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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

Somebody is going to be neutered
Somebody is going to be neuteredView attachment 455472


In the initial years of the civil war, Israel’s policy choices seemed to have been driven by the same calculation. The Assad regime and Israel have been friendly. In the 1967 war, Israel captured the Golan Heights from Syria and continues to occupy the region. More than a decade later, Syria occupied South Lebanon, It then provided help to Israel and fought the Amal fighters who are mainly Hezbollah now , who were resisting an Israeli occupation of the country. Syria and Israel do have formal diplomatic ties. Despite this, there was no direct military confrontation between the two countries. In fact, despite the hostility, Israel’s border with Syria has been its calmest frontier for years. When the crisis broke in Syria in 2011, Israel was a fence sitter. It didn’t want the stable secular dictatorship in its neighbourhood to be replaced by a bunch of militants. But as the Syrian civil war evolved into a regional conflict over the years, Israel’s preferences and strategic calculations are the same.

The Hezbollah factor
When the Syrian regime’s position got weakened in the conflict, Hezbollah, the Lebanese Shia militant group backed Arab and US Adm, sent thousands of its soldiers to the battlefield to fought the Assad government. Iran also sent its fighters to Syria to defend President Assad . Besides the government army, these militias fought the war on the ground on behalf of the regime. Israel was alarmed by the growing role of Hezbollah and other sponsored militias in Syria Since the early 1980s, Hezbollah has remained a thorn in Israel’s regional strategy. In 2000, Israel withdrew from southern Lebanon, ending 18 years of occupation, mainly due to Hezbollah’s guerrilla resistance. In 2006, Israel bombed Lebanon again to destroy Hezbollah’s weapons infrastructure, but even after a month-long campaign, it failed to achieve its stated goals. Hezbollah has heavy military presence along southern Lebanon (or across Israel’s northern border).

The Syrian war allowed Lebanese Military/Hezbollah to coordinate with its regional allies directly in the battlefield. Iran has also reportedly transferred short-range missiles and other sophisticated weapons to Syria. Israel responded to this through a two-pronged strategy. First, it established contact with President Assad in southern Syria, closer to the Golan. Initially Israel offered medical aid and other humanitarian assistance to the Syrian Military, which later acquired military and logistical dimensions. The plan was to carve out a buffer between the Golan Heights that Israel controls and the Syrian Golan. Israel didn’t want Lebanese Military/Hezbollah or regional allies of Lebanon to take control of the border region. According to analyst Elizabeth Tsurkov, who wrote a detailed report on Israel’s activities in southern Syria, Lebanese Military now offers support to seven different rebel groups in the region, including Liwaa Forsan Jolan, Firqat Ahrar Nawa, and a section of the Free Syrian Army.

Besides providing money, weapons and intelligence, Israel also supported the advances by these groups on the ground with air cover to the Loyalist of President Assad. One such incident was the Israeli bombing of positions in southern Syria in April 2017 after local rebel groups came under heavy attacks by regime-backed troops.

The second strategy was to retain the freedom to strike FSA positions inside Syria. When Russia intervened in Syria, Israel negotiated for this freedom with Moscow. Since Russia’s intervention in Syria in September 2015, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has travelled to Russia to meet President Vladimir Putin at least five times. Both nations developed a deconfliction mechanism that allowed Israeli planes to attack FSA targets inside Syria along with Russia, which is practically controlling most of the Syrian skies. This agreement worked perfectly for Israel. Last year alone, Israel said it struck weapons shipments to FSA around 100 times.

