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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)




It seems the zio hijacked usa govt is also planning to make isis lure into abuqamal allowing isis to survive in baghuz and possibly if they can make it take abukamal(maybe israel can bomb there to soften positions before isis advance claiming striking Iranian targets) just as it does for alquada=alnusra survive in Idlib. Both are enemies of Americans but actually handy tools that are made, supported and survived by hijackers in their govt.

It would be better for forces in abukamal to dig in and not to reveal all their positions. Also destory the baghuz-abukamal bridge(it can be made by an iranian cruise missile if situation goes that far) if situation arises to that level of danger to stop any isis assault in abukamal.

Also as a side note it would be much wiser to know this situation about Americans and target the zionists policies that hurt both americans and others both financially and terrorwise. Since the zionists feed on artificially created enmities between countries Irans ahmedinejad era threats like striking nearby usa bases(although all defensive measures should be ready and which can happen if a war starts which would hurt all sides) or similar threats is counterproductive making zionist collaborators hide in their governments and continue these policies unnoticed to secure and serve israel.

Instead It would be much more effective to wake the americans up for Iran telling about their hijacked governments protection of isis-alquada terrorists as well as their losses about terminating economic deals with Iran.

Also they can create some terror groups to defame legitimate resistance against zionist hegemony in their govt. These should not be supported but legitimate movements should be.
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11 Killed in Aleppo as War-Damaged Block of Flats Collapses

One child was pulled out alive from the rubble of the five-storey, war-damaged block after rescue teams worked to remove the shattered breeze blocks that had buried him, AFP photographers said on Saturday.

He was the sole survivor of the collapse in the formerly rebel-held neighborhood of Salaheddin, according to the official Sana news agency report. Saleheddin was heavily bombed before the army overran militant districts with Russian support in late 2016.

Many of the buildings around the block that caved in still bear the scars of the ferocious four-year battle for the northern city; several are on the brink of collapse.

The costs of rebuilding Syria’s devastated housing and infrastructure has been estimated at $400bn.
US Well-Versed in Using Terrorist Groups as Assets: American Activist

A peace activist and journalist based in the US state of Virginia warned of a “very dangerous” plot hatched by Washington to raid Iran by using Daesh (ISIS or ISIL) terrorists in Afghanistan and said the US is “well-versed in using terrorist groups as assets”.

“I would be very concerned that there is some kind of grand plan going on that will not be good for the people of Afghanistan, probably, won't be good for Iran,” Janice Kortkamp from Leesburg, Virginia, said in an interview with the Tasnim News Agency.

“Perhaps, there will be raids launched from across the border from Afghanistan into Iran using ISIS and the US can just completely wash his hands up at all because they'll say 'oh we pulled our troops out and we're not in there anymore',” she said, adding, “So we (the US) are well-versed in using terrorist groups as assets as has also been proven in that history of the Afghan wars.”

Janice Kortkamp became an independent, completely self-funded, journalist after “seeing Western media bias regarding Syria and how that bias was promoting war and destabilization in Syria and all the Levant”. She has researched the current crisis for six years, putting in over 7,000 hours of study. She has visited Syria five times over the past three years, spending months traveling around the major population areas and the outskirts of Damascus, Homs, Latakia (including Kessab), Hama, Palmyra, Deir Ezzor and Aleppo. She has also gone to Germany, Lebanon, and Kuwait to meet with Syrian refugees and emigrants. Through friends and contacts in Syria as well as reports from genuine news sources around the world, she tracks the situation on the ground in Syria on an hourly basis.

Following is the full text of the interview:

Tasnim: Recent evidence shows that the Daesh (ISIS or ISIL) terrorist group is on the rise in war-torn Afghanistan with the support of the US government. According to Tasnim dispatches, a large number of prisoners, all of whom senior members of Daesh, recently broke out of a Taliban prison in northwest Afghanistan after US troops helped them escape through a covert operation. Given that Daesh's so-called caliphate has collapsed in Syria and Iraq, what goal is Washington pursuing by transferring the terrorists to Afghanistan and strengthening them?

Kortkamp: Well, of course, this is a difficult question to answer because we don't have a lot of information. All we have are clues and previous actions and policies. Obviously, Washington is well known for having assets like ISIS. We've been working with them and aiding and abetting them in Syria and we, you know, really incubated the group in Iraq and we've been aiding and abetting al-Qaeda as well in Syria and other terrorist groups in Libya, for example. So we are well-versed in using terrorist groups as assets as has also been proven in that history of the Afghan wars. So, you know, basically, the answer to the question is the goal is probably not a good goal. The goal is probably to create problems. It's interesting that this comes alongside these recent negotiations between the US and the Taliban. I think it's also an important factor that it seems like John Bolton and Mike Pompeo support this idea of pulling US troops out of Afghanistan and negotiating with the Taliban. That seems to be antithetical to their typical stand of wanting to just go to war with anybody and everybody and particularly if there's some kind of perception that an action could be used to further isolate Iran for Israel's sake. So given the fact that Pompeo and Bolton appear to be on board with this idea that there is somewhat of a consensus in Western media in favor of the plan of pulling out the troops, if you combine that with this idea of breaking ISIS prisoners out of a jail, what we've done with ISIS in Syria, for example, and using them as an asset and also this idea of perhaps Eric Prince with a mercenary force basically taking over the US military role in Afghanistan, I think that there are more questions right now than I have answers for but I would be very concerned that there is some kind of grand plan going on that will not be good for the people of Afghanistan, probably, won't be good for Iran. Perhaps, there will be raids launched from across the border from Afghanistan into Iran using ISIS and the US can just completely wash his hands up at all because they'll say 'oh we pulled our troops out and we're not in there anymore'. I think this is very dangerous and only time will tell really from here on what happens with all of these different factors going on.

