW antitank missiles they had captured from more moderate antigovernment fighters backed by the United States, another sign that those fighters are struggling to regain the initiative from extremist groups.

In what seemed like a significant strategic loss for Syria’s military, its soldiers abandoned the bases in the country’s northwest, Wadi Deif and Hamidiyeh, after intense fighting that began Sunday morning. Activists said the attackers had seized 13 checkpoints around Wadi Deif and seven around Hamidiyeh, and by early Monday afternoon they had control of both bases.

According to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, a group that monitors the fighting through a network of contacts on the ground, the Nusra-led attackers captured at least 15 Syrian soldiers. It said at least 31 soldiers and 12 insurgents had been killed in the assaults.

The two bases are important because they sit on a major highway linking the cities of Aleppo, Idlib and Damascus, the capital. If insurgents hold the bases, they could gain an opportunity to interfere with the Syrian military’s ability to supply and reinforce the forces that have been trying to retake Aleppo. The besieged city once was Syria’s commercial center but has been ravaged by the war.

The rebels also now could try to choke off supplies to Idlib, one of the few places in the province still under government control.

The Nusra Front has emerged as a powerful force in Idlib, intimidating not only Syrian government forces but also rebel factions that do not share its radical Islamic ideology. Last month Nusra militants routed comparatively moderate fighters of the Syrian Revolutionaries Front, one of the recipients of American weapons, including the precision TOW missiles. The missiles can blast through tanks and other armored weapons.

Photographs posted on Twitter by Nusra fighters in their takeover of the two bases included images of TOW missiles. Yasser Abdullatif, a spokesman for the Islamic Front, a coalition aligned with Nusra, said in a telephone interview that they had been seized from the vanquished Syrian Revolutionaries Front.

“The TOWS that were used in this battle were from the Americans,” he said.
Who will attack Iran? Syria of course. You think the Syrian people wont want Justice? Justice will be served on a large plate. Iran will be destroyed. Hezbollah won't save you because Lebanon is next after Syria. We want Justice for the Syrians abused by Lebanon and Hezbollah. Iraq won't save you because, well, it's Iraq. And don't think Russia will come to save you, because Russia is going bankrupt. :)
Here we go again. Claiming I'm a Zionist and not Syrian. Like a guy from the UK has any more credentials to talk about Syria than a guy who lived in Aleppo half his life...

LOOOL I never claimed you were a zionist bro. Did you read my comment correctly?:what:
I simply made an observation/remark, since some Israeli beautiful emmeber here seems to be cheering for the so called 'Free Syrain Army' alias jihadists, just like you seem to be doing.:D
Moreover you dont have to be from a country to know everything about it, so your claim to the contrary is wrong, Im british born and bred(though of french orgiin), but that doesnt means i now everything about Britain or France for that matter than any other person out there who isn't British/French. lool There are people who know more about Britain than i myself do, even thoughj they might never have lived here.:agree:

Even more so, the so called revolution(more like regression.lol) in Syria (just like Libya) is a huge sham. If you still believe these terrorist heart eating/beheading 'freedom/democracy' fighters:-)lol:) backed by the most tyranical regimes/monarchies in the region(i.e Saudi Arabia and its samller pets Qatar and other guld countries.lol who all make Syria look like a model democracy:rofl:) are fighting for the great good/freedom of the Syrian people , then i must say you are quite naive bro. Some syrians who initially took to the streets having some genuine greviances just like almost all countries in the middle east/Arab world for that matter, might have had good intentions, but the situation quickly changed as some foreign groups/powers made use of this situation to interfere/interven for their own interests. So this was never a revolution to begin with, its a geo political war, in whcih you are simply the battleground, cannon fodder.:agree: It might sound harsh, but its true. If you keep claiming there is a military situation to this crisis and that your so called 'freedom fighters'lool will triumph, then im afraid you will have to wait until all your country has been totally destroyed and all its people killed/in reuge abraod before you can calim victory.lol

Just like the situation in Libya today as shown, a strong central government(even if dictatorial one) is always far far far far better than no central government at all or some some rag tag militias/rebel groups/jihadists who govern the way they deem fit. I'm sure if we had to go back in time, none of the Syrians who even started participating in the protests in the beginning will do it again, im sure they are all regretting their naive/ignorant decisions today.:tsk: However, its not all that bad though, it has made other countries in the region gain awareness not to fall into the democracy/freedom lies next time.
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