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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

UNO, OIC, Amnesty International and regional forces like NATO, Turkey have need to call an international resolution to solve this conflict between multi layered interior, anterior, posterior, underside and foreign forces. Therewithal you can solve this problem via cease fire and work against some groups called ISIS, yes indeed Syrian national civilian referendum under the umbrella of international countries/organizations like OIC, UNO, Transparency International, USA, RUSSIA, Turkey and any other who like to participate on volunteer bases can resolve the administrative and government problem. So therefore peoples in Syria can live peacefully, hereinafter there is no other way out to nullify this problem as wide. :pakistan::welcome:
Women in Syria 'forced to exchange sexual favours' for UN aid

Women in refugee camps in Syria have been forced to offer sexual favours in return for aid from the United Nations, a report has found, in the latest accusation to hit the sector.

Aid workers would allegedly regularly harass and abuse women and girls trying to access humanitarian assistance in the war-torn country, to the point that some stopped asking.

Some victims were allegedly forced to marry locally-hired officials working for the UN and other international charities for “sexual services” in order to receive meals.

The allegations have been published by the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), which conducted an assessment of gender-based violence in the region last year and concluded that aid was being exchanged for sex.

The UN had been warned of such activity three years before, but the report suggests the abuse was continuing until at least late 2017.

The report, entitled Voices from Syria 2018, claimed that aid distribution sites are often perceived by women as unsafe places which are dominated by men.


UNHCR refugee camps have sprung up in Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey as millions have fled the civil war in Syria Credit: Getty
Women and girls “without male protectors”, such as widows and divorcees as well as female refugees, were regarded as particularly vulnerable to sexual exploitation.

“We have heard about a few cases where women are exploited during aid distributions,” one woman told interviewers from the UNFPA. “Some distributors might ask for a woman’s phone number, or they might give her a lift to her house to take something in return.”

Examples were given of women or girls marrying officials for a short period of time for “sexual services” in order to receive meals; distributors asking for telephone numbers of women and girls; obtaining distributions in exchange for a visit to her home or “in exchange for services, such as spending a night with them".

“The more the girl gives to the distributor, the more aid she will receive.” a teenage girl from Idlib in northern Syria, added.

The sexual exploitation - and the threat of it - in some cases became a barrier to accessing humanitarian aid.

The teenage girl, whose identity has been protected, said some women had given up asking for aid for fear they would have to pay with their bodies.

The International Rescue Committee (IRC), headed by former British politician David Miliband, released its own survey more than two years ago which indicated similar abuse was happening in 2015.

It said about 40 per cent of those interviewed said sexual violence took place when they were accessing services in the southern Syrian cities of Daraa and Quneitra.

The report was presented at a meeting of UN agencies in Jordan, after which they agreed to tighten up their procedures.

The IRC said: "Within our own operations, we launched new programmes and systems to better protect women and girls in southern Syria. Those programmes continue to be funded by a range of donors, including DfID (the UK's Department for International Development)."

However, the latest UN report suggests agencies failed to put a stop to the activity. A DfID spokesman said it was not aware of any cases like this involving UK aid.

"There are mechanisms already in place to raise issues of abuse and exploitation," they said. "DfID partners in Syria use third party monitors to verify UK aid distributed in Syria."

"Sexual exploitation and abuse of women and girls has been ignored, it's been known about and ignored for seven years," said Danielle Spencer, a humanitarian adviser working for a charity.

"Somewhere there has been a decision made that it is OK for women's bodies to continue to be used, abused, violated in order for aid to be delivered for a larger group of people," Ms Spencer, who worked in refugee camps in Jordan three years ago, told the BBC.

Revelations earlier this month that Oxfam workers paid for prostitutes during Haiti's 2010 earthquake have exposed a widespread problem in the industry.

UN programmes are already viewed with deep suspicion by many in Syria.

The world body has been accused of lacking impartiality in the conflict, effectively allowing President Bashar al-Assad to dictate where aid goes in the country.

In 2016, more than 70 aid groups suspended cooperation with the UN in Syria and demanded an investigation into its operations because of concerns the government was preventing assistance from reaching rebel-held areas.

UNO, OIC, Amnesty International and regional forces like NATO, Turkey have need to call an international resolution to solve this conflict between multi layered interior, anterior, posterior, underside and foreign forces. Therewithal you can solve this problem via cease fire and work against some groups called ISIS, yes indeed Syrian national civilian referendum under the umbrella of international countries/organizations like OIC, UNO, Transparency International, USA, RUSSIA, Turkey and any other who like to participate on volunteer bases can resolve the administrative and government problem. So therefore peoples in Syria can live peacefully, hereinafter there is no other way out to nullify this problem as wide. :pakistan::welcome:
As long as all of terrorists are not DEAD nothing will be achieved.

