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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

This is how liberation looks like:

Not Assadist style.
Another chemical attack of Russia-Mullah alliance against civilians in Syria:

@WebMaster ... such lethal attacks forbidden in int. laws and crime against Humanity are cencored and deleted without notification on this forum for the sake of ''Who''?
again those funny videos I wonder why half the body of the victims didn't needed to be cleared of chlorine ? can somebody tell me why these guys think chlorine can be absorbed only from half the body and you don't need to remove victims clothes completely.?
or why some of them didn't need any treatment at all

and by the way chlorine is not nerve agent so some guys tell the narrator and director that no its impossible for all their nerves fire at the same time .
US airstrikes kill at least 29 civilians, injure many more in Syria's Dayr al-Zawr



The file photo taken by the US Air Forces Central Command shows a pair of US Air Force F-15E warplanes flying over northern Iraq after conducting airstrikes in Syria. (Photo by AFP)

At least 29 civilians have been killed in the US-led coalition's latest airstrikes in Syria’s eastern Dayr al-Zawr province.

According to Syria's official SANA news agency on Sunday, the separate airstrikes targeted residential areas in al-Sha’afa and Dharat Allouni villages.

The number of those killed is expected to rise as dozens of people were also injured, some of whom are in critical condition.

The London-based Airwars organization, which tracks civilian deaths in US-led airstrikes, reported earlier this year that a total of 5,961 civilians had been killed as a result of such attacks in Iraq and Syria.

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The so-called Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reported on November 23 last year that 2,759 civilians, including 644 minors and 470 women, had been killed in US-led aerial attacks against civilian areas in Syria over the past 38 months.

The US and its allies have been bombarding what they call Daesh positions inside Syria since September 2014 without any authorization from the Damascus government or a UN mandate.

The strikes, however, have on many occasions resulted in civilian casualties and failed to fulfill their declared aim of countering terrorism.

The Syrian Foreign Ministry has on several occasions written to the UN, complaining that the US was flagrantly violating the sovereignty of Syria by targeting residential neighborhoods.

Fvcking USA.
Air strikes on the last pocket of Daesh militants in eastern Syria have killed at least 25 civilians, including seven children, a monitor said. (AFP)



The strikes were conducted on Sunday on and around the village of Al-Shaafah, north of the former Daesh bastion of Albu Kamal near the border with Iraq.

"Twenty-five civilians, including seven children, were killed in the village of Al-Shaafah and in surrounding desert areas in coalition strikes all through Sunday," he said.

"This village is in the last pocket controlled by Daesh in the east of Syria," he said of Al-Shaafah, which lies on the eastern bank of the Euphrates River.

Air strikes against jihadists forces holding out in remote areas of Deir Ezzor province have killed dozens of civilians in recent weeks, many of them relatives of the fighters.

Coalition-backed Kurdish-led forces have been trying to flush out Daesh from the east bank of the Euphrates, while Russian-backed regime and allied forces are stationed west of the river.

Abdel Rahman could not say how many Daesh combatants were taken out by the latest wave of air strikes.
"Daesh now holds less than three percent of Syrian territory," he said.

The self-styled "caliphate" Daesh proclaimed over swathes of Syria and Iraq in 2014 effectively died when anti-extremist forces retook its de facto capital Raqqa and other strongholds such as Albu Kamal late last year.

However the US-led coalition has continued to carry out strikes against small pockets of Daesh fighters hunkering down in and around small villages in Deir Ezzor province.

Small groups of Daesh-affiliated fighters are also still active in other parts of Syria.


Kurdish brigade to fight for Turkey in Syria’s Afrin
Menekse Tokyay | Published — Monday 26 February 2018
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Turkish-backed Free Syrian Army fighters react as they hold their weapons near the city of Afrin, Syria. (Reuters)

ANKARA: The Kurdish Hawks Brigade, dubbed the “red berets”, will reportedly join Turkey’s Operation Olive Branch in Syria’s Kurdish-held northwestern province of Afrin, where it will take part in fighting in Afrin city center.

The brigade was formed by the Hamza Division, which is affiliated to the Free Syrian Army (FSA). The brigade includes 400 Kurdish fighters from Syria’s Azaz region, and 200 Arabs.

“God willing, we will liberate our people in Afrin from PKK (Kurdistan Workers’ Party) oppression,” said Kurdish Commander Hassan Abdullah Kulli, Turkish state-run agency Anadolu reported.

