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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

NO, That is Wrong.
This is Saudi/Zionist Propaganda and lie to cover their crimes in MENA region specially Syria. That was ISIS and other Wahhabi groups who killed and raped thousands of thousands people in Syria. Central government of Syria with help of Iran saved Syrians from Wahhabis.
You can clearly see people of Syria celebrating enter of Syrian Army to their cities.

I don't think so. I think you are too blinded by your hatred of "wahabis" to see truth from wrong.

It's not propaganda, its the truth - Iranians and alawites have massacred hundreds of thousands of syrian sunni Muslims. Thousands of women have been raped by alawite led gangs. Hezbollah and Iran will forever be known as the criminals they are in wider Muslim world.


The last one is especially one video which you should watch.
I don't think so. I think you are too blinded by your hatred of "wahabis" to see truth from wrong.

It's not propaganda, its the truth - Iranians and alawites have massacred hundreds of thousands of syrian sunni Muslims. Thousands of women have been raped by alawite led gangs. Hezbollah and Iran will forever be known as the criminals they are in wider Muslim world.


The last one is especially one video which you should watch.
One hundred times NO.....
you are wrong man.
You are from Pakistan and you must know perfectly how many innocent people died by those evils and how many mosques they blow up in your country.
Syrian only respond to Wahhabis who hide behind word Sunni.
Wahhabis are not Muslim so do not call the Sunni.
Wahabis are Kafer.
One hundred times NO.....
you are wrong man.
You are from Pakistan and you must know perfectly how many innocent people died by those evils and how many mosques they blow up in your country.
Syrian only respond to Wahhabis who hide behind word Sunni.
Wahhabis are not Muslim so do not call the Sunni.
Wahabis are Kafer.

You aren't going to become more correct if add in a number before your "NO" lol.
No I'm not wrong at all. The Iranian regime is responsible for murder and rape throughout the middle east. The truth is not going to change.

Of course. I'm Pakistani. I'm Muslim. I stand with justice. And Iran, Iran is ruled by evil people who commit the worst crimes. I'm going to keep on exposing Iran for their crimes against sunni Muslims.

Lol what? You're saying people from a certain sunni sect aren't Muslim now. I guess we can all call you a takfiri.
You aren't going to become more correct if add in a number before your "NO" lol.
No I'm not wrong at all. The Iranian regime is responsible for murder and rape throughout the middle east. The truth is not going to change.

Of course. I'm Pakistani. I'm Muslim. I stand with justice. And Iran, Iran is ruled by evil people who commit the worst crimes. I'm going to keep on exposing Iran for their crimes against sunni Muslims.

Lol what? You're saying people from a certain sunni sect aren't Muslim now. I guess we can all call you a takfiri.
No you are wrong Syrian government and army mostly shaped and full with Sunnis. And that is Saudi/Zionist lie that Alawits and Iran are killing Sunnis.
Sunnis are our brothers and they are in our side against evil Wahhabis.
What ?????
Do u mean what Wahhabism is ????
Wahhabis are responsible and behind bloodshed in Islamic world.
Wahhabis blow up many mosques in Pakistan itself !!!!
Are you one of them???
He is the banned guy @taubin aka @Ibn Punjab

Yeh I think you're going quackers if you're seeing and hearing ducks online in this thread.

I'm not the user Taubin. I'd make some comments about your father too but I'd rather not sink that low.


Iranians and alawites have killed and raped more Muslims in the past 7 years than any "wahabi" has in the last 100 years.
Good for them. LOL
No you are wrong Syrian government and army mostly shaped and full with Sunnis. And that is Saudi/Zionist lie that Alawits and Iran are killing Sunnis.
Sunnis are our brothers and they are in our side against evil Wahhabis.

Nope I'm not wrong.

Most of the sunnis deserted the syrian army early on in the war. The major backbone of Assad's forces comes from Shia militias recruited by Iran, Hezbollah and alawites in the SAA. Of course there's the russian air force too but I'm mainly listing the major Assad ground forces.

