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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

@500 is actually a manipulative, sophsticated context and fact distorter.

Can you tell me why Russia would facilitate ISIS going to Syria? it makes no sense.US has "played" with islamic rebels before, but tbh i cant imagine Russia "playing " with AQ or ISIS. You cannot give us a strong logical motive for why Russia would do that.The actual fact is that Turkey WAS NATO's designated coordinator early in the Syrian war for funneling ISIS manpower into Syria. Thats facts! And Turkey couldnt have done that without US approval. facts!(again)

I live in US and carry US passport so it is not easy for me to say i have seen some coordination between US and ISIS(indirectly mostly), but there is some evidence of it. Recently, we saw the soutfront video showing an ISIS attack on SAA coming from East of the Euphrates, so how could ISIS launch such an effective attach without US knowledge or approval?But then again, this is the pattern- it seems when "rebel" capabilities are low, the US/NATO rely more on ISIS in Syria. At the start of the Syrian war, when there werent many effective rebel groups like FSA, US and Turkey allowed ISIS into SYria and indirectly supported them in attacking the SAA because they were the best ground soldiers available. At the current moment, we can see the rebels are mostly vanquished, and again, ISIS is launching some attacks from US/Kurdish regions in Syria and the US is not stopping it,because there is no other effective ground force in good numbers to fight the SAA. Why didnt US attack ISIS locations on the Syrian/Iraqi border before the Iraqi air force attacked more than one to destroy them?I dont believe the US didnt know ISIS was on the Syria/Iraq border.US knew, but Iraq knew better than to let ISIS hatch more terrorism.
Can you tell me why Russia would facilitate ISIS going to Syria? it makes no sense.
You are serious? By creating ISIS Russia shot 4 birds with one shot:

1) It split the opposition to Assad two 2 rival camps which fiercely fight each other.
2) It forced the West to intervene in favor of Assad.
3) It whitewashed Assad from tyrant who slaughters own population into a secular leader who fights against Islamic extremists.
4) It granted Russia pretext to intervene in Syria and slaughter population with total impunity.

Until 2013 Assad was rapidly collapsing. With the arrival of ISIS Assad's position seriously improved. ISIS is the best thing which happened to Assad.
You are serious? By creating ISIS Russia shot 4 birds with one shot:

1) It split the opposition to Assad two 2 rival camps which fiercely fight each other.
2) It forced the West to intervene in favor of Assad.
3) It whitewashed Assad from tyrant who slaughters own population into a secular leader who fights against Islamic extremists.
4) It granted Russia pretext to intervene in Syria and slaughter population with total impunity.

Until 2013 Assad was rapidly collapsing. With the arrival of ISIS Assad's position seriously improved. ISIS is the best thing which happened to Assad.


500, getting stoned and seeing visions of ISIS and Russia/Assad cooperation :lol:


1. Isis has killed Syrian and Russian troops. That alone makes you sound dumber then a bag of rocks.

2. The west never “intervened in favor of Assad” (seriously check into a mental hospital). The west bombed Assad and armed dozens of groups to fight Syrian soldiers. How does someone even say something so utterly stupid.

3. Isis originated in Iraq during 2004 by Al-Qaida, a Sunni group. It was because of the American intervention in Iraq which Israel supported.

4. Isis overran much of Syria, executed Syrian soldiers and took their weapons, but to an mentally ill person from Israel that equals to best thing that ever happens to Assad :lol:

5. Earlier you said Russia did nothing against ISIS until 2017 except Russian forces bombed and stormed Palmyra, Deir Ez-Zoir, Irak, Damascus, (Aleppo city and Allepo governate which had ISIS and Al-Quida groups). But continue living trying to re-write history.

6. Earlier you said ISIS gets its weapons from Russia. Russia (Soviet stock) only accounted for 9.6% of all weapons. A large majority of ISIS weapons came from Eastern Europe bought by gulf states, and probably the US and Israel.


Oh look Isis uses the same weapons as Israel :lol:


And at the end of the day Israel aids Al-Quida, this coming from the mouth of the head of Massad. You can peddle conspiracies but facts always win.
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You are serious? By creating ISIS Russia shot 4 birds with one shot:

1) It split the opposition to Assad two 2 rival camps which fiercely fight each other

2 camps? Its definitely more than 2 camps.