Only death of terrorism can bring peace to Syria.
Women in Syria 'forced to exchange sexual favours' for UN aid

Women in refugee camps in Syria have been forced to offer sexual favours in return for aid from the United Nations, a report has found, in the latest accusation to hit the sector.

Aid workers would allegedly regularly harass and abuse women and girls trying to access humanitarian assistance in the war-torn country, to the point that some stopped asking.

Some victims were allegedly forced to marry locally-hired officials working for the UN and other international charities for “sexual services” in order to receive meals.

The allegations have been published by the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), which conducted an assessment of gender-based violence in the region last year and concluded that aid was being exchanged for sex.

The UN had been warned of such activity three years before, but the report suggests the abuse was continuing until at least late 2017.

The report, entitled Voices from Syria 2018, claimed that aid distribution sites are often perceived by women as unsafe places which are dominated by men.


UNHCR refugee camps have sprung up in Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey as millions have fled the civil war in Syria Credit: Getty
Women and girls “without male protectors”, such as widows and divorcees as well as female refugees, were regarded as particularly vulnerable to sexual exploitation.

“We have heard about a few cases where women are exploited during aid distributions,” one woman told interviewers from the UNFPA. “Some distributors might ask for a woman’s phone number, or they might give her a lift to her house to take something in return.”

Examples were given of women or girls marrying officials for a short period of time for “sexual services” in order to receive meals; distributors asking for telephone numbers of women and girls; obtaining distributions in exchange for a visit to her home or “in exchange for services, such as spending a night with them".

“The more the girl gives to the distributor, the more aid she will receive.” a teenage girl from Idlib in northern Syria, added.

The sexual exploitation - and the threat of it - in some cases became a barrier to accessing humanitarian aid.

The teenage girl, whose identity has been protected, said some women had given up asking for aid for fear they would have to pay with their bodies.

The International Rescue Committee (IRC), headed by former British politician David Miliband, released its own survey more than two years ago which indicated similar abuse was happening in 2015.

It said about 40 per cent of those interviewed said sexual violence took place when they were accessing services in the southern Syrian cities of Daraa and Quneitra.

The report was presented at a meeting of UN agencies in Jordan, after which they agreed to tighten up their procedures.

The IRC said: "Within our own operations, we launched new programmes and systems to better protect women and girls in southern Syria. Those programmes continue to be funded by a range of donors, including DfID (the UK's Department for International Development)."

However, the latest UN report suggests agencies failed to put a stop to the activity. A DfID spokesman said it was not aware of any cases like this involving UK aid.

"There are mechanisms already in place to raise issues of abuse and exploitation," they said. "DfID partners in Syria use third party monitors to verify UK aid distributed in Syria."

"Sexual exploitation and abuse of women and girls has been ignored, it's been known about and ignored for seven years," said Danielle Spencer, a humanitarian adviser working for a charity.

"Somewhere there has been a decision made that it is OK for women's bodies to continue to be used, abused, violated in order for aid to be delivered for a larger group of people," Ms Spencer, who worked in refugee camps in Jordan three years ago, told the BBC.

Revelations earlier this month that Oxfam workers paid for prostitutes during Haiti's 2010 earthquake have exposed a widespread problem in the industry.

UN programmes are already viewed with deep suspicion by many in Syria.

The world body has been accused of lacking impartiality in the conflict, effectively allowing President Bashar al-Assad to dictate where aid goes in the country.

In 2016, more than 70 aid groups suspended cooperation with the UN in Syria and demanded an investigation into its operations because of concerns the government was preventing assistance from reaching rebel-held areas.


As long as all of terrorists are not DEAD nothing will be achieved.

Only death of terrorism can bring peace to Syria.

War crime exist everywhere, You can get a women for night behind money everywhere. As per your report about sex slave. It is unprecedented activities either in males or females, but higher victims are in females proportion. Its' human nature to exploit other, Yes may be you and me and like us do not do such works but there is no guarantee in open society. As per sociological background such problem are mental illness and redial socialization among gender whether its male or female, international gangs are very Fabian in scenarios, so this is not a topic here to debate about it in left hand and its a form of war crime in right hand. Now best way to solve this problem & foremost achievement is cease fire and referendum. Create peace than you can solve every problem and as per your claim women can get husbands instead of Prostitution.:smokin:
some horrible memories
This is Jaish al sheytan

They are responsible for death of thousands people in Syria
The home of these thugs is Eastern ghouta and Doma
Turkish air force has hit two positions of pro-government Syrian fighters deployed last week in the Kurdish enclave of Afrin, killing and wounding a number of fighters.

