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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

yes there is one different in 1948 you barred people from returning to their home after the conflict but in Syria nobody barred people from returning to their home after area get cleaned from terrorist.

by the way why you incidentally forgot to mention in whenever they talk about 1948 they say 700000 Palestinian fled or expelled from their home
let not forget you started expelling Palestinian even before the war start.

by the way do you knew what you did in Deir Yasin, and who ordered that massacre,your beloved president Menachem Begin. do you deny your government passed laws that barred Palestinian return to their home . do you deny you confiscated their properties . and now you have the face to say all these were lies and Palestinian has no reason to fear. what you did there was so gruesome that even 70 years later when haartez asked your supreme court to declassify document related to the massacre they refused because they feared foreigner see what are the real ideals of Zionism
Here about Deir Yasin . (watch from 3:13)

Deir Yassin fake rumors were one of the major reasons which caused panic and flee.

Thats the irony: when Israel was weak and without air force they fled. But when Israel became strongest power in Middle East no one flee. How can u explain that? There are about 6 million Arabs in Palestine today, more than ever and rapidly growing.

In Syria on the other hand there is a systematic campaign which lasts over 6 years for ethnic cleansing and slaughter. Over a million were slaughtered and 12 millions ethnically cleansed. Thats biggest slaughter of Muslims in history. And all that for sake of 1 inbred atheist dictator. And not a single Iranian from so called Islamic republic condemns this slaughter of Muslims. On contrary they actively support it.
Here about Deir Yasin . (watch from 3:13)

Deir Yassin fake rumors were one of the major reasons which caused panic and flee.

Thats the irony: when Israel was weak and without air force they fled. But when Israel became strongest power in Middle East no one flee. How can u explain that? There are about 6 million Arabs in Palestine today, more than ever and rapidly growing.

In Syria on the other hand there is a systematic campaign which lasts over 6 years for ethnic cleansing and slaughter. Over a million were slaughtered and 12 millions ethnically cleansed. Thats biggest slaughter of Muslims in history. And all that for sake of 1 inbred atheist dictator. And not a single Iranian from so called Islamic republic condemns this slaughter of Muslims. On contrary they actively support it.
Instead of showing fake videos go and declassify the documents Haartez wanted . after all its 70 years since then and those documents have no relevance .

And if you did not ethnically cleansed those 700000 Palestinian why you didn't let them come back to their home after hostility ended .

So please come with better excuses as red cross confirmed that massacre and bodies.
* 99% of the destruction in Aleppo was done by Assad aka Khamenai thugs.
* Wast majority of East Aleppo population was either ethnically cleansed or murdered.
* Now Assad aka Khamenai thugs want to repeat same scenario in Ghouta.

They already slaughtered over 1 million and ethnically cleansed 12 million Syrians (which they call rats and terrorists) and thats still not enough to these bloodthirsty maniacs.
100% wrong and untrue.
The last thing Arabs need, is Zionist love.
It is clear the child of this Unfortunate love b/w Zionists and Takfiris become Terrorists like what we see in Syria.
I get credit to you for worrying about your bastard child in Eastern ghouta.
We saw ordinary Syrian people are against your bastard child like what happen in Aleppo. and people came back to Aleppo and when Eastern ghouta liberate people come back there as well.
This is Aleppo after liberation from your bastard child
Instead of showing fake videos go and declassify the documents Haartez wanted . after all its 70 years since then and those documents have no relevance .

And if you did not ethnically cleansed those 700000 Palestinian why you didn't let them come back to their home after hostility ended .

So please come with better excuses as red cross confirmed that massacre and bodies.
Hostility did not end thats the point. Arab countries refused to make any peace negotiations. U can see that Russia Assad and Iran bomb the hell out of Syrians to displace them, on the other hand in 1948 Israel simply had not any firepower to expel such masses. They fled for two reasons: Arab leaders calling them leave to not stay on the way and panic created by fake rumors.

Funny that in 2006 Khamenai thug Nasrallah called Arabs of Haifa to flee same as in 1948. But this time no one listened to him.


So instead to distract about 70 year old events tell us do u condemn indiscriminate bombing of hundreds of thousands civilians in Ghouta?