2) It forced the West to intervene in favor of Assad.
Wtf are you talking about? how did the west intervene to help Assad? Now this is literally sounding crazy to me.

3) It whitewashed Assad from tyrant who slaughters own population into a secular leader who fights against Islamic extremists.
Yes, image and propaganda during war are important to manage and maintain. But even without ISIS there were other islamic extremists in Syria so once again, Russia didnt NEED ISIS in Syria to have islamic extremists to fight. You conveniently ignore the question of how and who funded ISIS in the first place, starting in Iraq.

4) It granted Russia pretext to intervene in Syria and slaughter population with total impunity.
Wait, so Russia had to create unpredictable, violent islamic extremists(who can go back to Russia later and cause security problems)in order to enter a war she had to power to enter with no excuse in the first place? This is a stupid theory, sorry.

Until 2013 Assad was rapidly collapsing. With the arrival of ISIS Assad's position seriously improved. ISIS is the best thing which happened to Assad.
was it the arrival of ISIS or the arrival of Russia in response to Gulf+NATO support to create and direct ISIS against rivals? Like c'mon, ISIS uses brand new toyota cruiser trucks that the US treasury dept allowed happen, so how could Syrian govt, which was overwhelmed, arm these thousands of apparently professional Islamic army soldiers aka ISIS fighters. Syrian govt didnt arm ISIS, and we know it doesnt pay ISIS salaries, so how the fuk could Syria just authorize "importation" of ISIS.

@500 You exposed some faulty logic and understanding with some of these points you thought would support your argument, but you kind of contradicted yourself.

In short, your attempt to show how Russia "supports"ISIS has been weak at best.
2 camps? Its definitely more than 2 camps.
Prior ISIS there were no any serious clashes between rebel factions. After ISIS we got two fircely fighting each other camps. Only idiot can deny it was great for Assad. I actually remember how Assadists on this very forum were cheering to ISIS when it killed rebels.

Wtf are you talking about? how did the west intervene to help Assad? Now this is literally sounding crazy to me.
Yes west provided close support to Assad troops in Deir ez zor, raqqa, palmyra etc

Yes, image and propaganda during war are important to manage and maintain. But even without ISIS there were other islamic extremists in Syria so once again, Russia didnt NEED ISIS in Syria to have islamic extremists to fight. You conveniently ignore the question of how and who funded ISIS in the first place, starting in Iraq.
ISIS very seriously changed the narrative of the war and improved Assad's image. By the way. do u know who was first who started chopping heads in Syria?


Magomed Abdurakhmanov - former (?) Russian policemen. Who came to "fight Assad" in Syria, but did nothing except chopping heads, mainly some civilians in rebel areas. Then he disapeared.

Wait, so Russia had to create unpredictable, violent islamic extremists(who can go back to Russia later and cause security problems)in order to enter a war she had to power to enter with no excuse in the first place? This is a stupid theory, sorry.
You can check Russian propaganda. They almost always said they bomb ISIS targets even when they bombed non ISIS areas at all. As long u say u fight ISIS u can do virtually everything - slaughter hundreds of thousands and expel millions.

was it the arrival of ISIS or the arrival of Russia in response to Gulf+NATO support to create and direct ISIS against rivals? Like c'mon, ISIS uses brand new toyota cruiser trucks that the US treasury dept allowed happen, so how could Syrian govt, which was overwhelmed, arm these thousands of apparently professional Islamic army soldiers aka ISIS fighters. Syrian govt didnt arm ISIS, and we know it doesnt pay ISIS salaries, so how the fuk could Syria just authorize "importation" of ISIS.
Before the arrival of ISIS Assad was rapildy collapsing. That's fact.

In short, your attempt to show how Russia "supports"ISIS has been weak at best.
I brought clear and simple facts why ISIS was great for Russia and Assad.
500s logic, Russian citizens joins Isis, so Russia runs Isis. When Israel’s, including former IDF soldiers joins Isis, it’s a mass conspiracy


The Shin Bet intelligence agency has gathered information about 20 Israelis who joined the ranks of the ISIS terrorist organization in Syria, Channel 2 Newsreported.

