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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

A total of 924 Daesh terrorist targets have been destroyed in airstrikes since the launch of Operation Olive Branch in Syria's northwestern Afrin region, the Turkish General Staff said in a statement on Saturday.

The military said at least 2,434 terrorists were "neutralized" since the beginning of the operation.

Turkish authorities often use the word "neutralized" in their statements to imply the terrorists in question either surrendered or were killed or captured.

Forty-one Turkish soldiers were martyred and 199 others were injured during the clashes with terrorists since the beginning of the operation, it added,

The medical treatment of 63 injured soldiers has been completed and they returned to duty.

On Jan. 20, Turkey launched Operation Olive Branch to clear Daesh terrorists from Afrin.

Northern Iraq, southeastern Turkey, Idlib

Operations against terrorist organization continue in southeastern provinces of Turkey and northern Iraq, the military said Saturday.

Seventeen terrorists were "neutralized" in Sirnak, Siirt, Diyarbakir, Bitlis and in norhern Iraq from Feb.24-March 2, according to the statement.

Turkish forces destroyed 23 terrorist targets used as shelters and ammunition depots, and weapon pits. Also, several weapons and hand-made explosives were seized.

The military said Turkey had established eight observation points in the Idlib de-escalation zone in Syria with the aim of enhancing the cease-fire's efficiency, ending clashes and delivering humanitarian aid within the scope of Astana talks.

"Turkish Armed Forces elements conducts duties in the region in accordance with the engagement rules that were agreed by the guarantor countries during the talks," it said.

Under the FSA agreement, Turkey is set to gradually establish 12 observation points, from Idlib's north to south.

Idlib, located in northwestern Syria on the Turkish border, has faced intense attacks by the Assad regime after a vicious war broke out in 2011.

Since March 2015, Idlib is no longer under the control of the Assad regime and has been overrun by military opposition groups and anti-regime armed organizations.


Turkish military and Free Syrian Army (FSA) on Saturday liberated seven more residential areas, including a strategic Rajo town, from YPG/PKK-Daesh terrorists as part of the ongoing operation northwestern Syria, the military said.

In a statement, the Turkish General Staff said Ramadiyah and Hamelika villages of Jinderes district -- located southwest of Afrin -- Ali Bazan, Qariqin, and Shamanli villages of Sharan district -- located northeast of Afrin -- and Badinli village of Rajo district were freed on Saturday.

Rajo, located in northwest of Afrin, is the second town center liberated since the launch of the operation. Bulbul district was the first one.

The military also said that 82 terrorists have been killed in the region on Saturday, increasing the total number of terrorists killed since the beginning of the operation to 2,516.

Since Feb. 26, a crescent-shaped corridor stretching along northwestern Idlib province and Aleppo province’s Azaz district, has cut terrorists’ connection with Turkey’s border.


Female personnel of the Turkish Armed Forces deployed on the border are actively participating in the country’s ongoing counter-terrorism operation in Syria’s northwestern region.

As the Turkish military and the Free Syrian Army (FSA) continue to advance toward Afrin’s city center, the female personnel are providing back-up support by operating Firtina (storm) Howitzers along the Turkey-Syria border line.

The female military officers, some of whom previously participated in the Operation Euphrates Shield, have taken the leading position of the units stationed on the border.


Bashar al-Assad regime forces in besieged Eastern Ghouta region on Saturday, Syrian Civil Defense sources said.

The regime's ground and air attacks continued in the opposition-hold area near capital Damascus despite decisions to implement a ceasefire made separately by Russia and allies.

The sources from the Syrian Civil Defense, also known as the White Helmets, said that five were killed in airstrikes, one was killed in the town of Muhammadiya and 2 others in Duma district.

Three were also killed when Assad regime forces attack a residential area between Misraba and Duma districts with rocket and mortar shells.

The regime forces have carried out 40 airstrikes on Duma district on Saturday leaving many others injured. The injured were rushed to the hospitals.

The death toll in the region may rise as the attacks are still ongoing. The number of casualties in Eastern Ghouta since Feb. 19 has reached 707.