100% wrong and untrue.
The last thing Arabs need, is Zionist love.
It is clear the child of this Unfortunate love b/w Zionists and Takfiris become Terrorists like what we see in Syria.
I get credit to you for worrying about your bastard child in Eastern ghouta.
We saw ordinary Syrian people are against your bastard child like what happen in Aleppo. and people came back to Aleppo and when Eastern ghouta liberate people come back there as well.
This is Aleppo after liberation from your bastard child
Thats Western Aleppo. Mostly Armenians and shabihas. Eastern Aleppo is destroyed and depopulated. 12 million ethnically cleansed over 1 million slaughtered. But this is not enough. Recently they cleansed 200,000 people in Idlib. Now they want to expel and slaughter 400,000 civilians of Ghouta.

Its really amazing that none of u have decency to condemn that barbarism.
Hostility did not end thats the point. Arab countries refused to make any peace negotiations. U can see that Russia Assad and Iran bomb the hell out of Syrians to displace them, on the other hand in 1948 Israel simply had not any firepower to expel such masses. They fled for two reasons: Arab leaders calling them leave to not stay on the way and panic created by fake rumors.

Funny that in 2006 Khamenai thug Nasrallah called Arabs of Haifa to flee same as in 1948. But this time no one listened to him.


So instead to distract about 70 year old events tell us do u condemn indiscriminate bombing of hundreds of thousands civilians in Ghouta?
you had enough manpower and weapon to defeat combined Arab Army.
and Lehi and Irgun had enough manpower to do so specially with the tactics they used for their operation and they did those operation started from 1939 not 1948
ahahahahahah.............Assad due to his greed for power has turned Syria into a play ground where world powers U.S/Russia, U.K, France have been testing their new toys/weapon systems in real life situation. Way to go Russia, I guess Putin can more than make up for the war expenses with new weapon sales and testing. :D

the issue is Assad can't step down... if he does will killed or sentenced soon
you had enough manpower and weapon to defeat combined Arab Army.
These armies were poorly motivated and were more busy with looting Palestinian villages rather than fighting Israel. Check 4:08 in video I posted.

and Lehi and Irgun had enough manpower to do so specially with the tactics they used for their operation and they did those operation started from 1939 not 1948
Lehi and Irgun combined had less than 5 K soldiers without heavy weapons.

Israel deals with Intifada for over 30 years. Thousands of terror attacks, tens of thousands of rockets and mortars. Yet we never depopulated a single village. While Assadists depopulated thousands towns and villages in past 6 years. And they keep doing it as we talk.
tells the situation of Syria except hands of Iran is missing. :angry:

These armies were poorly motivated and were more busy with looting Palestinian villages rather than fighting Israel. Check 4:08 in video I posted.

Lehi and Irgun combined had less than 5 K soldiers without heavy weapons.

Israel deals with Intifada for over 30 years. Thousands of terror attacks, tens of thousands of rockets and mortars. Yet we never depopulated a single village. While Assadists depopulated thousands towns and villages in past 6 years. And they keep doing it as we talk.

You have uprooted Palestinian population from their home land in 1948 and continues till today. Still million of Palestinian living in refugee camps in different Arab country . Basically no difference between Zionist and Assad dynasty both are killing destroying houses forcing people to leave their land .


The Turkish General Staff said in a statement on Feb. 28 that a total of 2,184 militants have been “neutralized” since the start of “Operation Olive Branch” in the northwestern Syrian district of Afrin.

The authorities use the word “neutralized” in statements to imply that the militants in question either surrendered or were killed or captured.

According to the Turkish General Staff, “Operation Olive Branch” was launched on Jan. 20 alongside elements of the Free Syrian Army (FSA) to clear Syrian Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) militants from Afrin and to establish security and stability along Turkey’s borders and in the region.

The Turkish Armed Forces (TSK) announced on Feb. 24 that 32 Turkish soldiers have been killed and 183 others have been wounded since the beginning of the operation.

Another Turkish soldier was killed on Feb. 25 in Afrin, the military stated.