It's not a lie. There are many real videos online showing what alawites and Iranians are doing. calling everything a saudi/zionist conspiracy is just a pathetic way of trying to avoid looking at the truth.

If sunnis are your brothers and sisters, then stop killing and raping them in Syria, thanks.
Yeh I think you're going quackers if you're seeing and hearing ducks online in this thread.

I'm not the user Taubin. I'd make some comments about your father too but I'd rather not sink that low.

“I’m not upset that you lied to me, I'm upset that from now on I can’t believe you.” – Friedrich Nietzsche

He is the banned guy @taubin aka @Ibn Punjab

Good for them. LOL

Please stop responding to @500 pet!
No you are wrong Syrian government and army mostly shaped and full with Sunnis. And that is Saudi/Zionist lie that Alawits and Iran are killing Sunnis.
Sunnis are our brothers and they are in our side against evil Wahhabis.
LOL. How u can explain that army with 320,000 active force + 300,000 trained reserves 4800 tanks + 5000 IFV & APC + 500 Jets and helicopters + 2000 artillery pieces lost 2/3 country to handful of lightly armed rebels?

Why the tide for Assad changed only with arrival of sectarian Shiite forces from Lebanon and Iraq in 2003?

12 million Sunnis were turned into refugees to keep inbred Alawi dictator in power.
LOL. How u can explain that army with 320,000 active force + 300,000 trained reserves 4800 tanks + 5000 IFV & APC + 500 Jets and helicopters + 2000 artillery pieces lost 2/3 country to handful of lightly armed rebels?

Why the tide for Assad changed only with arrival of sectarian Shiite forces from Lebanon and Iraq in 2003?

12 million Sunnis were turned into refugees to keep inbred Alawi dictator in power.
Nope I'm not wrong.

Most of the sunnis deserted the syrian army early on in the war. The major backbone of Assad's forces comes from Shia militias recruited by Iran, Hezbollah and alawites in the SAA. Of course there's the russian air force too but I'm mainly listing the major Assad ground forces.

It's not a lie. There are many real videos online showing what alawites and Iranians are doing. calling everything a saudi/zionist conspiracy is just a pathetic way of trying to avoid looking at the truth.

If sunnis are your brothers and sisters, then stop killing and raping them in Syria, thanks.

As I said several times that is Saudi/Zionist propaganda.
I really ask from my Sunni brothers to do not fall in Saudi/Zionist trap.
Sunnis and Shias and Alawis and Christians all together fought with Wahhabis/Zionists and Syrian government is winning b/c of Syrian people support.
lost 2/3 country to handful of lightly armed rebels?
Fallacy detected- False dilemma aka oversimplication. Exactly though! Its either the "lightly armed rebels" had a MIRACLE OR they were not lightly armed. We know they were not lightly armed.

Why the tide for Assad changed only with arrival of sectarian Shiite forces from Lebanon and Iraq in 2003?
The tide changed because these rebels were obviously very heavily armed and recruited and posted to Syria. The sunnis who came from all over arab and muslim world werent "sectarian" right? My God, you manipulate and distort EVERY TRUTH about Syria.

12 million Sunnis were turned into refugees to keep inbred Alawi dictator in power.
Fallacy detected again- oversimplication aka false dilemma. You tell one half of the story, and oversimplify it. Why dont you explain what they did to Assad, his army, and the shiites/alawites in Syria? How did SAA lose 10s of thousands of soldiers and almost get killed off over the years? No one is innocent in Syria. stop your distortions and manipulations.

I havent forgotten that you havent answered my post asking you why SAA and Russian forces killed Al-Baghdadi's son in battle in Syria if Russia especially is supporting ISIS? Your argument that Russia supports ISIS has been exposed as a fraud!
Fallacy detected- False dilemma aka oversimplication. Exactly though! Its either the "lightly armed rebels" had a MIRACLE OR they were not lightly armed. We know they were not lightly armed.
1) You scream "fallacy" but can't provide any argument. Rebels were super lightly armed in 2012. They had not even ATGM or mortars, which are light weapons too.
2) The reason of rebel success despite all odds is simple: Assad army was composed mainly of Sunnis, they defected and refused to shoot their brothers despite mass shooting and tortures. Basically Assad army fell apart and out of 600,000 force (with reserves) only some 50,000 Alawis remained, which was not enough to control Syria.