A total of 579 arbitrary detention cases have been reported across war-torn Syria last month

Syrian regime forces were responsible for 87 percent of the registered arbitrary detentions in February.


The Turkish Armed Forces and Free Syrian Army (FSA) on Saturday liberated five more villages from Daesh terrorists and took control of Rajo’s town center during Operation Olive Branch in Syria’s northwestern Afrin region.

The villages of Ramadiyah and Hamelika of Jinderes district located southwest of Afrin were liberated, Anadolu Agency correspondents on the field reported.

Clashes continue at Rajo’s town centre as Turkish forces thwart a few resisting terrorists, while mines are being searched and swept.

Rajo, located in northwest of Afrin, is the second town center liberated since the launch of the operation. Bulbul district was the first.

Later on Saturday, Ali Bazan, Qariqin, and Shamanli villages of Sharan district, northeast of Afrin, were cleared by the security forces.

The joint forces now have control over part of the road linked to the Sharan town center that extends to the north.
You will soon lead congregational prayers in Quds


IRAN - In a meeting with Syrian Minister of Endowments Mohammed Abdul-Sattar al-Seyyed and a number of Syrian scholars, Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei pointed to Iran’s support for Syria at the forefront of the battle against the enemies of Islam, saying that victory belongs to the faithful and striving nations.
He underscored the need to insist on Islamic commonalities, saying, "We all look forward to the day when you would lead congregational prayers in al-Quds."

Ayatollah Khamenei commended Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, adding, "Syria is on the front line; therefore, supporting Syria's resistance is our duty. Indeed, Assad cut the figure of a great warrior and stood tall and strong and this is very important for a nation."

He said the ignominy of some nations stems from the indignity of their leaders and stressed that the enemy cannot do anything against a respectful nation whose leaders feel honor in taking pride in Islam and their identity, reiterating, "The Islamic Revolution of Iran turned 40 under circumstances where all of the first-rate world powers such as the US, the [former] Soviet Union, NATO, and regional reactionaries became united to destroy the Islamic Republic; however, this Revolution survived and grew."

Elucidating this heartwarming and empowering reality, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution added, "The endurance of the Iranian nation showed that what the US, Europe and the world atomic powers want is not necessarily feasible and If we and the elements of the resistance front in the region stand firm, the enemy cannot do a damn thing."

He said faith and endeavor are essential to glory and added, "Victory belongs to the striving faithful and our responsibility is to support and defend Islam and the Islamic movement; therefore, we should set aside the differences and ignore those who are acting and moving against unity if they are not affiliated to global and hegemonic policies."

Ayatollah Khamenei said the duty of the Muslim community is to resolutely counter the spread of discord as a result of hegemonic policies such as Saudi measures and said, "We do not approve of the Shia supported by London or the Sunni supported by the US and Israel, because Islam is opposed to infidelity, tyranny and hegemony."

He highlighted the Islamic commonalities, adding, "We are looking forward to seeing the day when you lead congregational prayers in al-Quds and that day is not far away and will come soon, whether the likes of us exist or not."

The Leader of the Islamic Revolution reiterated, "A few years ago, the Zionist regime was saying that we will do such and such to Iran in the next 25 years and I said at the time that you will not [survive long enough to] sense the next 25 years."

Prior to the remarks of the Leader of the Islamic Revolution, Syria's endowments minister conveyed Syrian President Bashar Assad's regards to the Leader of the Islamic Revolution and the Iranian nation and said, "We declare the Syrian nation's utmost gratitude and appreciation over the strong stances of the Islamic Republic of Iran in defending the rightful and combating Zionist-Takfiri terrorism."

Abdul-Sattar al-Seyyed added, "The Islamic Republic of Iran has extended the line of resistance against bullies from Tehran to Damascus and Lebanon and this has given us a great responsibility to make plans for the liberation of al-Quds as a united front."

He added, "We have faith and belief in the divine promise for the victory of strivers and the patient and your leadership."

