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ISIL leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi's son 'killed in Syria'
Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi's young son reportedly killed while fighting Syrian and Russian troops in central Homs province.

5 minutes ago


People celebrate the re-opening of the road between Homs and Hama in Talbisi [File: Omar Sanadiki/Reuters]
ISIL media outlets are reporting that the son of the group's leader has been killed in Syria while fighting against government forces.

The announcement of the death of the young son of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi appeared on the group's social media accounts late on Tuesday.

It included a picture of a young boy carrying a rifle, identifying him as Huthaifa al-Badri.

The statement did not specify when he was killed. It said he was an elite fighter who was killed while fighting Syrian and Russia troops at a power station in central Homs province.

Al-Baghdadi has been reported killed or wounded on a number of occasions but is widely believed to still be alive.

Little is known about his family, but a woman and a child who were said to be his wife and daughter were detained in Lebanon in 2014.

The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL, also known as ISIS) group has been driven from nearly all the territory it once controlled in Syria and Iraq, though it still maintains a presence in the Syrian desert and remote areas along the border.


We have lots of troll, who hide there identification under different flags. Like this using Indian flag.

"If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck" – Feel sorry for him(Pakistani Ibn Punjab AKA Indian taubin fathered by unknown Arab terrorist), Terrorism in Past, bullets and a garbage dump as last resting place in the future!
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Again getting visions from your cave man. Any way let me educate you about this term WAHABi that you brainless shia throw at every one who confronts you.

Ali Khamenei, the current leader of Iran says: Accusing Muslims of being a 'Wahabi' was Colonialism's tactic. The book was written by him decades ago (46 years ago).

He says in his book: "Musalmanan dar nahzat azadi Hindustan (Muslims in the Indian freedom cause)" pg. 35-36:

یکی از حربه های کوبنده ای که دستگاه استعمار بر ضد این جمعیت (علمای هند) بکار می برد ، متهم کردن آنان به وهابی گری بود ... ... و تاکنون همچنان این حربه باقی است و نقش شیطانی خود را که همان ایجاد فاصله میان قشرهای وسیع مسلمین است ایفا می کند .
"One of the tactics the Colonialism would use against this community (Scholars of India) was accusing them of being 'Wahabis'...and to this day this tactic remains and plays its satanic role in creating differences between the large segments of Muslims".

Today he and Shia scholars use this satanic tactic against Sunni Muslims.

Now use it again to show the iranian intellegence level

AND GANAPATI pooja and shia rituals are not that diiferent... LOL

View attachment 483791


@waz @WebMaster @Slav Defence @The Eagle and others

I told you, This guy needs permanently ban immediately.

Also please put an eye on @500. [This terrorist also need ban]

Religious flaming is utterly banned in this forum. Thank you.
Sectarian flaming would not be tolerated at all. Offenders served with fractions accordingly & in-case of further repetition, it may lead to more stricter action.

Syrian rebels and Russia ceasefire deal breaks down
The Russian demands prompted a walkout by the rebels, who said the terms amounted to a humiliating surrender.

12 hours ago


Thousands have been displaced in southern Syria since the regime offensive began two weeks ago [Reuters]
Syrian armed opposition said on Wednesday that talks with Russia aimed at a comprehensive ceasefire in Deraa and Quneitra in southern Syria had failed.

The Syrian Negotiations Commission (SNC) said Russia refused that Syrian regime forces and Iran-backed fighters withdraw from captured areas in order to let displaced people pass through.

This comes after reports that Russian air attacks had targeted southwest Syria for the first time in four days, hitting the rebel-held towns of Tafas and Saida.

Spokesman Ibrahim al Jabawi said the rebels had carried to the negotiating table their "response to a list of Russian demands" that included the handing over of weapons and settling the status of rebels in a deal that would end the fighting.

The Russian demands, handed to negotiators in a meeting in a town in southern Syria on Saturday, had prompted a walkout by the rebels, who said the terms amounted to a humiliating surrender.

The rebel camp has, however, been deeply split over the Russian demands, with some negotiators saying they wanted to continue the fighting and accusing some rebel commanders of cutting separate deals with the Russian military.

Rebels and residents say that a string of rebel towns have worked out their own surrender arrangements that have allowed the Russian military to enter their towns and patrol neighbourhoods.

In the last several days, Deraa has been the target of intense air and ground attacks by the Bashar al-Assad regime and its allies, who have advanced deep into Deraa's eastern countryside, capturing the towns of Busra al-Harir and Nahtah.

More than 100 civilians have been killed and thousands displaced since the regime offensive began two weeks ago.