After Turkish and FSA forces cut off the access YPG militants in Afrin to the Turkish border, opposition-held areas in northern Syria were also connected in a crescent-shaped corridor on Feb. 26.

The village of Karmanluk in Shaykh al-Hadid, northwest of Afrin city, and the upper and lower parts of the village of Senare, were cleared of YPG militants, state-run Anadolu Agency reported.

With the newly taken land, a crescent-shaped corridor stretching along the northwestern Idlib province and the Aleppo province’s Azaz district reconnected two areas held by Syrian opposition forces.
These armies were poorly motivated and were more busy with looting Palestinian villages rather than fighting Israel. Check 4:08 in video I posted.

Lehi and Irgun combined had less than 5 K soldiers without heavy weapons.

Israel deals with Intifada for over 30 years. Thousands of terror attacks, tens of thousands of rockets and mortars. Yet we never depopulated a single village. While Assadists depopulated thousands towns and villages in past 6 years. And they keep doing it as we talk.
5000 armed man is enough to destroy and kill anybody in villages that are not even 1000 .
and as i said making video is easy if you are right declassify the document related to incidents of 1948

and can you tell me what is this
View attachment 456630 tells the situation of Syria except hands of Iran is missing. :angry:

You have uprooted Palestinian population from their home land in 1948 and continues till today. Still million of Palestinian living in refugee camps in different Arab country . Basically no difference between Zionist and Assad dynasty both are killing destroying houses forcing people to leave their land .
Arab population of Palestine is rapidly growing in past 70 years. Faster than ever. Even when they launched wave of suicide bombs and thousands of rockets not a single village was depopulated. There is no any comparison with Syria.

5000 armed man is enough to destroy and kill anybody in villages that are not even 1000 .
and as i said making video is easy if you are right declassify the document related to incidents of 1948
All villages had armed militias. Few thousands with light weapons not enough for anything.

Israeli court already ordered to stop these works. Ironic that small village irrigation is more important to u than mass slaughter of hundreds of thousands of civilians.
UN imagery of Syria's eastern Ghouta shows widespread damage
REUTERS | Published — Thursday 1 March 2018
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UN map of rapidly assessed damage occurring between Dec. 3, 2017 and Feb. 23, 2018 in eastern Ghouta. (UNOSAT)


GENEVA: An analysis of images by the United Nations satellite agency released on Thursday showed widespread new damage in a 62.5 square km area of Syria's besieged enclave of eastern Ghouta since Dec. 3.

The analysis found that 29 percent of grid squares showed major new damage, with buildings completely destroyed or severely damaged, and 24 percent showed minor new damage, with visible impact craters, debris or moderately damaged structures.



A picture shows members of the Syrian government forces and Russian military police standing at a checkpoint on the outskirts of Damascus, with a poster depicting President Bashar Assad seen in the background. (AFP)

Iran has strengthened its hand in Syria through proxy militias, which could cause further chaos and be difficult to dislodge when the war ends.

In a panel discussion on Regime Area Dynamics on Thursday, Sinan Hatahet, senior associate fellow at Al Sharq Forum & Omran for Strategic Studies, said there would be ‘“new dynamics kicking in’’ when the fighting comes to an end with “a myriad of small conflicts that will emerge throughout the country.’’

The discussion, which took place during a conference on Demystifying the Syrian Conflict at Chatham House on Thursday, highlighted the influence militias have on the ground in Syria, where the situation is “hugely complex’’ Hatahet said.

Assad’s attempts to plug major gaps in the military manpower of the Syrian army by recruiting Iranian and Russian-sponsored fighters has led to a huge surplus of foreign fighters on the ground and Hatahet said there is “huge doubt” over the government’s capacity to control these groups down the line.

Wael Sawah, Editor-in-chief of The Syrian Observer, an independent news website, said the “Syrian regime is in a state of self-defence’’ as it tries to play off competing Russian and Iranian interests

Chairing the discussion, Lina Sinjab, Middle East correspondent for the BBC, highlighted the ‘’impression among many that the Iranians are trying to change the demography in Syria.’’

Iran is consolidating its position in the suburbs surrounding Damascus, “to create a belt around the area so they can control it better, Hatahet said.

