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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

UAE, Egypt military officers tour Manbij ahead of deployment of forces

January 2, 2019

UAE and Egyptian military officers have toured the contested Syrian city of Manbij and its outskirts ahead of plans to deploy their forces in the region after the withdrawal of US troops, American Senator Lindsay Graham said on Monday.

“I think we are slowing things [exit from Syria] down in a smart way,” Israeli news website DEBKAfile’s reported Lindsay saying.

“US troops will leave eastern and northern Syria, but America is not deserting this part of the country and will continue to maintain a presence after the pullout,” Lindsay said.

He stressed that the US troops would not leave Syria before completely ending Daesh. “The president assured me he is going to make sure he gets the job done,” he said.

Lindsay said that the Emirati and Egyptian officers visited Manbij and checked out the locations of US and Kurdish YPG militia positions, and took notes on how to deploy their own troops as replacements.

He said that the Syrian regime would not reject the UAE presence because it is also taking part in the reconstruction of Syria. Egypt’s presence would not be rejected as the regime of President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi has supported that of Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad for a number of years.

This move would pave the way for more Arab armies to enter Syria, the US official added.

Syrian Air Defences Respond to Enemy Attack, Down Several Targets - Reports


Syrian air defences have responded to an enemy attack over Damascus and managed to shoot down several targets, local media reported.

According to Ikhbariya broadcaster, several targets have been shot down during an enemy attack over Damascus, Syria. There were no official comments on the situation.

Previously, a Sputnik correspondent reported that Sounds of explosions were heard in Syria's capital of Damascus, noting that it was yet unclear what caused them.

The sounds of blasts were first heard at 11:30 p.m. (21:30 GMT) on Friday and they continued into Saturday.

US troops in Syria could be replaced by private contractors, Blackwater founder Erik Prince says

Private military contractors could replace US troops withdrawing from Syria, Blackwater founder Erik Prince has suggested.

The former security firm chief said contractors could protect US allies and counter Iranian influence after the US leaves the country.
“American history is filled with public and private partnerships, of places that the private sector can fill those gaps, where a very expensive military probably shouldn’t be,” Mr Prince said.

“If there is not some kind of robust capability to defend from a ground invasions from the very conventional power that the Iranians and the Syrians have, our allies will be smashed,” Mr Prince said.

Next week one of the topics between Turkey and Russia would be Idlib. Since hts gained large amount of it and aituation is gaining instability there a possibility of options in my opinion is that Russia can give Turkey the approval to do military ops there aerial or ground attacks as well to weaken hts there as well.

If several issues is handled however there is no need to take this risk of sending our soldiers to several fronts at once as ypg is waiting in the east and Saa is the natural enemy of hts there.

Russia would possibly bring these to convince Syria as well to not to make military operation and let others do the job.but if they solve these issues they can also do this job of taking out hts.

-there can be hts chemical detonations and we know the rest of the story. Syria should be ready to disprove by solid video gps etc. recordings of any such scenario involving aircraft helis or large caliber artillery especially targeting close to city centers. Anyone saying that it is illogical to use chems which everyone knows wont be sufficient it needs to be backed by immediate disproofs recordings etc.

-Refugee issue should be planned well so that channels are open to support refugees and to get them inside Syria not towards Turkey. I think a promise by Syria of very limited usage of heavy weapons against city centers and regaining the land then encircling the city centers only then point infantry specops strikes inside city center can be sufficient to handle the refugee issue.It should be a limited operation continuing with infantry specops point strikes inside city centers which would reduce collateral damage.maybe tunnels can be used it is for their planners to decide.

-the operation by Saa if happens should only target hts through the portion occupied by hts not other groups involved in the cesefire process.
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Next week one of the topics between Turkey and Russia would be Idlib. Since hts gained large amount of it and aituation is gaining instability there a possibility of options in my opinion is that Russia can give Turkey the approval to do military ops there aerial or ground attacks as well to weaken hts there as well.