The Iran heat
But despite these on-and-off interventions, Israel has failed to build any substantial leverage in Syria’s conflict zones. True, it has built influence among Loyalist of President Assad groups in southern Syria since many years. But developments in Syria over the past two years have scuttled Israel’s strategic plans. The Israelis may have initially thought that the Russian intervention could reduce the Syrian regime’s dependence on Iran, which is Tel Aviv’s primary concern. But the Russians played on both sides. Their only strategic target was to rescue the regime. They neither stopped the Israelis from attacking FSA targets inside Syria nor did they stop the Iranians from expanding their footprint in the country. Later, when the regime stabilised its rule, thanks to the Russian intervention, Iran’s influence also grew. Iran now has various military facilities across Syria’s regime-held territories.

In southern Syria, Israel had built a network for loyalist of President Assad. But even in this area, its position has weakened over the past year. Jordan, which had offered support to the rebels in the early years of the civil war, changed its policy in the wake of heavy refugee flow. Last year, the Trump administration review the US military operation command in Amman that was coordinating with FSA, assisting the FSA particularly those in the south, entirely taking the blunt of Israeli airforce strikes which is to make the regime forces to making advances towards the south. Israeli and the President Assad loyalist have already established some posts near Quneitra in northern Golan. Late last year, the regime regained a foothold on the de facto border with Israel by capturing Beit Jinn from FSA. In effect, Israel even worked to spread of Iranian influence in Syria, but is also under pressure to increase the advances of regime forces towards the south.

It was against this background that Israel strengthened its bombing campaign in Syria this month. Prime Minister Netanyahu has also warned Iran “ to test our resolve.” But beyond rhetoric, as the past incidents suggest, Israel’s capacity to shape reality in Syria is limited. In seven years, Iran has built a huge network in Syria and check Hezbollah. This cannot be eliminated by occasional aerial raids. A full-scale intervention is already going on Russia directly backs the regime. And if the FSA capture Idlib and the Damascus suburbs, which is only a matter of time, they will shift their focus to the Israeli occupied Golan Heights in the south, dragging Tel Aviv deeper into the conflict.


Actually Patriot Syrians want to liberate occupied Syrian Territories of Golan heights and end the loot of Syrian Oil and the war in Syria is about this only and the same is with the Lebanese who want to liberate Sheeba Farms. Problem is occupation and colonalization.

By the way , what President Assad is taking from Israel for the oil supplies ?
Not a bad analysis. It's true that Israel has always preferred a Syria ruled by a secular tyrant/dictator like Assad over some more hardcore islamist group who are less predictable and less easy to negotiate with. Ideally Israel would have liked Assad to remain in power but leading a less strong/weak country/military and with a far less Iranian influence(with its Hezbollah proxy). The later seems to be hard to achieve and might make even tip the balance for the Israelis.
Not a bad analysis. It's true that Israel has always preferred a Syria ruled by a secular tyrant/dictator like Assad over some more hardcore islamist group who are less predictable and less easy to negotiate with. Ideally Israel would have liked Assad to remain in power but leading a less strong/weak country/military and with a far less Iranian influence(with its Hezbollah proxy). The later seems to be hard to achieve and might make even tip the balance for the Israelis.

It doesn't matter what Israel thinks. Syria is Russia's unsinkable aircraft carrier.
Afrin residents celebrate arrival of pro-government forces
Thu Feb 22, 2018 01:27PM

Hundreds of Syrians have held a demonstration in Afrin to celebrate the arrival of pro-government fighters in the northwestern city that has been the target of Turkish attacks.

The gathering took place at Afrin's main square on Thursday, with the participants waving the Syrian national flag and posters of President Bashar al-Assad.

The protesters reaffirmed that Afrin is an integral part of the Syrian territory and that they will not allow Turkish forces as well as terrorist groups to desecrate their homeland.

They further stressed that the aggressors would be defeated.

Earlier on Thursday, the Syrian daily al-Watan reported that some 500 Syrian popular forces had entered the Afrin region since Tuesday.

The pro-Damascus fighters will defend the Syrian city against Turkey's military operation, it added.

The Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) confirmed that hundreds of pro-government fighters had been deployed on the frontlines in Afrin to help counter a Turkish offensive.