You will soon lead congregational prayers in Quds


IRAN - In a meeting with Syrian Minister of Endowments Mohammed Abdul-Sattar al-Seyyed and a number of Syrian scholars, Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei pointed to Iran’s support for Syria at the forefront of the battle against the enemies of Islam, saying that victory belongs to the faithful and striving nations.
He underscored the need to insist on Islamic commonalities, saying, "We all look forward to the day when you would lead congregational prayers in al-Quds."

Ayatollah Khamenei commended Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, adding, "Syria is on the front line; therefore, supporting Syria's resistance is our duty. Indeed, Assad cut the figure of a great warrior and stood tall and strong and this is very important for a nation."

He said the ignominy of some nations stems from the indignity of their leaders and stressed that the enemy cannot do anything against a respectful nation whose leaders feel honor in taking pride in Islam and their identity, reiterating, "The Islamic Revolution of Iran turned 40 under circumstances where all of the first-rate world powers such as the US, the [former] Soviet Union, NATO, and regional reactionaries became united to destroy the Islamic Republic; however, this Revolution survived and grew."

Elucidating this heartwarming and empowering reality, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution added, "The endurance of the Iranian nation showed that what the US, Europe and the world atomic powers want is not necessarily feasible and If we and the elements of the resistance front in the region stand firm, the enemy cannot do a damn thing."

He said faith and endeavor are essential to glory and added, "Victory belongs to the striving faithful and our responsibility is to support and defend Islam and the Islamic movement; therefore, we should set aside the differences and ignore those who are acting and moving against unity if they are not affiliated to global and hegemonic policies."

Ayatollah Khamenei said the duty of the Muslim community is to resolutely counter the spread of discord as a result of hegemonic policies such as Saudi measures and said, "We do not approve of the Shia supported by London or the Sunni supported by the US and Israel, because Islam is opposed to infidelity, tyranny and hegemony."

He highlighted the Islamic commonalities, adding, "We are looking forward to seeing the day when you lead congregational prayers in al-Quds and that day is not far away and will come soon, whether the likes of us exist or not."

The Leader of the Islamic Revolution reiterated, "A few years ago, the Zionist regime was saying that we will do such and such to Iran in the next 25 years and I said at the time that you will not [survive long enough to] sense the next 25 years."

Prior to the remarks of the Leader of the Islamic Revolution, Syria's endowments minister conveyed Syrian President Bashar Assad's regards to the Leader of the Islamic Revolution and the Iranian nation and said, "We declare the Syrian nation's utmost gratitude and appreciation over the strong stances of the Islamic Republic of Iran in defending the rightful and combating Zionist-Takfiri terrorism."

Abdul-Sattar al-Seyyed added, "The Islamic Republic of Iran has extended the line of resistance against bullies from Tehran to Damascus and Lebanon and this has given us a great responsibility to make plans for the liberation of al-Quds as a united front."

He added, "We have faith and belief in the divine promise for the victory of strivers and the patient and your leadership."

You can't do anything beside slaughtering helpless Syrian kids.



Turkish air strikes killed at least 36 pro-regime fighters backing Kurdish militia in Syria's northwestern Kurdish enclave of Afrin. (AFP)

BEIRUT: Turkish air strikes killed at least 36 pro-regime fighters in Syria's northwestern Kurdish enclave of Afrin on Saturday, a monitoring group said.

The strikes on the area of Kafr Janna were the third such raids on loyalist fighters in the enclave bordering Turkey in less than 48 hours
Interesting. Turkey is also dealing with SAA and iranian shia backed militias it seems. Interesting stuff
You can't do anything beside slaughtering helpless Syrian kids.

