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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

Well Assad slave , Do you have a brain or are you running empty on that.

My statement talks about in a comparative manner and that you missed because of your empty head.
Read again.

So this is what i said, ISIS and Alqaeda ruling looks much better for you than Assad government in comparative manner. You mean you are not gonna join ISIS anyway, only cheer for them? Well, that was only a question, terrorist fanboy.
Syrian Government aka Assad government has killed more than the Americans .

So please don't ask monsters to safeguard people from animals.

But Iranians are a party to one of the two

This is the 8th year of the Syrian War ( yes, not a civil war ), and it should have been apparent by now that it was imposed by NATO to remove the government from yet another socialist country - Iraq, Libya, the Venezuelan strife.
So this is what i said, ISIS and Alqaeda ruling looks much better for you than Assad government in comparative manner. You mean you are not gonna join ISIS anyway, only cheer for them? Well, that was only a question, terrorist fanboy.
Assad and Russia were major supporters of Iraqi Al Qaeda and ISIS.
So this is what i said, ISIS and Alqaeda ruling looks much better for you than Assad government in comparative manner. You mean you are not gonna join ISIS anyway, only cheer for them? Well, that was only a question, terrorist fanboy.
Listen empty head,
If you cant comprehend a statement better for you to join some school instead of wasting time of other people.

This is the 8th year of the Syrian War ( yes, not a civil war ), and it should have been apparent by now that it was imposed by NATO to remove the government from yet another socialist country - Iraq, Libya, the Venezuelan strife.
Beg to diifer

A dynasty that has been ruling for 40 years is bound to have a lot of anti incumbency factor.
If you cant see to that , then better look at the dynastic rule here in India itself and the way it was removed even though they always come to power in a democratic election.
Beg to diifer

A dynasty that has been ruling for 40 years is bound to have a lot of anti incumbency factor.
If you cant see to that , then better look at the dynastic rule here in India itself and the way it was removed even though they always come to power in a democratic election.

Despite what you say is dynastic politics, the Syrian citizens chose Bashar al-Assad out of free-will in the 2014 multi-party multi-candidate elections. Even the biased Wikipedia confirms this :


On the other hand NATO/Ally countries did not allow Syrian immigrants/refugees to vote in this election :


Please note that the SNC group is the Syrian equivalent of the NTC group that NATO set up for Libya in 2011. NTC, in full the National Transitional Council, was the more explicitly named post-Gaddafi/Jamahiriya organizational set up that NATO envisioned for Libya. So both SNC and NTC are terrorist groups but are called rebel movements by NATO.
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Listen empty head,
If you cant comprehend a statement better for you to join some school instead of wasting time of other people.

Well I imagined ISIS or alnusra entering damascus. Infact they did enter a part of those cities and i dont find them ruling like the moster Assad is ruling.

Nothing on the sort of thousands of women being raped or thousands of people being slaughtered in the prisons.

They look to me far better than the shit you are supporting

Listen, retard, everyone perfectly comprehends your statements here. Maybe you still should consider go joining your terrorist buddies ISIS instead of demonstrating that you have shit for brains?
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Assad and Russia were major supporters of Iraqi Al Qaeda and ISIS.

Shut it with your stupid unfounded conspiracies.

The former head of Massad (on video) admitted in plain English that Israel aided Al-Quida ( I know you will continue to deny it, you already have) it just shows how big of a troll and mentally unstable person you are.

Unlike your conspiracies I can actually provide solid proof of Israel aiding Al-Quida. israel in on the same level of ISIS anyways, they execute journalists, the handicapped, children and the elderly. The entire world views Israel as filth, except America because Trump’s extended family is Jewish, so are many in the US administration, as well as politicians and lobbyists, hense why Israel gets billions.
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Syrian tigers move towards south to retake Daraa, Sawida from terror groups

Israel has been arming these terror groups for years and now after Syrian army gave them the final warnings, operations kick off to cut Israeli hands from Daraa city.

Meanwhile a great chance appears to retake Golan Heights. Surely Iran will back Syrian army to end occupation in Golan
Shut it with your stupid unfounded conspiracies.
Its just plain and simple facts:

1) ISIS core are Baath officers. Russian allies.
2) Huge percent of ISIS fighters are Russian citizens.
3) Almost al ISIS arms are yours.
4) Despite talk about fighting ISIS, Russia and Assad did virtually nothing against ISIS till 2017. On contrary, Assad and Russia bombed rebels who fought against ISIS, thus effectively serving as ISIS air force.