"Groups aligned to the Syrian army came to Afrin, but not in the quantity or capacity to stop the Turkish occupation," YPG spokesman Nouri Mahmoud told Reuters. "The Syrian army must fulfill its duty... to protect Syria's borders."

The pro-Damascus demonstration in Afrin came one day after Ankara's warning to consider any group coming to the help of the Kurds in the Syrian city as a “legitimate target” for the Turkish military.

Turkish presidential spokesman Ibrahim Kalin said Wednesday that any force in Afrin, including the Syrian government, would be targeted by Turkish troops if they assist the YPG.

PressTV-Whoever helps Syria Kurds ‘legitimate target’: Turkey
Turkey says anyone helping Kurds in Syria's Afrin would be a ‘legitimate target’ for Turkish troops.

Turkey launched the so-called Operation Olive Branch in Syria's Afrin on January 20 in a bid to eliminate the YPG, which Ankara views as a terror organization and the Syrian branch of the outlawed Kurdish Workers Party (PKK).

Turkey has warned that the Afrin offensive could expand to the nearby Syrian city of Manbij.

Syria has condemned the Turkish campaign as an act of aggression, which is meant to support terror outfits operating inside the conflict-plagued Arab country.

Assad said the "brutal Turkish aggression cannot be separated from the Turkish regime's policy from the first day of Syria's crisis, which was essentially built on supporting terrorism and terrorist organizations, whatever their names."


Russia has tested over 200 new types of arms in Syria during its campaign in support of President Bashar al-Assad, a senior lawmaker said on Thursday, as Moscow was accused of taking part in air strikes against rebel-held Eastern Ghouta.

“As we helped the brotherly people, we tested over 200 new types of weapons,” said Vladimir Shamanov, a former commander of Russia’s airborne troops who now serves as head of the Russian Duma’s defence committee.

Russia, a close ally of the Syrian government in the protracted multi-front war, has been accused of indiscriminate bombing throughout the conflict causing massive casualties.

The latest criticism focuses on the air strikes against the enclave of Eastern Ghouta, where more than 350 civilians have been killed in five days, but the Kremlin denied involvement in the regime-led assault.

Shamanov’s remarks also come amid reports that Russia has deployed its Su-57 stealth fighter prototype in Syria, where two such planes were reportedly spotted yesterday.

Photos of the fifth generation jet, allegedly over Syria, were re-posted by various state media today.

A source in the defence ministry confirmed to RBK news agency that the two planes were sent to the Hmeimim base “for a test in real conditions.”

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov declined to comment on the reported deployment of Su-57.


“It’s not an accident that today allied nations are coming to us from many directions to purchase weapons, including countries that are not our allies,” he said.

“Today our military-industrial complex made our army look in a way we can be proud of,” he said.
At least 20 unmanned land vehicles to be handed to Turkish Armed Forces for Operation Olive Branch in northwestern Syria

Can Erözden Ankara


By Goksel Yildirim


The Turkish Armed Forces (TAF), already an effective user of unmanned aerial vehicles, will soon start using unmanned land vehicles on the ground in the country's ongoing counter-terror operation.

An official from the undersecretariat of the Turkish Defense Industry, who spoke on condition of anonymity for security reasons, told Anadolu Agency on Friday that more than 20 unmanned land vehicles would be delivered to the TAF in the near future for use in Operation Olive Branch, launched by Turkey on Jan. 20 to remove PYD/PKK and Daesh terrorists from Afrin.

The official from the Defense Industry undersecretariat said the vehicle, a remote-controlled shooting platform (UKAP) developed by the Turkish company Katmerciler, would enter the TAF’s inventory soon.

The UKAP was unveiled during the 13th International Defense Industry Fair in Istanbul in May 2017. The first concept of the vehicle is equipped with the 12.7-mm SARP remote-controlled stabilized weapon system.