The tide changed because these rebels were obviously very heavily armed and recruited and posted to Syria.
Thee factors saved Assad:

1) Influx of Shia sectarian militias.
2) ISIS, which started attacking rebels and Kurds.
3) Scorched earth and ethnic cleansing policies - nearly 11 million or 70% of Arab Sunnis of Syria were ethnically cleansed.

The sunnis who came from all over arab and muslim world werent "sectarian" right? My God, you manipulate and distort EVERY TRUTH about Syria.
Shiites came to Syria as organized militias armed top teeth (including T-90 tanks) and trained by Iran. Sunnis came to Syria as lone wolves with some rusty AK at most. Many of those actually fought the rebels instead of Assad.

Fallacy detected again- oversimplication aka false dilemma. You tell one half of the story, and oversimplify it. Why dont you explain what they did to Assad, his army, and the shiites/alawites in Syria? How did SAA lose 10s of thousands of soldiers and almost get killed off over the years? No one is innocent in Syria. stop your distortions and manipulations.
2 million Alawis could not control 22 million Syria. So they introduced ethnic scorched earth and ethnic cleansing policies.

Your claim that Assadists were also killed and thus no one is innocent - is typical example of Goebbels demagogy. Assad started that slaughter just like Nazis started the WW2. And the fact that millions of Germans and Japanese were killed does justify Nazism and mean that everyone is same in WW2.
Graffiti by Assad's soldiers:

"We change Allah and we do not change Bashar (al-Assad)..."

Syrian Army Reportedly Seizes French-Made Anti-Tank Missile Systems in Daraa
© Sputnik / Mikhail Alaeddin
12:24 11.07.2018Get short URL
Late last week, the Russian Reconciliation Center for Syria announced that the leaders of armed groups in southern Daraa province had agreed to surrender weapons and halt hostilities amid the Syrian Army's ongoing offensive in the area. Daraa is part of a de-escalation zone agreed upon by Russia, the US and Jordan in July.

The Syrian Army has seized several French-made APILAS (Armor-Piercing Infantry Light Arm System) anti-tank systems in the southwestern province of Daraa, the Defense Blog website reported, referring to local media.

The systems, which were made by the state-run French arms manufacturer Nexter, have reportedly been found in the village of Jadal in Daraa.

On Tuesday, the Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA) reported that Syrian sappers working in the recently liberated Daraa settlement of Gharaz discovered storage facilities containing US-made TOW anti-tank missile systems.

READ MORE: Russian MoD: Armed Groups in Syria's Daraa Agree to Surrender Arms

The TOW missiles were discovered along with mortars, shells of various calibers, improvised explosive devices and communications and night-vision systems.

Last week, the Syrian Army discovered a huge cache of Western-made weapons, also in Daraa. The cache contained weapons and ammo of various calibers, as well as boxes of supplies delivered to Free Syrian Army (FSA) militants from the United States.

READ MORE: WATCH Syrian Army Dispatch Massive Military Convoy to Daraa Province

In another development last week, the Syrian Army announced the liberation of the Nassib border crossing near the Jordan border amid reports that government forces had found three tanks, two air defense guns, as well as 40 anti-tank missiles, rocket launchers, a number of small arms and 1,500 ammunition boxes in the city of Izra in Daraa.


Syria's Daraa: Why is Its Liberation So Important and What Comes Next?
Nassib's liberation came as Abu Shima, head of the information center of the joint operations command of the opposition in the south of Syria, told Sputnik that the leaders of armed groups in Daraa had clinched an agreement with representatives of Russia "on the immediate cessation of hostilities" in the province.

The Syrian Army launched an offensive in Daraa after its capital and several other cities were shelled by local militants despite an ongoing ceasefire reached with the help of the Russian Reconciliation Center for Syria, and the situation in the province has escalated in recent weeks.