Following peace talks held last year in Kazakh capital, Astana, Deraa was designated a "de-escalation zone" in which acts of aggression are expressly prohibited.


Does Israel want Syria's Bashar al-Assad in power?
As Syrian forces close in on rebels in the south, experts say Israel likely to be at ease with Assad remaining in power.

by Zena Tahhan
11 hours ago


President Assad has ruled Syria with an iron fist for nearly two decades [EPA]
Israel's position on the war in Syria, now in its eighth year, has long been a matter of speculation among political analysts and residents of the region.

Some peddle the view that Israel prefers Syrian President Bashar al-Assad to stay in power. Under his government, the Israeli-occupied Syrian Golanregion remained quiet, and the rise of the Syrian opposition to power would have posited an unknown threat to Israel.

Others, however, argue that Assad's close relationship with Iran, allowing the latter to intervene in the war and spread its influence close to the border with Israel, poses an even larger threat.

But as Russian-backed forces of President Assad close in on rebels in southern Syria and attempt to end the war, analysts say Israel is likely to be at ease with Assad remaining in power, despite repeated calls by Israeli politicians for the president's overthrow.

Why does Israel keep attacking Syria?
"With the growing realisation that the Assad regime will remain in power, there is a tendency in Israel - and this was probably the result of recent Israeli-US-Russian consultation - to ensure Israel's acceptance of the Assad regime," Elie Podeh, a professor of the Middle East at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, told Al Jazeera.

"The bottom line is that Israel wants to ensure the stability and quietness of the Israeli-Syrian border, and if the Assad regime will do its share - as in the past - then Israel will be satisfied," added Podeh.

Since Russia's intervention in the war in 2015, Israel, which maintains a good relationship with Moscow, has been allowed to freely carry out air raids against Iranian, Syrian and the Lebanese Hezbollah group positions deep inside Syria.

Pointing to Moscow's role as a mediator between the many parties involved in the war, and its control of Syria's airspace, political commentators say Russia's intervention changed Israel's position on Assad, albeit implicitly.

"Russia's intervention in 2015 gave the Israeli government someone to talk to and strike deals with," Aron Lund, a fellow with The Century Foundation, a New York-based think-tank, told Al Jazeera.

"Russia and Israel have developed their own understandings to avoid clashing in the air and to preserve Israel's freedom of action in Syria without undermining Russian war plans," he continued, adding that the developments "restored a measure of predictability to the situation".

Similarly, Ofer Zalzberg, the Israel/Palestine analyst at the International Crisis Group, says that until late 2016, "most Israeli leaders and officials expected and hoped Syria would fragment to statelets," thinking "this would render the most powerful hostile neighbouring country weaker."

How might Israel exploit Lebanon's political turmoil?
But with Assad regaining control, owing to Russia's intervention, "Israel established deconfliction and coordination mechanisms with Moscow and learned to strike a balance between the interests of the US and Russia," he told Al Jazeera.

While Israel is pressuring the United States to keep its forces inside Syria, said Zalzberg, it is also securing Moscow's consent for Israel using military force against what it considers to be "targets" inside Syria.

Israeli media is also pointing to the shift.

On Tuesday, Zvi Bar'el, the Middle East affairs analyst for Haaretz, wrote that "Israel wants Assad to remain in power."

With Assad's dependency on Russia, wrote Bar'el, Syria's future foreign policy, including its position towards Israel "will be vetted by the Kremlin, thereby, at least ensuring coordination with Israel and a reduction in the threat from Syria."

"In exchange, Israel has committed not to undermine Assad's rule," he added.

'Measure of stability under the Assads'
Syria and Israel have technically been in a state of war since 1948, after the ethnic cleansing of Palestine by Zionist militias, and the Arab-Israeli war that ensued in the same year.

In 1967, Israel occupied the Syrian territory of the Golan Heights and continues to occupy part of it to this day.


The two countries signed a disengagement agreement in 1974 following the 1973 war between Israel, Syria and Egypt.

The border region remained relatively quiet since then.

"There was a measure of stability and predictability to the way Syria acted under the Assads. That was a good thing, from an Israeli point of view," said Lund, referring to both Bashar and his father, who ruled before him.

"They already had the Golan Heights and they enjoyed military superiority, so it was practical to have a rational, survival-interested actor in charge in Damascus even if that came with proxy conflicts and other discomforts," he added.

But the eruption of the war in Syria in 2011 unleashed a new chapter in Israeli-Syrian relations.

The growing power and influence of Iran and Hezbollah in Syria is Israel's primary concern - a fear that it does not conceal.