FAKE news as usual BUT
your beloved Terrorists did below massacre
gathering children with trick of chips and snacks and then

Interesting. Turkey is also dealing with SAA and iranian shia backed militias it seems. Interesting stuff
Liberating East ghoute is end of Syrian civil war after that is war with foreign invader countries like USA and Turkey
berating East ghoute is end of Syrian civil war after that is war with foreign invader countries like USA and Turkey
Who can even fight Turkey in Syria? SAA/Hezbollah /iranian shia militias? Forget about the U.S.
Moreover peoole forget that the coalition is not even against Assad that much. If Western powers REALLY wanted Assad gone, then believe me he would have been toplled a while ago. I believe the coalition avoided targeting Assad personally for good reasons, same with the very limited support we have been providing the Syrian opposition. If not for regional powers support and syrian army defectors(forming the FSA in the beginning) the armed opposition wouldn't have been able to last this long against Assad, Russia and iranian shia militias/proxies .
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Who can even fight Turkey in Syria? SAA/Hezbollah /iranian shia militias? Forget about the U.S.
Russia & Iran sent alarm signals to turkey.

Gas supply and S-400 will be doomed.

Russia just shown its last nuclear weapons.

Irgc and major Iranian generals alarmed Turkey. This operation should be end as sooner as possible.
@2800 Have you watched below documentary about Foa and Kafaria massacre ???
I’ll watch it Surely.
Who can even fight Turkey in Syria? SAA/Hezbollah /iranian shia militias? Forget about the U.S.
count my words US will run away from Syria.
They do not have dare to stand against resistance.
I bet more on Turks to resist.
Russia & Iran sent alarm signals to turkey.

Gas supply and S-400 will be doomed.

Russia just shown its last nuclear weapons.
Yes, I was sure you people will be counting on Russia. However, Russia has its own interests in Syria and as we have seen those interests often conflict with that of Assad and Iran. Russia and Turkey are on fairly good terms and they have been Finding a middle ground in syria (something Iranians and Assad have been trying to sabotage here and there). So I don't think Russia will be fighting Turkey for Assad and Iran, the stakes are too high for that and it will lead to an unpredictable situation.
So i think Iran and Assad will have to be counting on themselves if they want to stand up to TurkeyT

count my words US will run away from Syria.
They do not have dare to stand against resistance.
I bet more on Turks to resist.
Which resistance? If the U.S/coalition really wanted to go against the so called resistance, then this resistance won't amount to much, it will be like the coalition operation against ISIS in Syria. We will just provide massive air/logistics support to Kurdish and FSA forces coupled with some special forces and providing the Kurdish and FSA forces with all the necessary military equipments needed to defeat this 'resistance'. I think It migh last a couple of months at best.
Which resistance? If the U.S/coalition really wanted to go against the so called resistance, then this resistance won't amount to much, it will be like the coalition operation against ISIS in Syria. We will just provide massive air/logistics support to Kurdish and FSA forces coupled with some special forces and providing the Kurdish and FSA forces with all the necessary military equipments needed to defeat this 'resistance'. I think It migh last a couple of months at best.
they tried it before.
but they did not succeed.
educate yourself with 33 days war or what is happening in Yemen currently.
Syrian government will kick out foreign invaders soon.
Yes, I was sure you people will be counting on Russia. However, Russia has its own interests in Syria and as we have seen those interests often conflict with that of Assad and Iran. Russia and Turkey are on fairly good terms and they have been Finding a middle ground in syria (something Iranians and Assad have been trying to sabotage here and there). So I don't think Russia will be fighting Turkey for Assad and Iran, the stakes are too high for that and it will lead to an unpredictable situation.
So i think Iran and Assad will have to be counting on themselves if they want to stand up to TurkeyT

Which resistance? If the U.S/coalition really wanted to go against the so called resistance, then this resistance won't amount to much, it will be like the coalition operation against ISIS in Syria. We will just provide massive air/logistics support to Kurdish and FSA forces coupled with some special forces and providing the Kurdish and FSA forces with all the necessary military equipments needed to defeat this 'resistance'. I think It migh last a couple of months at best.
I didn’t say Iran will count on Russia.

I said Iran, Russia and China have same cause in Syria.

Furthermore Iran & Russia are invited to Syria to fight terrorism but Turkey is an terrorist supporter and an invader.
Your thugs are barrel bombing towns full of civilians every day with no exception. You are using cluster, incendiary, vacuum and chemical bombs against these towns. And then you then say that you dont kill civilians? You have no drop of shame and decency. What else we can expect from Khamenaist.
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