In a similar move, about 180 state-funded Kurdish village guards recently joined Turkey’s operation.

Kurdish village guards are used by the Turkish state in operations against Kurdish militants in the country’s southeast.

Turkey has been conducting Operation Olive Branch for more than five weeks against the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG), which Ankara sees as a terrorist group affiliated with the PKK, which is waging an insurgency against the state.

Turkey says the Afrin operation is not covered by Sunday’s UN Security Council resolution that demands a 30-day truce across Syria to allow aid access and medical evacuations.

“Although the Kurdish Hawks Brigade is a special unit that would have a better understanding of the local culture, language and geography, it’s hard to estimate how many of them are really from this region and know its topography,” Salih Bicakci, a Middle East expert from Kadir Has University in Istanbul, told Arab News.

“But their military training will probably help the FSA gain the upper hand in the looming urban warfare.”

However, Bicakci said the YPG also gained considerable urban warfare experience during the four-month siege of the northern Syrian town of Kobani, which was captured from Daesh.

Aaron Stein, senior resident fellow at the Atlantic Council in Washington, told Arab News that after taking Afrin, “Ankara will then have to administer and rebuild damaged areas, as is the case in Euphrates Shield territory. Afrin is small, but the population will be hostile.”

Last March, Turkey ended its seven-month Operation Euphrates Shield in northern Syria against Daesh and the YPG.
Dr. Magdalena Kirchner, Mercator-IPC fellow at the Istanbul Policy Center, told Arab News: “Keeping a seat at the Astana table with the other guarantor countries Russia and Iran, and having a role as a guarantor power in Syria, requires Turkey to resist pressure from the Syrian regime, which aims to create a new narrative that Kurds are only safe under its rule.”

Using local village guards in Afrin is less costly and risky than deploying Turkish troops, she added.

“They’re familiar with the area and could accelerate, through better communication, the PKK’s withdrawal from the city,” she said.

But the political gains for Ankara will be less than it expects due to the small number of Kurds fighting on its side, Kirchner added.

At least 58 out of 2,059 "neutralized" terrorists were caught alive since the launch of Turkey’s operation in northwest Syria, according to the information obtained by Anadolu Agency.

Turkish authorities often use the word "neutralized" in their statements to imply that the terrorists in question either surrendered or were killed or captured

The terrorists were handed over to the general law enforcement forces in order to initiate judicial proceedings in accordance with the instructions of the relevant judicial authorities.

Turkey on Jan. 20 launched Operation Olive Branch to remove PYD/PKK and Daesh terrorists from Syria’s northwestern Afrin region.

Russia has tested over 200 new types of arms in Syria during its campaign in support of President Bashar al-Assad, a senior lawmaker said on Thursday, as Moscow was accused of taking part in air strikes against rebel-held Eastern Ghouta.

“As we helped the brotherly people, we tested over 200 new types of weapons,” said Vladimir Shamanov, a former commander of Russia’s airborne troops who now serves as head of the Russian Duma’s defence committee.

Russia, a close ally of the Syrian government in the protracted multi-front war, has been accused of indiscriminate bombing throughout the conflict causing massive casualties.

The latest criticism focuses on the air strikes against the enclave of Eastern Ghouta, where more than 350 civilians have been killed in five days, but the Kremlin denied involvement in the regime-led assault.

Shamanov’s remarks also come amid reports that Russia has deployed its Su-57 stealth fighter prototype in Syria, where two such planes were reportedly spotted yesterday.

Photos of the fifth generation jet, allegedly over Syria, were re-posted by various state media today.

A source in the defence ministry confirmed to RBK news agency that the two planes were sent to the Hmeimim base “for a test in real conditions.”

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov declined to comment on the reported deployment of Su-57.


“It’s not an accident that today allied nations are coming to us from many directions to purchase weapons, including countries that are not our allies,” he said.

“Today our military-industrial complex made our army look in a way we can be proud of,” he said.
ahahahahahah.............Assad due to his greed for power has turned Syria into a play ground where world powers U.S/Russia, U.K, France have been testing their new toys/weapon systems in real life situation. Way to go Russia, I guess Putin can more than make up for the war expenses with new weapon sales and testing. :D

Assad's propagandist boastfully posting a photo of a Russian soldier and Syrian translator for Assad's Russian terrorist mercenaries, alongside with a child soldier.

Many of Assad's terrorist mercenaries were killed and injured in the eastern Ghouta.

