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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

From the article you posted, we know you manipulated the reason for the Russian govt to "export"its "citizens" to Syria. Russia was encouraging violent, radicalized, non-productive citizens out of Russia in a strategy to prevent them from causing trouble within Russia's borders. Russia didnt know where they were planning on going either. Russia doesnt see any value of these russian citizens outside of Russia.
See this they still remember battle of Khyber
1) US carried only 1 serious strike against Assad aka Putin forces. When they cowardly attacked them on 7 feb 2018. All rest were basically warning shots to not approach.
2) US carried 50,000 strikes against ISIS. Which helped Assad to regain huge amounts of territories.
3) In addition US strikes allowed Iraqi Shiites to send reinforcements to Assad. Without Iraqi Shiites Assad would be dead long time ago.

It never happened. This story was invented by Assad aka Putin to justify cease fire breach.

The US admitted to the fake “story” which Russia supposedly made up. It’s so fake the US admitted to it and launch an investigation into the very real attack.


Get some metal help you are a delusional schizophrenic with a compulsive lying habit :rofl:

A quick google search will show you the rest of the US attacks on Syria. I even posted a summary from wekipedia.

The rest of your crap is nonsense. The majority of US airstrikes were in northern Iraq to help Kurds and occasionally they would bomb Syrian forces. The US also would also never bomb ISIS fleeing from Iraq into Syria....

If US forces would have bombed Iraqi Shi’a which are allies of the Iraqi government then there would have been a major fallout with the Iraqi government. It also wouldn’t help that the Iraqi Shi’as fight ISIS and never were a threat to the US, so the US would have zero justification in touching them.
The US admitted to the fake “story” which Russia supposedly made up. It’s so fake the US admitted to it and launch an investigation into the very real attack.


Get some metal help you are a delusional schizophrenic with a compulsive lying habit :rofl:

A quick google search will show you the rest of the US attacks on Syria. I even posted a summary from wekipedia.

The rest of your crap is nonsense. The majority of US airstrikes were in northern Iraq to help Kurds and occasionally they would bomb Syrian forces. The US also would also never bomb ISIS fleeing from Iraq into Syria....

If US forces would have bombed Iraqi Shi’a which are allies of the Iraqi government then there would have been a major fallout with the Iraqi government. It also wouldn’t help that the Iraqi Shi’as fight ISIS and never were a threat to the US, so the US would have zero justification in touching them.
It only says there is a probability, mainly based on Russian words. And we all know that Russian military are pathological liars. Neither Assadists nor Russians provided any information about these "100" killed. Conclusion: thats pure fabrication.

Even if we assume that its true (which is not), thats just one example of friendly fire out of tens of thousands. By the way, Russians killed Assadists in friendly fire strikes plenty times. They bombed Shiite Nubl and Zahra with cluster bombs and Assad part of Damascus with incendiary munition. They dont give a damn what they bomb.
It only says there is a probability, mainly based on Russian words. And we all know that Russian military are pathological liars. Neither Assadists nor Russians provided any information about these "100" killed. Conclusion: thats pure fabrication.

Even if we assume that its true (which is not), thats just one example of friendly fire out of tens of thousands. By the way, Russians killed Assadists in friendly fire strikes plenty times. They bombed Shiite Nubl and Zahra with cluster bombs and Assad part of Damascus with incendiary munition. They dont give a damn what they bomb.

Here is the conclusions:

“More likely then not Syrian regime”. Their findings comes from many sources and not just Russian but nice try trying to re-write history.



And spare us the crocodile tears. You act like you’re such a humanitarian but call unarmed Palestinian protesters including the handicapped, women, journalists and kids terrorists. Israeli soldiers are considered cowardly baboons that is on par with or worse then ISIS.
Here is the conclusions:

“More likely then not Syrian regime”. Their findings comes from many sources and not just Russian but nice try trying to re-write history.

View attachment 479580

Problem is that Americans are investigating event that did not happen at all. Assadists did not provide any evidence of these "100 killed". No list of names, no photos of these killed, no pics from the battlefield, no mass funerals, no hundreds of injured. Really they supposed to show them all over: poor little Assadists killed in American aggression. But nopes.