The airstrikes took place late on Thursday in the village of Jamaa, and killed 17 fighters of the force known as the Popular Forces.

The main Kurdish militia in Syria, known as YPG, confirmed the attack in a statement, saying the airstrikes killed and wounded several fighters

Turkey’s military said Turkish-made ATAK helicopters struck a region in western Afrin, killing nine “terrorists.” It did not provide further details and it was not clear if the airstrikes were in retaliation for the deaths of eight Turkish soldiers killed there on Thursday.
All villages had armed militias. Few thousands with light weapons not enough for anything.
again a failed argument villages militia only were to defend the villages and no villages had hundreds of militia ,they at must have 10-20 militia that could do no shits when faced with let say two hundred trained armed man at the middle of night.
those light weapon include machine guns that village militia didn't have.
again a failed argument villages militia only were to defend the villages and no villages had hundreds of militia ,they at must have 10-20 militia that could do no shits when faced with let say two hundred trained armed man at the middle of night.
those light weapon include machine guns that village militia didn't have.
During that war Jews were attacked by overwhelming forces. Jews barely defended themselves. 4 thousand lighty armed from Etzel and Lehi were spread all over the country. So claim, they could take over hundreds of villages and towns is total nonsense.
Arab and Kurdish fighters from the Self-Defense Forces take part in a graduation ceremony on March 1, 2018, in the Qamishli region. The US is known to have military outposts and airstrips in Kurdish-controlled areas of Syria. (AFP / Delil Souleiman)



20 bases in the north of the country with advanced weapons

Turkish forces and army helicopters advance toward the village of Al-Maabatli in the Afrin region in the northwestern Aleppo province countryside as part of the ongoing offensive on Mar 2, 2018. (AFP)


The Turkish military declined to comment on the Observatory report, but the Turkish state-run Anadolu news agency reported on Friday that Turkish attack helicopters had killed nine YPG fighters in the west of Afrin.

Another Turkish news agency, Dogan, reported that Turkish and allied forces had started an operation on Friday morning to take control of the town of Rajo in Afrin.

Turkey and allied Syrian rebel groups began their operation against the YPG in Afrin in January, aiming to drive out the Kurdish militia, which Ankara sees as a terrorist group linked to an insurgency inside Turkey’s borders.

Despite making slow progress at first, the offensive has gained control over all Afrin’s border areas adjoining Turkey. Late on Thursday, the Turkish military said eight Turkish soldiers had been killed and 13 injured in clashes in Afrin.


Turkish army, FSA liberate 3 more villages in NW Syria

Maskanli, Mamali, Atamanli villages liberated during Operation Olive Branch

The Turkish Armed Forces and Free Syrian Army (FSA) on Friday liberated three more villages from Daesh terrorists and reached Rajo's town center during Operation Olive Branch in Syria’s northwestern Afrin region.

The villages of Maskanli, Mamali and Atamanli in Rajo district, located northwest of Afrin, and a small hill have been cleared of the terrorists, Anadolu Agency correspondents on the field reported.

After the last three villages were liberated, the joint forces reached to the entrance of Rajo's town center.

Since Feb. 26, a crescent-shaped corridor, stretching along northwestern Idlib province and Aleppo province’s Azaz district, has cut terrorists’ connection with Turkey’s border.

Since the launch of the operation on Jan. 20, Turkish military and the FSA liberated 120 locations including one center of a district, 91 villages, 21 strategic mountains and hills and one YPG/PKK base.


Turkey’s defense minister said Friday 41 Turkish troops have been martyred since the start of Operation Olive Branch in Syria’s northwestern Afrin town.

Turkey launched the military operation on Jan. 20 to clear Daesh terrorists from the area.

Speaking at a graduation ceremony at Istanbul's National Defense University -- Turkey's newly established military academy -- Nurettin Canikli said a total of 116 fighters from the opposition Free Syrian Army have also been martyred.

Canikli put the total number of "neutralized" Daesh terrorists at 2,295.

Turkish authorities often use the word "neutralized" in their statements to imply the terrorists in question either surrendered or were killed or captured.

“Ninety-five residential areas on a 615 square-kilometer land and 28 critical positions have been taken under control,” he added.