The former head of Massad (on video) admitted in plain English that Israel aided Al-Quida ( I know you will continue to deny it, you already have) it just shows how big of a troll and mentally unstable person you are.

Unlike your conspiracies I can actually provide solid proof of Israel aiding Al-Quida. israel in on the same level of ISIS anyways, they execute journalists, the handicapped, children and the elderly. The entire world views Israel as filth, except America because Trump’s extended family is Jewish, so are many in the US administration, as well as politicians and lobbyists, hense why Israel gets billions.
You are lying. He did not say that. Israel provides medical help to Syrians. All he said there could be Al Qaeda, he does not have information on it.

Meanwhile tonight Russian air force bombed Zardana town killing 18 civilians mostly children. Far from frontlines, deep in deescalation zone. Just for fun.
Its just plain and simple facts:

1) ISIS core are Baath officers. Russian allies.
2) Huge percent of ISIS fighters are Russian citizens.
3) Almost al ISIS arms are yours.
4) Despite talk about fighting ISIS, Russia and Assad did virtually nothing against ISIS till 2017. On contrary, Assad and Russia bombed rebels who fought against ISIS, thus effectively serving as ISIS air force.

Has Israel used some of that “aid” money they have been receiving for mental institutions?


1. Look, Rumsfeld met with Saddam, (Baath) which met with Fat Bastard (Saraon)=ISIS :lol:

2. People join ISIS willingly, no governments make anyone join. ISIS fighters come from China, Russia, all over Europe, US, and Canana. 90% of the world must secretly support ISIS.

3. Majority of ISIS weapons are of Soviet origin, in which they seized from Syrian and Iraqi army units. Others weapons are Soviet copies made in Eastern Europe, that Saudis and others bought to support “rebels”.

4. Russia has been fighting ISIS in Syria since 2016 and have done more in 1 day then Israel can do in a lifetime. Tell me how many Israeli soldiers helped expel ISIS from Palmyra or Deir-Ez-Zoir? Zero. Israel is too busy shooting unarmed kids, seniors, people and wheelchairs and women.

You are lying. He did not say that. Israel provides medical help to Syrians. All he said there could be Al Qaeda, he does not have information on it.

Meanwhile tonight Russian air force bombed Zardana town killing 18 civilians mostly children. Far from frontlines, deep in deescalation zone. Just for fun.

No you are lying. he didn’t say anything about treating Syrians nor did he saying anything about their “could be” Al-Quida. He plainly admitted that Israel treats Al-Quida.....but give him a Nobel Piece Prize, the human filth said Israel wouldn’t give medical treatment to Hezbollah.

Anyone can watch the video and see who is the lyer but since you have no shame or integrity that doesn’t phase you.
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Listen, retard, everyone perfectly comprehends your statements here. Maybe you still should consider go joining your terrorist buddies ISIS instead of demonstrating that you have shit for brains?
The ones who are retarded make quite a show by beating their heads like monkeys and hitting their chests like chimpanzees. Need i clarify more who are the ones ?

Infact why dont you join the mercenaries in Syria. Americans would make quite a salad of you people as they did in Deir a zour

Despite what you say is dynastic politics, the Syrian citizens chose Bashar al-Assad out of free-will in the 2014 multi-party multi-candidate elections. Even the biased Wikipedia confirms this :

View attachment 478967

On the other hand NATO/Ally countries did not allow Syrian immigrants/refugees to vote in this election :

View attachment 478966

Please note that the SNC group is the Syrian equivalent of the NTC group that NATO set up for Libya in 2011. NTC, in full the National Transitional Council, was the more explicitly named post-Gaddafi/Jamahiriya organizational set up that NATO envisioned for Libya. So both SNC and NTC are terrorist groups but are called rebel movements by NATO.

elections in 2014 and that too free will.

Are you for real and what is the source you quote

have a laugh at yourself.

Need i to tell you , how many people were displaced right at that moment ?

Dont make sick jokes out here.. I hate someone making them on the dead bodies of syrian men , women and children.

And you forgot to joke fully.
Assad won a landslide
was it 99.99% in his favour
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1. Look, Rumsfeld met with Saddam, (Baath) which met with Fat Bastard (Saraon)=ISIS :lol:
US had diplomatic relationships with Saddam, but US was never ally of Saddam unlike Russia.

