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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

Oh, so when its shiites rioting, they're peaceful protests, but when Sunnis protest, it's sectarian, violent, riots. Good logic there. And you're the one to call us sectarian.

I didn't say that. I said from very first days, there were many sectarian protests too, but there were real protesters who simply wanted a democracy, like some (not all) of soldiers who defected from SAA and formed a group called FSA. So saying that there were no sectarian nutjobs in very beginning is a huge lie. Although FSA is irrelevant now compared to other nutjobs like IS or Nusra, but they did have some power in first.
You should thank your brothers in GCC, like Qatar or Saudi Arabia who funded different groups on their own to reach their own agenda.

You are the one crying about sectarianism. You are a Shia. Not me. KSA did not send any troops to Bahrain to suppress any locals. Those troops secured law and order. They never killed anyone.

Anyway you are a Farsi. You have no business in any internal Arab affairs nor do you understand any conflicts in that part of the world.

Nonsense. The Arab world has solely supported their fellow brothers ands sisters in Syria and not a mass-murdering dictator like your regime. It's also not the Syrian people that have carpet bombed entire cities and committed genocide on their own population but that's solely the work of the regime that your Mullah's support.

This is about Syria and about you writing nonsense.
We have been at that and you got to your usual racial insults, so let's leave it here, you have no new arguments it seems.

Ok, I won't interfere in Arab world, it's all yours.If countries chose their policies based on race, the world would be a lot shittier place that it currently is, and I once brought the example of KSA supporting Taliban in Afghanistan once, but you didn't learn a lesson.
I didn't say that. I said from very first days, there were many sectarian protests too, but there were real protesters who simply wanted a democracy, like some (not all) of soldiers who defected from SAA and formed a group called FSA. So saying that there were no sectarian nutjobs in very beginning is a huge lie. Although FSA is irrelevant now compared to other nutjobs like IS or Nusra, but they did have some power in first.
You should thank your brothers in GCC, like Qatar or Saudi Arabia who funded different groups on their own to reach their own agenda.

We have been at that and you got to your usual racial insults, so let's leave it here, you have no new arguments it seems.

Ok, I won't interfere in Arab world, it's all yours.If countries chose their policies based on race, the world would be a lot shittier place that it currently is, and I once brought the example of KSA supporting Taliban in Afghanistan once, but you didn't learn a lesson.
Iran also supports secterianism .. What Arabs are doing in Syria .. Iran is doing siniliar thing in Bahrain ? KSA supports taliban ? Iran supported North Alliance warlords ? Nobody is innocent...
Iran also supports secterianism .. What Arabs are doing in Syria .. Iran is doing siniliar thing in Bahrain ? KSA supports taliban ? Iran supported North Alliance warlords ? Nobody is innocent...
First, you can't compare NA with Taliban scums in anyway, if you want proof, just tell me which group is killing Pakistani citizens nowadays?
Second, I used Afghanistan as an example to counter the argument that Syria is an Arabic country, hence Iran shouldn't be involved, which is bs.
Third, just show me one single gun or weapon given to any protester in Bahrain. It's too stupid to compare Iran's verbal condemnation of Bahraini regime to directly arming and funding terror groups in Syria.

Anyhow, on topic, this little 'Assad Shabiha mercenary' was killed today in Aleppo by 'moderate' Islamic Front's hell cannon:
Indeed it's only Assad who kills civilians, others are busy distributing flowers among Syrians.

Aleppo: The Syrian Army Advances to the Strategic Al-Jandoul Roundabout
The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and National Defense Forces (NDF) advanced to the imperative Al-Jandoul Roundabout after clashing with ‘Ahrar Al-Sham and Liwaa Al-Tawheed militants west of the Al-Oweeja District in the Aleppo Governorate. The advance to the Al-Jandoul Roundabout comes 3 days after the SAA and NDF captured Al-Manasheer and the Al-Bureijj Stone Quarries; this has led to the Islamic Front (Jabhat Al-Islamiyya) being flanked from the east and west.

Wikimapia - Let's describe the whole world!
Anyway you are a Farsi. You have no business in any internal Arab affairs nor do you understand any conflicts in that part of the world.

Well, Prophet himself brought us into it all through Salman Farsi. He allowed us to interfere in your "internal" matters. It has become an obligation for Iran. Nothing can be done about it now. You have to bear it all the way.
Well, Prophet himself brought us into it all through Salman Farsi. He allowed us to interfere in your "internal" matters. It has become an obligation for Iran. Nothing can be done about it now. You have to bear it all the way.
Obligation for Iran to come and kill our Children? Where did the Prophet (PBUH) say that? Oh yeah nowhere.
Obligation for Iran to come and kill our Children? Where did the Prophet (PBUH) say that? Oh yeah nowhere.

No, not at all. You are doing the killing. Iran is saving them. You have been exposed before the whole world now. And Iran is winning. This is even more important.
No, not at all. You are doing the killing. Iran is saving them. You have been exposed before the whole world now. And Iran is winning. This is even more important.
Yeah, we're doing the killing, because we have the air force, the heavy artillery, the barrel bombs, the torture centers, secret prisons....yup. That's us!
You've been exposed multiple times (remember when Israel, your so-called sworn enemy, helped you guys in the Iran-Iraq war? I remember it very well!). And Iran is nowhere near winning. We've killed at least 10 high ranking IRGC in Syria. We're advancing slowly but surely on Damascus. You call that winning?
Yeah, we're doing the killing, because we have the air force, the heavy artillery, the barrel bombs, the torture centers, secret prisons....yup. That's us!
You've been exposed multiple times (remember when Israel, your so-called sworn enemy, helped you guys in the Iran-Iraq war? I remember it very well!). And Iran is nowhere near winning. We've killed at least 10 high ranking IRGC in Syria. We're advancing slowly but surely on Damascus. You call that winning?

Dear, your propaganda has no effect anymore. People of the world can see what you are. In wars people die. No matter what you do, Iran will win. Rest assured of that. You have no idea about Iranian power.
Dear, your propaganda has no effect anymore. People of the world can see what you are. In wars people die. No matter what you do, Iran will win. Rest assured of that. You have no idea about Iranian power.
Oh, so after you've been proved wrong, you just repeat your argument again? I see a fallacy....
Oh, so after you've been proved wrong, you just repeat your argument again? I see a fallacy....

No, I have not been proven wrong. It is just your paranoia, that does not let you see the truth and facts on the ground. Iran is winning. There is no way that the world is going to tolerate you crazies coming to power in Damascus. Like snowflake chance in hell. Live with that and watch the rise of Iran. You are going to have to learn to live in shadow of Iranian power.
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