And spare us the crocodile tears. You act like you’re such a humanitarian but call unarmed Palestinian protesters including the handicapped, women, journalists and kids terrorists. Israeli soldiers are considered cowardly baboons that is on par with or worse then ISIS.
Everyone is different. You are crying from mobsters with knives, molotov cocktails who were killed while trying to breach the border but in same time you don't care about thousands of poor people who were slaughtered by Russian air force in their homes. I am the opposite, I dont really feel sorry about mobsters who try to breach the border and feel sorry about poor people slaughtered in their homes.
Syrian Army Steps Up Offensive in Southwest - Reports
© REUTERS / Alaa Al-Faqir
01:21 21.06.2018Get short URL
Syrian Army activity has increased significantly in the nation’s southwestern region, where rebel-controlled areas border Jordan and the disputed area of Golan Heights.

Syrian Army has started shelling of the town of Kafr Shams Wednesday, a frontline town between government-controlled territory and land occupied by militants, Haaretz reported the same day, citing sources in the opposition.

According to Syria.liveuamap.com, a layer of militant-controlled territory separates Syrian government from the Golan Heights, a disputed area between Damascus and Israel.


OPCW Chief: Chemical Weapons Report on Syria to Be Released Within Week
Syrian state media reportedly blamed the escalation on the militants who attacked civilians in what is supposed to be a de-escalation zone.

Towns Hara, Nahta, Bushra Harir, Dellafai Miskiya and Hirak have also endured heavy shelling, the Anadolu News agency reported Wednesday.

The Syrian military operation in the southwest is going to be risky, as both Israel and Jordan are openly nervous of Syrian forces regaining control of its border. While Israel says there are Iranian forces coming closer to Golan Heights along with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad's troops, posing danger to the state of Israel, the Jordanians are more concerned about dealing with another wave of refugees fleeing southward from the conflict.

The Syria-Jordan border is closed because of the armed conflict, which consequently damages both the Syrian and Jordanian economies, Haaretz reports. The Syrian forces has already dashed towards its southernmost city of Daraa, but there is still a layer of militants between the city and the border, a thin connection between two otherwise separated militant-controlled "basins" east and west of Daraa.

The shelling is expected to be followed with a full-scale clash, as both locals and militants reported a buildup of government forces near the southwestern region. As per Haaretz, rebels claim Iranian troops have a large presence alongside Assad's forces, something that Damascus officially denies.

Donald Trump: Obama and Hillary Clinton are founders of ISIS

Trump Calls Obama ‘The Founder of ISIS’
Donald J. Trump criticized Barack Obama’s handling of conflicts in the Middle East at a raucous rally in Florida, where he also called his rival, Hillary Clinton, “the co-founder of ISIS.”Published OnAug. 10, 2016CreditImage by Scott McIntyre for The New York Times
By Nick Corasaniti

SUNRISE, Fla. — A day after remarks that appeared to suggest that gun rights advocates harm Hillary Clinton, Donald J. Trump sprayed his fire at President Obama on Wednesday, accusing him of creating the Islamic State and saying the terrorist group “honors” him.

“In many respects, you know, they honor President Obama,” Mr. Trump told a raucous and rowdy crowd in Florida on Wednesday night. “He’s the founder of ISIS. He’s the founder of ISIS. He’s the founder. He founded ISIS.” He added, “I would say the co-founder would be crooked Hillary Clinton.” During an extended riff on the crisis in Crimea, Mr. Trump added extra emphasis on the president’s full name, saying that it occurred “during the administration of Barack Hussein Obama.”

Mr. Trump’s statement was an escalation in his recent criticism of the Obama administration’s handling of the terror threat, as he had previously accused only Mrs. Clinton of having a “founding” role in the terror group. His suggestion that the president was honored by ISIS recalled an earlier controversy when Mr. Trump seemingly implied that the president had some connection to the terrorist massacre of 49 people at the Pulse nightclub in Orlando.

“He doesn’t get it, or he gets it better than anybody understands,” Mr. Trump told Fox News in June. And the use of the president’s middle name recalled Mr. Trump’s questioning of Mr. Obama’s faith during his crusade several years ago to prove that Mr. Obama, who is Christian, was not born in the United States.