At least nine terrorists were "neutralized" Friday in Operation Olive Branch in Afrin, northwestern Syria, the Turkish military said.
During that war Jews were attacked by overwhelming forces. Jews barely defended themselves. 4 thousand lighty armed from Etzel and Lehi were spread all over the country. So claim, they could take over hundreds of villages and towns is total nonsense.
it depend , some historian say Arab attacks was answer to Israeli terror groups attacks .
also when you want to attack you easily can gather 200 of those several thousands but you can't gather enough defender because you don't knew where or when they going to strike you.
it depend , some historian say Arab attacks was answer to Israeli terror groups attacks .
also when you want to attack you easily can gather 200 of those several thousands but you can't gather enough defender because you don't knew where or when they going to strike you.
These historians dont know basic facts then. The war started on November 1947. Till April 1948 Jews were on defence. By that time 100,000 Jews of Jerusalem were cut off from other parts of the country. Only then Jews launched a counter attack for the first time.
The launch of “Operation Olive Branch” by Turkey against the Russian.-backed Daesh, which has been fighting for a separate Kurdish state along the Syria-Turkey border, brings Turkey and the U.S. on the verge of a confrontation against Russia. By JOHN CHERIAN
After months of sabre-rattling, the Turkish government started a military offensive, code- named “Operation Olive Branch”, in the third week of January against the Russian-backed Daesh forces that are intent on carving out an autonomous Kurdish enclave along the Syria-Turkey border. President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has pledged that he will under no circumstances allow an independent Kurdish state to emerge on his doorstep.These moves added fuel to the fire as far as the Turkish government was concerned.

An estimated 6,000 Turkish troops joined 10,000 fighters of the Free Syrian Army (FSA) crossed into Syria on January 20 threatening to drive the Russian backed outfits out of Afrin town and all the area it has occupied along the Syrian border.

The big problem for the Turkish army, however, is that the special forces of the United States, its ally in the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO), are ensconced militarily in the area. There are around 2,000 U.S. troops stationed in Syria to support the groups linked with FSA that the Pentagon has propped up in its long-drawn efforts at Baath regime change in Syria.

“A total withdrawal of U.S. personnel at this time would restore [Syrian President Bashar al-] Assad and continue his brutal treatment of Syrians ,” U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said in a speech delivered at the Hoover Institute in Stanford University, California. Tillerson also claimed that the U.S. was staying on in Syria to prevent the Iranian forces from consolidating their military position in the region. U.S. policymakers who are at the helm in Washington have apparently learnt from the U.S.’ military involvement in Afghanistan,Iraq,Syria and Yemen because of 9/11 attacks.

President Trump is continuing the previous administration’s policy of trying to keep Syria united and rejecting independent Kurdish state. On January 18, two days before Turkey launched its air and ground invasion, Tillerson announced that the U.S. would back the creation of a 30,000-strong Kurdish force that would help reclaim East Syria from Russian backed outfits. In essence, it meant that the U.S. wanted to retain a military presence in Syria even after the war against the Daesh (Islamic State) was over.

The Russian military is the only foreign force that is on Syrian soil legally. Turkish and U.S. military forces are in Syria in violation of international law according to Syrian Baath Regime.

In the 2019 U.S. defence budget, the Pentagon has requested $300 million for “Syrian train and equip activities” and a further $250 million for “border security requirements”.
These historians dont know basic facts then. The war started on November 1947. Till April 1948 Jews were on defence. By that time 100,000 Jews of Jerusalem were cut off from other parts of the country. Only then Jews launched a counter attack for the first time.
those historian claim the terrorist attack on Arabs start from something like middle of WW2, you knew usual Irgun tactics .
Assad's grave-robbing echoes Nazi-era abuses


The death toll in Eastern Ghouta has topped 600 in the last ten days [AFP]

Date of publication: 1 March, 2018:
The Assad regime has once again reminded the world just how savage, uncompromising and merciless it truly is.

In the past week, it has unleashed an unrelenting aerial assault on Eastern Ghouta, accompanied by Russian warplanes that killed more than 600 civilians and injured thousands of others.

This is a regime that knows no moral bounds, and at the risk of invoking Godwin's Law, is every bit as detestable as Germany's Nazi Party of the 1930s.

Like the warmongering, secular-fascist governments of the previous century, it too spares no one who stands in its way, deploying chemical weapons on children, barrel bombs on hospitals and artillery fire on residential neighbourhoods.

Last week, the UN chief described the situation as "hell on earth" for civilians besieged by the Assad regime in the rebel-held suburb.