If several issues is handled however there is no need to take this risk of sending our soldiers to several fronts at once as ypg is waiting in the east and Saa is the natural enemy of hts there.

Russia would possibly bring these to convince Syria as well to not to make military operation and let others do the job.but if they solve these issues they can also do this job of taking out hts.

-there can be hts chemical detonations and we know the rest of the story. Syria should be ready to disprove by solid video gps etc. recordings of any such scenario involving aircraft helis or large caliber artillery especially targeting close to city centers. Anyone saying that it is illogical to use chems which everyone knows wont be sufficient it needs to be backed by immediate disproofs recordings etc.

-Refugee issue should be planned well so that channels are open to support refugees and to get them inside Syria not towards Turkey. I think a promise by Syria of very limited usage of heavy weapons against city centers and regaining the land then encircling the city centers only then point infantry specops strikes inside city center can be sufficient to handle the refugee issue.It should be a limited operation continuing with infantry specops point strikes inside city centers which would reduce collateral damage.maybe tunnels can be used it is for their planners to decide.

-the operation by Saa if happens should only target hts through the portion occupied by hts not other groups involved in the cesefire process.
Stop spreading disgusting propaganda. According to UN and OPCW Assad used chemical weapons dozens times, rebel groups - not even once.

By spreading disgusting propaganda you turn yourself into a partner of a murder.
Stop spreading disgusting propaganda. According to UN and OPCW Assad used chemical weapons dozens times, rebel groups - not even once.

By spreading disgusting propaganda you turn yourself into a partner of a murder.
Again bullshit

Assad and Syrian gov never had interest and will to use chemicals weapons.
Terrorists use chemicals weapons and they got benefit of it.

you can not change history. we are here to tell and write truth not Zionists propaganda lies.
Again bullshit

Assad and Syrian gov never had interest and will to use chemicals weapons.
Yes they are not interested in ethnic cleansing and slaughter of of opponents. They barrel bombed and displaced 12 million people just for fun.

Anyway there are many evidences and reports by UN and OPCW about Assad use of chemical weapons, zero evidence against the rebels.
Stop spreading disgusting propaganda. According to UN and OPCW Assad used chemical weapons dozens times, rebel groups - not even once.

By spreading disgusting propaganda you turn yourself into a partner of a murder.
When citizens from an executioner country try to look human...The gas used was of Israeli origin given to the white helmets by the Sauds or by the Turks...but its origin is Israel!
İt is a high risk to consistently use long range artillery in idlib.hts can detonate something.

Short range low caliber artillery and short-rapid-continious advances are less prone to any chem accusation in any future military operation.

medium uavs that cant carry larger bombs but atgm types can be used for deep strikes which also video records every strike it makes. Aircraft that video records every strike can also be used to disprove any chem scenario but it has to be loaded all pylons- internal bays dropping not used payload(can be dummy payload) to empty area and video recording it.uavs should do same if possible

helicopters should not be used and should be kept far away gps video recorded.Since they can fly low continious radar records of them cant be taken for disproof.they are vulnurable to bullets and manpads anyways.

Just like helicopters low flying uavs should be kept in depots and video-gps recorded real time for the same reason. They fly low cant be radar tracked-recorded continiously so hts can make a chem attack with a low flying uav and blame Saa for usa to bomb Syria.

İf 24/7 video&ammo&gps recording systems are not present for active high caliber artillery which proves when, directed to where and what it fires continiously it would be sort of a suicide.

If possible Heavy artillery should be kept out of range from city centers until mentioned recording systems that can also be correlated with satellite photos after strikes are in place for them.

Iran coming up and say it is illogical for Syria to do that will be plain stupid unless hard disproofs are not present and there is time to prepare precautions=recording systems. Otherwise it wont suffice to stop the zio hijacked usa gov sending its people to another war.
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Assad aka Khamenai aka Putin tererorists murdered 11 civilians yesterday in Maarat an Numan.


Blood thirsty maniacs. Apparently they simply cant survive without sucking civilian blood.
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