2. People join ISIS willingly, no governments make anyone join. ISIS fighters come from China, Russia, all over Europe, US, and Canana. 90% of the world must secretly support ISIS.
Russia is the only country in the world which helped its citizens to join ISIS:


3. Majority of ISIS weapons are of Soviet origin, in which they seized from Syrian and Iraqi army units. Others weapons are Soviet copies made in Eastern Europe, that Saudis and others bought to support “rebels”.
Yep somehow Assad gifted his weapons to ISIS.

4. Russia has been fighting ISIS in Syria since 2016 and have done more in 1 day then Israel can do in a lifetime. Tell me how many Israeli soldiers helped expel ISIS from Palmyra or Deir-Ez-Zoir? Zero. Israel is too busy shooting unarmed kids, seniors, people and wheelchairs and women.
Russia did nothing against ISIS until 2017. On contrary Russia and Assad provided close air support to ISIS against the rebels:


Only when ISIS began to collapse in 2017 they entered to grab their lands.

No you are lying. he didn’t say anything about treating Syrians nor did he saying anything about their “could be” Al-Quida. He plainly admitted that Israel treats Al-Quida.....but give him a Nobel Piece Prize, the human filth said Israel wouldn’t give medical treatment to Hezbollah.
No he did not admit anything. More over he could not admit even if he wished, since he is retired long time ago and has no such knowledge.
US had diplomatic relationships with Saddam, but US was never ally of Saddam unlike Russia.

Go back to school, get your highschool deploma. The US supported Saddam (Baath), the US is run by Jews that supports Israel. Israel supports ISIS.



Russia is the only country in the world which helped its citizens to join ISIS:


To sum up the article, Russia hunted down outlawed Islamic radicals in Russia and didn’t care if they left Russia or so some random bias journalist claims.

Yep somehow Assad gifted his weapons to ISIS.

ISIS executed Syrian and Iraqi soldiers and took their weapons. But, but, but, Isis uses the same weapons as Israel.....must be Russian, I mean Israel.....I mean.....I don’t know, quick blame Russia (tap dances like idiot)..



Russia did nothing against ISIS until 2017. On contrary Russia and Assad provided close air support to ISIS against the rebels:


Only when ISIS began to collapse in 2017 they entered to grab their lands.

So who bombed and stormed Palmyra and Deir-Ez Zoir? What about Allepo and Damascus? What about hundreds of villages controlled by ISIS and Nusra? :lol: surly not Israeli diaper heads.






But yep Russia didnt du nutin’ you cannot rewrite history knuckle head :lol:

No he did not admit anything. More over he could not admit even if he wished, since he is retired long time ago and has no such knowledge.

Yes he did, you’re a pathological lier with no honesty or integrity whatsoever. Watch the video.

To your other post point, have known people that worked in foreign intelligence but are now retired, they still keep in contact with the agency and agents. One of my instructors was a retired agent that stated he still has contact with his agency.
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Go back to school, get your highschool deploma. The US supported Saddam (Baath), the US is run by Jews that supports Israel. Israel supports ISIS.


You don't understand what is ALLY. US was never an ally of Baath regime. It did have some relationships but never was an ALLY in contrast to Russia.

To sum up the article, Russia hunted down outlawed Islamic radicals in Russia and didn’t care if they left Russia or so some random bias journalist claims.
No, Russia actually HELPED them to go in Syria. Russia is the only country in the world which helped its citizens to join ISIS.

ISIS executed Syrian and Iraqi soldiers and took their weapons. But, but, but, Isis uses the same weapons as Israel.....must be Russian, I mean Israel.....I mean.....I don’t know, quick blame Russia (tap dances like idiot)..
ISIS captured Assad weapons uncounted times.

So who bombed and stormed Palmyra and Deir-Ez Zoir? What about Allepo and Damascus? What about hundreds of villages controlled by ISIS and Nusra? :lol: surly not Israeli diaper heads.






But yep Russia didnt du nutin’ you cannot rewrite history knuckle head :lol:
Idiot posts unrelated Aleppo and Damascus campaigns as proves that Russia fought against ISIS before 2017.

Palmyra? Yes they took small town in midst of desret and then gave it back to ISIS. Thats sums Russia and Assad "fight" against ISIS from 2013-2017.

Yes he did, you’re a pathological lier with no honesty or integrity whatsoever. Watch the video.

To your other post point, have known people that worked in foreign intelligence but are now retired, they still keep in contact with the agency and agents. One of my instructors was a retired agent that stated he still has contact with his agency.
No he did not.
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