Daraa: the next people’s held Syrian city to be slaughtered

In almost biblical scenes, nearly beyond imagination, Umm Suleiman, her 5 children and countless other families are stranded on the border with Jordan. Mothers, the elderly and children, exposed to the unrelenting glare of the Sun, dehydrated and starving, trapped between bombs and a border. A desperate elderly man, pleads for food for his family on camera; there is anger in his voice because he knows the right of help he has over us will not be fulfilled.

As yet another Syrian city enters our collective vocabulary, we ask ourselves: ‘how much more can these people take?’. Aleppo fell. Ghouta fell. And now, it is the people of Daraa (or Deraa) that are having bombs rained upon them forcing over 300,000 people to flee their homes and become internally displaced. “Internally displaced” a sanitised euphemism for being chased from their homes by an unrelenting avalanche of bombs and being left abandoned without even a simple tent for shelter, whilst also suffering a shortage of water due to a scarcity of wells. Not to mention, the hunger pangs because of a lack of food and not being able to escape to another country for safety because of the mercilessly closed border. Among such ‘internally displaced’ people is Umm Suleiman and her 5 children who had escaped from their home in Tareeq al-Sad, a neighbourhood in Daraa, just days earlier. Umm Suleiman recalled:

“We escaped at night, terrified and barefooted.”[1]

Abu Hurayrah (raḍiy Allāhu ʿanhu) reports the Messenger of Allāh (sall Allāhu ʿalayhi wa sallam) as having said:

Allāh (subḥānahu wa taʿālā) will say on the Day of Resurrection: “O son of Ādam, I fell ill and you didn’t visit Me.” The son of Ādam will reply: “O Lord, and how should I visit You when You are the Lord of the worlds?” He (subḥānahu wa taʿālā) will respond: “Did you not know that My servant so-and-so had fallen ill and you visited him not? Did you not know that had you visited him you would have found Me with him? O son of Ādam, I asked you for food and you fed Me not.” He (son of Ādam) will say: “O Lord, and how should I feed You when You are the Lord of the worlds?” He (subḥānahu wa taʿālā) will respond: “Did you not know that My servant so-and-so asked you for food and you didn’t feed him? Did you not know that had you fed him you would surely have found that (the reward for doing so) with Me? O son of Ādam, I asked you to give Me drink and you didn’t give Me any drink.” He (a son of Ādam) will say: “O Lord, how should I give You to drink when You are the Lord of the worlds?” He (subḥānahu wa taʿālā) will say: “My servant so-and-so asked you to give him to drink and you gave him not to drink. Had you given him to drink you would have surely found that with Me.”

Daraa was supposed to be protected from the fighting under a “de-escalation agreement” signed in July 2017 by Jordan, the USA and Russia. However, some commentators have suggested the actions of the Assad regime supported by Russia, since the agreement, strongly suggest that it was made in poor faith. That, in fact, the treacherous intentions were always to limit the fronts on which the Assad-Iranian-Russian alliance would fight, allowing them to concentrate their aerial firepower on each target in turn. One by one, we have seen areas which were supposed to be protected fall, including Ghouta, and now it appears, Daraa. Assad and his masters are playing a dangerous game. If agreements mean nothing and a time comes when the tripartite nexus of barbarity are not in ascendancy, how will any interlocutor trust their word then?