The bonhead didn’t even know the origins of Isis, blaming it on Russia when when it originated in Iraq because of the US invasion which Israel strongly supported. Let’s not forget the US gave billions to Baath to fight fight Iran, our bonehead will never say anything bad about his papa, after all daddy gives Israel an allowance :lol:

As for bonheads claims that ISIS was the greatest thing that happened to Assad. Consider this, ISIS controlleed most of Syria, it executed Syrian soldiers and took land from Syria. Only a mentally ill person can equate that to cooperation.

Look, Syrian soldiers and ISIS cooperating! Syrians letting ISIS execute them!


Russian soldiers cooperation with ISIS.



It’s conspiracies, Russian soldiers actually cooperate with ISIS and kill themselves as suicide bombers.

The US and it’s allies conducting dozens of strikes against Syrian possitions while killing and injuring hundreds but the US is “helping” Assad :lol:

500s logic, Russian citizens joins Isis, so Russia runs Isis. When Israel’s, including former IDF soldiers joins Isis, it’s a mass conspiracy
U are slow understanding. Russia is the only country in the world which encouraged its citizens to join ISIS. Israel on the other hand prevented it.

The US and it’s allies conducting dozens of strikes against Syrian possitions while killing and injuring hundreds
Pure crap.
U are slow understanding. Russia is the only country in the world which encouraged its citizens to join ISIS. Israel on the other hand prevented it.
whats your evidence of Russia "enouraging" its citizens to join ISIS? THat is PURE BS.
U are slow understanding. Russia is the only country in the world which encouraged its citizens to join ISIS. Israel on the other hand prevented it.

Pure crap.

Did you forget your meds or are did your head get bashed in which resulted in brain damage? The US has bombed Syrian forces dozens of times, (they admitted it) you yourself acknowledged it, now suddenly it “pure crap”, and the US helped Syria :rofl:

The US attacked Syrian forces atleast 11 separate times, with 37 unprovoked airstrikes in Deir-Ez Zoir alone where about 107 Syrian forces fighting ISIS were killed in an unprovoked attack.

Did you forget your meds or are did your head get bashed in which resulted in brain damage? The US has bombed Syrian forces dozens of times, (they admitted it) you yourself acknowledged it, now suddenly it “pure crap”, and the US helped Syria :rofl:

The US attacked Syrian forces atleast 11 separate times, with 37 unprovoked airstrikes in Deir-Ez Zoir alone where about 107 Syrian forces fighting ISIS were killed in an unprovoked attack.

US carried 50,000 air strikes in favor of Assad.

It carried couple air strikes when they attacked US forces.
US carried 50,000 air strikes in favor of Assad.

It carried couple air strikes when they attacked US forces.

The US attacked Syrian forces on 11 different occasions. All of them, except for 1 (supposedly) was unprovoked and almost every US airstrike was in support of Kurds so the Kurds could steal land from Syria.

And explain when there where US forces in Deir Ez Zoir? The US killed 100+ Syrian soldiers fighting ISIS, the result was ISIS overran Syrian possitions, then the US claimed it was an “accident” even when Russia directly contacted US forces during the unprovoked attack, Russia called the US liars and took the issue to the UN.

The only think the US and it’s allies have done has been to arm, train, finance and facilitate terrorist in Syria to fight the Syrian government.
The US attacked Syrian forces on 11 different occasions. All of them, except for 1 (supposedly) was unprovoked and almost every US airstrike was in support of Kurds so the Kurds could steal land from Syria.
1) US carried only 1 serious strike against Assad aka Putin forces. When they cowardly attacked them on 7 feb 2018. All rest were basically warning shots to not approach.
2) US carried 50,000 strikes against ISIS. Which helped Assad to regain huge amounts of territories.
3) In addition US strikes allowed Iraqi Shiites to send reinforcements to Assad. Without Iraqi Shiites Assad would be dead long time ago.

And explain when there where US forces in Deir Ez Zoir? The US killed 100+ Syrian soldiers fighting ISIS
It never happened. This story was invented by Assad aka Putin to justify cease fire breach.
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