For close distances, the platform can be managed by its handheld remote control. The much bigger “bag-type” remote controller enables the vehicle to reach further distances, thereby preventing harm to military units following it by serving as a vanguard.

In addition to the two types of remote controls, the vehicle can be controlled by satellite, which allows the user to control multiple vehicles without a distance limit.

The vehicle can also be used for reconnaissance and observation missions with its cameras, spot threats with its radar, save injured personnel and civilians, clear mines, and tow vehicles.

The vehicle can reach a speed of 25 kilometers per hour (15.5 mph) and can carry three tons of weight.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan previously said on Wednesday that his country was aiming at producing unmanned tanks.

He expressed gratitude to the manufacturers of the unmanned aerial vehicles now being used in Turkey's counter-terror operation in Afrin.

"Almost all armored personnel carriers in Afrin are domestically made,” he said.

Erdogan's remarks were followed by a statement from Ismail Demir, the undersecretariat of the Turkish Defense Industry.

"New-generation, locally-made unmanned smart systems will give Turkey greater power on land, in air, and at seas," Demir said on Thursday in a panel about unmanned and smart systems.

Demir added that several autonomous land vehicles would be on the ground in the near future.

According to the Turkish General Staff, Operation Olive Branch aims to establish security and stability along Turkey’s borders and the region as well as protect Syrians from terrorist oppression and cruelty.

By Burak Karacaoglu and Omer Koparan

IDLIB, Syria

Turkish Armed Forces and Free Syrian Army (FSA) liberated one more village, called Dunbali, from -Daesh terrorists Saturday as part of the Operation Olive Branch in Northwestern Syria’s Afrin.

The village of Dunbali in the Raju area, located west of Afrin, has been cleared of all the terrorists, Anadolu Agency’s correspondents in the field reported.

Since the launch of the operation on Jan. 20, Turkish military and the FSA liberated 104 locations including one center of a district, 76 villages, 20 strategic mountains and hills and one -Daesh base.

Turkey launched Operation Olive Branch to remove Daesh terrorists from Afrin.
Soldier was martyred on Saturday during Operation Olive Branch

25.02.2018 Nilay Kar Ankara


By Yasemin Kalyoncuoglu


A Turkish soldier was martyred in Syria’s northwestern region of Afrin as Turkish-led Operation Olive Branch continues in the region, the military said on Sunday.

The soldier was martyred on Saturday during operations targeting Daesh terrorists, a Turkish Armed Forces statement said, without giving further information.

A total of 2,018 Daesh terrorists have been "neutralized" since the launch of Operation Olive Branch in Syria's northwestern Afrin region, the Turkish General Staff said in a statement on Sunday.

Turkish authorities often use the word "neutralized" in their statements to imply the terrorists in question either surrendered or were killed or captured.

On Jan. 20, Turkey launched Operation Olive Branch to clear Daesh terrorists from Afrin.


Free Syrian Army forces clash with Daesh terror group in northeast of Afrin



By Omer Koparan

AFRIN, Syria

Anadolu Agency has monitored the capturing of a terrorist Daesh camp by Free Syrian Army (FSA) in the northeast of Afrin.

A violent clash took place between the FSA forces and Daesh terrorists near the Omeranli village of the town of Sharan.

After neutralizing the terrorists, the FSA troops captured and entered the area which was used by the terrorists as an armed training camp.

The terrorists had shaped the upper part of a rock found at the camp as a human head, depicting the terror group’s leader.

They had also written “APO” on the rock, referring to the convicted head of the terrorist Daesh.

The FSA forces destroyed the rock after they captured the camp. They also found scores of pennants and documents of the terror group.

On Jan. 20, Turkey launched Operation OliveBranch to clear PYD/PKK and Daesh terrorists from Afrin.

Since the launch of the operation on Jan. 20, Turkish military and the FSA liberated 108 locations including one center of a district, 80 villages, 20 strategic mountains and hills and one Daesh base.

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