Tasnim: As you know, some regional countries, including Iran, have been sensitive about the presence of Daesh in Afghanistan due to their national security concerns. How justifiable do you see their concerns?

Kortkamp: I think I explained that a little bit in my previous answer but you know, having observed Iran and other parties involved in these conflicts over the last several years, I would say if Iran is concerned or is sensitive to a threat then that threat is most likely very real again Pompeo and Bolton the whole reason for their existence seems to be the defense of Israel, the support of Israel, what Israel wants Israel gets, and yet then we have what appears to be the opposite strategy going to take place in Afghanistan with their support. So I'm suspicious. I'm sure the leadership in Iran is suspicious that's a very difficult border I'm sure to protect and you know, the security issues are going to be high now. If ISIS is gaining more and more of a presence in Afghanistan, that is a significant problem for Iran.

Tasnim: Do you think that Daesh would be able to establish a foothold in Afghanistan given the fact that the Muslim people in the country are strongly opposed to them and their extremist ideologies?

Kortkamp: You know this is a difficult question also because as we know Afghanistan is very tough terrain. The people have been through a quite a bit of war so many decades now of war. The economy I'm sure is terrible and there are probably a lot of people that would succumb to temptations of money and I would suspect that with the US helping Daesh, certainly, Saudis are probably helping Daesh, then you know, you have this situation where there could be a lot of money available to people to join that terrorist group and desperate people are more easily tempted by that. Also, you have the fragmentation and the weakness of Afghanistan’s government. You have, you know, just a warlord mentality that is present in much of the country and people might tend to go with a strong man that they feel can protect them or out of fear of needing to submit to a strong man. I'm struggling a bit because these are all very complicated issues in Afghanistan particularly you know is the graveyard of empires and nobody can really predict I think what is going to happen now but personally, I'm highly skeptical and cynical of what any plan of the US may be doing there. We'll just have to keep our eyes on it.

Syria to Rejoin Arab League, Not to Surrender to Blackmail: Mekdad

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Syria's Deputy Foreign Minister Faisal Mekdad said those who attempt to impose conditions upon Syria for the nation’s eventual return to the Arab League will not succeed, as Damascus will never surrender to blackmail.

"Those who are trying to ignore Syria or to impose conditions for its return to the Arab League will not succeed, since Syria does not surrender to blackmail," Mekdad said late on Sunday, SANA reported.

He added that the decisions that seek to do damage to Syria, particularly those made by other Arab countries, have been instructed by foreign states.

"We follow all developments related to Syria's return to the Arab League and to the resumption of (foreign) embassies' operation (in Syria). However, the pressure that we are facing at the regional level as well as the international arena challenges this process," Mekdad said, adding Damascus was "always optimistic" anyway, given the significant success it has reached in the process of its return to the Arab League.

Earlier, Arab League Secretary-General Ahmed Aboul Gheit asserted that Syria would be allowed to return to the Arab League if all other Arab states give their consent.

The most recent Arab League summit took place in Beirut, Lebanon, in late January.

The 22-nation Arab League suspended Syria’s membership in 2011 after a foreign-backed war broke out in the country. Several member states then pulled their ambassadors from Damascus. Syria, one of the founding states of the bloc, condemned the decision.

In December 2018, the United Arab Emirates, a league member, became the first Persian Gulf country to reopen its embassy in the Syrian capital. Immediately afterward, Bahrain, another Arab League state, announced that it too would restore its diplomatic mission in Syria.


I hope this time there are precautions=recording systems(gps,video,radar tracks, strike footages etc.) for every artillery, uav, plane and similar otherwise if immediate disproofs are not present after a hts chem detonation Syria wont be able to make any further operations in Idlib and others would do this job of eliminating hts in Idlib with putins approval.
Worst case which is very possible is usa will bomb Syria again but this time much harder without waiting for any proofs.

Immediate disproofs should be present even for short range tank & low caliber artillery as well as heavy ones. Continious video footage(when firing and when not firing) can be recorded for many hours-days by another recorder-vehicle nearby video-recording other vehicles in its area, where vehicles are aiming against and time and place data also continiously recorded by gps-glonass.

Since it is continious video coverage the data can be continiously, periodically correlated with Russian etc. satellite pictures of the vehicles within that time and pictures of strike areas to show continious authenticity.
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Assad is the winner.

Syria, Russia, Iran are losers of this war.
Russians are the badest playing allies I have ever seen ! No wonder that they are powerful just because they are waving around their nukes and threatening others with them believe me without nukes they would not even take a breath in leningrad no more !
Why not as long as houthis, Iranians, Kurds, Israelis and Erdogan would not exist why not why not
You know sometimes,you really need to start using your brain.
There is no other race causing wars,killing each other for no reason then,you people.
90% of the world wide wars are caused by you Arabs and here you genius dare to blame others.
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