The Russian military is accusing Syria’s rebels of shelling a humanitarian corridor that Moscow set up with the Syrian government, offering residents of Damascus’ besieged eastern suburbs a way out of the embattled enclave.

Maj. Gen. Vladimir Zolotukhin told Russia news agencies on Thursday that the militants who control the suburbs — an area known as eastern Ghouta — are shelling the route, manned by Syrian and Russian forces, and preventing evacuations.

Syrian state news agency SANA said on Wednesday that some shells had landed near the corridor but reported no injuries.

The accusations come on the third and possibly last day of a Russia-ordered “humanitarian pause” in the fighting in the area, known as eastern Ghouta, but no civilians have used the lull to leave the rebel-held suburbs.



Satellite images showing a new Iranian base near Damascus, Syria (Fox News)

Satellite images showing a new Iranian base near Damascus, Syria (Fox News)

Satellite images showing a new Iranian base near Damascus, Syria (Fox News)


Iran has built a new military base near Damascus operated by the terrorist brigade, according to the US Fox News network.

The network said satellite surveillance images show a new base eight miles northwest of Damascus that experts believe could be a storage facility for short and medium-range missiles. The Iranian-made missiles “could reach most parts of Saudi Arabia,” the broadcaster said.

Press reports earlier this year revealed that Iran had set up 10 military bases on Syrian territory, mainly for training pro-regime Syrian militias. Two of the bases were set close to the Syrian-Israeli border. Sources said that Iranian revolutionary guards trained more than 20,000 militants from various countries at the two sites.
Terrorist groups in northwestern Syria faced by Turkish army using locally made vehicles, howitzers, weapons, and drones

home > Turkey, world, middle east 01.03.2018


By Sinan Uslu


Turkey is using a host of domestically made vehicles, weapons, and ammunition, including howitzers and drones, in its current counterterrorist operation in Afrin, Syria, just across Turkey's southern borders.

Manned or unmanned drones, mostly used for target location or monitoring, have been used since 2015. These locally made drones can easily neutralize moving or fixed terrorist targets using smart missiles.

Meanwhile, the T-129 ATAK helicopters, with guided air-to-ground CIRIT missiles -- also Turkish-made -- are being used to hit numerous terrorist targets that have been carefully laser-marked beforehand by ground forces.

The Javelin (CIRIT) missile is Turkey’s first laser-guided helicopter missile.

The T-155 Firtina (Storm), a self-propelled howitzer, and the T-122 Multiple Barrel Rocket Launcher (MRBL), also used in the operation in Afrin, are also domestically made.

The T-122 is used by artillery units in fire support missions, day and night, in all weather conditions.

In addition, commando units use the Turkish infantry rifle MPT-76, while snipers favor the Turkish-made JMK Bora-12.

Kirpi, Ejder, Tosun

Operation Olive Branch makes use of Turkish-made vehicles such as the Kirpi and the Ejder Yalcin 4X4. The Kirpi is a Turkish mine-resistant, ambush-protected vehicle which was recently used to transport land forces across the border.

The Ejder Yalcin 4x4 Armored Combat Vehicle boasts high protection and mobility capabilities and can be driven in rural as well as urban areas.

In addition, the Tosun -- an unmanned armored land vehicle with ballistic protection and a remote-control feature -- has also been used by Turkish forces in cross-border operations, as has been the Pusat -- a 4x4 armored personnel carrier that can carry up to nine people, including the driver, who sit on mine-resistant seats.

Also domestically made, the Pusat can be fitted with various weapons systems.

On Jan. 20, Turkey launched Operation Olive Branch to clear Daesh terrorists from Afrin, northwestern Syria.

According to the Turkish General Staff, the operation aims to establish security and stability along Turkey’s borders and the region as well as to protect Syrians from terrorist oppression and cruelty.

The operation is being carried out under the framework of Turkey's rights based on international law, UN Security Council resolutions, its self-defense rights under the UN charter, and respect for Syria's territorial integrity.

Both the military and Turkish authorities have repeatedly said that the operation targets only terrorist elements and "utmost care" is being taken to avoid harming any civilians.
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