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Daraa is a special place. Birth place of the revolution. Home to one of Syria’s most famous martyrs: Hamza Ali al-Khateeb. But before Hamza is spoken of, let us briefly remind ourselves what sparked his protest and what the genesis of the Syrian revolution was. Over the course of 2010 and 2011 the ‘Arab spring’ had swept across the Middle East and dictators fell like dominoes. Even the seemingly immovable Hosni Mubarak was toppled by a popular uprising. The streets of Tunisia, Yemen, Bahrain, Egypt and, of course, Libya were thronging with people chanting: “the people want to bring down the regime”.[2]

Amongst the euphoria and optimism of a better tomorrow spreading across the Middle East, young boys in Daraa, Syria sprayed on their school wall: “It’s your turn Dr Assad.”[3] Syrian secret police promptly arrested the boys and subjected them to various forms of torture. Upon their release they were met with celebratory crowds outside the mosque protesting against the regime. One of those boys who had sprayed grafiti, Samer Syasneh, went on to join the Free Syrian Army (FSA). In an interview with al-Jazeera he vowed, epitomising the Syrian spirit:

“This will always be my way, either to be a martyr or achieve victory. But we will never retreat.”[4]

Hamza, although not from a privileged family, always had concern for those less fortunate than himself. A cousin of Hamza recalled:

“He would often ask his parents for money to give to the poor. I remember once he wanted to give someone 100 Syrian Pounds ($2), and his family said it was too much. But Hamza said, ‘I have a bed and food while that guy has nothing.’ And so he persuaded his parents to give the poor man the 100.”[5]

Hamza al-Khateeb was an endearing child. This, however, did not prevent the arrest of this 13 year old in Jiza, a southern Syrian village in Daraa, on April 29 2011. A month later, his body was returned to his family on condition of silence. However, the scars on his body speaks the story of ghastly torture.

A video posted online shows a battered, bruised and bloodied face, with skin scrawled with gashes, deep burns and bullet wounds. He had marks consistent with electric shock devices whipping and a broken neck. Injuries designed to hurt, devastate, but not kill the child. Hamza’s jaw and kneecaps were also shattered. In an act of sordid barbarity which is literally beyond words, the child also had his private parts excised.[6] Hamza’s last few moments on earth are incomprehensible and unimaginable. And, even if we could understand and could imagine, who would wish to keep such an image in their head for long? The boy’s torture and killing ignited the revolution which was in its infancy. He became a potent symbol of the insurrection, similar to how the brutalised, lynched body of 14-year-old Emmett Till became an icon of the Black civil rights movement in the USA half a century ago.

Seven brutal years on and the resilience of the Syrian people is being tested. Seemingly abandoned by the international ‘community’, the people of Syria have realised they only have the Lord of the Worlds to rely on. And what an ally indeed is He (subḥānahu wa taʿālā). Daraa may fall, the people may retreat, but their indomitable spirit will never be defeated because Allāh has promised:

“Before this We wrote in the Psalms after the Message: My righteous servants shall inherit the earth.”[7]

The most pertinent question therefore is what can we do to help the people of Syria? Here are three simple suggestions:

1 Repent to Allāh.

Tonight, or as soon as you can, wake up in the middle of the night, find a quiet corner and bring to mind your sins. Plead to Allāh to forgive them. Remind yourself that if Allāh chooses to punish you, to whom will you be able to run to for protection? Purify yourself to strengthen your supplication.

2 Make Du’a

Place your head in prostration and then beg Allāh to help your family in Syria, Yemen, Rohingya and the list goes on.

3 Donate whatever you can to Syria.

Many people complain about Muslim rulers, and rightfully so. However, whilst we have little or no power over Muslim rulers, we do have significant financial clout in the UK charity sector. British Muslims donate over £100 million in Ramaḍān alone – that’s £38 a second.[8] The British Muslim community is clearly the most generous community in the UK. Each one of us should ask our chosen charity what they are doing in Syria. If the returned answer is an attempt to placate with: ‘It’s difficult to do anything inside Syria’ or something similar then perhaps our reply should be that these challenging circumstances actually mean the need to help Syrians in Syria is even more pressing.

Institutional British Muslim charities should be challenged for their lack of support within Syria, especially in the medical and food sectors. It brings shame upon these institutional charities that individual doctors need to plead for donations for medicines and lifesaving equipment, when those same charities have millions sitting in their bank accounts. These household charities can, if they choose to do so, change the landscape of Syria, from a humanitarian perspective at least with their chequebook. Those charities that do operate within Syria should do so with total transparency so that those who donate their hard-earned money can do so confidently.


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