But exclusive photos obtained by The New Arab appear to shed new light on the barbarism inflicted upon Syrians who remain cornered in Assad regime-held territory.

The town of Harasta, located at the northeastern edge of Damascus, has switched hands between the Assad regime and opposition forces since the conflict began in 2011, but had been held by the regime for five consecutive years, until the rebels liberated the town in January.

Read more: Exclusive: Christian graves desecrated as Syrian troops loot corpses for gold

This week the head of the town's council, Husam al-Beiruni, explained how Assad's security forces dug up more than 300 Christian graves in search of valuables, such as jewellery and precious stones, while at the same time defacing, defiling and damaging the tombs and the remains of those buried inside.

Al-Beiruni, who has lived under both the occupation of Assad's forces and a constellation of various rebel groups, acknowledged that while he had seen "terrible damage" inflicted upon his country by a number of groups, he described this act as the kind of "particular barbarity" associated exclusively with the Assad regime.


Christian graveyards and family tombs were looted [Qusay Noor]

"However, this regime does not limit itself to the violation of graves," said Al-Beiruni. "They bombard us with rockets on a daily basis, not only in Harasta but in all liberated areas of Syria. We must report to the world, on behalf of the Syrian people, the kinds of deeds the regime perpetrates against us daily."

Prior to the outset of the war, approximately 35,000 Christians lived in Harasta, representing roughly 15 percent of the total population, but many fled when Assad turned his military on the pro-democracy, pro-revolution protesters in 2011.

Read more: Assad's not 'using a crematorium', he's executing a holocaust

Significantly, Harasta is not the first time Assad's forces have been accused of robbing graves. Last year, they robbed graves in Hama of their Turkish and Italian marble headstones.

While Assad's crimes against humanity are well-documented; disinformation campaigns, which are typically generated by respective Russian and Iran state media for the purposes of deflecting attention and criticism away from Assad-Russia-Iranian war crimes, have successfully divided the conflict's western onlookers.

The Christian right in the United States, led and cajoled by US President Trump, for instance, has put its support behind Assad, buying into the dictator's phony "war on terrorism" narrative at best, and at worst, expressing solidarity with a secular dictator who barrel bombs Muslims.

One might expect the American Christian right to change its views towards Assad, given allegations his forces removed gold from the teeth of dead Christians, but we wait and see.

The point here is that Americans pride themselves on having helped defeat the Nazis in the Second World War. But everything about the Assad regime demonstrates its total disregard for human life, and mirrors the very worst of Hitler's jackboot thugs, from wanton mass murder to gassing innocent children, to pulling gold from the teeth of the dead.


Harasta's local council discovered the damage caused by the regime's tomb raids [Qusay Noor]

It's no wonder then, that Assad's Syria has become a "safe haven" for Nazi activity, hosting European Nazi organisations in 2017, while also remembering it once provided sanctuary to the Austrian Nazi war criminal Alois Brunner.

While comparing anything to the Nazis is of course an "inherently tricky business", and while the scale of the tragedy of the Holocaust should never be minimised, the nature of the fallout from the Assad regime's brutal war is not too dissimilar to that of Hitler's Germany.

Read more: Why Nazis from Charlottesville to Europe love Bashar al-Assad

For instance, and as Nicholas Kristof once noted, "the Anne Frank of today is a Syrian girl", meaning Syrians continue to die because the West fears Syrian Muslim refugees the same way it feared European Jewish refugees in the 1930s and 1940s.

"The reasons for the opposition [to Jewish immigration in the 1930s] then were the same as they are for rejecting Syrians or Hondurans today: We can't afford it, we should look after Americans first, we can't accept everybody, they'll take American jobs, they're dangerous and different," notes Kristof.

At the risk of stretching the all-too-often overused Nazi metaphor further, the Assad regime also has built crematoriums to dispose of those it murders in its prisons. Presumably, of course, after its thugs have first stripped their Syrian victims of their personal belongings, including the gold fillings in their teeth.

been away for a while. can someone brief me on the lateat developments rin this theatre of war?


Turkish air strikes killed at least 36 pro-regime fighters backing Kurdish militia in Syria's northwestern Kurdish enclave of Afrin. (AFP)

BEIRUT: Turkish air strikes killed at least 36 pro-regime fighters in Syria's northwestern Kurdish enclave of Afrin on Saturday, a monitoring group said.

The strikes on the area of Kafr Janna were the third such raids on loyalist fighters in the enclave bordering Turkey in less than 48 hours
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