Mr. Trump also found himself in an awkward camera framing immediately after criticizing the Clinton campaign for the appearance of Seddique Mir Mateen, the father of the Pulse gunman, at Mrs. Clinton’s campaign event this week. “Wasn’t it terrible when the father of the animal that killed these wonderful people in Orlando was sitting with a big smile on his face right behind Hillary Clinton?” Mr. Trump said.

Yet sitting behind Mr. Trump was Mark Foley, a former Republican congressman who resigned after being confronted with sexually explicit messages he had sent to underage congressional pages. Mr. Trump seemed not to be aware of the disgraced former congressman’s presence as he tried to cast doubt on the Clinton campaign’s account that it had not known who Mr. Mateen was. “When you get those seats, you sort of know the campaign,” Mr. Trump said.

The boisterous rally here was a marked change from his rally earlier on Wednesday in Virginia, where a relatively subdued Mr. Trump promised he would be the best candidate to save the coal industry. He also said his remarks on Tuesday, in which he seemed to suggest that “Second Amendment people” could take matters into their own hands if Mrs. Clinton were elected, had been misconstrued. “They can take a little story that isn’t a story and make it into a big deal,” he said.


Am i to believe this or laugh at it.

And then had it not been the american support to the shia malitias of iraq , ISIS would have been wiping their asses even today
Donald Trump: Obama and Hillary Clinton are founders of ISIS

Trump Calls Obama ‘The Founder of ISIS’
Donald J. Trump criticized Barack Obama’s handling of conflicts in the Middle East at a raucous rally in Florida, where he also called his rival, Hillary Clinton, “the co-founder of ISIS.”Published OnAug. 10, 2016CreditImage by Scott McIntyre for The New York Times
By Nick Corasaniti

SUNRISE, Fla. — A day after remarks that appeared to suggest that gun rights advocates harm Hillary Clinton, Donald J. Trump sprayed his fire at President Obama on Wednesday, accusing him of creating the Islamic State and saying the terrorist group “honors” him.

“In many respects, you know, they honor President Obama,” Mr. Trump told a raucous and rowdy crowd in Florida on Wednesday night. “He’s the founder of ISIS. He’s the founder of ISIS. He’s the founder. He founded ISIS.” He added, “I would say the co-founder would be crooked Hillary Clinton.” During an extended riff on the crisis in Crimea, Mr. Trump added extra emphasis on the president’s full name, saying that it occurred “during the administration of Barack Hussein Obama.”

Mr. Trump’s statement was an escalation in his recent criticism of the Obama administration’s handling of the terror threat, as he had previously accused only Mrs. Clinton of having a “founding” role in the terror group. His suggestion that the president was honored by ISIS recalled an earlier controversy when Mr. Trump seemingly implied that the president had some connection to the terrorist massacre of 49 people at the Pulse nightclub in Orlando.

“He doesn’t get it, or he gets it better than anybody understands,” Mr. Trump told Fox News in June. And the use of the president’s middle name recalled Mr. Trump’s questioning of Mr. Obama’s faith during his crusade several years ago to prove that Mr. Obama, who is Christian, was not born in the United States.

Mr. Trump also found himself in an awkward camera framing immediately after criticizing the Clinton campaign for the appearance of Seddique Mir Mateen, the father of the Pulse gunman, at Mrs. Clinton’s campaign event this week. “Wasn’t it terrible when the father of the animal that killed these wonderful people in Orlando was sitting with a big smile on his face right behind Hillary Clinton?” Mr. Trump said.

Yet sitting behind Mr. Trump was Mark Foley, a former Republican congressman who resigned after being confronted with sexually explicit messages he had sent to underage congressional pages. Mr. Trump seemed not to be aware of the disgraced former congressman’s presence as he tried to cast doubt on the Clinton campaign’s account that it had not known who Mr. Mateen was. “When you get those seats, you sort of know the campaign,” Mr. Trump said.

The boisterous rally here was a marked change from his rally earlier on Wednesday in Virginia, where a relatively subdued Mr. Trump promised he would be the best candidate to save the coal industry. He also said his remarks on Tuesday, in which he seemed to suggest that “Second Amendment people” could take matters into their own hands if Mrs. Clinton were elected, had been misconstrued. “They can take a little story that isn’t a story and make it into a big deal,” he said.


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