Looks harsh/sad, but that's war. Russia/Assad/Iranian proxies/militias will use any means necessary to retake Ghoutta NO MATTER THE COST. At the end of the day the end justifies the means. Once they have retaken this region, life will carry on and we all forget about all this dead civilians/kids after a few days. That's life. So moral of the story is to avoid to be part of those who died by all means necessary even of it means leaving your country . Since nobody remembers an unknown dead person. :agree:
Syria is like Afghanistan of 90's.
Iran in one side and whole of the west other side behind Taliban.

but west must know Terrorists do not have religion and will bite hands of their boss like what Taliban did.

below video show Aleppo destruction during Terrorists time and its rebuilding after it's liberation.
East ghouta will be like Aleppo and I like to see people of East Ghouta celebration when they are free from Terrorists.

Also If America (West in General) or Saudis are worried about terrorists lives, they can import them and keep them.
any way Jash-al Islam is bastard Saudi child in Syria and is not good for face of Saudis to betray them.
Syria is like Afghanistan of 90's.
Iran in one side and whole of the west other side behind Taliban.

but west must know Terrorists do not have religion and will bite hands of their boss like what Taliban did.

below video show Aleppo destruction during Terrorists time and its rebuilding after it's liberation.
East ghouta will be like Aleppo and I like to see people of East Ghouta celebration when they are free from Terrorists.

Also If America (West in General) or Saudis are worried about terrorists lives, they can import them and keep them.
any way Jash-al Islam is bastard Saudi child in Syria and is not good for face of Saudis to betray them.
* 99% of the destruction in Aleppo was done by Assad aka Khamenai thugs.
* Wast majority of East Aleppo population was either ethnically cleansed or murdered.
* Now Assad aka Khamenai thugs want to repeat same scenario in Ghouta.

They already slaughtered over 1 million and ethnically cleansed 12 million Syrians (which they call rats and terrorists) and thats still not enough to these bloodthirsty maniacs.
* 99% of the destruction in Aleppo was done by Assad aka Khamenai thugs.
* Wast majority of East Aleppo population was either ethnically cleansed or murdered.
* Now Assad aka Khamenai thugs want to repeat same scenario in Ghouta.

They already slaughtered over 1 million and ethnically cleansed 12 million Syrians (which they call rats and terrorists) and thats still not enough to these bloodthirsty maniacs.
I taught Israel completely approve of ethnically cleansing people .
Lets just say 1948 ring some bells.
I taught Israel completely approve of ethnically cleansing people .
Lets just say 1948 ring some bells.
In 1948 people fled simply because they were not familiar with Israel. False rumors about Israeli cruelty caused panic. But since they learned what is Israel no one flee already for 70 years.

In Syria on the other hand is systematic campaign for many years of indiscriminate sadistic bombs and scorched earth which one main purpose: exterminate and displace as much people as possible.
In 1948 people fled simply because they were not familiar with Israel. False rumors about Israeli cruelty caused panic. But since they learned what is Israel no one flee already for 70 years.

In Syria on the other hand is systematic campaign for many years of indiscriminate sadistic bombs and scorched earth which one main purpose: exterminate and displace as much people as possible.
yes there is one different in 1948 you barred people from returning to their home after the conflict but in Syria nobody barred people from returning to their home after area get cleaned from terrorist.

by the way why you incidentally forgot to mention in whenever they talk about 1948 they say 700000 Palestinian fled or expelled from their home
let not forget you started expelling Palestinian even before the war start.
The precise number of refugees, many of whom settled in refugee camps in neighboring states, is a matter of dispute[4] but around 80 percent of the Arab inhabitants of what became Israel (50 percent of the Arab total of Mandatory Palestine) left or were expelled from their homes.[5][6] Approximately 250,000-300,000 Palestinians had fled or been expelled prior to the Israeli Declaration of Independence in May 1948; a fact which was named as a casus belli for the entry of the Arab League into the country, sparking the 1948 Arab-Israeli War.

by the way do you knew what you did in Deir Yasin, and who ordered that massacre,your beloved president Menachem Begin. do you deny your government passed laws that barred Palestinian return to their home . do you deny you confiscated their properties . and now you have the face to say all these were lies and Palestinian has no reason to fear. what you did there was so gruesome that even 70 years later when haartez asked your supreme court to declassify document related to the massacre they refused because they feared foreigner see what are the real ideals of Zionism
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