Has Israel opened a new front in Syria's war?
Worried that Iran is transferring weapons to Hezbollah, Israel has frequently targeted arms convoys, saying it would continue to block any attempts to buttress the Lebanese movement.

It has also carried out routine attacks in the form of rocket fire, as well as assassinations and air raids since the war began, while the Syrian government has never directly retaliated.

Zalzberg says Russia's good relations with Israel, Syria, Iran and Hezbollah means that it is "best positioned to broker understandings" between the parties.

And with Moscow's political interest in keeping Assad in power while maintaining its influence there, Lund believes that for now, the powers involved in Syria's proxy war are comfortable with the status quo.

"Russia has been keen to float ideas about how it could be a counterweight to Iran, in order to attract Western interest for solutions that would keep Assad in power and enhance Russia's role as a political broker," said Lund.

"Both Israel and the United States have repeatedly shown interest in that."

Follow Zena Tahhan on Twitter: @zenatahhan


@500 where are you? You have been arguing forever that Assad and Russia(especially)are supporting ISIS.

Can you please explain why the Russian military and SAA would kill ISIS Caliph's son in battle then? article here
1) Israel never bombs indiscriminately unlike Assad.
2) All Palestinians need to stop Israeli bombings is to stop their own rockets. If they willl not fire at Israel Israel wont touch them. Thats simple. Assad on the other hand is bombing rebels even during the cease fires. He never stopped his criminal terrorist attacks even for 1 day.

Assad is executing and torturing to death tens of thousands people. Hundreds times more than ISIS and much more brutal way than ISIS.

AYY LMAO :rofl::rofl::rofl:
@waz @WebMaster @Slav Defence @The Eagle and others

I told you, This guy needs permanently ban immediately.

Also please put an eye on @500. [This terrorist also need ban]

Religious flaming is utterly banned in this forum. Thank you.

Sectarian flaming would not be tolerated at all. Offenders served with fractions accordingly & in-case of further repetition, it may lead to more stricter action.


Whilst you're on the subject of sectarian flaming, could you have a word with the Iranian dude ( the user 2800) who keeps reporting other people for sectarianism. He was calling people wahabi scum or something on this thread quite recently. He seems to think it's fine to diss people's sects/sub sects but when they reply to him about shia, the guy starts crying like a little girl and running to you mods.

I haven't been online for a few days so I'm just seeing your message now so I'm making you aware of 2800's posts too. You might already know and may have dealt with 2800 already but I thought I'd point this out just in case.
Whilst you're on the subject of sectarian flaming, could you have a word with the Iranian dude ( the user 2800) who keeps reporting other people for sectarianism. He was calling people wahabi scum or something on this thread quite recently. He seems to think it's fine to diss people's sects/sub sects but when they reply to him about shia, the guy starts crying like a little girl and running to you mods.

I haven't been online for a few days so I'm just seeing your message now so I'm making you aware of 2800's posts too. You might already know and may have dealt with 2800 already but I thought I'd point this out just in case.
What ?????
Do u mean what Wahhabism is ????
Wahhabis are responsible and behind bloodshed in Islamic world.
Wahhabis blow up many mosques in Pakistan itself !!!!
Are you one of them???
"If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck" – Feel sorry for him(Pakistani Ibn Punjab AKA Indian taubin fathered by unknown Arab terrorist), Terrorism in Past, bullets and a garbage dump as last resting place in the future!

Yeh I think you're going quackers if you're seeing and hearing ducks online in this thread.

I'm not the user Taubin. I'd make some comments about your father too but I'd rather not sink that low.


What ?????
Do u mean what Wahhabism is ????
Wahhabis are responsible and behind bloodshed in Islamic world.
Wahhabis blow up many mosques in Pakistan itself !!!!
Are you one of them???

Iranians and alawites have killed and raped more Muslims in the past 7 years than any "wahabi" has in the last 100 years.
Yeh I think you're going quackers if you're seeing and hearing ducks online in this thread.

I'm not the user Taubin. I'd make some comments about your father too but I'd rather not sink that low.


Iranians and alawites have killed and raped more Muslims in the past 7 years than any "wahabi" has in the last 100 years.
NO, That is Wrong.
This is Saudi/Zionist Propaganda and lie to cover their crimes in MENA region specially Syria. That was ISIS and other Wahhabi groups who killed and raped thousands of thousands people in Syria. Central government of Syria with help of Iran saved Syrians from Wahhabis.
You can clearly see people of Syria celebrating enter of Syrian Army to their cities.

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