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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

On what should I be high on Geograph teacher? Levant countries and Iraq are all arabic speaking countries they also belong to the arabian peninsula
Arabic speaking doesn't mean Arabian peninsula. It can also mean no arab at all like berbers.
Some lessons to finish this story:

Arabs make up roughly 74% of the population anyway . All because of the arab conquest long time ago. the old civilizations were annihilated to severely reduced.

Anyway completely off topic. i am 3/4 celtic and i have ancestry of brythonic king. we, celtic people, we are not asking for a celtic region . for us, it is a stupid idea and completely for idiots and racists. what is important is the respect of our culture like any other cultures. Stop thinking "arab" that's really retarded behavior. think Iraq. think the interests of the ME region to be a better place.
Arabic speaking doesn't mean Arabian peninsula. It can also mean no arab at all like berbers.
Some lessons to finish this story:

Arabs make up roughly 74% of the population anyway . All because of the arab conquest long time ago. the old civilizations were annihilated to severely reduced.

Anyway completely off topic. i am 3/4 celtic and i have ancestry of brythonic king. we, celtic people, we are not asking for a celtic region . for us, it is a stupid idea and completely for idiots and racists. what is important is the respect of our culture like any other cultures. Stop thinking "arab" that's really retarded behavior. think Iraq. think the interests of the ME region to be a better place.
That's your opinion!
Every declared presidential candidate in the Senate, and three other senators who are considering running, voted on Tuesday against a bill that, among other things, condemns Mr. Trump’s decision to withdraw American troops from Afghanistan and Syria. (You can read more about the legislation here.)
The twist is that this is a rare issue on which, ideologically, Mr. Trump is more aligned with Democrats than Republicans — which creates an awkward political situation for the Democrats, who would not normally decline an opportunity to rebuke Mr. Trump.
Even if the full bill were to pass the House, the troop withdrawal provision is nonbinding. It simply expresses Congress’s disapproval of Mr. Trump’s plans, and the president would then have to decide whether to buck his own party and bring troops home anyway.
Dear , it is a tectonic plate name. It is not history . it is not country limits. it is not civilization . It is geology. ;)
Thank you, I dont have time for his idiotic statements. He knows he's wrong, it's his ego that wont admit it

Kid,dont comment on issues beyond your comprehension level.
And you are whom to tell me what I can and what I cant do? You lose an argument and start crying, eh? Dont quote me again turk
You exposed your denial because the real losers are the countries you didnt mention- Israel, US and Turkey.
* Syrian army is destroyed.
* Syrian economy is destroyed.
* Iran's economy is in crisis and needs to spend billions each year merely to prolong Assad's regime agony.
* Israel is stronger than ever.

Conclusion: Israel lost Iran won. :cheesy::patsak::jester:
some guys here believed their own lies.
You remember me famous mulla nasruldin joke when he believed his own lie.
One year ago US slaughtered Russians trying to attack SDF in Deir Ez Zor. Here confirmed killed:

1 Леонов Игорь Владимирович 29.11.1985
2 Апостол Владислав Иванович 13.01.1988
3 Ананьев Кирилл Борисович 31.01.1985
4 Бабин Евгений Александрович 20.06.1972
5 Багашев Константин Юрьевич 11.12.1970
6 Банников Игорь Владимирович 16.04.1988
7 Баскаков Евгений Валерьевич 01.01.1982
8 Важов Антон Юрьевич 01.10.1984
9 Ватолин Владимир Викторович 23.03.1980
10 Вертинский Владимир Викторович 13.06.1954
11 Винограденко Владимир Петрович 30.04.1967
12 Вислобоков Виталий Александрович14.04.1975
13 Гаврилов Руслан Николаевич 03.08.1983
14 Ганчеров Сергей Григорьевич 16.07.1992
15 Грачян Геворг 21.11.1980
16 Егоров Борис Евгеньевич 03.03.1973
17 Жалин Илья Александрович 12.04.1984
18 Жигалов Михаил Сергеевич 09.07.1987
19 Закаулов Ростислав Алексеевич 14.03.1990
20 Зобов Павел Владимирович 06.08.1993
21 Зыков Юрий Генадьевич 16.04.1977
22 Иващук Виктор Викторович 22.05.1983
23 Игнатьев Андрей Вячеславович 19.07.1985
24 Ильенко Дмитрий Юрьевич 28.05.1985
25 Калабухов Алексей Викторович 23.09.1975
26 Кастырин Андрей Алексеевич 01.10.1988
27 Кириченко Максим Александрович 27.06.1969
28 Колдунов Сергей Геннадьевич 06.12.1969
29 Конев Василий Александрович 16.05.1984
30 Кононов Анатолий Михайлович 20.08.1985
31 Короленко Олег Аркадьевич 22.07.1974
32 Косотуров Игорь Николаевич 30.12.1972
33 Кравченко Сергей Иванович 13.01.1976
34 Кудричев Василий Николаевич 04.12.1984
35 Кутсарь Артём Валентинович 24.01.1984
36 Ладыгин Алексей Владимирович 31.05.1992
37 Логинов Владимир Николаевич 05.04.1966
38 Лу Владимир Владимирович 24.09.1982
39 Лусников Александр Владимирович 25.09.1976
40 Макаров Сергей Юрьевич 20.09.1984
41 Манжиев Дорджи Борисович 15.07.1979
42 Матвеев Станислав Валерьевич 15.06.1979
43 Наливкин Алексей Леонидович 29.01.1977
44 Никулин Александр Андреевич 14.06.1992
45 Нуртдинов Ильсур Исмагилович 20.02.1982
46 Оганесян Роман Георгиевич 16.02.1976
47 Побережный Петр Васильевич 15.10.1976
48 Поротников Сергей Егорович 04.12.1961
49 Прокофьев Владимир Иванович 07.10.1992
50 Прошак Сергей Юрьевич 27.06.1990
51 Рассохин Илья Борисович 12.08.1978
52 Романов Андрей Вячеславович 19.04.1979
53 Рубанов Алексей Владимирович 17.03.1987
54 Светкин Евгений Владимирович 20.03.1986
55 Семушин Сергей Александрович 26.06.1988
56 Соломатов Степан Валентинович 20.09.1990
57 Спиридонов Евгений Николаевич 17.01.1987
58 Терещенко Олег Сергеевич 01.10.1982
59 Фешин Антон Васильевич 20.05.1981
60 Шадеркин Сергей Константинович 04.03.1991
61 Шатханов Алексей Петрович 21.02.1989
62 Шестеркин Денис Владимирович 18.08.1978
63 Шихов Алексей Васильевич 13.10.1991
I am not sure that giving a list of names of people dead is something nice.
I don't understand why modos are not sensitive to this.
So now we have to make fun and enjoy people dead and enjoy see their names?
Strange behavior.
I am not sure that giving a list of names of people dead is something nice.
I don't understand why modos are not sensitive to this.
So now we have to make fun and enjoy people dead and enjoy see their names?
Strange behavior.
That was a sneak attack against an allied force. They are illegal mercenary thugs, who come to kill and torture for money. Most of them also illegally fought in Ukraine, they are responsible for over 10,000 deaths there. Several journalists who investigated them were murdered.
That was a sneak attack against an allied force. They are illegal mercenary thugs, who come to kill and torture for money. Most of them also illegally fought in Ukraine, they are responsible for over 10,000 deaths there. Several journalists who investigated them were murdered.
said like that .. i have to say you are right. sorry then not having understood that point.
Never get fooled by a ha$bara troll.

Israel has about 15,000 paid trolls to wage cyber warfare against dissenting opinions.

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